“Working from Home and Making Money Online Just Got a Whole Lot Easier...”
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Your Online Fortune Starts TODAY! Select a Product Below to Begin!
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Affiliate Startup Mechanic
It’s safe to say that affiliate marketing has turned more “work-from-home” dreams into reality than any other Internet money-making method. Period. Still, for every one affiliate marketer who succeeds and realizes his or her dream of being able to quit their day job and make more money working for home … several more fail miserably.
The Amazon Reviewer
It can cost you $97 to $197 or more to have an Amazon Product Review Site built for you. That's only with 5 pages of content or less - and there's no software out there that will build you a review site with unique content that ranks in search engines. Now unless you want to dish out $97 to $197 to have one built for you, that leaves just one option... You have to build it yourself.
Content Magnet Fortune
Now you can actually be the one that sits back and profits while other people submit content to your website daily, and you don't have to do any of the work to create that content! Imagine being able to setup the article directory one time and within hours after setting it up start receiving new content instantly that results in nearly instant traffic to your website.
Free Cash Generator
“Elite System Takes You Under The Wing And Reveals How To Generate FREE Cash Online Without Spending A Dime!” This System Is So Valuable It's Like Having The Ability To Print Money! - And Now You're Going To Learn How! NO advertising costs, NO domain names, NO webservers or hosting, NO email lists... NOTHING! All you need is a little time and the knowledge I'm about to share with you!
List Building Aces
Over the years, I have applied every technique I know to build my list to build, support and grow my business. Some worked like gangbusters, while others were just a waste of time and money. In the end, I distilled techniques that worked and kept using them to generate new customers to make sales to. The best part is that all the time throughout, whenever a fad bursts it has little or no effect on my profits.
Personal Service Profits
If you've been struggling online but you know a thing or two about internet marketing, then fate may have brought you to this page. Why?... Because you can make good money selling services that webmasters and internet marketers are already looking for. Fact Is... You may have been neglecting some of your talents and abilities up until now.
Physical Product Profits
Did you realize there is a huge set of products that people use and enjoy everyday that often times gets more interest than your everyday information product? Imagine now that you have at your disposal the opportunity to become an affiliate for products where millions upon millions of dollars in advertising is spent weekly.
Product Production Factory
Do you sometimes avoid creating one altogether because you think it should be best left to the professionals?... Maybe you even think that it's not worth doing it because you'll just fail and fall back into place where you already are?... If you can relate to this then you may be surprised to know that creating your own digital products is not as hard as it looks!
Tech Challenge SOS
Unless you FINALLY learn these skills that I'm about to show you, you'll NEVER get your business off the ground - unless you're made of money and have VERY deep pockets to have someone help you out. Unfortunately, not everyone has deep pockets and that's probably the main reasons why you came online to start a business in the first place!
WordPress Know How
If you're like most people starting out online, WordPress can be quite intimidating. In fact, if you grew up working with HTML websites then the thought of making the switch to blogs can be quite off-putting. The thought of editing a WordPress theme, installing a plugin or maintaining the site is enough to scare off and beginner - and that's even before it's installed!
Membership Income Blueprint
“Unlock The Secrets To Generating Monthly Passive Income Paydays With Easy To Setup Membership Sites...” If you are looking for one of the best ways to generate consistent
income online, you need to get a membership site going. The beauty of
it is that they provide true hands free income, and they can be setup
in under a week!
Niche Marketing Success
“Generate Multiple Income Streams By Venturing Into Hot Niche Markets Following This Proven Formula!” Many people getting started online are under the unfortunate impression that the main niche they should start profiting in is the Internet marketing niche (like make money online type training) or in the weight loss niche market. The reality is that there are many profitable niche markets online that you can choose from! If you just know how to tap into these niches you could be sitting on a virtual gold mine!
SEO Mastery
“Discover How You Can Leverage The Search Engines For FREE, Organic Traffic With These Cutting Edge SEO Strategies” In the defense of many of the experts I can see why they would feel SEO is just a thing of the past. It has become increasingly difficult to rank your sites in the search engines due to competition and new search engine algorithm updates. The good news is that if you know what you are doing with SEO you can still make it work effectively for you and your online business.
Tee Profit
“Finally Uncover How To Capitalize On The Hot T-Shirt Marketing Trend Using These Simple Strategies!” One of the biggest trends right now is people making money from selling t-shirts! This is your opportunity to cash in on this huge trend while it is still hot! T-shirt sales have always been a huge industry and market, and now with new websites popping up your ability to profit with them is even greater!
Freebie List Converter
If you’re exhausted and frustrated with struggling to discover what it takes to start or dramatically increase your list without hard work and you desperately WANT the inside secrets that only a handful of savvy entrepreneurs are privy too for getting top list owners in your chosen markets to say yes to listing building through giveaways. It’s said that the money is in the list, and it’s true. Imagine that whenever you promote your own products or affiliate products, your list buys through your links.
Money Machine Madness
I’m going to show you exactly how to make a killing with “automatic membership sites” that run on auto-pilot… without you investing in over-priced membership software or spending hours every week managing them. Stick with me because this is going to be one of the most exciting announcements and opportunities you’ll ever read… Fact is, there’s nothing more profitable or easier to create than membership sites. I’m talking about websites that offer content that people want and need every day, week and month.
JVZoo Sales Maximizer
Discover step-by-step, how to setup your product, create up-sells and down-sells, share profits with affiliates and joint venture partners so that you can build your very own internet empire and start making money today! What you are going to learn about is the most powerful all-in-one solution for product owners that you could ever use for developing a successful internet business. The JVZoo setup really isn't too technical, but can be a little overwhelming for a newbie – so if you don’t know where to start this video course will cover every detail of the process.
Solo Ad Wizard
Now it's as simple as watching a video on your computer and you're on your way to building a highly-responsive list, a trustworthy relationship with them, and converting your list into sales whenever you have an offer, no matter how new you are to email marketing! Eliminate the obstacles in your path and guide you through the process of building, converting and following up witha list so you can quickly be on your way to making sales consistently without losing subscribers or experiencing solo ad nightmares.
Tube Traffic Mayhem
Now you can receive a flood of traffic at the flip of a switch! Save hours of your time by knowing exactly what you need to do with no question or concern left unanswered. Learn how to plan, generate and create traffic mayhem with a powerful video guide that shows you exactly how to edit, upload video, use keywords, captions and secret video marketing techniques to get your videos ranked in Google!
100 Done For You Sales Letters
Do You Struggle to Write a Decent Sales Letter?... Download 100+ ‘Done For You’ Sales Letters to Instantly Cash In on 100 of The Most Lucrative Niches in The World! Dominate 100 Buyer-Hungry Markets Without Hiring A Copywriter Or Writing A Single Word Yourself! Whether you're a blogger, niche marketer, super affiliate, list owner, product creator, copywriter, paid advertiser, eBay seller, or even just a newbie starting out, you'll know the value of good sales copy. Words have power, meaning and can trigger emotional responses.
75 eBook Covers
It's time to fire your graphics designer! Boost your eBook and Kindle sales! Now's your chance to get your hands on 75 beautiful cover designs for all your products! Save time, save money and increase your sales! Your book is judged by it's cover image. By using a high quality cover you provide a professional feel to potenial buyers and increase your product sales many folds.
First List Profit
Read on to discover how to copy the exact business model I personally use to make HUGE profits - but on a shoestring budget and without any previous experience STARTING TODAY... Are you ready to be my next success story with your very own list of 1,000 hot subscribers and a brand new monthly income of $1,000? In this step-by-step course, you'll learn how to get your first 1000 subscribers and how to make $1000 from them in 30 days or less!
Smart Sales Videos
Elite Video Series Reveals Top Trade Secrets That Gurus Use To Create Powerful, Smart Video Sales Letters That Convert Like Crazy! Let's face it. If you're not using videos in your online marketing then you're seriously missing out on a lot of sales, leads and even free traffic. Video sales letters often convert several times better than standard sales letters, even if you use the same basic sales copy and techniques!
Ultimate MRR Firesale
Who Else Wants to Instantly Cash In with 21 Smoking Hot Reseller Products Guaranteed to Start Pumping Cash into Your Account Starting Today! This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to start selling in-demand information products that are completely yours to profit from without spending a whole lot of time, money or effort. You pay me NO on-going fees or royalties...and 100% of the profits is all yours to keep.
Ultimate PLR Firesale
Who Else Wants To Cash-In With
14 Hot-Selling Products With 100% Unrestricted PLR To Profit In Any Way You Want Worth $13,981.45! Having a virtual Internet Marketing Empire (Where demand is practically OVERFLOWING) handed to you on a silver platter with ALL the trimmings ... and A WHOLE LOT MORE...for less than half of what most people spend on groceries! ...We Invested $13,981.45 To Have All This Content Created For You. Now It's All Yours For A Mere Fraction Of What It Would Take To Create Even One Product!
Video Marketing Knockout
Not long ago, I was just like you. I was unable to create videos. I didn’t know how to edit them. And, I definitely didn’t know how to make money with video. (I felt like a fool. Even an idiot.) I failed again and again – and I was FRUSTRATED! –but then everything changed. But first, does this sound like you? Are you tired of fighting to create even really simple YouTube videos? Are you disgusted by $300, $500 and even $1,000 video software? Are you just plain sick and tired of trying to make money with video?...
2 Cent Facebook Clicks
Are you paying outrageous amounts for traffic?... Is the high cost of paid advertising reducing your profits?... Are SEO strategies that USED to work doing very little for you?... In the next 21 videos, I'll take you baby step by baby step and show you exactly what you need to do to start making Facebook Ads work for you. But you'll need to be willing to make sure to get out of your comfort zone and put this knowledge to work... Are you willing? Yes? So let's dive in...
Book Outsource System
Stop sweating the process of creating fiction and nonfiction books because it’s simple... “Discover How to Create High-Quality Profitable Digital Books and Paperbacks and Sell Them Without Writing One Single Word Or Breaking The Bank!” Discover the fortune that lies hidden in building your own book publishing empire! Simply put, you can use my insider secrets to instantly create digital books and paperbacks that can be sold online in a snap.
Champion List Builder
“Discover How to Get 50-250 Subscribers Per Day Using 15 Subscriber-Attracting Techniques That I'm About to Reveal to You...” These insider techniques are being used to build a massive list of over 42,148 active subscribers in several niches! Now I'm going to share them with you... You're about to discover 15 of the best and most effective ways to start building your mailing list right now so you can achieve 250+ sign-ups or more per day!
Sales Funnel Secrets
“Discover How To Multiply Your Income With Your Own Highly Profitable Lead Generating Cash Producing Sales Funnel!” You're about to learn the same techniques that the self-proclaim guru's are pedalling to you for their $1997+ coaching programs! If you don't have a sales funnel in place, then you're leaving the lion's share of your profits on the table. I'll show you how to setup your own sales funnel from start to finish so you'll never be leaving money on the table again!
Turbo Product Creation
“6-Figure Marketer Reveals Trade Secrets on How to Create Highly PROFITABLE Information Products In Less Than 5 Days!” You're about to be taken by the hand and learn directly from a successful product creator who is behind multiple 5-figure product launches! This step by step, 7 part video series, takes you by the hand and shows you how to create a quality informational products, the right way!
HTML 4 Newbies
Discover the Basics of HTML CSS & PHP Code & Build Profitable Websites Exactly How You Want Even If You're A Techno-Phobe! If you want to set up any type of webpage or landing page, you absolutely must know HTML. The reality is that even if you are using visual HTML editors, you will still run into basic coding issues that often prevent you from moving forward. Does that sound familiar to you?
Know What Sells
“Dig Out The 9 Key Elements Of Your Niche, Understand The Mindset Of Your Customers & Guarantee Product Sales With A Little Smart Market Research” It's one thing to KNOW that you need to conduct as much research about your markets as possible. However actually DOING it and applying the knowledge is another thing altogether. 'Know What Sells' simplifies the important questions so you can apply them effectively in your business. The end result are winning products that are guaranteed to sell again and again!
List Know How
“Send Traffic Anytime Anywhere at the Click of a Button!...This is Your Roadmap to a 28k Mailing List Whilst Funneling as much as 130+ Subscribers a Day!” Follow my footstep and you will be able to generate the profits as I did. Can you imagine what 6, even 7 figure profits can do for you? Can you imagine what it would be like just to be able to earn another $10,000 a year just from your list just to help you escape from financial burden, to enjoy your life! Once you own the profitable list, you can do it in no time!
Ninja Traffic Training
“Discover The Ninja Secrets To Getting Unlimited FREE Traffic on Demand Even If You're a Complete Newbie or on a Shoe-String Budget!” Is there a place where you can get reliable and rock-solid information on how to get free traffic effectively and do it right? Luckily for you, the answer is YES. In this video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click – how to successfully drive traffic to your site! Here's a breakdown of this 13 part video series in more detail...
Quick Tip Reports
“Download Master Resell & Give Away Rights to 19 Hot-Off-The-Press Reports Packed With 100 Power Tip” Ideal for engaging your readers, gaining credibility, adding bonuses to offers, using as list-building incentives, blog posts, articles, spinning content, membership content ...plus so much more! Quick Tip Reports is your secret weapon to provide quality content to your readers INSTANTLY!
Rapid Lead Magnet
“Discover The Secret To Pre-Selling Your Visitors, Positioning Your Front-End Products & Build A Winning Sales System Within The Next 50 Minutes Guaranteed!” Rapid Lead Magnet is your all-in-one course that will guide you through the steps to creating high converting squeeze pages and landing pages together with a free gift that your subscribers will love you for! Not only will you see a massive surge in subscribers to your database, but you'll also set yourself up for a responsive list that will buy EVERY PRODUCT you have to offer!
Traffic Doctor
“Discover How To Use Simple Images & PDF Files To Generate Buyer-Hungry FREE Traffic & Google-Friendly Backlinks For Instant Results... guaranteed!” Did you know that illustrations are processed 60,000 times faster than text? In The Next 2 Hours We're Going To Reveal The Latest Traffic Techniques Guaranteed To Attract Eyeballs And Bring Fresh Visitors Back To Your Site ...Just By Sharing JPG & PDF Files! Not only is it more easily recognized, understood and remembered - graphical illustrations also stimulate and provoke emotional reactions from its viewers. It also increases the human brain’s creative thinking and imagination.
Turbo Cash
“26 Step-By-Step Videos Reveal 'Top Secret Underground' Methods To Generate Fast Cash Online Without A Website Or Domain ...Within 24 Hours Or Less!” ...Even if you've got absolutely NO previous sales experience, ZERO marketing skills and are working a full time job! Turbo Cash is tested and proven… and YOU can start using the systems that are about to be revealed to you to make consistent cash online fast... even if you have absolutely no sales or marketing experience.
Free Traffic Generation
“32 Newbie Proof Step-by-Step Traffic Getting Methods Reveal Secrets to Getting 1000s of FREE Visitors to Your Website!” Sending the right visitors to the right websites AND doing this in volumes requires skill. However without traffic your website or blog will suffer and eventually be costing you more in maintainance. Right now you can get your hands on over 32 traffic generating methods that will ensure your sites are never left without visitors...
PLR Firesale
“Who Else Wants to Grab 10 Products with 100% Private Label Rights Without Ever Having to Write a Word Yourself!” ...Use as give-away reports, blog posts, articles, social media content, bonuses, video articles, membership content, webinar training... plus much more! If you’re looking for a set of high quality professionally written products to not only sell as your own, but to build your list, connect with your readers and use as a front-end offers then you're definitely on the right page!
PLR Player
“Discover How to Re-Purpose and Sell Any PLR Content on Your Hard Drive to Dominate Any Niche Within the Next 2 Hours!” 27 Step-By-Step Videos Reveal Bullet Proof System All Experts Swear By To Cashing In With PLR... Even If You're A Complete Newbie Or Have Spent Years Marketing Online. One of the biggest problems people face with PLR products is selling it 'as is'. If you're just the same as 1000's of other people out there that are doing the same thing, then your sales will be few and far between.
Solo Ad Success
“Finally Discover a Simple Technique To Build Your List Fast & Effortlessly & Get Paid In The Process!...” You're about to discover the secret to creating your own list-building machine that converts all the time so you can throw as much paid traffic as you want at it without ever wasting cash! If you’re fed up with a stagnant list that just refuses to grow... If you’re getting started and don't have the patience to wait months and months for any results then this is the most important page you will read...
70 Techie Videos
Get Instant Access to 70 Step-by-Step Video Tutorials that Teach You How To Use The Latest Marketing Tools Experts Use! One of the easiest ways to learn something is to watch how someone else does it and then apply it yourself. Right now you can get your hands on a total of 70 with videos that you can watch within minutes from now that'll give you all the training needed to master the latest marketing tools.
The 7 Habits
“Discover The 7 Timeless & Universal Laws of Highly Successful Marketers & Join the Ranks of the Top 6-Figure a Year Earners...” Inspired by Stephen Covey’s book, 'The The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People', I’ve created a simple, step-by-step mindmap guide to show you the effective habits of the men and women who make masses of money online. Forget all those shiny new (and expensive) products...
Five Figure Funnel
“Create Your First 5-Figure Sales Funnel & Launch Any Product With Guaranteed Success In The Next 5 1/2 Hours!” In the next 13 videos you'll discover the art of launching your first marketing product online, and scale your profits using the 5-figure funnel strategy to achieve daily income results like this...
Membership Machine
Top Level Strategy Produces SERIOUS Job-Quitting Results! “How We Made $1,134 In 24 Hours and How YOU Can Replicate This System To Kick-Start Your Business Starting Today!” Job-crushing marketing technique reveals how a single transaction gets you paid month after month like clockwork to produce job-quitting results!
Report Fortunes
“9-Step System Allows You To Rebrand Over 56,058 Words Instantly With Your Affiliate ID To Earn $177 In ClickBank Commissions Simply Giving Away Stuff!...” Whilst maximizing your email clicks, engaging with your readers, and building credibility in the process! Read on to find exact how this works!.... Report Fortunes is your SECRET Weapon to Provide Quality Content to Your Readers INSTANTLY... Whilst Banking BIG ClickBank Commissions In The Process!
JVZoo Funnel Setup
“Setup Your First Resale Right Product Sales Funnel On JVZoo, Host Your Files On Amazon S3 and Protect Your URLs... In Just 2 Hours!” Revealed! The step-by-step process to getting your digital products online and selling on JVZoo's sales funnel system and protecting your product links from digital thieves... The Step-By-Step Process To Setting Up Your Resale Rights Products On JVZoo With OTOs, Upsells & Downsells Like A Pro!
Expert Content Creation
30 Step-By-Step Tutorials Reveal How to Turn Your Knowledge and PLR Content into FREE Traffic Generators & LifeLong Cash-Producing Assets! Got a ton of private label content sitting on your hard drive doing nothing?... Perhaps you have specialize knowledge on a particular topic?... Finally put all that information to good use and turn them into attractive content that generates FREE traffic and income streams!
Massive Traffic Attack
60 'How To' Tutorials Reveal Trade Secrets To Getting FREE & Paid Server-Melting Traffic FAST! Discover high level traffic strategies that are NOT openly talked about including... Reverse Engineering your Competitors, Understanding Google Adwords Mechanics, Achieving Highest Bid Quality Scores, The 5 Distinctive Variables, The Golden Rules of Visitor Demographics and so much more!... and Get The Traffic Advantage You've Been Looking For!
Google Tools Mastery
Increase Your Productivity, Save Time & Reduce Costs with Google's Easy-To-Use Tools In a Way that's Designed Especially for Internet Marketers! Master Your Workflow, Collaborate Accurately With Your Team and Make The Most of Google's Productivity Tools to Streamline Your Business & Organize Your Life!
Blog Content Authority
Discover How to Build a Traffic Generating Authority Blog in Any Niche that Google Loves & Converts Visitors into Sales ...all Within the next 57 Minutes! ...Get behind the scenes access to creating a profitable blog that has massive influence on the marketplace and build a long-term traffic-generating and income-producing asset that will work for you for years... not matter how the search engine algorithm changes!
Reverse Sales Funnel
Discover How To Create All Your Products In Your Sales Funnel Strategically To Ensure You Have The Highest Converting Funnel Quickly & Easily Without “Writer's Block”...Within The Next 60 Minutes! You're about to discover a top-level reverse engineer strategy to create your most profitable product in your sales funnel first in the shortest amount of time possible to create a fail-proof online business that always produces a healthy cash-flow!
Big Business Blueprint
Discover How to Start a Wildly Successful Online Business Even If You're on a Shoe-String Budget and Have Little to NO Previous Experience!... and How to Grow and Scale It to a $100,000+ a Year Income!... Get Real Advice from the Experts Who Are Were You Want to Be. This is Your Indispensable Roadmap to Building a REAL Business... and Plant the Seeds to a 6-Figure, even 7-Figure Business!
Evergreen Wealth Creation
Discover the Top 3 Wealthy Secrets on How to Invest in Businesses, Buy and Finance Property and Protect Your Hard Work with Gold and Silver to Create Generational Wealth... and Finally Live Financially Free!... You're About to Get Access to 50 Life Transforming Videos that Reveal the Best 3 Investment Vehicals so You too Can Master Your Finances and Live a Stress-Free Life!
Million Dollar Salesletters
Start Your 6-Figure Copywriting Business and Create Sale-Crushing Sales Letters for Any Product or Service that Online Marketers, Small Businesses, and Entrepreneurs will Pay You for!... or Even to Use for Yourself! ...Without spending weeks, even months with a copywriting guru and without investing thousands of dollars on overly-priced copywriting programs!
10K in 90 Days Blueprint
Follow a Simple Step-by-Step Blueprint to Make Your First $10,000 Online within 90 Days or Less! ...You're About to Get Your Hands on a Tried and Tested Marketing Strategy Broken Down into 10 Easy-to-Follow Modules from Someone Who Has Been There and Done It! The Blueprint consists of 10 easy to follow modules which will take you from a position of wondering how earning this kind of money can even be possible, to knowing with 100% certainty that this is something that you can realistically achieve.
Sales Funnel Master
Discover How to Setup Your Squeeze Page, OTOs, Thank You Page, Autoresponder Emails, Affiliate Resources, Product Links, Payment Buttons & More within the Next 47 Minutes! 16-Part Step-by-Step Course Reveals Trade Secrets to Setting Up Your First Sales Funnel so You Can Get Traffic, Build Your List, Make Sales, Recruit Affiliates, Maximize Revenue and More!
Expert Graphic Designer
Get Instant Access to 45 Quick and Easy Graphic Design Tutorials and Finally Create Stunning Banner Ads, eBook Covers, YouTube Splash Screens and Facebook Page Graphics Using Photoshop and GIMP Software!... Get the marketing edge you need and create stunning graphics even if you don't have a background in art and design... or have a creatively-dormant brain!
Free Business Tools
Discover How to Create Animated Videos, Jaw-Dropping Book Covers, Exciting Infographics, Attractive Banners, Slides, Slick Websites and more! Whether You're a Seasoned Marketer or a Green Newbie... You Now Have the Ability to Create Almost Anything Necessary for Your Business! You'll get instant access to 60 'how to' tutorials on 23 powerful online tools that cover everything you need to know including... how to create animated videos, book covers, social media posts, slides, QR codes, mobile-responsive websites, email forms, sitemaps plus so much more!
Get More Buyers
6-Figure Marketer Reveals Why ‘Traditional’ List Building is Highly Over Rated... and Why FREE Subscribers Are Killing Your Sales and Limiting Your Business Growth... Watch this controversial video to discover the TRUTH about list building and why you could well be doing things the hard way... Quality over Quantity - You don't need to build a huge list but a small list that's more focused and a higher quality. You will also save on your autoresponder fees because the bigger your list gets, the more you have to pay on your monthly charges.
Webinar Conversion Secrets
“Discover the Entrepreneur's Secret to Selling High-Ticket Products and Services for $497, $997 or More and Converting Cold Paid Traffic into Sales by as Much as 35%!” You're about to get your hands on the ultimate blueprint to run your own automated webinars and cater to a large pool of hyper buyers using time-tested and proven sales strategies... Webinars can mean the big break you've been looking for in your career as an infopreneur regardless of any kind. This is the ultimate decision maker that will mean adding an extra 1 or 2 digits on top of what you're currently making right now! And the best part is... creating your own highly successful webinars is a LEARNABLE skill.
Zoo Conversion Secrets
“Marketer Cracks JVZoo Code to Getting More Sales! Finally Add Scarcity, Dime Sales, Automated Price Bumps and More to Your Sales Process with Just a Few Clicks...” Watch this important video message to see why you could be missing out on tons of sales without even knowing it... So, what if you were given methods that work – and that you could implement within less than 15 minutes each? Would you take it?... Or would you risk it and go it alone?... Fortunately for you, we have gone through the trials and tribulations required to figure things out, and we can now teach you how to do it all.
Rebranding PLR Videos
“Discover How to Rebrand and Profit from Any PLR Video and Create a Profit-Pulling Sales Machine with just a Few Simple Tweaks... in as Little as 60 Minutes...” Finally Create Your Own Unique High-Converting Products that Out-Sells and Outperforms Similar Products in the Marketplace... whilst Making You Look like an Online Marketing Guru! But if you're one of the smart 1% you'll know that you have to do something different... “So what exactly do you need to do?...” The answer is simple. You need to REBRAND your PLR videos!
Digital Download Protection
Keep Your Online Business Protected! Stop Your eBooks, Audios and Videos and Membership Content from Being Shared on Blackhat Forums and P2P Networks ...and Save Your Sales! Even with a membership script, your files are most likely not secured. Watch over my shoulder and can secure your digital products in as little as 60 minutes... So, the question remains is how do you monitor or know if people are pirating and sharing your digital goods?
JV Cash Magnet
Are You Planning to Launch Your First Product or Service?... “Discover How to Create Irresistible Deals that Attract Successful JV Partners and Affiliates with BIG Email Lists (Full of Responsive Buyers) to Promote Your Offer!” ...Even if You're a Complete Newbie and Have NEVER Approached a JV Partner Before! In this video course, you will learn what you need to get started, how to find joint venture partners, approach them, and become a JV magnet. Remember, while everyone is too busy spamming them, you’re doing it professionally. You’re doing it smart.
FB Mastermind Profits
“Finally... Discover How to Create Mastermind Groups, Exclusive Inner-Circle Communities, Recurring Membership Income and More... to Ignite Your Product Sales ...Just by Using Facebook™!” Finally Increase Your Conversion Rates... Minimize Refunds... and Sell High Ticket Products... for a More Profitable and Satisfying Online Business Using the Social Power of Facebook™. How can you prevent these negative feelings in your customers?...
How can you offer both a community and your great product?... The Answer is to Use Facebook as a Platform to Create a Community of Happy Customers.
Bounce Rate Blueprint
“Discover 9 Simple Marketing Tactics to Get Your Visitors Glued to Your Content and Boost Your Sale Conversion Rates... used and Exploited by Blogging Millionaires and Social Media Superstars!” ...and Get Google™, Yahoo™ and Bing™ to Give You Higher Page Rankings in the Process almost Effortlessly ...without YOU doing any Dirty Black Hat SEO Tricks! Finally Discover How Keep Your Bounce Rates Low to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings, Engage Your Audience and Increase Your Conversion Rates
Smart Time Management
“Finally... a Breakthrough System Shows You How to Create Laser Sharp Focus to Get Things Done... Manage Your Time, Your Habits, Your Energy Levels and Minimize Costly Distractions so You Can Increase Your Productivity and Online Profits!” Do your days feel unfocused?... Do you feel like projects take forever to do and never get completed?... Watch this video to see how to solve this problem once and for all... so you can become UNSTOPPABLE in your personal and business life...
Podcast Profits
“Finally... Discover How to Create Successful and Engaging Podcasts that Instantly Brand You as the Expert and Attracts Floods of Traffic Back to Your Products and Services!” Think Podcasts are reserved for experts and radio talk shows?... Think again! We'll show you how to take advantage of this powerful platform so you can attract a new audience, get more website traffic and make more sales! Gone are the days where you could just put a product or service up and sell it...
Instant Instagram Traffic
“Discover How to Build a Highly Profitable Instagram Fan Base, Create a Loyal Following, Pre-Sell Your Offer and Attract New Customers and Clients without Paying a Bomb on Pay Per Click Ads!...” It's no secret that Instagram has grown to be an incredibly powerful social media platform. In fact, even Facebook saw the opportunity and bought the company out. This means more opportunity for you as an advertiser and brand. This video course is specifically designed to guide you in the right direction so you can build a massive Instagram fan base, create a loyal following who hang on to your every message, pre-sell your offer and attract new customers and clients.
Retarget Traffic Conversions
“Finally... Discover How to Get Your Ads Displayed More Often to Repeat Visitors with Retarget Marketing ...and Bring Back and Convert that 98% ‘Window Shoppers’ into Buyers!” Fact: 2% of your prospects may convert after viewing your website, the other 98% leave may never come back. Now you can use retargeting on Facebook and other platforms to effectively convert more visitors into sales. With such a high percentage of people leaving your site, each with their own reasoning, is there any way to get them back without reinvesting more money into new clients?... The answer is YES!
WP SEO Traffic Hacks
“Discover How to Get Your WordPress Blog in the Top 10 Position on Google™, Yahoo™ and Bing™ Consistently for Your Keywords and Keyphrases... and Finally Get FREE Quality SEO Traffic that You Can Convert into Sales!...” Are you dishing out the content and practicing every SEO trick in the book... but not seeing the results you want? Watch this video as we show you where you could be going wrong...
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I want to thank you for providing value beyond belief. I have purchased several of your products and as a newbie I am trying to figure this stuff out so that I can set up a website, and start my online marketing efforts. Your material is easy to follow, easy to read, professional, and the graphics are truly amazing. Where do you get the creative juices to do all this stuff? I come back to your sites often and check out all the others as well. I don’t want to miss any new product that you put out there. Keep up the excellent work, keep on providing exceptional value for your customers’ buck, and may fortune smile upon you as you go about your life. Thank you!
- Danny Fortune
I have grabbed a few of your products over the years and received some free stuff from you as well.
The packages have always been top class well laid out and with outstanding graphics. The best part has been able to use your products for lead generation and supplying my clients with something they also can use for creating their lists. Of course there has been the cream on top. Selling your packages I have always got return on my investment and got real cream when something extra you have given me also gave return. Outstanding, Awesome, Value, Quality are just some of the words that come to mind when I see an email from you every one of them get’s my undivided attention.
- Rob Paris
Words can never describe how impressed I am with your products! You will never know what you have done for my business by offering so many hot niches products! Your websites are so easy and simple to navigate that anyone from beginner to an advanced will benefit from using your products. Keep up the good work…
- Smart Digitals System
“Stop searching for make money online! Don’t waste your time anymore!” Why?? Because you need to build your business so that you may create your own money online! And to find a best person who know what and how to build your online business is here! Because he know what he said. He know what he write and he know how to drive a success path for you. I am own of his product, so that i know this guy is over delivered!
- Zudie
Many many thanks for everything. You are certainly one of the most generous and most approachable Marketers, and I know everyone appreciates that. I enjoy promoting your WP Videos, as I specialise in Training and Resources as an Affiliate Marketer and a PLR Marketer. And your graphics are fantastic! Right now I am creating a membership PLR site using your ‘Stone’ theme (for ‘The Cave of Dave’ ;) Thank you for all your freely-given advice, and for a range of spectacularly attractive products!
- Dave Merrington (Safelist Owner and PLR Marketer)
I’m always impressed with the work you do. I almost feel like a kid in a candy shop when I see your graphics. I love your creativity. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be retiring at a young age :) Thanks for everything
- Vince
Hey I have been on your list for some time now and I always pay special attention to your updates! The earnings potential you have given me is unbelievable. And I have recommended your products to some of my family members and they are now starting to see profits on their websites. (We are a Family Business!) I recommend this to anyone who is beginning in internet marketing. It is very simple to do. Every thing you need to know is already done for you. Keep up the Great Work!
- Dave Osmonson
Your products have always impress me, especially how you took a resell rights product, completely redesign and repackage to make it look unique and professional. Most of your “makeover” products have helped me build a huge mailing list, generate sales and even set up membership sites to conduct e-courses. I can say part of my business is mostly selling your resell rights products or to promote them as an affiliate. Please continue to keep up your good work and quality of your products.
- Eric
Thank you for your excellent support and as well as these awesome products!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
- Mick
Your resell rights products sell really well for me. I have a responsive list of subscribers who like to purchase your products and yes, due to this very fact I have made back at least 20 times my investment. Your graphic designs are of a stunning quality and these help me sell products to my list in a big way.
- Rachel Atkins.