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Get Instant Access to 40 'How To' Tutorials and Discover How To Distribute Your Expert Content Effectively through Multiple Networks for Effective use of Your Time and Maximum Profit!
Congratulations on securing your expert content creation videos!
With your new found knowledge you now have the ability to create high quality content in multiple formats that people will pay for!
We can't wait to get you started, but before you continue, we'd like to offer you a more advance version of this course that guides you through the process of distributing your content using the latest tools - both free and paid.
Have you thought to yourself... "what do I do with my eBook?..." or "what do I do with my video?..." or "how do I use social media properly and manage and track several accounts at once?..."
Creating expert content is great and using your current method to 'get it out there' is good practice... but you are probably well aware there are far better and efficient ways of doing things... especially with the release of so many new and powerful tools that you've probably never even heard of!
If so, then our content syndication video course is just for you.
Here's a small peek at what you'll discover inside this advance course...
Lesson 1.0 - What is Article Marketing
Discover what is article marketing and why it is still the best content advertising method
- What do you mean by ‘article marketing’ and how can it help you achieve your sales targets.
- The one thing you absolutely must know to ensure that article marketing works for you (hint - this is the most important ingredient!)
- Where should the articles be posted to extract full value from each one of them.
Lesson 1.1 - Why Article Marketing
Discover the real benefits of article marketing and why you should integrate it in your business
- 5 important reasons why article marketing is indispensable (…especially for a new site owner.)
- Is article marketing still the best way to construct your brand by invite quality traffic (…the no-hype tip that works each time.)
- How to become the ‘go to site’ which offers the best quality information within your niche.
Lesson 1.2 - How To Write An Article
How To Kick-Start Your First Article Even If You’re Just Starting Out
- What are the 3 main sections of a successful article and how to optimize the whole copy for search engines.
- What are the ingredients of your article body (…and why you need to come up with 5 of your best points to make an impact.)
- Why should you always end with a well-thought-out conclusion.
Lesson 1.3 - Content Syndication
What You Need To Know About Content Syndication - Crucial Step For Businesses That Leak Money
- What are the 5 best content syndication platforms and how do they work (hint - this is a great advice for beginners!!)
- How should you choose the perfect platform for your business.
- What are the 3 basic steps to initiate the process of content syndication (hint - crucial step for businesses that bleed money!)
Lesson 1.4 - How To Become a Guest Blogger
How to be a guest blogger so that you leapfrog your competition
- Is generating traffic the sole reason to be a guest blogger (…and how does it impact your overall brand awareness.)
- How do you search for the relevant guest blogging opportunities?
- Why should you prepare your own website before you plan to become a guest on someone else’s platform.
- Why Followerwonk is the best tool for guest bloggers (irrespective of the niche..)
Lesson 2.0 - Reddit Syndication
How to syndicate your content using Reddit and create numerous opportunities
- Why you must remain a ‘redditor’, not a marketer (hint - this is the only success formula for Reddit!)
- How should you choose the right 'subreddit' and build your reputation.
- When are you ready to publish content through ads on Reddit (hint - credibility is the real key here.)
Lesson 2.1 - Sub-Reddit's
The best way to find your Subreddit
- Why is it crucial to subscribe the topics that are in line with your niche (…and your final product.)
- Find the step-by-step procedure to extract value from Reddit from the word go.
- How to find the potential redditors that might be interested in your content (…a hidden trick!)
Lesson 2.2 - Participate As a Redditor
How to participate as a Redditor and create a stellar reputation from the beginning
- How to ensure that you don’t get banned from Reddit due to self-promotion (..a must read for people just starting out!)
- How to portray your impeccable credibility and win the Reddit game.
- Why commenting and participating is extremely important to build your overall reputation on the platform.
- What’s the correct procedure to submit a link and a text post.
Lesson 2.3 - How To Publish Reddit Ads
How to start publishing the ads on Reddit once you’ve build the necessary repetition
- Ensure that your post is both desktop and mobile friendly (hint - not many pay attention to this feature and regret!)
- What are the necessary steps you should take before you submit your ad for approval.
- What’s the best way to ensure your content gets proper visibility on Reddit (…an important factor that affects your productivity.)
Lesson 3.0 - LinkedIn Marketing
The best way to connect with top-notch professionals around the world
- 3 reasons why you should be using LinkedIn (and reach those who want and need you!)
- Why advertising on the LinkedIn network works better as compared to others (a powerful secret for success.)
- Why LinkedIn will always give you an opportunity to reach bigger audiences and turn fortunes!
Lesson 3.1 - ‘All-Star’ Title On LinkedIn
How to gain an ‘All-Star’ title on LinkedIn
- A step-by-step approach to complete your profile and become part of an elite club of professionals.
- How do you achieve up 3x more profile traffic than before (…with just a simple hack!)
- What are the unique 5 skills that you possess (…and is it important to highlight the same on your profile?)
Lesson 3.2 - LinkedIn Networking
How to network like a Pro on LinkedIn
- How to utilize the ‘People you may know’ feature and create a network fast.
- Discover the best way to connect with new professionals using the news feed from your homepage (this is a “hidden” trick that you should never ignore.)
- How to engage with people within your niche (…and meet new people at the drop of a hat.)
Lesson 3.3 - Increase LinkedIn Credibility
How to highlight your accomplishments and increase credibility on LinkedIn
- What qualifies as an accomplishment (use this simple secret today!)
- Why should you add a new profile section and share your accomplishments with your network right now!
- Why do you need to highlight an accomplishment and what can it do for you in long-term.
Lesson 3.4 - LinkedIn Advertising
LinkedIn advertising - The best way to achieve results and hit your goals
- A sure-footed procedure to create an ad on LinkedIn (from start to finish!)
- How to decide which ‘kind of ad’ will work for your campaign.
- Why is it important to upload an image with your ad (hint - make it more clickable.)
- How do you choose the perfect layout for your ad.
Lesson 4.0 - Create a Facebook Business Page
How to create a Facebook Business page and Fan page the right way!
- What are 3 items that you need to set up before launching a Facebook page (..and what you absolutely must focus on.)
- How do you choose an image that best represents your business (plus, find the best sizes that for profile pic and a cover page.)
- Discover every step required to complete the page before you hit ‘publish’ and start engaging with the audience.
Lesson 4.1 - How To Create a Facebook Group
How to create a Facebook group that works for your business
- Why is it a bad idea to ‘force your friend’ into a group (…what you don’t need!)
- How to set the privacy settings depending on the nature and direction of the FB group.
- Why is it important to personalize your group by adding extra details (hint - you definitely need this for better engagement!)
Lesson 4.2 - How To Start a Facebook Ad
How to utilize the FB ads to generate engagement from your niche
- How to choose between ‘3 types of engagement’ that will suit your final objective (…so you can fulfill goals while you’re asleep!)
- Why you should be ‘extra careful’ while choosing the details of your target audience.
- Why should you place your ads on Facebook News Feed (hint - this is how you can ‘correctly optimize the ad placements’ and generate high ROI.)
- What is the recommended budget for the beginners and why you should stick with that number.
- What to do if you’re not getting the desired results from your ad campaign.
Lesson 4.3 - How To Use FB Ads To Promote Your Video
How to use FB ads to promote your video and take user engagement to a new level!
- How to select the ‘perfect schedule’ for your campaign.
- When should you choose the manual bidding over the automatic (...and why this matters.)
- What is the preferred video format before you upload it (..and find other necessary technical details that you should know about.)
- Why is it important to ‘test a new audience’ to get even better results.
Lesson 4.4 - Facebook Pixels
Facebook Pixels - The best way to track your audience activity and make tweaks for higher ROI
- What exactly is 'Facebook pixels' used for? (…understand the concept with a live example.)
- How to install the Facebook Pixel (hint - you'd not need any other guide after reading this!)
- How to tweak your video, sales letter & landing page content depending on your audience’s activity (…and increase ROI from each campaign.)
- What can you track once you’ve installed the Facebook pixel (plus, get a quick peek into the whole process.)
- Why you need to install 2 different pixels on your landing page (hint - you’ll get a golden chance to retarget your audience and create a lookalike audience for future launches.)
- The best way to identify your audience and gather important details about how they interact with your content.
Lesson 5.0 - Social Media Account Management
Discover how to track and manage all your social media account at one place
- Is it possible for one tool to manage 8 social networks (…a must for people just starting out!)
- What is Hootsuite and how can it help you manage your social media engagements like a boss!
- Find out the ways to handle the audience response in real time (…imagine the time you could save!)
Lesson 5.1 - Social Media Account Integration
How can you practically integrate all your social accounts and improve the productivity by leaps and bounds
- How can you integrate all social media channels in one place and manage what you share and respond to (…in real-time!)
- What are the exact steps needed to add a new social platform on Hootsuite.
- How does a dashboard work and find the features that are beneficial to you.
Lesson 5.2 - How To Schedule Social Media Content
Schedule all your social media content in a matter of a few clicks
- How do you schedule a post for a specific social network through the dashboard (hint - it’s much simpler than you think!)
- How can you share a message that contains a link through Hootsuite.
- How to keep the track of all your social postings through real-time email (…another awesome feature!)
Lesson 5.3 - How To Monitor Your Social Media
How to monitor the impact of your social media management - Displayed on a powerful dashboard
- What all can you track for each channel (…and how can it help to improve your content over time.)
- How can you track the audience sentiments from the social media responses that you receive.
- Why Hootsuite is a practical tool for targeted content management (…which saves an unbelievable amount of time for the users.)
Lesson 5.4 - Hootsuite Integration
How can you stream all your activities or content in Hootsuite
- How can you interact with your audience using Hootsuite instead of logging into a specific social network (…and achieve immediate results!)
- What are the exact steps required for the instant streaming of content.
- How can you switch to another social media channel in a matter of seconds & interact with a different list of stream type (hint - a process so simple, it’s a crime not to learn this!)
Lesson 6.0 - Twitter Marketing
How to start with "Twitter" so you can market content like a pro!
- How to sign-up on Twitter in less than 2 minutes and gain a list of contacts to feel ready from the GO!
- Discover the must-know basics of Twitter and why do you need "followers" for success.
- The 6 step process to interact and engage through Twitter like a boss (...this is how your "tweets" would always attract eyeballs.)
Lesson 6.1 - Advertising With Twitter
How to advertise within your budget to a selected audience on Twitter
- The 4 steps to set up your twitter ads campaign (hint - you have to know this if you are a beginner looking to learn fast.)
- What’s the basic difference between ‘promoting your tweet’ and ‘promoting your account’ (plus, why is it recommended to promote your tweet to generate traffic.)
- How to reach an audience which is ‘actually interested’ in your content.
- How to search for users who're looking for a potential product interest (..that too with a purchase intent.)
- Find new audiences and focus on creating brand awareness.
- Reach a highly focused demographic through powerful targeting options (hint - this is one of the strongest features of Twitter.com)
Lesson 6.2 - How To Compose Compelling Tweets
How to compose compelling tweets to market your content ...and how to maximize your reach
- 5 laser-sharp tips to compose your tweets in a strategic and effective manner. (…you have to know this if you want to succeed on Twitter.)
- How do you gain your audience’s trust by using conversational language in your tweets.
- Why should you always try to maximize your engagement on Twitter. (hint - the amount of engagement is directly proportional to the amount of success.)
- Is it a good idea to ask your followers to retweet (hint - this will determine your success.)
- Why should you include photos and videos in your tweets.
Lesson 7.0 - How To Create Instragram Posts
How to create a compelling post on Instagram
- Discover the 4 important criteria for creating a compelling post (the perfect recipe for reaching a bigger audience!)
- What are the benefits of switching your normal Instagram profile to Instagram Business.
- What’s the best way to use Instagram Stories and Live (…plus, find a proven way to improve the engagement between followers and business owners.)
- Why the engagement rate of Instagram Ads is higher than other social media platform (..you’ll want to hear this advice!)
- What’s the use of hashtags and how they can help you reach a bigger audience.
Lesson 7.1 - How To Use Instagram For Business
Discover the right way to utilize Instagram for business
- How to switch your Instagram account to a business profile.
- What is Insight and how can it help you measure the success of your content (hint - you can know the highest impressions, reach, engagement and saved.)
- What is the relevance of the call-to-action buttons on your business profile.
Lesson 7.2 - Instagram Ads
Instagram ads - Your gateway for promoting your content to every corner of the Internet
- The necessary steps that you need to take to promote your content on Instagram (..this’ll arm you with the deadly knowledge for future!)
- How to prevent yourself from overspending your promotion budget?
- How to set out the ultimate target before you put your money on the ads.
Lesson 7.3 - Using Instagram Stories
How to use the impactful Instagram Stories to leave an effective marketing message
- How to create a powerful Instagram story (…find the exact steps involved in the process.)
- How to use different media types like ‘Boomerang’ and ‘Rewind’ (..power packed ingredients for a creative post.)
- What is Instagram live and how can you use it to spread awareness of your content within your followers (…and it works each time!)
Lesson 7.4 - Adding Captions and Hashtags
How do you create a perfect post by adding caption and hashtags - Tricks to get found by everyone using Instagram
- Why is it important to caption every post you upload to Instagram.
- How can you increase the reach of your post through hashtags (..dead simple tips that you’re overlooking.)
- How to drive traffic between Instagram and Facebook, or even the other networks (hint - this is the best way to leverage your Instagram posts).
- Why is it important to constantly update your Instagram profile (…and stay creative each time.)
Lesson 8.0 - How To Upload Video Content Effectively
How to flawlessly upload your video to different video sharing platform and showcase your content
- What kind of video standard is considered the best for you to share (..if you’re just starting out, don’t miss this!)
- What are the 3 main things you need to keep in mind while uploading video to various media sharing platforms.
- Why MP4 is still the best video format (..and why you should take this advice blindly!)
- What are the default video standards while preparing a video for online promotion.
Lesson 8.1 - YouTube Marketing
Why YouTube is still the best video sharing platform out there!
- Why should you edit your channel home page according to the nature of your channel.
- The real importance of a relevant and well-worded description for your video.
- What are ‘tags’ and how important are these when someone searches for videos in your niche.
- Should you edit a video before uploading it (hint - there's no other way!)
Lesson 8.2 - Vimeo Marketing
Why use Vimeo …even if you have a strong presence on YouTube!
- What’s the ‘real difference’ between Vimeo and YouTube (…and you have to know about this beforehand!)
- Why is it important to focus on statistics of your videos (hint - it will help you track and monitor the content you need to post in order to reach a bigger audience.)
- How to customize your profile and upload a video on Vimeo.
- Why is it desirable to be featured as ‘Vimeo’s Staff Pick’ (…a simple tip that works each time.)
Lesson 8.3 - Dailymotion Marketing
Dailymotion - the third-largest video sharing service in the world
- How to create your profile on Dailymotion and why the description should always suit your niche.
- How to make sure that video fits the specification required (hint - pay attention because the rules are slightly different from other video sharing platforms.)
- What is the ‘burger image’ and why should you care?
Lesson 8.4 - Wistia Marketing
Why you need to be on 'Wistia' - a platform that is built specifically for businesses
- With Wistia you can create and share videos through multiple social platforms (…and get the traffic that you need.)
- A small hack to change the color of your player to match the theme of your video.
- How can you make the video available to selected viewers only.
- What is 'Timeline Action' and why should you know about it (hint - find a lucrative technique that is known to attract eyeballs and increase engagement.)
- What is 'Turnstile' and how it offers you the option to gain more subscribers (..results after doing this will totally surprise you!)
- How to effectively stay away from spamming.
Lesson 9.0 - How To Create a Press Release
Discover The Process To Creating a Well-Structured and Targeted Press Release
- Discover 7 clearly defined sections of a targeted press release.
- Find the must-know ingredients of an interesting headline (hint - to increase the value and quality.)
- Secrets of a powerful introduction (hint - it’s all about who, what, when, where and why!)
- Why is it important to include the perspectives and quotes from relevant parties that are involved in the topic (…this is the step that most get wrong!)
- What is the boilerplate section of a Press release (hint - crucial tip to stay ahead of the game.)
Lesson 9.1 - Effective Press Release Writing
Discover How To Write a Press Release That Stands Out!
- Discover the 5 writing hacks that will immediately improve your Press release copy.
- How do you write a headline that demands instant attention!
- Why should you think like a reporter to produce a newsworthy press release (…ask 3 questions to begin with.)
- How to write like a reporter (…and why should you.)
- Why should you keep the Press release to 1 or 2 pages at maximum (…and include quotes whenever possible.)
Lesson 9.2 - How To Upload Your Press Release
Discover How To Upload Your Press Release to Relevant Sites To Reach The Right Audience
- What is the real purpose of releasing a press release (…an underlying fact that no one talks about.)
- How does a Press release site work (…and how should you choose the best one based on the features, benefits, and pricing!)
- How to put a Press release on PR.com (…and what is the major disadvantage of choosing the ‘free option’.)
Creating expert content is great and using your current method to 'get it out there' is good practice... but you are well aware that there are far better and efficient ways of doing things... especially with the release of so many new and powerful tools that you've probably never even heard of!
Get more exposure with every piece of content you distribute... Maximize the value of your time doing similar tasks - just differently... Free your time up so you can create even more content and grow your business!
With our content syndication videos it's now easier than ever!
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