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How Would You Like To Grab 5 Professionally Made Mobile-Responsive Lead Magnets All Done For You & Ready To Use Within Minutes From Now!

This is your opportunity to cut corners and grab high quality professional squeeze page systems with unique follow-up email sequences all done for you in a fraction of the time and cost it would take to do it yourself!


Great job on securing the Rapid Lead Magnet course!

Whilst it's always a good idea to learn the art of building a list building system... there are quicker and more cost effective ways that will not only save you time, but have you building your list faster and putting more profit in your pocket.

This is why we're presenting you with the option to grab complete and done for you Lead Magnet System... not just one, but FIVE!

Right now you can get your hands on 5 professionally made Lead Magnet Systems that will not only build your list, but follow-up with them over the span of 5-12 days on complete auto-pilot putting you in a great position for a decent promotion.

Each one is theme-specific so you'll be building laser-targeted prospects in niches within the I.M. niche including... affiliate marketing, customer loyalty, niche marketing, product creation and search engine optimization.

These are POWERFUL long-lasting niches that will not go out of date and are full of HOT buyers who are willing to spend with YOU when you present them with a good offer.

And to sweeten the deal, for each set we'll even provide you with beautiful graphic banners to attract fresh traffic to your squeeze page!

Check out your Done For You Lead Magnet System below...

Introducing... The Done For You Lead Magnet System!

Lead Magnet System #1
Commission Paychecks

Teach your subscribers how to succeed with affiliate marketing

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Affiliate marketing is something that many online marketers already know how to do. They know how it works, and what it takes to be successful. However, if you’re new to it, you may be wondering what it is, how to get started and how you can use it to generate a sustainable income. The good news is that it’s really not that complicated, and it’s relatively easy to get started.

A basic definition of affiliate marketing is when you sell or get leads for someone else’s products or service. You are going to find that there are many people who already do this. When a company needs some help making sales, and they allow people to sign up as affiliates, they are willing to pay a commission or a flat rate per lead or sale. Depending on the company, this percentage or flat rate will vary. As an affiliate you are looking for companies that have high payouts and long-term tracking.

Affiliate marketing can be used to make sustainable income a number of ways. You can use promotional tactics that include things like a website, blog, newsletter, social media email, PPC ads etc. The list is long.

However, the most popular form of long-term affiliate promotion is done with a website. When you choose the market that you want to promote, be sure that you choose one that you are somewhat familiar with. This will make it easier for you to become an expert on the topic which is key when it comes to content creation and promotion.

There are several ways that you can direct people thorough your affiliate links and one of those is by purchasing your own domain. This way you can cloak your affiliate links and build your own brand at the same time. You’ll want to choose a domain that is related to that niche you are targeting. For example, if you are marketing beauty products, you won’t want a URL that has cars in it.

After you have a good domain you will need reliable hosting for your website. You need dependable hosting for the best results. A hosting company that has more up time than down time is best because during the down time, your website will not be accessible. So, get some recommendations from others that have tried a few and use the best that you can find. It is worth it to pay for good hosting.

Once that is done, you are ready to get your affiliate links and website set up so that you can market the most effectively. Determine the amount of money that you want to make, and set up an outline of how you are going to make it. There are so many ways that you can get a website out there to be seen, and you will want to make the best decisions. So, finding out the best ways for you to do this is that is cost effective is a good start.

Learning SEO which is also known as search engine optimization is a great idea. Using SEO to get your site higher in the search engine rankings with keywords will pay off in the end. You can learn it yourself, or you can pay someone to do this part for you. It is up to you. However, you should know that learning and using SEO yourself is time consuming. Hiring an SEO guru might be better for you.

Write articles about the market that you are promoting from your website and submit them to all of the article directories. When you include a back link to the site that you are optimizing that will help you as well with the search engines.

Affiliate marketing is not anything that you can make money with overnight. You need to be able to build up and keep adding to your website daily or weekly, and keep it going. You can do it, just don’t give up. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about the benefits of affiliate marketing.

Done For You Lead Magnet System Worth $197!

Lead Magnet System #2
Customer Loyalty Magnet

Teach your subscribers how to build trust and customer loyalty online

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Did you know that customer service is often an under-valued aspect of doing business? When in fact if you want your business to be successful, you need to train yourself and your employees to understand that the customer must always come first.

When it comes to providing good customer service it is important to personalize your approach as much as possible. One thing all customers have in common is the pleasure they receive when establishments they patronize make it clear to them that they know who they all are.

You have to prove to your customers that you appreciate them. You can do this by addressing them by name during all of your communications with them. The golden rule is; make them feel important and they'll prove that you’re important to them, too!

- Always give your best plus more!

You should train your employees to go the extra mile for the customers as well. Being respectful and smiling at all times may seem like a little thing but it can go a long way towards improving your business’s customer service record. Remember, it’s often these little things that make a big difference to your customers.

- Always be fair!

No request should be too small to be considered, and no customer should be too insignificant to take care of. Sure, there are certain privileges that VIP customers are entitled to and other customers are quick to understand, but there are also certain privileges that everyone has the right to enjoy like common courtesy and dedication. Never let your customers think that you’re guilty of favoritism!

- Make sure you listen!

It is extremely important that you listen to what your customer's have to say. This may be hard when the customer is stubborn and unreasonable. Even if you end up unable to resolve the issue, your customers should still put the phone down in a good mood because they knew you cared enough to listen to them without confrontation.

- Make good use of FAQ's.

If you don’t have a frequently asked questions file or webpage for your business, create one immediately. Having a FAQ page is an effective way of offering good customer service on the fly. Keep a record of common questions and problems that have been discussed for quick reference. This will help to negate the need for repeat calls regarding the same issues. FAQ sections can help prevent your customers and employees from wasting their time.

- Never left issues unresolved.

Every complaint must be successfully addressed. Train your employees to perform follow-up calls to ensure that all complaints had been resolved. For complicated issues, make sure that you give customers progress reports to let them know that you’re still working on their case. Do your best to give them a specific time period for which they can expect the issue to be fully resolved.

These are just a few basic strategies that you can use to beef up customer service for your own business. Follow them and you will be well on your way to providing excellent service to all of your customers.

We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to provide the best customer service for your business, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking about some simple secrets to providing great customer service all of the time!

Done For You Lead Magnet System Worth $197!

Lead Magnet System #3
Obscure Niche Profits

Teach your subscribers how to profit big time in unusual niches

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Niche markets can vary by geography, culture, gender, ethnicity, etc. No matter the target group, niche marketing direct its efforts to figure out what that market wants and gives it to them.

This method requires a lot of research but it can save you a lot of time, money and effort in the long run because it allows you to create marketing campaigns that target the specific needs of consumers. This helps you keep up with consumer demand, and make sure that the products and services you offer are sought after in the marketplace.

Here are a few typical steps that are required for a solid niche marketing campaign:

- Find a profitable niche

This is perhaps the single most important part of the process. If you don’t take the time to find a profitable niche then your chances of success will be very slim. This requires a lot of research on many different niches, in order to uncover one that gets a lot of monthly searches online but has with very little competition.

- Build a niche website

It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It just has to get the job done! If you don’t have a lot of money to spend to hire someone to design your website, then you can do it yourself with a little bit of knowhow and a WYSIWYG builder or blogging platform like WordPress.

- Create content

Provide your visitors with interesting and informative content as bait. This is what will attract people to your offers so make sure you pay close attention to content flow of your webpages. It needs to be highly focused around the types of products and services you are promoting.

- Decide on how you want to monetize your site.

If you opt for affiliate marketing, then choose products from Amazon, Clickbank, JVzoo, Commission Junction, and others that match your niche and have high marketability. Pay-per-click is also a good way to earn money in a niche market, and Adsense is an excellent choice for newbie Internet marketers.

- Search engine optimization.

You can use SEO techniques such as guest blogging and article marketing so you can get backlinks to your site. Aside from this, work on your keyword campaign and make sure your website is properly optimized, too. There are many SEO techniques that work. The key here is to find the techniques that work for you, and once you have found them, “rinse and repeat.”

- Promote your site

You can do this through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. You can also use Pay-per-click advertising and other methods like video and email marketing to drive massive traffic to your website.

Done For You Lead Magnet System Worth $197!

Lead Magnet System #4
Rapid Product Creation

Teach your subscribers how to create their own info products fast

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In this first lesson let's talk a little about why the right mind set means a lot when it comes to creating your own product.

The hardest thing I've found and probably many other people find to when they get started with any aspect of Internet Marketing is all of the hard work it involves.

I am not sure how you got interested in Internet Marketing but if you were like me you have probably been pulled in at some point, by all the websites out there that promise untold riches for 5 minutes work!

Don't get me wrong this is indeed possible, but in my experience not when you are getting started. It is indeed a reality if you have a list of 3,000 responsive buyers that you can send out an email that will make you thousands of dollars within a few days.

Although to start off you need to create that product and build that list and unfortunately that will require some good old fashioned research and elbow grease!

So you will need the correct mind set and I am not going to write pages and pages of motivation for you, except to answer the number one question that stops people taking action or makes them give up in my experience.

I know this question comes up and can be very hard to overcome because I have asked myself the same question plenty of times when I was getting started with Internet Marketing.

Here is the question or questions I found myself asking when I was getting started:

“Is this going to work?”, “Is all this work worth it?”, “Will my product sell?”

These are the three main questions that I found myself asking when I was creating my own product.

Well take it from me the answer to all those questions is “Yes it really does work!”.

If you follow the steps within this course you will see that Internet Marketing does not have some secret formula!

All you have to do is see things through to the end, have the ability to follow a series of steps and probably most important take action!

Whether it takes you 5 days or 5 weeks to follow these steps see them through to the end and I guarantee you will achieve success online!

Once you create your own product and once that is pulling in money you can do the same thing over and over to build a virtual empire.

Done For You Lead Magnet System Worth $197!

Lead Magnet System #5
Search Marketing 2.0

Teach your subscribers how to siphon fresh free traffic from the search engines

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Search marketing is the process of generating traffic and gaining visibility from search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo through paid and unpaid strategies. This includes generating traffic through organic or free listings as well as buying traffic through paid search listings on ad networks like Google AdWords.

This process was originally called “search engine marketing,” the shorter phrase “search marketing” is now often used as a term to cover search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) which is used to describe paid search activities.

Before we dive into how you can use search marketing for your business I want to share a little bit of search engine history with you so you can get a better understanding of how they work.

Not too long ago, if a person needed information they were forced to go to the local library and spend hours digging through shelves of books. Now days finding information is easier than ever before and we have search engines to thank for that. Now when someone needs information all they have to do is type in a query online and a list of options appear for them to explore.

In 1990 the very first search engine was created by students at McGill University in Montreal. The search engine was called Archie and it was invented to index FTP archives, allowing people to quickly access specific files. FTPs (short for File Transfer Protocol) are used to transfer data from one computer to another over the internet, or through a network that supports TCP/IP protocol.

In its early days Archie contacted a list of FTP archives approximately once a month with a request for a listing. Once Archie received a listing it was stored in local files and could only be searched using a UNIX grep command.

Today, search engines index much faster and match a user's keyword query with a list of potential websites that might have the information the users is looking for instantly, which make them a very powerful tool for online marketers.

The typical search engine provides ten potential hits per page. The average internet user never looks farther they the second page the search engine provides. As a marketers it is important to constantly find and use new methods of search engine optimization in order to be ranked high by the search engines. Those are the types of topics we will be coving in upcoming issues of this newsletter.

Search marketing can be a very confusing especially when you are just getting started. People who say that they understand it usually have a general idea of what is going on, but often can’t give you any real details about it. As you learn the ropes you will hear a lot of buzz words to get you excited about something that you really don’t understand.

So how do you know what it right and what isn’t? The answer to these questions is a lot of research, time and testing. It isn’t something that you can understand in one day. Getting to the top of the search engine results can be very beneficial and the best way to do that is to make sure that you understand how to market your business, and how search engine marketing can play a role.

Done For You Lead Magnet System Worth $197!


Packed With Everything You Need To Start A Rapid Lead Magnet Cash Machine!

With each Lead Magnet System you'll receive...

Mobile repsonsive squeeze page - You'll receive a HTML coded mobile-responsive squeeze page to display your capture form. No matter what resolution your prospect is viewing your page, you'll be able to display the right content for their device which means more leads and maximum conversions.

Thank you landing page - You'll receive a standard HTML thank you page to redirect your leads after they've signed up. You can use this page to place more ads and offers.

Form based contact page - You'll receive a contact form page template to add in your own form code. This is great for that professional touch especially if you don't want to display your email address or attract spam.

5-12 part quality email sequence - You'll receive a multi-part email follow-up sequence which can be used with any autoresponder service. Just add in your name, upload to your email service and you're good to go! Now your subscribers will receive quality information automatically.

9 static banners - You'll receive a set of traffic-getting banners for use on your blog, thank you pages, confirm pages, forums, social media sites and more. Link your banners to your squeeze page for an unstoppable surge of traffic!

Box and flat cover graphics - You'll also receive a set of cover graphics to help you develop your product! These are ideal if you want to create a report, a video course or more!

When you consider all the content creation, programming, design and research gone into making one of these, each Lead Magnet is worth a value of at least $197!


Wow That's $985 Worth Of Lead Magnet Systems All Done For You!

No need to code a mobile responsive squeeze page from scratch! No need to learn CSS, or HTML. Just paste in your autoresponder code and you're good to go!

No need to create a multi-part email follow-up sequence! All the writing is done for you. Just add in your name, a link to your offer and you're set!

No need to create new graphics or hire a designer! No Photoshop skills required and no need to fork out an arm and a leg on designers. Everything is done for you and ready to use! You'll even receive the Photoshop PSD files for easy editing!

And most importantly, no need to start from scratch, do market research and hope for the best! Now you can just focus on cashing in knowing that you're building a list of people who actually want to spend money with you!

This is hands down a time and money saver. No more guess work... no more trial and error.

Outsource all this content yourself and you'll easily run up a bill of over $900. That's assuming your workers will do a good job and create things the way you want.

And whilst we could easily sell this as a 'done for you' $197 marketing package, we're going to cut you some slack and drop the price all the way down to just $37 as our way of saying thank you for investing in our video course.

Start building a HYPER-RESPONSIVE mailing list today and make more sales!

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Rapid Lead Magnet


No thanks Greg I don't want to save time and money by having everything already done for me! I'll take the long route and setup my own lead magnet from scratch...