Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
CPA Beats Affiliate Marketing!
CPA Lesson #1 - What Is CPA?
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #1 - What Is CPA?
It’s almost like a bad joke:
Question: “What did the CPA marketer earn?”
Answer: “Two dollars and thirty-seven cents.”
Question: “What did the CPA marketer spend to get it?”
Answer: “Five hundred and fifty dollars.”
It’s happened this way, more than people like to
admit – but it doesn’t have to be this way. The
most common causes of CPA disappointment are:
• Insufficient market research
• Failure to track daily expenses
• Lack of basic business knowledge
If you’re shuddering because you’re afraid this
would be you, well, that’s what this report is
here to do – help you avoid heartbreaking CPA
mistakes, and experience genuine, solid CPA
“Will I Be Rich?”
Let’s get something out the way, straight away:
Unless you’re a marketing genius with incredible
intuition, you are not likely to become a
millionaire within weeks or perhaps even months
off CPA marketing alone. It’s rather like niche
blogging: You will need to run multiple CPA pages
in order to let the small amount of positive
income each incurs add up to a nice little sum at
the end of the month.
Question: “If it’s so Mickey-Mouse peanuts, why
should I bother with it?”
Answer: “Because, properly done, it actually can
bring in a nice supplemental income! And there
are offers you can find that really will bring in
more money than the average CPA marketer
receives. And properly done, you can tap into
high offers that easily bring you as much as $50,
instead of 2 or 3.”
Most people know that CPA means “cost per action”.
With regular affiliate marketing, your site
visitor actually has to buy the product in order
for you to get paid: The beauty of CPA marketing
is that, while sales conversions do apply in some
cases, your site visitor usually has to take a
lesser action. He has to perform one of the
• Simply click through
• Provide a zip code
• Provide an email address
• Provide a name and email address
Or any other combination of contact details.
In an age where online security is at the
forefront of peoples’ thinking, and most internet
users are both jaded with advertising and savvy
to spurious offers, how do you get your site
visitor to part with his jealously guarded
Answer: You make him want to click on that link,
or give up his contact detail. You make it harder
to refuse than it is to comply. You show him how
easy it is just to enter a zip code. And there’s
only one way to do that..
You must provide him with an enticing reason –
one he can’t resist. You must let him see clearly
that the benefit of giving up that email address
or zip code is five times greater than ignoring
it. (And part of this involves getting him to
trust you.)
And it should feel totally natural, as in it’s
the next logical step. (The only logical next
Your success,
CPA Lesson #2 - Mistakes To Avoid
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #2 - Mistakes To Avoid
The key to doing this every single time?
Research, of course. But there’s a specific way
the best and most successful marketers go about
performing this – and it isn’t the way most newer
marketers think.
Mistake # 1 – Keyword Research.
This is where most newer marketers eagerly start,
armed with the latest edition of Market Samurai
or Micro Niche Finder, or whatever hot keyword
research program they’ve discovered.
Keyword research is very important – but not at
this stage!
Market research only starts with identifying your
demographic. Next, you have to put a face to him,
and single him out. You have to pluck up the
courage, and say hello to him, one on one, in the
school parking lot.
Mistake # 2 - Thinking a demographic is your
target customer.
A demographic is simply a generic group, based on
statistics – not a person. Yet this is where most
people stop, when initially researching their
But what happens in real life? Could you even
present a suggestion to that particular man in
the parking lot at this point, let alone sell him
something? What do you think the reaction would
“Sir, would you like to fill in this form with
your full name, address and phone number?”
He’s likely to stare at you suspiciously and
snap: “Sorry. Don’t have time right now.” And
dash off, not making further eye contact. (He’ll
avoid you, in future.)
Yet that’s the equivalent of what happens when
the average person “researches” a target market,
and says, “Right. 30-something. Caucasian. Looks
like he dresses okay. He’s in a school parking
lot, so he’s probably dropped off a kid. That’s
my unique customer…” And dashes off a minisite
based on that information alone.
The end result? It feels as natural as one of
those screaming commercials on TV. The ones that
appear between 3 a.m. and 6 in the morning.
But let’s take a deep breath, and rewind… We’re
going back to that school parking lot…
Once you’ve got up close and simply said a
friendly “hello”, he’s no longer just a generic
“parent” or “guy between 30 and 50”. He’s someone
you can identify a little more deeply and
individually. He’s “that guy in the black
overcoat who looks about 32, and always wears the
checkered scarf in red and black.” If I asked
you, you could probably tell me what color his
hair was, and if he was Caucasian or Asian; and
whether or not he looked like he was barely
scraping by, or whether the distinctive overcoat
and scarf looked like it came from a trendy
designer, giving you the impression he makes well
over $100,000 a year.
But you don’t stop there. The next day, you get
into a conversation with him – you “engage” him.
You discover what you both have in common – and
where you diverge. You find out that he has 3
daughters under the age of 10; that his big
passion in life is golf; and that he absolutely
hates the color lilac. You discover you both went
to the same university (just different years). He
admits he’s about to buy a brand new car, and
he’s been thinking about a hybrid, because even
though he’s not a rabid environmentalist, he just
can’t ignore the problem of pollution any longer.
And gas costs too much.
Your success,
CPA Lesson #3 - Customer Research
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #3 - Customer Research
That’s the major portion of the “research” you
need to be doing, in a nutshell: Getting to know
who your visitor is. You can speed it up, you can
know good shortcuts to take – but you can’t force
it. You can take action quickly… but you do have
to get to the chatting stage first before you
“pitch” your offer. (Not literally, of course...
but you do have to know your reader as well as
you got to know Don.)
Based on that information, would you have
confidence creating a minisite or blog to attract
Don that contains hybrid car reviews?
At this stage of your relationship, of course you
You already know it’s probably going to attract
him, if you populate it with reviews of the top
10 vehicles being currently sold - especially if
you focus on the 3 hybrids among them. You’d
easily be able to find a spot on the page to
insert a sign-up box (in an attractively-designed
sidebar – that isn’t lilac). You know that if
it’s an offer that says: “To obtain a coupon for
$100 off the purchase of any hybrid automobile
from a Ford dealer in the state of Michigan, fill
in your zip code now”, Don is likely going to be
interested to the point of giving up his zip code
(since you both live in Michigan).
That’s exactly how “market research” is done. And
what it really means.
Getting to know:
• What your visitors problems are
• What’s on his mind right now
• What’s likely to be on his horizon soon
• What he’s thinking about a lot
• What he’s secretly drawn to
• What he likes
• How much he has to spend
• What his financial concerns are
• What he would find appealing to the point of
being irresistible
But How Do You Get Him To Find Your Site?
That’s when you finally get to “keyword research”
– the place most people start! After you’ve put a
name to the face, and gotten to know your ideal
potential customer.
Hopefully, you do know how to perform keyword
research, at this point, so we aren’t going to
linger over that. No matter what amazing keyword
research software you have, however, I would
recommend starting like this:
• Keep yourself in your unique site visitor’s
shoes: Ask yourself “What is Don going to search
for? What words would he use?”
• Go to Wordtracker’s Free Keywords tool, and
enter that search term.
As you go through your usual following keyword
research steps, you’ll be more likely to come up
with targeted results if you’ve started from a
position of strong market research and knowing
your unique visitor really well.
Keep it simple – after all, people like Don don’t
jump through convoluted thought processes when
they start looking on the net for information
they really need. They just type in “best hybrid
cars” or “hybrid car pros and cons” or “hybrid
car reviews”.
But What Does All This Have to Do with CPA?
The blunt answer is: “Everything”. Thorough
market research, finished by simple but targeted
keyword research, is the key element, the
“missing link”, that separates people who are
successful at CPA marketing from those who spend
$500 on a PPC ad in order to make $2.37 on a CPA
It’s the root at the bottom of the CPA tree. If
those roots are too shallow, or spindly and
inadequate, you aren’t going to get a strong,
healthy tree that bears a ton of fruit, right?
But now that we’ve got that established, it’s
time for an overview of what you’ve been waiting
for… CPA Marketing.
Your success,
CPA Lesson #4 - CPA Offers And Networks To Join
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #4 - CPA Offers And Networks To Join
You can get involved in CPA marketing through
several different types of offers. As you try CPA
marketing out, you may find that you feel really
uncomfortable with some types, and perfectly
happy with others.
Types of CPA Marketing
Email lead captures - Usually requires your site
visitor to “enter your email address for more
information” (or a free eBook, etc.) Average
Payout: Anywhere from 85 cents to $1.20 per lead.
Free Product Offers - Where your site visitors
get something concrete in return for submitting
their information (e.g. free sample, gift card,
discount coupon for restaurant, etc.).
This type of offer can generate a high
click-through rate, but note that you are usually
only paid if a sale results Average Payout:
Anywhere from $17-45 Lead generation Involves
capturing a little more than just an email
address – usually first and last name, address,
and perhaps even phonePayment varies Pay-Per-Sale
High end products with large commissions
These are the CPA offers that can make a real
difference to your income – but this is basically
affiliate marketing Best Payout: $60-300 Zip Code
lead captures $1 per lead.
A Crucial Step
Before throwing yourself wholeheartedly, do take
the time to actually enter and check out offers
like these. Run searches in Google for words like
“insurance + review” or “free gift card” to find
blog sites that contain CPA ads. One thing that
will strike you straight away is the many results
that come up exposing “scams” connected with
these CPA offers. That is why it’s crucial you
check out these offers yourself, before blithely
building a site around them.
CPA networks, and How They Work
The first thing you have probably already
realized is that there are a lot of shady
companies out there, and you don’t want to work
hard to gain Don’s trust, then send him to a
company that doesn’t deliver what it promises –
worse, is out to scam him!
One way to protect yourself – and Don – is to
join a CPA network. Unfortunately, it’s hard to
tell what benefits each one offers, until you’ve
signed up and tried them out.
• 3 highly reputable companies to start with are:
• Clickbooth
• Pepperjam
• ShareaSale
Later on, after you’ve got the hang of CPA
marketing, you might wish to try a few more. Here
is a sampling of better-known CPA networks:
• Adfish
• Azoogle
• AZN Network
• Clickbooth
• Hydra
• Linkshare
• Neverblueads
• Offerweb
• Ourfreestuff
• ROI Rocket
• ShareResults
Your success,
CPA Lesson #5 - Choosing CPA offers
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #5 - Choosing CPA offers
You’ll notice both similarities and differences
with CPA networks. You can either start off
slowly, by just concentrating on one or two until
you’ve got your “method” under control, or you
can sign up for several, and later drop the ones
that don’t suit your style.
The differences lie mostly in the way they pay
you. Some require you to rack up “points” before
you can redeem either a physical reward or cash.
Others deal strictly and straightforwardly with
cash compensation.
You will also notice that there are certain types
of offers that seem to be huge converters. The
thing to be aware of when dealing with these
categories is that this also means there is huge
• Debt
• Mortgages
• Insurance
• Credit
• Ringtones
• Anti-Aging Skin Care
• Weight loss
They may not be the most exciting of niches, and
competition is fierce, but they’re worth
considering because their payouts are usually
relatively high. Don’t just copy what others are
doing – think up fresh ways to promote each offer.
(Study your competition. See what works for them
– and then see if you can identify anything
they’re missing in their strategy and introduce
it in yours.)
If you’re a new marketer, and don’t have a list,
a signup form for your list will be absolutely
essential (not just for your CPA offer). You’ll
need to offer a compelling reason for site
visitors to sign up – perhaps a free report,
video or eBook on the subject they’re fascinated
with: The reason they’re visiting your site.
If you’re new, a PPC ad campaign will move you
rapidly up in Google’s ranks, more quickly than
any other strategy. But only use this if you
follow the tips made earlier in this report
(setting a daily limit, daily tracking of
clickthroughs, using a short term campaign, etc.)
– otherwise you could end up losing more money
than you make!
When you are first starting out, filling out
applications for CPA networks, select:
• Text Links
• Banners
You can always add more types of ads later on,
once your website or sites are up and running,
and you’ve gotten the hang of CPA marketing.
Your success,
CPA Lesson #6 - CPA Website Optimization
SUBJECT: CPA Lesson #6 - CPA Website Optimization
It’s important to populate your blog or site with
at least 12 articles or pages of really
interesting, unique content – material that your
particular “Don” will find:
• Rewarding
• Interesting
• Exciting
• Useful
• Exactly what he needed!
This accomplishes 3 vital functions:
1. It’s great for Google SEO
2. It quickly builds reader trust
3. It makes the reader much more inclined
(now that he trusts you) to click on your CPA offer
Just don’t let him down by sending him to a
fraudulent or “scammy” offer! Do remember to
check your CPA offers out personally, before
building a site around them (without violating
any “don’t click on your own ad” rules).
Some suggested ways to increase reader interest
(and content value):
1. Be specific. Don’t write generic material –
seek out valuable, concrete tips. Look for
material no one else has covered.
2. Make it interesting. Use stories and examples.
Use action words and verbs.
3. Use lists. Believe it or not, people love data
laid out in simple list format. Articles or posts
with titles such as:“10 Tips for…” “Features
included…” and “7 Mistakes Not To Make” are all
proven eye-catchers.
If you’re not a writer, use PLR (private label
rights articles) – but remember these are written
in a generic manner. Add juicy, specific details
yourself, and rewrite at least 60% of the content
(100% is better.)
If this feels too wearisome, don’t forget, you
can always outsource. Hire a ghostwriter.
But whatever you do, never insert PLR “as is”
into your sites or blogs. Not only will your
content be too boring and generic, your reader is
likely to feel ripped off for being “lured” to
your site – not a good way to get him to click
through! And, of course, you risk having your
site dropped from active indexing by Google, who
will brand it as the dreaded “duplicate content”.
Types Of Ads You Display
In addition to Text Link ads and Banner ads, you
can also present CPA offers through:
• Email
• Newsletter
• Popups
You can encourage people to click purely by
simple physical placement on the page and with
design. In some cases, this really will be all
you need – especially if your content is highly
A Word of Caution
Don’t let your friends and relatives click on the
adds multiple times. For one thing, if you’re
running a PPC campaign and they click on your PPC
ad, it will cost you! And you risk being
penalized and dropped – just the same as with
Google AdSense – for any artificial clicks. (And
CPA networks can track and tell!)
And Speaking of Tracking
For absolute, basic starters, make sure Google
Analytics is installed on your site. Paste the
code at the bottom of your HTML, immediately
before the