Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Consult For Cash! New Video Series Reveals How!
Consultation Lesson #1 - Consulting For Cash
SUBJECT: Consultation Lesson #1 - Consulting For Cash
Welcome to the first lesson in the Consulting for Cash crash
Over the next few days you will receive several lessons that
will help you learn the ins and outs of starting your own
profitable consulting business.
In this first lesson we are going to talk a little about what is
involved in setting up a consulting business and how to know
what type of consultant you should be.
Consulting is currently one of the best business models you can
follow and it has many rewards including a nice profit margin
and plenty of flexibility.
Fact #1: Through consulting, the performance of a business may
be substantially improved.
Fact #2: Companies trust the ideas and suggestions of their
project team and staff; but most of the time, the expertise need
to achieve growth is limited.
Result: This leads to the hiring of private consultants to help
the business achieve its goals.
Consulting is a talent. If you have the skills and expertise to
help people take their business where they want it to go, then
consulting can be a great option with excellent financial
Establishing a consulting business is not always easy, it
involves a lot of self-marketing along with a solid reputation
and expertise to back it up.
To gain success in consulting, you need to focus on selling one
product - YOU!
But, before you begin marketing yourself you should first
determine what your consultant potential is. You can do this by
asking yourself a few basic questions.
- What is the thing you are most passionate about?
- What is that thing that you do best?
Once you have determined what that is, ask whether there are
people who might need some assistance in that area.
- Now, can you help them?
Of course, you can! You are an expert on it! So why not do it as
a business? Earn money helping others with something you know
and do best-and that is business consulting.
You can start small. Do it in the comfort of your home as a
freelance consultant. There are a lot of organizations and
executives out there who are in need of expert consultants and
with a little fine tuning, you can become a high-paid advisor.
So what do you need to do next?
Well, as I have said earlier, you have to determine your area of
expertise first.
Then find out if you have the required certifications to claim
that you are an expert in that field? If you don’t, you must
secure that first. An expert without credentials is just another
person next-door, who is ambitioning to be an expert. People
believe in the written word, so you have to have that. However,
there are also professions or areas of expertise that doesn't
require certificates like fund-raising consultants. Expertise on
the likes of this area only needs experience. However, you have
to have vast experience in the field you are planning to advise
Second, your office, since you are starting small, your first
office can be your bedroom, or your study room, if you have one.
All you need is a table and chair, an internet connection and a
telephone line, and presto! You are almost ready to start your
consulting business.
Almost, because you have to understand that though you are
starting small, of course, you are also looking to becoming big
someday. So you have to be organized. Consultants are advising
on management and that includes time and things management. You
have to practice what you are advising.
Third, set your goals and limitations. Why limitations? You are
only starting your business, so don’t shoot stars. Set your
goals to a realizable scale or level. Do not target too many
clients and end up failing with your commitments. Be realistic.
Do not bite off more than you can chew. Maintain your clientele
to a manageable number.
Fourth, develop and make a record of your plan. You need to have
a tangible reminder of the path you are taking so you would not
go astray. It’s easy to get distracted and side-tracked from
your goals. So it’s best to have it formally written down and
give it a professional feel. This way, you can also have
something to show possible clients, proving that you are serious
in your business.
Fifth, create your lesson plans. Of course, before you can
advise, train, or teach, you have to have a lesson plan. You
have to know what you are going to tell your clients. Write it
on your own. Think of all the possible weakness people might
have in your chosen field. Focus and write about that. If you
don’t know how to start it, begin with the definition of your
profession and everything else would follow. The field you are
going to write about is your forte, so things should flow easily
once you have begun.
We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to
learn all about Consulting For Cash, so make sure you look for
your next lesson soon. In your next lesson we will be going over
some simple steps that will help you start your consulting
business the right way.
Thank you again for joining, if you have any questions or need
any assistance please feel free to contact me at anytime using
the contact information below. I will be happy to help.
Consultation Lesson #2 - Consulting For Cash
SUBJECT: Consultation Lesson #2 - Consulting For Cash
It’s time for your second lesson in the Consulting For Cash. I
hope you found lesson one informative. In the last lesson we
talked about business and how to know what type of consultant
you should be.
In this lesson we will go over some simple steps that will help
you start your consulting business the right way!
As we discussed in your last lesson, offering consultation
services is one of the best business models that you can follow
and can provide you with both profits and flexibility.
The typical way to start any type of business is to be as
informed as possible about the way it functions. This is also
true when running a consulting business.
A good place to start is to purchase informative books, video
and other manuals to learn everything you can about the
business. You can also seek advice from other consultants who
had been successful in their fields. Most of all, don't be shy
when it comes to asking for help.
Next, develop a harmonious working relationship with your
clients. Building good relationships with the clients is the
mantra of all businesses since relationships can go beyond the
initial sale and can also forge repeat buys. Clarify client’s
expectations versus what you can do.
Specify your expertise and the benefits they can get from having
you as their consultant. More often than not, clients especially
those big organizations have high expectations of the
consultants. By being realistic of your capabilities, the good
relationship can be developed from then on.
Then, make a good proposal with a clear statement of your
strategies and objectives. Since you are the consultant, you are
expected to solve majority of the organization’s problems.
Clearly state on your proposal the services you will provide and
the price you will be asking. Strongly emphasize the advantages
that your client will enjoy once they deal with you. You can
only do this by presenting the benefits they can reap after
getting your services.
Now, create a marketing plan to grab the most profitable
client’s attention. You can briefly present your marketing plan;
actually you can devise a seven sentence marketing plan.
- The first sentence explains the purpose of your project.
- Second sentence explains the ways on how to achieve the
purpose and the benefits that the clients can get.
- Third sentence describes the target market.
- Fourth sentence describes the niche.
- Fifth sentence is about the weapons you will utilize.
- Sixth sentence is about your business identity.
- And the seventh is all about the budget.
Present a refined, professional image. Being in the image
business, your clients will perceive you as an ultimate maker of
sales. One sure way to draw new clients is to be categorized as
an expert in the consulting industry.
Project yourself as an expert having marketable skills produced
from a combination of education and knowledge you gained from
years of experience. Since your skills are rare, many companies
will be willing to pay your premium. But they also need to see
you as in demand, successful and one of the top quality
consultants of all time. Make sure that you have all the
necessary materials such as sample videos and business cards.
Convey an image of an expert who have all the knowledge clients
can benefit from.
Consider offering a free introductory session when needed.
Often, consultants are conscious of the bills and are hesitant
to give their services. Being a consultant does not always mean
charging per hour of your precious service. If you are just
starting with your business, you must first build client’s
awareness about your services so free short consultation will
not hurt you. Ensure that your client will be interested on your
services by conducting free information seminar once in a while.
This can give you exposure and referrals.
Be keen with results. The clearest path to have new clients is a
promotion from those who saw your first successful project. Keep
your network of employers and other persons that you know.
Always keep in mind that in consulting business, results are the
viable tool to acquire clients. To be successful, you must
deliver and offer undisputed value to your clients and all other
members of your network.
These are just some simple steps that can be followed when
starting a new consulting business. This might not be enough
though since a great effort must be exerted when running any
chosen business. With all these ingredients, your consulting
business will surely give you huge money.
That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson we will be
talking more about some of reasons why you should consider
offering your business consulting for free!
Again, I appreciate your joining me for this short course. If
you have any questions or need any assistance please feel free
to contact me at anytime. I will be glad to help.
Consultation Lesson #3 - Consulting For Cash
SUBJECT: Consultation Lesson #3 - Consulting For Cash
In your last lesson we talked about some simple steps to help
you start your consulting business the right way. In today's
lesson we are going to talk about some of reasons why you
should consider offering your business consulting for free!
I know, I know… You must be thinking that I'm crazy, suggesting
that you offer your business consulting for free. We touched
briefly on this in your last lesson and as we move forward I
feel it is important that you understand the benefits of
offering your services for free.
The big question you may be asking yourself is; "How can I make
money by providing my consulting services for free?" You may be
thinking that will turn your business into a charity, right?
What I'm talking about here is giving out free consultancy as a
teaser, a free taste or free sample, so to speak. People don’t
just buy new products from a stranger without testing the
product first. When you are just getting started chances are
that you aren't very well-known, so it will be more difficult to
get new clients to invest in you.
Nobody invests in something that is not reliable to generate
good results. Unless you are backed by someone very famous and
reliable, you are not going to get clients for your business.
By providing free consultancies, you are giving them a taste of
what it is like to have you as a consultant. You are not going
to hand them everything you have got in a silver platter. No,
that’s not what I am saying. It just about giving them a free
sample-a small sachet of your service. It is a very good way of
enticing and luring them to your business. Once you have proven
that you can help them and you made them happy with the result
of your sample service, they are left with little choice but to
hire your services. They wouldn't be able to deny a good
tangible result!
So, what you have to do is advertise on your website that you
are offering free business consulting. Nothing lures customer
more effectively than the screaming word “FREE”. People’s
weaknesses always include freebies.
Create a downloadable request for consulting form on your
website so that they can send you their contact information and
initial details of their consulting needs. This would also give
you chance to build your list of possible clients as they would
be leaving their company’s contact information and their own
contact information as well.
Once you have gained enough names on your list, try to become
friends with them. In every business, good relationship is the
key. So don’t just build mountains of contacts, but build
networks of relationships.
Establish a good working relationship with everyone you meet in
your free consulting services, and you are sure to get
referrals. This way, you are slowly building a network that
would work for you and your business.
When you have lots of friends in the business world who believe
in your talent, they would surely tap you in every endeavor
related to your expertise.
Soon afterwards, you would find yourself speaking at their
conferences or seminars. And that is another opportunity for you
to market yourself and your business consulting services. You
can do the public speeches for free, too! This way, you are
establishing goodwill and gaining their trust. And in a way,
they become indebted to you and would doubtlessly return the
favor in the future.
Offering free business consulting services and free public
speeches are even better and cheaper than advertisements using
professional advertising agencies. You can also consider it as a
practice in honing your consulting skills. But of course, you
still do your own advertising from your own website, publishing
newsletters and distributing brochures and leaflets.
Consultation Lesson #4 - Consulting For Cash
SUBJECT: Consultation Lesson #4 - Consulting For Cash
How are you? We're winding down to the end of this short course.
But we still need to go over a few things so that you can be
sure to get your consulting business off to a great start.
Today we are going to jump right into some of the things that
you should know about running a consulting business. Remember,
you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You just have to have the
right mind set and the proper information to get on the right
According to the Harvard Business School research, about 100
billion dollars are generated by the business consulting
industry. This is from the annual revenues gained by consultants
solely in the United States. Consultants are really needed by
companies in a slow economy to assist them in cutting their
costs and increasing their revenues.
As a business consultant, you will be relied on and respected in
every industry and in every country. Being a business
consultant, you will be admired for both your independence and
The bottom line of business consulting is to help organization
leverage their business performances to produce viable results.
Among the services that can be offered by business consulting
- Improving productivity.
You can assist your clients to work more efficiently or redesign
the work processes. You can also institutionalize and design
metrics for process enhancements.
- Optimizing workload and applications.
You can help clients align applications for business strategy,
plan internal resources and prioritize critical work requests.
- Ensuring effective outsourcing.
You can also ensure the outsourcing suitability of the
organizations infrastructure and applications. You can also help
them design governance structure that will lead to better
management of relationship issues and organizational change.
You can also choose to specialize in other different areas such
marketing consulting, small business consulting, communications
consulting, organizational development consulting, IT
consulting, strategic planning consulting, HR consulting and any
other areas that need professional advice.
With all the expertise gained by a business consultant, it’s no
wonder that they are one of the most highly paid professionals.
On a recent survey conducted by Association of Management
Consulting Firms, it was found out that entry level consultants
earn an average annual income of $65,000 or more.
When it comes to being a highly sought after consultant just
remember that hard work and perseverance equates the profit and
fame that you may acquire from this business. There are also
some good rules of thumb that you should always keep in mind:
You and the client should have a good working relationship.
Establish a relationship that will go beyond your first sale.
Clarify the expectations from your first assignment. Describe
the things that you do and identify the benefits a client will
achieve. Clients hire you because of your skills and expertise
so you should be able to produce a quality work for them.
You are hired as a consultant to help the client’s problem;
clearly state your proposal that is beneficial enough for the
client, that way the price that you are asking them is worth the
pay. From your proposal, let them feel that they really need
your expertise. Always emphasize the benefits that they will
obtain from your services.
Always present a professional image. The client’s perception of
what you are is really important. Always show them that you have
the expertise and skills that are highly based on the
combination of your education and knowledge from your chosen
field. Because of this, client would willingly pay you because
your skills will help them improve their firms. Always keep in
mind that clients expect to see an in demand and successful
business consultant.
You are just establishing a consulting business, so offer free
sessions. This will be the chance for you to expose yourself and
gain referrals. Always keep in mind that as a starting
consultant you need not bill them right away. First, think of
ways you can help them, not monetize every hour you talk to them.
Charge your clients by your hourly rate, not by the whole job. A
consultant is being paid for the hours that will be used for the
project. Make sure that the rate your rate is equivalent to your
expertise, type of field and your contracting firm’s size. Also,
include in your fees the overhead expenses, the time spent in
marketing and other administrative endeavors.
Make an update of your client’s portfolio. It’s not bad to
remove clients that generate small income. After all, you are
talking about your own business here. You can get referrals from
good clients and even fish for some new industries to widen your
horizon. But remember; take on the assignments that you think
you will enjoy and never forget to follow up for your clients.
These are just a few simple guidelines that will help you
establish a a successful consulting business. Entering the
business consulting arena can be a daunting task, but if you
have the needed skills and expertise, you'll have no problem
becoming successful in this field.
Just remember that, business consulting is a win-win situation
if you are a good consultant. You can help improve other firms
and also improve your consulting business. So start your
consulting business and move your way for a higher income.
Don't forget to keep an eye out for my next email. There will be
some great stuff in your last lesson. We are going to talk about
some great ways to help keep your consulting business
Consultation Lesson #5 - Consulting For Cash
SUBJECT: Consultation Lesson #5 - Consulting For Cash
Well, we have come to the final lesson in the Consulting For
Cash crash course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your lessons and
learned a lot about starting your own profitable consulting
In this last lesson we are going to talk about some great ways
to help keep your consulting business sustainable and profitable
for years to come.
Like every other business endeavor, business consulting has its
own risks. There will always be doubts and second thoughts and
lots and lots of after thoughts. Nothing in this life is sure to
last forever.
In fact, nothing really will last forever. So if what you want
is to have a business that would last forever, you are trying to
hit the moon. However, there is always hope, to keep your
business afloat and thriving in the jungle world of
entrepreneurship for a very long time.
Yes, there is always hope. But you have to work really hard for
that hope to materialize. The best thing you can aim at is
keeping your business consulting firm sustainable. If you can
achieve that, then you can start working on keeping it abreast
with other companies in the field.
So how do you keep your consulting business sustainable? You
only have a few contacts or connections, so what happens when
you have used up your existing resources?
Simple. Create and build new resources. The only way to keep
your business going is to have an ample supply of resources. So,
here are a few things you could do to keep business going and
First thing to do is to firmly establish your business plan. You
are going to engage in a very serious business so you have to be
serious about.
Your clients should take you as a serious, no-nonsense person
that would deliver them good results. So do your homework and be
Have a comprehensive business kit containing details of your
services in a neatly packaged brochure, with hourly rates,
project rates, retainer basis rate and whatever package you want
to serve your client.
This brochure would be your salesperson in your absence, so make
it the best brochure you can ever make. This is the blood of
your business, keep it pulsing through your veins.
Second is finding clients. You can find clients through friends’
referrals but that would not last very long. Even if you have a
long list of friends, that is still not enough to last your
business a lifetime.
So you have to exert more effort. Try cold calling. It may sound
a little to below your level, but hey, this is business! You
need to do whatever it takes to get clients and cold calling is
not as bad as you may think. You just have to do it right and do
it nicely.
You know how irritating it is to be offered things over the
phone, so try not to be irritating. Try not to do the things
that those telemarketers do to irritate you.
Prepare a nice introductory script before making your first
call. Try not to bombard your prospective client with the
details of your business. Your goal is to get him interested
enough to agree on a meeting with you for further discussion of
your services.
It also pays to remember that very person you meet, great or
small is a possible connection. So be nice to all people all the
time. He may just be a janitor or a food attendant at a
restaurant, but for all you know, you may be talking the person
who could lead you to your biggest catch ever. So be nice all
the time.
As we close this final lesson I would like to thank you again
for joining me and I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot
about how to start your own profitable consulting business!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will
be glad to help!
Good luck with your all of your business endeavors.