Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Build A $112,800.00 Income From A $47 Idea
Why You Shouldn't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet
SUBJECT: Why You Shouldn't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet
Just because you've launched one or two products that
have made a few sales on the Internet, don't think it's
time to quit your day job just yet.
Let me tell you from experience, just because you have
one or two successful product launches on the Internet
you definitely still want to keep the security of your
day job!
I have been selling e-books and software of one kind
or another on the Internet for over 10 years now. I
have been quite successful.
But the biggest mistake I ever made was when I quit my
job, before I turned that new found income into
"steady income".
You see there is a big difference, between selling a
few e-books and software products on the Internet, and
being in the position where you can be 100% positive
you can continue to create steady income on an ongoing
I just about lost my house three months after quitting
my job, because my next launch didn't go as good as
the first two did.
The most important thing I've learned since then, is in
order to quit that day job you need to develop a good
steady "reliable" income on the Internet.
One of the best way to create this kind of reliable
income, and I mean the kind of income that you can be
absolutely sure is going to come in month in and month
out, is a membership website or continuity program.
Sure one-hit wonder website launches are great and can
bring in a lot of money, and I definitely recommend
that you continue working on those types of products.
But if you want real security in your Internet
marketing business, then you absolutely must have at
least one or two membership websites that bring you a
steady recurring income every single month no matter
how good or bad your next lunch does.
Let me help you make sure that you don't quit your day
job too soon also, and run into the kind of financial
stress that almost took my house away for me.
I can tell you everything I know in this short video
To Your Success,
P.S. You will be able to quit your day job soon enough,
but just make sure you can count on your new Internet
income before you do!
500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month!
SUBJECT: 500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month!
Dear {!firstname_fix},
500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month!
Creating a membership website, can bring you in a
monthly recurring income that can rival most people
day jobs.
One of the greatest things about starting a monthly
membership website is that you do not have to actually
have to create any of the content yourself.
With a lot of the new freelance websites available
such as rent a coder or Elance you can find
outsourcers that will create tons of content you can
deliver monthly to your subscribers incredibly cheap.
If the subject line of the e-mail got your attention,
how would you like to learn how that can become a
reality in your life, as it is in mine?
If you could find 500 people to pay you a measly $20 a
month, think of the type of house payment that that
extra $10,000 per month could make.
One of the greatest things about a membership website
is the more customers you get the more you can afford
to spend on your content each and every month.
Think about it for a minute, if you have $10,000 per
month coming in from recurring membership payments and
you spent only half of that $10,000 per month on
outsourcing fresh content to add that membership
website, you can add a ton of new content every month.
You could literally have hundreds of articles and
dozens of cutting edge video training tutorials, and
even a full-length e-book or two each and every month
added to your members area.
Now of course most membership websites never add near
this amount of content every month, but if you did
your customers would absolutely be blown away and very
likely be begging you to take their $20 every month if
you ever decided to close membership website.
If you would like to learn the secrets of how I create
websites exactly like the one described above go here
for the rest of the story.
To Your Success,
P.S. $20 at a time you can change your entire
lifestyle, what are you waiting for?
Getting it right the first time!
SUBJECT: Getting it right the first time!
Dear {!firstname_fix},
How many times he started working on a website, only
to find out after months of work you got a new product
that just doesn't sell.
What I could show you a way to virtually guarantee you
only pick the winners every single time you decided to
launch a new website.
Would that be of interest to you?
What if you could skip the months, of trial and error
and know exactly what to do right now in the next two
How much is your time worth?
If I could save 2 to 3 months of trial and error and
launch my next website next week instead of three
months from now, it would take me calculator to figure
out much additional income I could make by having my
website running for those three months rather than
being worked on for those months!
If you would like to see how I shortcut my way to
success over and over again, with every single new
website the I decide to launch then you don't want to
miss this.
I could try to explain exactly what I mean in this
short e-mail, but I can say way better here...
Will you take five minutes and join me?
To Your Success,
P.S. Would you invest five minutes of your time to see
how I can save you three months of frustration?
Continuity Cash Lesson #1: 8 Good Reasons Why I Love Membership Sites
SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #1: 8 Good Reasons Why I Love Membership Sites
You can make serious cash one small monthly payment at
a time.
I absolutely love continuity programs and membership
type websites and that's exactly what were going to be
talking about in this short five-day Ecourse.
We will be talking specifically about the type of
websites that get us a steady and reliable recurring
monthly income.
Of all of the things with Internet marketing that I've
done over the past few years, membership sites are one
of the best income generators of all
Why Membership Sites are so GREAT!
REASON #1 - Monthly, residual income
You get a steady income, month in and month out
regardless of how many new affiliates are promoting
for you.
As long as you keep providing that great content your
income keeps coming in.
REASON #2 - Passive cash flow (it just keeps on working!)
You membership website just keeps on working even
while you're sleeping. You're going to be in control
of how much money you make depending on what type of
membership website you decide to launch!
REASON #3 - Stable and Predictable income
Generally if you got a membership website, and you
have 500 members in January, and chances are in
February 400 people are not going to disappear. Sure
you will have some people cancel, but new members will
join as well.
This gives you a nice stable predictable income month
in and month out, something that you cannot get when
you just rely on new product launches.
REASON #4 - High Customer Value 500 members @ $20/month is
If you are to sell an e-book one time to somebody for
$27 you have exactly that $27. You would have to sell
new customers all the time to keep money coming in.
With your membership website at only $20 per month,
your customer value is much higher than that $27
e-book, because if your average $20 customer stays for
a total of 12 months they have a customer value of 12
x $20, or $240.
Much better than a one-time $27 ebook sale huh!
REASON #5 - You can Outsource 100% of it, or do it yourself
If you are an expert in the field that you choose to
set up your membership site in, you can certainly
spend your time creating all the content for the
membership site yourself in the form of articles and
video tutorials.
If you are not an expert in your chosen niche, then
you can easily outsource the creation of that content
to people that are experts in that niche.
You can literally have somebody else creating and all
the content for you, leaving little work to do
yourself, hows that for easy money?
REASON #6 - Fast and Easy to Create – Just one weekend
A membership website can be fast and easy to create,
it's really not as hard as you would think, in my
video series I show you everything step by step.
If you do things the right way you can get your first
membership started this weekend and continue to build
upon it month after month as more members join.
REASON #7 - YOU don’t have to be the Expert
A building contractor is usually the guy that makes
more money on the job than anyone else when building a
home. The interesting part is the contractor is not an
expert at plumbing, installing Windows, or laying tile.
He hires these jobs out to experts in each of those
individual niches, yet he is the one that makes the
most money on the overall build of the whole house.
A membership site can run exactly the same way, you
can hire experts to create content on any topic you
can imagine, in fact you can hire multiple experts and
have the top authority website in any given field on
the entire Internet.
And you don't have to be an expert in that topic..
That's powerful!
REASON #8 - It’s Easy to Sell your Membership Site
Once you build up a membership site on any given topic
that you choose and it has a steady recurring income,
you can sell that membership website for many many
multiples of its monthly income.
Think about that for just a minute, you just create a
site and get up and running, fill it with some members
which I'm going to show you how to do..
And now you have a legitimate business you can sell
for a fortune.
Remember above when we talked about how...
500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month!
If you have a membership website that's making $10,000
per month, you could easily sell a website like this
for over $150,000
You then just move on to building your next membership
website, can you see the power here?
To find out more how you can get started today
checkout my full video seminar.
To your success,
Continuity Cash Lesson #2: 3 Membership Models That Work 100%
SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #2: 3 Membership Models That Work 100%
There is literally no end to the type of content that
you could deliver on a monthly recurring basis online,
but they're are three basic models of how to deliver
your content that I like to work with the most.
#1 Free Membership – Forums, blogs, MySpace, etc.
The first model that I would like to talk about are
free membership websites.
These are basically Web forums, blogs, content that
you would put up on sites like Facebook and MySpace.
Basically any content that you wish to give away for
free in order to build a subscriber base that you can
sell additional products to a later date.
With sites like this you require your members to
register so you can collect their information, but
they don't have to pay to sign up.
#2 Single Pay – You sign up and pay once, accessing
valuable information
This next type of membership site, is a single pay
site where your members sign up and pay for the
content once, that they can access in your members
area forever.
Let's say you have a single sale product such as an
e-book or set of videos, that you're NOT going to
charge a recurring monthly fee for. I highly recommend
that you still setup a members area on your site and
have your customers access that membership website to
get the content rather than just a single download
This gives you a much higher selling point and
perceived value, because you can sell your customer on
the fact that their order today gives then lifetime
access to your product and membership area.
This gives such a higher perceived value than just a
one time downloadable e-book, because now your
customers have lifetime access to something exclusive
and in your niche.
You can even tell them that when they place their
order they'll get access to all future updates and
that on occasion you do add new content to the members
This will keep them coming back and this gives you a
great opportunity to display additional offers inside
of that members area.
#3 Subscription – Recurring revenue
While this is my favorite of the three subscription
models, please still understand that there is a lot of
value in the two previous models I mentioned above.
With this type of subscription model you're going to
get your customer to pay you on a recurring basis
whether that is monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or even
With any of these types of payment options you get
money again and again from the same customer that you
only had to sell once.
This is the main type of continuity program that we
will be talking about in my full video seminar, and
this is one of the first type of continuity programs I
recommend that you set up.
If you would like to find out all the details on how
you can get a membership site going checkout my video
seminar where I teach you everything step by step.
Which ever type of continuity membership website
you decide to set up, the best recommendation I can
give you is to get started sooner rather than later!
The sooner you start building your website and
content, the sooner your recurring income starts
coming in!
To your success,
Continuity Cash Lesson #3: Starting A Membership In The Right Market
SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #3: Starting A Membership In The Right Market
There's no point spending months working on a
membership site if no one is going to buy it. So today,
we're going to learn how to select a great market for
your membership site.
A good market has desperate, impulsive buyers.
People that want to buy NOW!
There are a lot of hot markets out there, that have
a lot of people interested in them, BUT they are
not buyers.
These are the kind of markets were people maybe do a
lot of research, but they don't do a lot of buying.
These types of markets may have websites with a lot of
discussion groups, but they're not passionate or
impulse type buyers.
What we want ideally is a crowd of people with a
desperate, I have to have this now, or I need a
solution right now. kind of mentality.
We also want to look for a group of people that reside
in a niche where there are other advertising outlets
besides just Pay-Per-Click.
We want to get into a niche where there are other
opportunities that we can advertise with banners on
some else's website, possibly in magazines, if there
happens to be a magazine related to the niche that
your membership site is based in, radio advertising on
a talk radio show that covers your niche, or even
trade shows or seminars where people are passionate
about your topic.
We also want to look for the type of niche where we
can offer fulfillment as an information only product.
We don't want to have to pay for inventory, or spend
money on products to resell.
We are looking for a niche that we can just create
information products in the form of e-books articles
and videos that are delivered digitally on the
Internet or as a monthly shiped CD or DVD to your
customers directly.
There is a way bigger profit margin when you sell
information than when you sell a physical product,
that has a high production cost.
So we are not looking for something that we have to
buy and then resell, we want to sell information,
because the cost of creating information is not that
high, and you can basically create information once
and sell the same download or access to that
information in your membership site over and over
Once you've paid for the original creation of that
content to your customers that sign up in the future,
it costs you nothing more, and your supply never runs
Another important thing that we want to consider when
setting up our membership site is to make sure that we
are targeting *Proven Internet buyers*.
There are actually some niches, where the targeted
customers just do not like to buy online, they
preferred doing it in person or over the phone and
these are not the type of customers we are looking for.
We are looking for customers, that are used to making
purchases online and that love to consume all of the
available information they can in their niche.
A great market has a need for ongoing support, we are
not looking for a one-hit wonder here where one e-book
would tell them everything they would possibly need to
We want to look for a niche where there is a continual
need for people to come and learn new and ongoing
things in your niche. A type of website where your
customers are and have a need and a desire to come
back again and again each and every month for new
If there's not a need for new content every month it's
going to be pretty tough to keep charging them a
recurring membership fee every month.
In my full video series we cover everything on how you
can find a hot niche that's going to be evergreen, and
keep your customers coming back month in and month out
to devour the content you create for them.
To find out exactly how you can get started creating
your membership site today check out our full video
To your success,
Continuity Cash Lesson #4: Consumer And Business-To-Business Markets
SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #4: Consumer And Business-To-Business Markets
Today were going to talk about the "Two Markets"
Now what I mean by the two markets is the different
types of markets that we will sell our membership
products to.
Now when I say two markets, I'm not talking about the
good markets and the bad markets, I'm talking about
the two types of markets within a great market.
This market consists of products that you would sell
such as Diets, cleanses, healthcare, finance, hobbies,
These are the types of markets that all average
consumers would be interested in.
These are going to typically be lower customer value
($10-$30/ month) types of membership niches.
The plus side to this is these types of niches have a
huge potential customer base.
This is because these types of membership sites are
going to have a huge appeal to a large number of
different people, all over the world.
This can be good because it gives us a large amount of
people that could possibly be potential customers for
your membership website.
The more customers that you have that would be
interested in your product, obviously this is going to
make it easier to sell new memberships to these types
of customers.
You can find some niches that will literally allow you
to include just about everybody in your potential
customer pool, this can make targeting your
advertising very easy because such a large number of
people would have interest in your niche topic.
The other type of big market that would make a great
membership website are business and trade membership
These are basically people that are interested in
making money whether it be in their business, or in
people advancing their career, such as being a better
Internet marketer, or how to be a better Real Estate
Agent, or Mortgage Broker.
There are an endless number of topics of people that
are in a certain type of business that would love to
learn how to better themselves in that trade.
Career or business improvement niches can be very
This is because these type of niches have a much
higher customer value ($30-$100/month or more)
Because anytime you're talking about teaching a person
how to make more money or advance themselves in their
lifelong career they are willing to pay a lot of money
for this type of advice.
You can market high $$$ items, when you are targeting
this type of niche.
Can you imagine how much a great real estate agent
makes every year, and how much that real estate agent
would be willing to pay you if you could teach them a
way they could possibly double or even triple their
Now one thing to consider is the types of niche where
you're specifically targeting real estate agents, or
chiropractors, or any other tight knit type of
professional, is that there are not as many potential
customers, but better conversions once you do find the
type of customers that you are looking for.
If you can tell somebody how to make more income they
are definitely going to be willing to pay you a lot of
money, so when you get into these sorts of niches you
can sell a much higher ticket item on a recurring
monthly basis.
The great thing about these type of niches also is
that once you have created a large database of
members, you can go on to sell them even higher ticket
items such as seminars, home study courses, and
personal one-on-one coaching.
Again, keep in mind if you want to start selling
information in a professional business niche such as
one of professional businesses that I mentioned above,
you still do not have to be an expert in that market
you can hire people to create any of this type of
content for you.
To find out more, check out my full video series which
is available to you now and will help you get started
in creating a great membership site income.
To your success,
P.S. Don't sell yourself short, you can literally
become an expert overnight in any niche that you
choose when you know where to hire the right people to
create your content for you.
Continuity Cash Lesson #5: Membership Checklist
SUBJECT: Continuity Cash Lesson #5: Membership Checklist
So here we are already on day five of my Continuity
Cash Secrets eCourse, I want to thank you for sticking
with me for this long and I truly hope that you have
found some value in these basic lessons that I've sent
you over the past week.
Before I get started in today's lesson I did want to
tell you that you can get my entire video seminar and
learn how you can set up your own membership website.
These videos are available right now my website at:
I have created a great step-by-step video tutorial
that will teach you everything that you need to know,
and of course it comes with a full moneyback guarantee
if you think that I failed to deliver in any way at
all after you watch my videos.
That means you literally have nothing to lose, by
giving me a chance to show you how you can set up a
great membership website just as I have done multiple
times in the past.
Ok, so back into it!
One of the things you might be wondering is...
How expensive is it to set up your own membership
I'm here today to tell you that it is not expensive at
all, you can run your entire membership website using
WordPress and it's free.
There are a couple plug-ins that I use to help make
some of my membership sites run smoothly and to aid in
the content delivery but most of these plugins can be
had for under 100 bucks, and they definitely are not
necessary to get started.
These are luxury items that you can purchase after you
start getting new members into your site, and you can
just pay for these types of items out of your profits.
Ok, here is your checklist plan on getting your
membership site setup fast!
STEP #1 - Get your Content Together
This can be content that you create yourself or that
you hire an expert to create for you.
STEP #2 -Setup and Test EVERYTHING on the site
You can use a WordPress blog to manage your members
area, with a few simple plug-ins I will tell you about
in the videos, the great part is that even if you're
not technically able to set up your membership site
yourself you can outsource this very cheaply.
STEP #3 - Build Your Membership
Once the site is up and tested, focus 100% on building
your membership, your entire goal during this stage of
you new membership website is going to be getting as
many new members as you can through word-of-mouth, pay
per click advertising, banner advertising, and any
other targeted advertising that will find your target
I cover more about where you can find members in the
STEP #4 - Reinvest your income for the first month
After you have started to make some income from your
first months members, you're going to want to reinvest
all of that income, into creating tons of great new
content for your membership site!
You can never have too much content, and the more you
give your members the more compelled they are going to
be to stay a member for a very long time.
So make sure you do not shortcut this, invest
everything from your first month back into the site.
STEP #5 - No full-blown updates until month 3
Now that you've been running your membership site for
a while, you want to contact your members either
through your membership forum or by e-mail and ask
them what types of things they would like to see in
your membership site in the future.
Your members are going to be the best advisers when it
comes to deciding the new type of content that should
be added to your new site, just ask them, they will be
happy to tell you exactly what they want.
STEP #6 - Acquire a staffed expert to create content
and moderate, after the 2nd month is completed.
Once your membership site is in full swing you
definitely want to consider hiring a full-time staff
expert to be on hand to answer any of your members
questions at any time, and to also create new content.
You might consider hiring one of the outsourced
writers that has been providing some of your article
content for your membership site, obviously this would
be a great choice because they already know all about
your type of content.
Once you have this person on staff full-time, they
will start to get a much better feel for your
membership site and the kind of things that will add
value to your site.
Once you have this full-time staff person managing
your members area you can watch your content
collection explode, and your membership base grow with
that content explosion.
STEP #7 - Outsource as much as you can, enjoy the
reward of your hard work!
There are Millions upon Millions of people who use the
internet everyday, that would love to find a
membership site like yours.
If you got value from this 5 day course, you can check
out my full video seminar without risk, and in no time
you'll be running your own membership site too.
Check out the full course Continuity Cash Secrets to
learn much much more about how you can create your own
membership website in ny niche you choose starting
To your success,