Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
"cPanel, Cron Jobs, Fantastico, Awstats.." The Complicated Stuff Simplified.
Lesson #1 - What Is cPanel And Why Do I Need It?
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - What Is cPanel And Why Do I Need It?
Cpanel is a back end area of sorts offered by many web hosting
services. It is an amazing tool but it can be a bit overwhelming
at first.
First things first, if your website has a Cpanel you can access
it by going to your website and then /cpanel.
You will then see a log-in screen and will need to put in the
user-name and password that your hosting provider gave you for
your website.
Once you have done this you will come to a screen with a whole
lot of icons.
The Cpanel window is divided into categories. The first one to
two categories are probably going to be unique to your web
hosting service.
At the bottom of the screen is where all the goodies are.
There's one icon that I'm going to talk about.. Fantastico.
If you click here you will be brought to a large menu of
software that you can install on your website free of charge.
Some of the really cool ones include..
- Wordpress (very good blogging software)
- Joomla (web content manager allows you to create many
different types of websites)
- Help Center Live (allows for live help chat assuming you have
someone manning the computer, otherwise provides a ticket system)
- phpBB (full featured forum system)
- Coppermine Photo Gallery (allows you to upload and organize
pictures into attractive galleries)
- Tikiwiki (nice wiki software)
- Moodle (allows you to create online courses)
- Web Calendar (allows you to create an online calendar)
There are many more really cool programs here, but that is a
sample of some of the best. You can get all sorts of
functionality out of your website from these programs, just be
prepared to spend the time to learn them. Hey, you can't beat
the price and trust me there are many software packages you can
get that do the same type of thing but cost hundreds or
thousands of dollars.
Follow the link below to find out how to install and use these
great power tools..
Lesson #2 - What Are Cron Jobs?
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - What Are Cron Jobs?
Imagine that you own a website forum and you want to delete
account holders that have not been able to log in for, let's
say, 30 days.
Instead of manually sending each and every inactive member an
email that says his account has been removed, why not use a cron
to do the job for you?
You see, with cron job as your partner, you can easily monitor
whose accounts are just a waste of space and who among your
members will automatically receive an e-mail reminder after
exactly 30 days.
Aside from these, there are other things that a cron job can do
to make managing a website an easy job for you.
So, what are cronjobs?
Cron jobs are automated programs created for Unix and Unix-like
platforms such as Linux.
Their job is to do particular commands that a web developer has
assigned them to execute at the exact time and given date.
For example, you need to send a group e-mail every 6:35 AM on
the 3rd day of every month.
Now, you don't have to remind yourself to wake up earlier than
6:35 AM just to write the content of the group e-mail and send
it to all members.
All you need to do is set the time and date of the message
Find out more about scripts that make your life easier as a
marketer below..
Lesson #3 - 6 Major Uses Of Your cPanel!
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - 6 Major Uses Of Your cPanel!
So, the question begs.. "What Can Be Done with cPanel?"
If your web hosting doesn't offer shell access, cPanel will be
the only way to manage your web hosting, cPanel is a web based
server control software that allows you to do the following
operations and a whole lot more. Common operations such as
adding FTP users, creating databases, creating mail accounts and
a multitude of other hosting operations can all be performed
with cPanel.
Creating Mail Addresses
If you have the domain and you would like to create a
mail address called, you can perform the following.
Firstly click on the Mail tab from the front page. There you
will see options to create, modify or delete mail accounts. If
you to forward mail to an existing account here you can set an
addres to forward to the account of your choosing. To read
emails access the Webmail tab from the front page
Managing your domains
You may want more than a single address directed towards one web
site, for example if you owned and, this can be
achieved by using the Parked Domains tab, here you can type any
address that you own to point to one of your web sites. If you
hosting provider allows you to have more than one web site on
your account, you can add domains via the Addon Domains tab. If
you hosting provider supports the creation of sub domains you
can create these via the Sub Domain tab.
FTP Options
You can create additional FTP users, set their access levels and
other FTP related tasks using the FTP tab.
Database Tasks
To create a new database, or modify existing databases use the
Database tab. Here you can perform all allowed database tasks,
to perform more advanced database operations you will need to
use phpMyAdmin, this can also be accessed from the Database tab.
Analyze The Logs
When running a web site you need to know what your visitors
like, where they are coming from, which search engines are
bringing the most visitors and all other data about them.
Normally you will have access to the raw log files, but these
are hard to analyze, to see data that is formatted about your
visitors in an easy to read way go to Web/FTP Stats, here you
will have the option to review your sites statistics using a
variety of software such as Webalizer or AWStats.
Most if not all cPanel installations these days come with
Fantastico which is an auto installer for many php based
scripts. Fantastico can be used to install popular php scripts
such as Wordpress, Mambo, phpbb and many other php products.
Using Fantastico is the easiest way to setup these php based
scripts and will save you having to manually upload the scripts,
and more often than not Fantastico will do all the configuration
of the script for you which is a real time saver.
cPanel is a very advanced application for configuring your
hosting and learning all the tricks can take some time, but
hopefully you now have the basics down and you can progress from
here as your experience with web hosting increases.
Check out the full video training below...
Lesson #4 - Profit From 404 Redirects!
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Profit From 404 Redirects!
Whenever you are making constant changes to your site it is
important to realize that any change in the Search Engines are
not instant. So if you change URL's on your pages then the
search engines will take a while to update with the new URL's.
Even at that, they will still hold your old URL indexed for some
What this means is that anyone finding the old URL will receive
a 404 (Page not found) Error.
It is possible to customize the 404 Error so that the page
redirects to the home page, to a site map, or sales page or
squeeze page. This would allow the visitor to navigate away from
the 404 page and keep them in your website. With a generic or
plain 404 page the visitor may get annoyed and leave your
To redirect visitors to a customized 404 error page requires
just a few simple steps. In your file directory of your website
you should have a file ".htaccess". If not, just create a blank
text document and use your ftp program of choice and upload it
to the website.
Open the file ".htaccess" and add the following line.
ErrorDocument 404
"yourdomain" is of course the http:// to your website.
404error.html can be any file name you want, but I like to keep
it simple and something that I think will make sense to anyone
looking at the file directory.
Now you can hand code or use your favorite web editor to create
your custom 404 page. I would recommend keeping it simple and
not include a lot of content. Use it get your visitor back to
looking at your site.
Hopefully your visitors will not ever land on your 404 error
page. If a visitor does find it, your website will look much
more professional by taking this small step. If you have a
website that is selling, by all means use this page as another
source to expose your client to your sales pitch.
More tips and tricks like this are available below...
Lesson #5 - How Can AWstats Help Me?
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - How Can AWstats Help Me?
With AWStats, you can get outstanding benefits since it provides
complete reports, analysis, and ready to use features that help
perform your site well.
Curious about how it helps for your site growth?
Here's two very important reasons why you might want to start
using it!
1. Gather intelligent data
You can check number of visits, visit durations, most viewed,
entry, and exit pages, visits of robots, worms attacks, keywords
to find your site in search engine, how many times your site is
added to favorite bookmarks, and many more by using AWStats
monitoring tool.
You will know how your site performs and how accessible it is to
users whether it is hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly
visit report.
2. Avoid losing traffic
AWStats monitoring tool is able to check HTTP pages like HTTP
error pages including 404, 403, 301, 400, 302, 206, 401, etc
happening to your website when someone tries to click it.
With this information, you'll know how much these error codes
are shown when users visit your website so that you can improve
your site for better future performance since you don't want
your users or potential users leave your site forever, right?
Check out the link below to see how to install Awstats on your