Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
The Formula For High Ticket Items!
Coaching Startup Lesson #1 - Providing Solutions To Your Clients
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #1 - Providing Solutions To Your Clients
The coach would ideally want to understand the
vision that the client has and then create and
outline of steps that the client will be able to
follow to effectively get the vision from that
stage to reality. In some cases, the inclusion of
inspiring tips may be needed to get the client
excited about reaching the end goal faster.
This exercise would also require the coaching
session to include helping the client to discover
the life currently lead in more depth and explore
changes so that personal development and
accomplishments both professionally and
personally can be made. Making the client
accountable and helping the client reach his or
her true potential is the key to developing the
growth factor.
There is also the active participation of the
coach in helping the client to increase the
creativity, productive and effectiveness levels
in tackling tasks set in the quest to reach the
end goal, as projected. Teaching the client
skills that will help in reaching the goal with a
bigger difference and to accelerate the choices
made in terms of career choices and personal
choices is also something the coach would have to
try and incorporate into the training sessions.
Helping the client shed any fears and hesitations
that are causing the current slump should also be
part to the coaching exercise, as this too will
help the client be a more overall effective
One of the more effective ways of getting the
audience to participate and interact within the
coaching session would be to incorporate the
questions and answers session within the
framework of the session.
However if this is not done with careful thought
and planning, the questions chosen could end up
causing problems, when there is little or no
response from the audience.
Questions are a great way to gauge the attention
span of the listening audience. This will give
the coach a clear indication on whether the
session is benefiting the audience and how much
the audience has been able to grasp so far. With
the incorporation of questions into the
presentation, the coach will also be able to get
the audience out of the listening only mode and
into the active participation mode. This is
important as it will also help the audience to
put into practice the issues being presented.
Ideally, the questions sessions should be
designed around a few important ideas, some of
which would have to include the exercise of
bringing out the potential of an individual or a
member of the team within the audience, creating
more meaningful interactions with the audience
and the exercise of building a strong and good
rapport with the listening audience. All these
are meant to ensure the coaching session is
beneficial to the audience in creating the
awareness required to get the audience to the
next level in their respective lives and careers.
Correctly designed questions, will also get the
audience seriously contemplating and thinking
about the presentation made within the frame of
the coaching session, thus helping them to mull
over the information and share any doubts or
queries they made have immediately. The questions
should ideally be designed, to help tap into the
audience perspective on the topic presented and
the relevancy it is expected to play in their
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #2 - Get Commitment By Assigning Homework
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #2 - Get Commitment By Assigning Homework
Making a presentation is often a comparatively
easy part of coaching and most coaches find this
relatively simple when compared to the other
connecting follow up exercises incorporated into
the overall exercise of ensuring the message is
delivered, understood and practiced by the
The assigning of tasks and homework is meant to
help both parties ensure the best of the session
has been absorbed and understood. This format
will allow the coach to have a better idea of
exactly how well the coaching session has been
able to impact the minds of the listening
audience. It will also give the coach some
perspective on the ways the information delivered
will be used in the individual lives of the
participating audience. Ensuring the information
presented at the coaching session is well
received and used in the desired way is also
another reason for the tasks or homework
necessity. At this point the coach will be able
to view the effectiveness of the coaching
sessions and make improvements or adjustments
should there be a need for it.
It will also provide a good platform for the
audience to put into practical use the
information gained at the session in a more
committed form. Helping to develop a more
independent use of the information learnt is also
something that can be displayed through the work
produced based on the tasks and assignments
given. It will also allow the audience to display
some level of independence in how the information
is to be incorporated into their lives based on
their own perspective and understanding. Should
the use of the information learnt be displayed in
a manner that is contrary to its original
presentation, the coach will be able to address
this as it would show up in the task or homework
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #3 - Make Your Coaching Entertaining
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #3 - Make Your Coaching Entertaining
Often attending coaching sessions can be quite a
challenge, especially if the subject matter is
rather boring and takes a lot of mental and
physical effort on the part of the participating
parties. However, there are ways a coach can use
to ensure the participants are having an
enjoyable time at the sessions.
The following are some of the ways to make a
coaching session entertaining and interesting:
* A coach who wants to ensure the sessions are
effective and entertaining in some respect would
have to work by certain attitudes. There should
be a sense of determination, and the ability to
“feel” the needs of the audience, especially if
there is a difficult presentation to be
understood. Going about this in a creative and
intelligent way would help to keep all parties
working well and smoothly. Therefore being
constantly mindful of the “atmosphere” would help.
* Relevancy is also another aspect that the coach
would have to look into. Being able to ensure the
material is designed to suit the audience and
done so in a fashion that would come across as
interesting and full of injections of movements
and suitable body language antics should be
* Good coaches usually know how and when to
inject a good story telling session into the
coaching exercise. Most people love to listen to
stories and it is even better if the story chosen
is relative to an event that has actually taken
place. The more real the story content, the
better the audience is able to connect to the
story telling session.
* The ability to laugh and not take things too
seriously is also another important
characteristic to have in order to be an
effective coach. Injecting humor into the
presentation material and then expressing it well
will keep the audience excited and interested in
the presentation
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #4 - Powerful Presentation Slides
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #4 - Powerful Presentation Slides
Part of a good coaching presentation exercise has
to include some slide presentation sections.
However these sessions should be well designed
and planned to ensure they are of the best
quality and style as the audience attention span
is the important factor to be able to attract and
The following are some tips on elements to
consider when creating a powerful presentation of
slides for the coaching session:
* Keeping it simple is perhaps the most important
factor to consider. Coaching session are already
comprised of a lot of material to absorb,
therefore designing the slides to portray a very
simple message with each slide is important. This
will help the audience not to feel overwhelmed.
Also, avoid too much color and distorted images,
as this may cause confusion to the audience.
* Limiting the bullet points and text is also
another important element to consider. Too much
written matter being shown on the slide would
only render the content boring and another
ineffective style used to exhaust the brain and
concentration levels of the audience even more.
Shorter and simpler presentations would be better
* Limit the transitions and builds that use the
animation platform. This should be judiciously
used, as ideally, it is not necessary to include
these animations in every single slide. Boredom
quickly sets in, if there are too many slides in
succession using the same style to present the
material. Using no more than two or three types
of transition effects without the same effects
between all the slides would be a better style to
go with.
* The quality of graphics chosen should also be
higher. This will reflect well on the coach and
the material used. The choice of graphics is
important in maintaining certain quality level
for the overall presentation.
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #5 - Provide Step By Step Guide
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #5 - Provide Step By Step Guide
Coaching effectively is not something that can be
done without the relevant effort put into
designing the material and the presentation
style. There are also other aspects that should
be taken into consideration, if the coaching
session is to be an overall success.
The following are some areas to consider in
providing a step by step guild to how to get
things done effectively so that the best coaching
sessions are featured:
Being able to coach confidently should be the
priority of any step by step guide. Confidence is
a prerequisite of effective coaching. If the
presenter is confident in to the material and the
style to be used, the audience will be able to
better accept the content being presented mainly
based on the confidence in which it is being
Building a niche would also be another area to
consider for the success of being able to stay
relevant in this competitive field. Taking the
time and effort to create this niche will
effectively get the coach noticed and thus
perhaps create the platform for this created
interest to contribute further to the popularity
of the coach and the coaching sessions and
In this very competitive arena, it may sometimes
be prudent to make a presentation to the
potential client with a fairly detailed outline
within a trial session arranged for viewing.
Using this opportunity to push the coaching
session as effective and something worth
exploring should be part of the presentation made
at the trial session.
Designing the coaching session to include some
active participation from the audience will also
help to break the monotony of the sessions.
Incorporating this interactive module will also
help the coach to gauge the understanding
capacity of the audience and just how much they
have been able to gain from the sessions.
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #6 - Track Your Client’s Progress
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #6 - Track Your Client’s Progress
Part of being a good and effective coach, is to
be able to gauge the progress of the client
periodically to ensure everyone and everything is
on the right track. This will help the coach make
the necessary adjustments if there is a need to
change or improve on the current program being
The following are some tips on the areas that
should be considered if the coach in concerned
about the client’s progress.
* Setting goals that are customized would be a
good place to start. Questionnaires should be
designed to ask the same questions in varying
intervals as the answers given, will reflect the
progress made with each consequent module
* Tracking the responses of each client
individually using the answers provided by the
client in the questionnaires will also show the
different facets of the clients understanding of
the material and may even present some surprising
information that could be used to explore other
elements within coaching sessions. This kind of
assessments done periodically will also help the
coach to decide on consequent material being used
and it relevancy and beneficial values the
material brings to the client.
* The tracking system will also allow the coach
to review the effectiveness of the sessions
already attended by the client and decide if the
current program chosen, is contributing
positively to the end goal first decided at the
onset of the coaching session. The will also
allow the coach to review the clients responses
easily and as often as needed, because the
information provided at the assessment, will
usually be stored for further scrutiny.
* These tracking sessions also allows both
parties to review the progress being made and to
use this as a motivational tool to further
encourage the client to reach for bigger and
better goals.
To Your Success,
Coaching Startup Lesson #7 - Motivate Your Client
SUBJECT: Coaching Startup Lesson #7 - Motivate Your Client
Motivation is the key to getting things done, and
with the right motivational tactics, it is
possible to get anything done with the right
amount of enthusiasm and urgency.
The following are some tips on how to get the
client to be motivated enough to strive for
greater breakthroughs:
* Once the client has been able to achieve the
original goal, it easier to encourage the client
to try for something a little more challenging.
When the client is willing, then the coach would
have to design new formats that should include
some motivational exercises, to get the client in
the right frame of mind, so that the focus can
now be on achieving greater breakthroughs.
* There should also be some level of care when it
comes to motivating the client to achieve further
breakthroughs. This is to ensure and protect the
client form possible burnout. Therefore coaching
the client to focus on one goal at a time should
be part of the encouraging technique used. Making
sure that the client really committed and the
reasons for the commitment are legitimate would
help the coach design the appropriate
motivational exercise to encourage the greater
* “Selling” the concept to the client, is another
way to get the client interested and motivated
enough to push boundaries and strive for more and
higher achievements. There is always the
excitement that is usually felt at the onset of
the endeavor, but the motivation used should be
able to keep the excitement to carry right
through until the goal is achieved. The level of
excitement the coach is able to display will
eventually have some effect on the client, thus
garnering the heightened interest levels which
can then be used to focus on making further
To Your Success,