Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Become An Email Marketing *DEMON*! (wicked marketing tactics inside..)
Lesson #1 - So Why Build A List?...
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - So Why Build A List?...
The advantages of having a subscriber list are obvious when
compared to a 'one-time sale'.
1. You can save loads of time and effort in trying to reel in
new customers.
Imagine you have a list of a few hundred customers. All you'll
need to do should you have a new product they would be
interested in is just to blast an email out to all of them, and
you'll have a substantial amount of cash even without having to
source for new customers!
2. Build trust with your current subscribers & customers.
Offer them value, tips, freebies and trust me, they will love
you for it! The more they trust you, or rather, become your
loyal customers, the more likely they are to make any purchase
from you at the drop of a hat without hesitation!
This will give you a massive advantage over other new marketers
who keep trying to rope in new customers day after day not
knowing why their profits remain stagnant!
The next question you'll probably throw at me is: �Sounds well
and good but how do I build a list? I have no inkling where to
start or what resources I need to work on!�
Well, there's no need to worry. You see, when I started out
building my own list, it was done the hard way. I had to spend
heaps of cash on half baked list building ebooks which taught me
It wasn't until I went through 100s of trials and error I was
able to master the technique which can is responsible for four
figure earnings with emails alone!
So if you haven't already, you may want to start putting
together the tools to start building your list today!
Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become
an email marketing demon!..
Lesson #2 - 3 Email Marketing Mistakes...
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - 3 Email Marketing Mistakes...
While email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your
customers and clients, there are many common mistakes that
companies make that can cause a loss in customers.
Learning what not to do is as important as knowing how to
optimize your email marketing plan.
1. Sending out too many emails
This is the most common mistake that a company can make when it
comes to email marketing. Your customers do not want to get two
or three emails a week. Some companies send that many out in a
day. This can lead to the customer adding your email address to
their spam list.
When this happens, they will have no chance to receive the
emails that they may want to see. You will not get any click
through activity that will increase sales if your customers are
sending your emails to their spam folders automatically.
2. Sending out 'generic' emails
Who wants to read a general email saying 'hi how are you
When starting out there is a tendency to do this which is a big
Every email you send out must have a purpose to it. If you're
informing them, inform, if you're promoting, promote, if you're
handing out a freebie, do so.
Don't send an email for the sake of it because after all, these
are real people at the other end who signed up for things
related to what you're offering.
3. Greed
I've been on lists that constantly promote day-after-day. It's
tiresome and doesn't give the reader any chance to read and
fully digest what you have offered the previous day.
1-2 emails a week is more than enough!
These are just 3 things that come to mind what sending out
emails. To get the most out of your mailing list, check out the
Email Marketing Demon video series.
Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become
an email marketing demon!..
Lesson #3 - 4 Ways To Send People To Your Squeeze Page
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - 4 Ways To Send People To Your Squeeze Page
Once you have created your squeeze pages and incorporated your
opt-in code, you need to drive targeted traffic to your
websites, consisting of potential leads interested in the
overall focus of your newsletter or email campaigns.
Here are a few ways to build the highest preforming mailing
lists, quickly and easily:
1. Video
With video websites like YouTube, it's never been easier to use
the power of viral video to generate fresh traffic to your
websites. All you need to do is develop a video or slideshow
presentation that highlights your giveaway and directs people to
your squeeze page.
2. Social Marketing
If you have a Squidoo lens, ( you can now add opt-in
pages right into your existing page. It's available as a module,
and it's a great way to generate instant traffic to a remotely
hosted opt-in page.
Since Squidoo is considered an authority website and carries
exceptional weight within the search engines, not only will you
be able to generate fresh leads from your opt-in page itself,
but you could also add links to your Squidoo lens pages that
lead visitors to your other squeeze pages as well.
Hub Pages ( is also another great method of drawing
in new traffic and subscribers. HubPages works similarly to
Squidoo in terms of being able to create instant single websites
even if you are unfamiliar with HTML.
3. Articles
With article marketing, it's all about offering high quality,
relevant content that targets your market and propels them into
investigating your resource box and visiting your website to
find out more about you.
Start out by submitting 3-5 articles every week, and before you
know it, your article campaign will generate consistent traffic
to your squeeze pages. As you continue to expand on the number
or articles in circulation, you will be able to generate more
traffic on a regular basis.
4. Giveaways
If you do not plan on having a monthly newsletter, you can still
offer free give items at certain points in the year. These free
offers can be the same as the ones that are offered in
You can make these offers every couple of months during your
regular email campaign. You do not necessarily have to do them
regularly, you can stagger them or offer them at times of the
year when most will be interested in the free gift you are
These are just a few ideas to get you going. Apply just one of
these techniques and you'll start to see the opt-in count soar!
Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become
an email marketing demon!..
Lesson #4 - Elements Of A Good Squeeze Page
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Elements Of A Good Squeeze Page
If you didn't already know, I use squeeze pages to build my list.
They are simply HTML pages which are designed to collect the
name and email of my visitor.
In exchange I offer something of value to them. This could be a
report, mp3 audio, a video, or just weekly newsletter updates.
A squeeze page is much more than what you see on the surface.
You need to add some elements to add to a squeeze page which
will capture the visitor's psycho so that he is ready to get
into your list.
Some of these elements are:
1. A short but bold and catchy headline
You want to grab the reader's attention and let them know that
they're on the right page that will answer their questions or
This is why it's important to know what your visitors are after
before hand and have content ready to hand out to them.
2. Ticks and Bullet points
This will describe a little bit about the product or free gift
you are offering. Treat your squeeze page as a part of your
sales copy. You don't need you be a great copywriter to write a
squeeze page, just be sure to craft your squeeze page with the
same skills that you have used in crafting your sales.
3. Audio
A little bit of audio will further enhance the appeal of your
squeeze page and if you are an expert, your audio will hypnotize
the visitor so that he has no other way but to subscribe to your
list. But again, don't over do it. Use it sparingly. Also audios
don't work for everybody-if it works for me, it doesn't mean
that it will work for you too. Test out every squeeze page. If
you see that by adding audio, your conversion levels have
dropped, then don't use it.
These are just some basic elements that make for a high
converting squeeze page.
In the video series we'll cover exactly what you do with them
once their on your list!
Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become
an email marketing demon!..
Lesson #5 - The 'Secret' Weapon In Your List
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - The 'Secret' Weapon In Your List
Most people believe that a large mailing list is the secret to
big money. It really is not. What counts is the quality of the
people on your list. This means that they are likely to buy when
you send out an email.
As you can see, if they aren't buyers, it doesn't matter how
many people you have on your list. No buyers, means you get no
The real "secret" to making money online is having a list
populated with people who are willing to hand over the money
when you show them a great opportunity. Certainly, they won't
buy each offer you have, but they will purchase those items that
make sense to them. It isn't more complex than that.
Here's 3 ways I make sure I build a list of buyers.
1. Offer something cheap!
Whilst there's not a lot of profit potential from $10 sales, I
go as low as $7, even as low as $1.
If no one is willing to buy even at these low prices, especially
if I'm offering something of great value then you know that they
shouldn't be on your list in the first place.
2. One-time offers!
This is where I'll provide something for free and then after
they sign up they're presented with a mid-range priced offer,
somewhere between $27-$97.
If they buy I'll use an automation feature to subscribe
them to my 'buyers' list. This was I get to filter out the
buyers from the freebie seekers.
3. Low-cost membership.
If someone is willing to spend say $4.99 a month on how-to
content, do you think they'll be interested in the higher end
products you have to offer?
Of course they would. This is why I focus on setting up
low-cost, low-profit recurring membership sites that provide
information in the form of PDF reports.
I can then gauge that up-selling a higher priced one-off $97
product would not be so much of a problem since they're already
use to spending with me.
This is just some of the ways I generate a buyer's list and it's
the same mentality you should be adopting to get the most out of
your list!
No one wants a list of freebie seekers do they? Rather have 100
REAL buyers than 100,000 freebie seekers!
Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become
an email marketing demon!..