Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
$4000+/wk for writing short reports?...
Freelancing Lesson #1 - Why Freelance?
SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #1 - Why Freelance?
Firstly, congratulations for being my subscriber.
In these emails, you will get to know why many
people have chosen to work for themselves and how
freelancing has actually made them richer!
Many people go freelance for many reasons. Most
of them can't stand their boss or find that their
career is going no where. Others simply wanted to
earn some part time income to supplement their
full time jobs, but found it more profitable and
decided to quit their jobs and become full time
Although the idea of waking up late every morning
and working as and when you want is extremely
attractive, you would still need a steady stream
of projects to earn a living from.
No projects, no money. It's as straightforward as
Some freelancers struggle because they have no
idea where to get good projects from, or they
have no idea how to clinch a project or are poor
at presentations.
Thankfully you don't have to go through all that.
I'm going to recommend you a tested and proven
guidebook which will reveal to you the techniques
and methods top free- lancers use to bag loads of
lucrative, well- paying jobs on a daily basis!
Freelancing Lesson #2 - Companies Are Willing To Pay You
SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #2 - Companies Are Willing To Pay You
As mentioned in the earlier email, there are
companies that are willing to pay lucrative
profits for outsourced projects and assignments.
Everyone has a skill that he or she is good at.
It could be designing fantastic graphics, writing
amazing salescopy, building up webapges in double
quick time, and so on.
You will also need to confirm if the company
requires you to drop by their office and do the
project there and then or work from the comfort
of your own home. Of course if your client is in
Singapore but you work from USA the Internet
would be the best place of work.
Now here's a tip – It's no secret that the market
currently is very competitive and it won't be a
walk in the park. However there are many ways
which you can still have an edge over your
competitors- and that is to offer your services
Sure you will take home less cash at first, but
as you build your portfolio and companies in your
market sit up and take notice, you will be able
to increase the price slowly.
Always remember that no one learns to run first
then to walk, its the other way around. You may
not earn tonnes of cash yet but patience is
always the key to building up a steady source of
Freelancing Lesson #3 - Be A Smart Freelancer
SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #3 - Be A Smart Freelancer
Now although freelancing is a great way of
earning great income, as with all things there
are pitfalls you need to be mindful of.
These issues i'm about to bring up may sound like
things you've encountered in your work- place
before, but be warned that they can cause you
untold problems and unnecessary stress.
Challenge #1 – The vague request. The customer
tells you to write a couple of articles for him
in a general topic, say stress. Now, there are
tonnes of things you can write about, but thanks
to the fact that he wasn't specific, you end up
writing loads of stress-related articles for him,
and he ends up throwing half of them into the
bin! Wouldn't it have been better if you made
sure he was more specific about his requests
Challenge #2 – Payment. We all know that there
are nice customers and there are customers from
the pit of hell. Imagine not getting paid after
loads of time and effort put in a project. Tip:
Try using an external e-commerce service. The
gentleman's agreement is nice but may not work in
the real world.
Challenge #3 – Project workload. You may attempt
to take on almost every project you can get your
hands on, but it's not a good idea. In fact,
you'll be hard pressed for time, delay other
clients and everyone is extremely unhappy. Create
a sort of schedule system and be prepared to
reject 1 or 2 projects. After all, your
reputation is at stake and if you can't finish
your work or make a mess out of it, news will
travel fast.
At the end of the day, be streetwise in your
dealings, because not every situation is gonna be
a nice one.
Freelancing Lesson #4 - Freelancers All Need Guidance
SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #4 - Freelancers All Need Guidance
If you think that anyone can simply drop
everything, start freelancing and life will be
fine and dandy you need a wake up call.
The best freelancers earned their keeps through
years of blood, sweat, tears and pain.
Thankfully you won't have to go through this
process. If you're fortunate enough, you could
find a mentor. Someone would could guide you and
offer you important tips, such as:
- The most valuable sources for finding the
highest paying freelance opportunities, even
before these jobs are made known in mainstream
forums and databases!
-Learning how to determine whether a company is
legitimate and avoiding the nasty clients
-A proven formula for placing your services in
front of hungry crowds of buyers
-Bid and win easily lucrative projects in online
freelance marketplaces
- Fixing the right prices to put a smile on your
client's face!
If you can't find such a mentor, worry not. I
would like to recommend you a guidebook which
covers all of the above points...and much more.
Just follow this link to take a peek:
Freelancing Lesson #5 - Transform Into A Master Freelancer Now!
SUBJECT: Freelancing Lesson #5 - Transform Into A Master Freelancer Now!
When I first started out freelancing, it was
really tough. There was no one who was willing to
guide me, I had to learn everything the hard way,
and my competitors rudely pulled the mat from
under my feet.
But today I effortlessly pull in 5 figure sums
every month by taking on a few projects, and I
even have time for my family, my hobbies and
I discovered why the majority of freelancers
rarely make ends meet but a small minority are
living the high life by following a few basic
Inside you'll discover...
- The most valuable sources for finding the
highest paying freelance opportunities, even
before these jobs are made known in mainstream
forums and databases!
- Learning how to determine whether a company is
legitimate and avoiding the nasty clients
- The secrets of bidding and winning lucrative
projects in online freelance marketplaces
- Creating value through their pricing, even
though their prices weren't cheap!
Of course I put these rules to good use and made
a ton myself, although after a few months, my
conscience made me realize that others struggling
to earn a living could do with the secrets in
this guide.