Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Apply The Google Cash Pump System For Traffic & High Rankings
Google Pump Lesson #1 - Are You Pumping The Traffic?
SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #1 - Are You Pumping The Traffic?
I want let you in on a little secret..
It's a new tactic to bringing in
traffic on a consistent basis to your
websites even if you've got little
experience of no money to invest!
This system has been specifically
designed to send hordes of targeted
free traffic to any website in any
In fact, you can actually start
receiving highly targeted leads
from Google within about 15 minutes!
Seriously! It may seem unbelievable,
but it's true!
This system is deceptively easy! And,
more importantly ... easy to duplicate!
We have actually seen a 275% increase
in traffic in less than 24 hours using
this system in the dog teeth cleaning
Ya, I know ... how crazy is that!
The best part is, this system uses only
free Google tools resulting in FREE
In this desperate economy we need to
carefully watch how much we spend on
website advertising.
But, if you know exactly how to setup
a simple traffic system you can duplicate
over and over again ... would you do it?
Of course you would!
Especially when it's FREE traffic!
If you want to see how to setup this
simple system for your website or
affiliate advertising...
Then check this out:
Google Pump Lesson #2 - Google Alerts + Target Market = Cash!
SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #2 - Google Alerts + Target Market = Cash!
I bet that email subject caught your
Who would of thought that a free Google
tool can actually make you money?
There is a very powerful method for
using Google Alerts that can drive
highly targeted leads into your Gmail
Many online business owners use Google
alerts to keep track of all the news
regarding their products or service.
But ... many people don't realize that
you can strategically create keyword
rich phrases that send you targeted
leads via alerts.
In step 2 of the Google Traffic Pump
system, you see exactly how to create
these "lead-getting" phrases!
You also get to see exactly how these
phrases are strategically designed to
find leads that need a solution to a
problem that YOUR product or service
Think about it ... your product or
service SOLVES their problem!
And that's why this system is SO powerful!
You not only get an unlimited source
of leads, but your leads are all looking
for the EXACT thing you are selling!
If you are interested in seeing how to
generate high quality leads for your
online products go here:
Google Pump Lesson #3 - 10 Simple Methods Inside
SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #3 - 10 Simple Methods Inside
Ok, let me get straight to the point ...
Here are 10 effective methods to generate
traffic to your website:
1. Leave comments on other people's blogs with
a backlink to your site.
2. Advertise your website or service in the
appropriate category on
3. Participate in
4. Exchange reciprocal links with other related
sites in your niche.
5. Purchase ad spots or solo email ads in
popular newsletters or ezines from
6. Submit articles to trade magazines with a
link to your site in your bio
7. Use to automate your social
bookmarking and automatically generate
backlinks and traffic
8. Promote your website on the "Thank you" page
of other sales sites related to your niche.
Work out a mutually beneficial commission
with the site owners.
9. Participate in online forum conversations that
are related to your product, and insert your
site link into the signature area.
10. Create your own blog at Blogging
is a powerful and effective way to get free
traffic from search engines, RSS feeds, other
blogs, blog directories .. and more!
5 Bonus Blog Traffic Tips:
1. Submit your blog to all major blog directories
2. Participate in blog carnivals. This is very similar
to submitting articles.
3. Provide an email subscription form that allows your
blog readers to receive your blog posts via emails.
Use the Wordpress plugin "subscribe2"
4. Rewrite some of your blog content and post it to
articles directories to increase backlinks and
traffic. Try using
5. Find a hot topic on Technorati, post about it on
your blog and then ping Technorati with your new
If you want a killer free traffic method, then
check out the new Google Traffic Pump System:
Google Pump Lesson #4 - Problem: Information Overload
SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #4 - Problem: Information Overload
Anyone in their right mind knows that
if you were to try to cramp everything
into your head right now, you will DIE
from information overload. Period.
If you are currently employed, you
already know that job security is a
myth. You can risk losing your job
anytime, and all the more chances now
in this financial climate.
If you are an offline business owner,
you can feel the pinch of the global
recession effects on your business.
If you are currently unemployed or
still studying, you don't need to get
another job to find out the cold, harsh
truth about the never-ending rat race.
"Now For The Good News!"
Regardless of your current
circumstances, did you know that you
DON'T have to read hundreds of books or
courses on Internet Marketing to truly
start making your first dollar online?
Neither do you need to spend years of
pioneering your way towards your first
million dollar success!
Look, I'm telling you all these not
because it's something you want to hear
- but you NEED to hear it. Don't get me
wrong on this - you don't have to be a
popular face on the Internet to start
raking big bucks.
Making money on the internet is not
hard UNLESS you learn from someone who
has already been through the pain and
suffering and trials and errors.
In fact it makes me cry when I see
others trying to do everything
themselves from scratch and still end
up getting nowhere.
Allow me to show you what you SHOULD
understand first before you even
attempt to start your business...
Google Pump Lesson #5 - 7 Sources Build Backlinks
SUBJECT: Google Pump Lesson #5 - 7 Sources Build Backlinks
We all know that backlinks are very
powerful when it come to increasing
your site's ranking on Goolge and
other major search engines.
But, many site owners don't realize
just how easy it is to get free
backlinks from Classified ad sites!
Here are the top 7 classified ad sites
that have proven to bring in long term
high quality backlinks and traffic ...
Don't underestimate the power of
link building via classified ads!
Also, if you want to see exactly how
to find targeted leads for your site
in the next 15 minutes...