Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Why Traffic Is So Hard To Get Without Keyword Optimization.
Keyword Lesson #1 - Understanding The Power Of Keywords
SUBJECT: Keyword Lesson #1 - Understanding The Power Of Keywords
Keyword research is one of the most critical components of any
internet marketing campaign. Without proper keyword research, it
will be much harder for people to find your website.
Keywords are the words and phrases people search for when they
visit a search engine. If you wanted to buy the television show
Lost on DVD, you might search for “Lost DVD” or “Buy Lost on
If your site doesn’t have the right keywords, no one will be
able to find it. Thus, it is vital that you choose the right
keywords, and you add them to your site in the right places to
ensure proper search engine optimization.
In this course, I’m going to teach you exactly how to find the
right keywords for your niche, how to choose the ones you should
focus on more heavily, and where you should add them on your
pages in order to have the best possible effect for SEO purposes.
All you need to do is make sure that you rank as high as
possible for your keywords, and that when Google does its dance,
you always remain at, or near, the top.
Of course, you will get the most traffic from being on page one
of the search engine results. If you are not on page 1, you will
still get some traffic, but not as much as you would have got
from being on page 1.
Search engine rankings are very very competitive, but with some
work and a little bit of intelligence you can actually rank high
for pretty much any keyword you want to. Some keywords may take
just a few days you to rank high for wear as others could take
months or even years if they are very highly competitive.
Keywords such as “weight loss”, "making money", "personal
development" and others are highly competitive with hundreds of
millions of competing sites. These are keywords that may take
you months or even years to rank well for. The inexperienced
marketer will attempt to target keywords like this believing
that they don't need to do their keyword research. They will
then struggle with getting a decent ranking for their keywords,
and many will end up giving up because of it.
So stay tuned to our next lesson where we'll go deeper into how
to do keyword research!
Keyword Lesson #2 - Preliminary Keyword Research
SUBJECT: Keyword Lesson #2 - Preliminary Keyword Research
The first thing you need to do is preliminary keyword research.
This involves using keyword tools to find a large number of
keywords that you would potentially want to target for your
By now, you should have already chosen a niche. Now, you just
need to gather a list of keywords you can use to get traffic
from various sources such as search engines, or with
pay-per-click marketing.
Let’s say you have chosen the acne niche. You’re targeting
individuals who have acne and are desperate to get rid of it.
You would probably want to start with seed keyword phrases like
“acne” and “pimples”.
This would return keywords such as:
• Get rid of acne
• How to clear up acne
• Get rid of a pimple
I use a keyword tool for this:
This tool is free, and it returns results directly from Google’s
own internal database of searches people have performed.
Although no keyword tool is 100% accurate, Google’s own data is
likely to be the most accurate you will find.
Google will give you around 100 keywords. You can then dig
deeper by taking some of the keywords it returns and using those
as seed keywords to find more.
If you are creating a small niche site, you may want to focus on
just a handful of keywords. In this case, the 100 keywords you
originally find may be enough. If you want to create a large
authority site, you will potentially want thousands of keywords.
This will require you to continue digging, using some of the
keywords you find as additional seeds.
Once you have a list of keywords, you need to analyze them. Not
every keyword is going to be one you would want to focus on for
SEO purposes. Some won’t have enough traffic to make them worth
the time, and others will have too much competition to give you
a reasonable chance to rank.
In the next section, you’re going to learn how to analyze your
keywords to find out which ones you should concentrate on.
Keyword Lesson #3 - Keyword Assessment
SUBJECT: Keyword Lesson #3 - Keyword Assessment
You should never tackle a list of keywords without first
analyzing traffic and competition. It’s a waste of time and
resources to focus on keywords that are too competitive or don’t
get enough searches.
There is a specific “formula” I use to determine which keywords
I want to focus on:
• At least 1,000 monthly searches
• No more than 30,000 pages in Google “in quotes”
• No more than 10,000 results for “allintitle”
When you get your list of keywords from the Google keyword tool,
it will tell you approximately how many searches each phrase
receives each month. I don’t generally use keywords that have
less than 1,000 searches per month, because they don’t usually
bring enough traffic to justify the effort.
Next, you have to assess the competition. You want to make sure
to target phrases you have a good chance to rank for, otherwise
you’re wasting your time, because you probably won’t be able to
rank on the first page if there is too much competition.
There are two steps to assessing competition. First, you need to
find out how many people are using each keyword phrase on their
pages. You do this by entering the keyword into Google in
quotes. This will tell you how many other pages contain that
exact phrase. "keyword in quotes" - 6,090 results
As you can see from the result above, the phrase “keyword in
quotes” is used on about 6,090 other pages. This means you
should have a fairly easy time ranking on the first page for
that phrase.
Next, you need to see how strong those other competitors are.
Google and other search engines usually give a tremendous amount
of weight to the words appearing in the title of the HTML
document, so you need to see how many of those pages are also
using the phrase in their title.
This is done by entering this into Google:
allintitle:”keyword in quotes”
As you can see from the result, only 3 pages have the phrase
“keyword in quotes” in the title. This is great news if you want
to rank for that phrase, because it means you will almost
certainly be able to rank on the first page for that phrase if
you use the phrase in your title.
After you have used all of the keyword phrases you found that
fit the main criteria, you can expand and use other keywords.
Just stick to those that do fit the criteria in the beginning,
because you will get better rankings quickly, so you can start
seeing traffic and income sooner.
Keyword Lesson #4 - Keywords in SEO
SUBJECT: Keyword Lesson #4 - Keywords in SEO
As I mentioned earlier, search engines give a lot of weight to
text in the title of your document, so it is especially
important to ensure that you place your keywords there. Of
course, there are other places in your document that are almost
as important for keyword placement.
Domain Name
Having keywords in your domain name can really help boost your
site’s rankings. If you wish to rank for “buy golf clubs”, you
might wish to buy a domain like or
In order, the best domain extensions for SEO seem to be:
• .com
• .org
• .net
I don’t generally bother with any other extension, because they
just don’t seem to work very well for SEO purposes.
It’s not just the domain that counts, either. You can also put
your keywords elsewhere in your URL. For example, you can name
directories after keywords, and you can name HTML files with
keywords, too.
For example:
Heading Tags
Heading tags are used on websites to separate various sections
of a page. The H1 tag is given the most weight, but it should be
used sparingly. You should use your main keyword in an H1 tag
once on your page. Then you could use a couple of alternate
keywords in H2 and H3 tags.
Body Content
Obviously, you would want to use your keywords in the body text
of your site, as well. It’s a good idea to use your keyword
phrase at least twice per page, but be careful not to overuse
it. When you repeat the same phrase too many times on a single
page, it can appear spammy and actually hurt your ranking.
Keyword Lesson #5 - Off-Page SEO
SUBJECT: Keyword Lesson #5 - Off-Page SEO
Your keywords are also important with regards to off-page SEO.
Many people think they can’t control factors that aren’t on
their own websites, but this isn’t true.
There are two important things you can do to ensure your
off-page SEO is as effective as possible:
1. Make sure to seek backlinks from relevant sites.
2. Make sure to control your anchor text.
A relevant backlink is one that comes from a page that discusses
something that is on-topic for your niche. If you’re in the golf
niche, you would want to seek backlinks from pages about golf.
While almost any backlink is valuable, those that come from
relevant pages are much more so.
Anchor Text
Anchor text is the text that is used to link from one web page
to another. If you were going to create a link to Google, your
anchor text would probably be “Google”.
The code would look like this:
If your page is targeting the keyword “buy golf clubs” that
would probably be the keyword you would want to use for most of
the anchor text linking to that page.
Notice I said “most” of the anchor text linking to that page.
You definitely do not want to use the exact same text as your
anchor text 100% of the time. This would look unnatural and
potentially get your site penalized by Google. Instead, use your
main keyword phrase about 50-75% of the time, and use another
two similar phrases (such as “purchase golf clubs”) the rest of
the time. This will look much more natural.
Keywords are a vital part of Internet marketing. It's the part
that too many marketers, and particularly the new marketers,
miss out. Avoiding this, these marketers are leaving valuable
money on the table.
Keyword research doesn't have to take a lot of time. Once you've
done it a few times, it will only take you a half-hour or so to
fully research and niche keywords.
Not doing the keyword research phase is a fatal mistake. You'll
struggle to make money online by missing it out.
If you haven't already done so, please visit our site and follow
the instructions so you'll know exactly what to do every time
you create a new niche website or blog and plan on promoting
Even if you're a product creator, you can benefit from this by
having your product name optimized from the start!
Check out the link below for full details...