Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Newbie University Now OPEN! (Details inside...)
Lesson #1 - What's In Store For You {!firstname_fix}?...
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - What's In Store For You {!firstname_fix}?...
You know, it’s funny. I took an entire year off from marketing
online and yet I can still come back and easily make money, even
in a crowed “niche” like Internet marketing.
Am I any smarter than you? I’d like to think so, but probably
not. The only reason why I can take so much time off, miss so
many “new” developments on how to market online and still easily
jump right back into business just like I never left is simple.
I work from a different perspective than most people do. You’ll
get a clear sense of that as you read the rest of this report.
Making money does not have to be complicated.
You just have to work from the right frame of mind.
Really all it takes is a little shift in the way you think and
you’ll start to see opportunities where you never saw them
With this course it is my intention to give you a new frame of
mind to work from and hopefully it will give you a renewed sense
of purpose because you’ll know without a doubt that money is
just a few hours worth of work/planning away.
Stay tuned because here's a taster of things to come...
• Evergreen Marketing Strategies You Can Take To The Bank
Learn To Look At The Big Picture When You Want Money.
• The Basic Truth About Success
A lot Of People Get This Wrong.
• The Easy Way To Find Money
If You Find Anything Easier, It’s Called Stealing.
• The Simple Truth That Will Always Make You Money
People Will Gladly Give You Money If You Understand This.
• The Best Kept Success Secret
It’s Not Always What You Know But Who You Know.
I look forward to providing with some great information and
solid stepping stones to help get you started!
Lesson #2 - Evergreen Marketing Secrets You Can Take To The Bank
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Evergreen Marketing Secrets You Can Take To The Bank
Before I get into the heart of this manual I want to make sure
you completely understand the direction I’m taking.
I have nothing against giving you specific techniques and
strategies because they are important but they are never more
important than the thought process that went into creating them.
Evergreen marketing secrets refers to the fact that I’m giving
you proven concepts (that never stop working) based on the
nature of the people you sell to. People can change a lot of
things about themselves but their nature isn’t usually one of
them. People can go against their nature (for short periods of
time) but rarely can they change it.
In the future you should make a conscious effort to try and
understand why something is done instead of just copying what
you see someone else successfully doing. There’s always
something more beneath the surface that you can study and learn
The concepts I’m going to reveal help you to tap into the minds
of the people you want money from.
People will almost never give you their money for your reasons.
What you have to do is show people that you want their money for
the exact same reasons they want to give their money to
somebody/anybody and believe it or not, that’s a lot easier to
do than it sounds.
Once you understand how to see what motivates another person,
you can put yourself in position to show them how what you have
to offer will help them do whatever it is they’re trying to do.
That’s really the only way to get someone’s attention.
Don’t try to convince people they need what you’re selling.
Show them how what you’re selling will help them do something
they’re already trying to do. That makes your product a natural
fit for what they care about.
People care about themselves first, what they’re trying to do,
anyone else who seems to care about them and anything that
appears to be able to help them do more of what they already
want to do.
What I just said will become much clearer as you go deeper into
this course. You will completely understand exactly what to say
to people and how to structure your product offers in a way
that’s most attractive to the people you want money from.
Lesson #3 - The Basic Truth About Success
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - The Basic Truth About Success
I’m about to address one of the biggest obstacles standing in
the way of you making money right now.
Being successful at anything you choose to do requires hard work
and consistency. I know that in the Internet marketing field,
use of those words is a big no-no, but it’s the undeniable
Without an understanding that you may have to work for your
success you might think there’s some secret formula out there
that’s going to magically put money in your pockets simply
because you know it.
Knowing this, I titled this report “Making Money Online for
Newbies” because it implies that everything else is you’ve been
doing is hard and that I’ve found some simple “secret” you
aren’t aware of.
It was the most direct way to get your attention and I’m not the
only marketer who understands that.
All you have to do is look at how many products you’ve bought
with the expectation that if you bought it, you would be able to
turn your business around with the “new secrets” you thought you
were going to learn to see I’m telling the truth.
I know you’ve seen some people who have hit the net full speed
with their first product and had all kinds of crazy success.
Many times it’s a fluke and it’s not something that person can
ever reproduce because since their first product launch did so
well, they get trapped into thinking that what they did was
easy, forgetting all they time and effort they put into
everything that got them there.
It’s easy to get trapped into thinking that success is easy if
you just have the right “knowledge” on your side. That’s the big
myth pushed on you by slick marketers who only want to sell you
But the truth of the matter is success doesn't always come easy
even if you know the best “secrets” out there.
Anytime I need money, there are always a few basic concepts I
can rely on that will always produce profits in a short amount
of time without me having to spend any money on advertising.
The only reason I know about these concepts is because I read
pretty much everything I could get my hands on until one day
things just started to make sense, but it wasn’t easy to get to
this point.
When I started out I had no money, no business or marketing
background, no support from my family or friends, no computer
knowledge and well, no computer.
That’s not the easiest way to start but I didn’t care. I wanted
to be my own boss and be in control of my own life as much as
Now, making money online isn't a dream for me anymore simply
because I refused to let anything stand in the way of what I
wanted. It did take me two solid years to start making money
The most important thing I've learned about what it takes to be
successful is that you can’t give up. Ever. Success has a way of
waiting until 99.9% of the people who were looking for it give
up in frustration before it decides to show up at your feet.
Lesson #4 - It’s A Test Designed To See Who’s Worthy
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - It’s A Test Designed To See Who’s Worthy
"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long
enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up
somebody" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
If you want to have a better business, or you want to make more
money, or you want better things for yourself and for your
family, "What Are You Doing About It?"
Sitting back and wishing is easy.
Criticizing other people for having the kind of success you want
for yourself is dangerous and so easy to do it’s scary.
Sitting back and complaining that no one is around to help you
is even easier. It’s always easy to give yourself an excuse for
not doing what you know needs to be done.
Doing everything you can to make your dreams a reality and
humbling yourself to ask for help when it's needed are where
most people fall flat. Everything you need to get your business
to where you want it to be can be found if you’re willing to
look hard enough.
When I couldn't get support and understanding from my family
(instead of getting discouraged and giving up) I turned to
marketers who understood this "crazy need" I have to work for
myself and were willing to help.
When I didn't have a computer I found someone who would let me
use theirs whenever possible.
When I didn't have a clue how to write HTML I took every
tutorial that popped up in the search engines. When I didn't
even have $10 to spare for advertising I learned (out of
necessity) how to get thousands of targeted visitors a month to
my sites for free.
You have obstacles in your way, which may seem insurmountable at
times, but they aren't.
You may have family or "friends" who give you a hard time
because they don't understand why you would want to put yourself
through all frustration of trying to be your own boss. But in
the end, most of them admire you for trying to do something
they’re afraid to do which is to potentially risk your financial
security in the pursuit of it.
Lesson #5 - The Myth Of Effortless Success
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - The Myth Of Effortless Success
How many moneymaking, supposedly life-altering packages have you
bought in the last few months or years?
Do you now have the success you bought those packages to achieve?
Maybe you do or maybe you don’t.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Almost anyone can make money
using any of the moneymaking packages you'll find on the net.
People do it every single day.
The reason is because they understand that nothing magical will
happen just because they bought the latest and greatest do
all/be all, either get it or your life will be ruined product of
the century.
These people understand that consistent effort is what will set
them apart from the thousands who get nothing from the very same
products they use to make more in a month than most people make
in a year. You would be surprised to know the kind of money some
people are making with simple products that others say are
It's your mentality that counts. How you think about the world
around you determines your reality in it. Not everyone walking
around on this planet operates from the same reality you do.
People with failing businesses “know” it’s hard to get to the
top and people at the top “know” it’s easy for anyone to get to
the top if they’re willing to work hard on the right things to
get there.
Many of the obstacles holding you back were placed there by you
and what you believe to be true. A lot of times, you may be the
one who is creating the very “rut” you complain about being in.
Now right about now you’re probably saying, “Where does you get
off telling me I’m standing in my own way of success” but really
I’m saying a lot more than that.
It’s not really your fault because you’re probably blind to the
Working hard is only part of the equation.
You can try twisting a screw into a board with your fingers as
hard as you can all day long but I think you’d probably be
better of using a screwdriver. In other words working hard in
the wrong way won’t get anything done even though there’s the
appearance of action.
Lesson #6 - Time To Take Off The Tunnel Vision Glasses
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Time To Take Off The Tunnel Vision Glasses
We Internet marketers have a tendency to get tunnel vision and
only see other Internet marketers when we want to learn what to
The problem is that the Internet marketer(s) you choose to learn
from likely learned from other Internet marketers who (you
guessed it) learned from other Internet marketers.
Dan Kennedy calls this marketing incest and it could be the
biggest reason why your success has been put on hold.
What I mean by marketing incest here is doing what every other
marketer is doing instead of thinking for yourself.
Is There Anything You Can Do About it?
Of course. There’s always something you can do about everything
in any situation. May not always be your first choice but you
can always do something.
One thing I do is spend time looking for products I’m interested
in (anything not related to Internet marketing) just to see how
other businesses in markets not related to mine try and sell me
their goods. That’s how I came up with one of my main concepts.
Think about this.
Let’s say you have a tractor and you use it to work your farm,
which is what produces the income you live off of.
When your tractor wears out a part (and it will) seeing as how
it is the vehicle you consistently use to put food on the table,
wouldn’t you go out and look for a store that sells the part(s)
you need?
Yeah, you would.
Ok, now when you walk into the store, do the sales people need
to sell you on the benefits of getting your tractor fixed?
You already knew the benefits before you walked through the
door. You already have money in your hands and are looking to
give it to the first sales person who finds the part you need to
help you get back to doing what you already want to do.
Make sense? If not, everything will get a lot clearer soon
Lesson #7 - The Easy Way To Find Money (Part 1 of 2)
SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - The Easy Way To Find Money (Part 1 of 2)
I'm not much of a fan of working hard. I'll do it, but only if I
don't have a choice. That being said, I find myself working
surprisingly hard trying to find the easiest ways to do things
and that's the reason I put this report together.
To save you some of the time and effort I've put into working
hard to be lazy and still make money online.
What I've found is that even though you may know at least as
much as some of your biggest competitors about making money, the
reason you may not bank the kind of sales figures they do has a
lot to do with a massive amount of leverage.
Leverage is when you can put the efforts of 100's or even
1,000's of other people behind you so they can help push you
forward to do things you couldn't do on your own.
Think about it.
When was the last time you got an email from a "guru" about his
latest product and didn't get at least ten other messages from
that "guru's" affiliates telling you about the exact same
Am I telling you to create your own product and start an
affiliate program?
That’s too much work.
What I want you to understand is that many of your more
successful competitors understand something that guides most of
the actions they take in business.
What's that?
Why work hard by yourself when you can get other people to work
hard for you as well?
How does that mindset apply to you?
You should never do anything online that doesn't multiply your
efforts on a project even after you stop putting any of your
time and energy into it. Your time is limited to 24 hours in a
day but 100’s of people can put thousands of combined hours into
promoting you.
The basic idea:
If someone is running full speed at you, is it easier to stand
your ground and try to stop them when they run into you or get
behind them and push them forward?
Since they're already moving forward, it only makes sense that
you'd have an easier and less painful time pushing them in the
direction they're already headed in.
I'll give you an example.
Let's say you start getting a lot of emails promoting one new
product in particular and this product seems to have a lot of
buzz (negative or positive it doesn’t matter) and affiliates
behind it.
Many of the people I speak to tell me they simply delete emails
like that (because they see those emails as being annoying) and
all I can do is smile to myself because I know what emails like
that really are.
Easy money.