Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Subject: Is Offline SEO A Lucrative Business?
SEO Lesson #1 - Confused By The SEO Terms?
SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #1 - Confused By The SEO Terms?
Confused on what a lot of SEO terms
actually mean?
I'm going to spill the beans on SEO
terms that every citizen of the World
Wide Web should know.
1. Google PageRank - This is a rank
that Google gives you to determine how
important your page is. You can get a
rank of 0 to 10
2. SERP - Stands for Search Engine
Results Page. These are the results
that contain web sites after the user
as entered a keyword.
3. Keywords - These are the words that
internet users use to find product,
services and information through the
search engines.
4. Keyword Density - The percentage of
how many times a keyword shows up on a
particular webpage or article.
5. Backlinks - These are links pointing
to one site from another. If you click
on a link from yahoo news to your site
that is considered a backlink.
6. PBJ - Stands for Peanut Butter &
Jelly Sandwich. A tasty snack while you
build backlinks.
7. Anchor Text - This is the actual
text that shows when you click on a
8. Spider - Think of it as Google and
other search engines advanced software
tools that scour the web looking for
websites and webpage's to include in
their search engine.
9. Blog - short for "web log", it's
origins come from keeping an online
10. Alt Tag - This is the text you add
within your HTML code that gives an
image a title just in case the image
doesn't show.
Well there you have it! Hopefully you
learned a term or two.
SEO may sound difficult but with the
right training and techniques you could
become a PRO in no time!
Follow the link below to find out how
to use this knowledge in your offline
SEO Lesson #2 - The SEO Report You Should Have For Clients
SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #2 - The SEO Report You Should Have For Clients
When you provide an SEO service for
offline businesses, you will be helping
local businesses with the ability to
reach out to new customers where they
never once thought possible.
By following some simple steps you’ll
be able to help businesses grow and
succeed and yield good return on their
investment in you.
So what does your job entail at first?
- Detailed study of the project
- Marketing research and defining the
future goals in search engine
- Keyword Research
- Study of past ranking in various
search engines
- Link Building
- Development of web solutions
- Providing web design services so that
it will be easily read by the search
- Creating and maintaining internet
- Planning and implementation of
internet campaigns and
- Consulting
Whether the campaign needs the key
words research, its selection,
structure mapping and assessment,
analysis on site rank, web analytics,
search engine optimization services,
online marketing management and
consultation, link building, pay per
click services or the competitors'
analysis, you’ll be able to come with
all solutions for your offline client.
Follow the link below to see how to
put it altogether...
SEO Lesson #3 - 9 Rules For On-Page SEO
SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #3 - 9 Rules For On-Page SEO
If you’re optimizing someone else’s
website, or building one of your own
you should always keep these 9 simple
rules in the back of your mind to
ensure your efforts are not wasted.
1. Title
This is probably the most important
thing to do almost as soon as you
create your page. Ensure your most
important keyword is towards the
2. Description
Although this will not help your
rankings, this does help Google
identify what your page is about.
3. H1 header tags
The main title of your page should be a
H1 HTML tag. This lets the search
engines know what your page is about.
It serves the same concept as reading a
newspaper headline. The H1 heading
should match your page title to
increase its relevancy.
4. File naming conventions
When naming files DO NOT use spaces but
hyphens instead as these are seen as
spaces. For example,
Also, keep your filename in the root
directory or as high up the hierarchy
as possible and in an ideal world, your
domain name should also be keyword rich
or at least contain your keyword in
some way, shape or form.
5. Clean Code
Try and avoid using any JavaScripts,
heavily nested tables or session IDs.
If you want to specify fonts, colours,
sizes and more then these can be
incorporated inside CSS or external
include files. This means that the
Googlebot can crawl your content
quickly past all the clutter and
without any major problems. The more
the code conforms to web standards, the
6. Navigational Structure
Create a site structure which the
crawlers can access quickly. Try to
avoid using Flash or JavaScript and
stay with simple HTML keyword anchor
text for maximum effect.
7. Image Optimisation
Place your keywords inside the 'alt'
text and then place this code towards
where the keyword is mentioned in your
site content. So our code will look
something like this; < img src
="blue-type-widget.jpg" alt="Blue Type
Widget" >. You may rank high in Google
images or other search engines.
8. Interlinking
Internal page linking can be a good way
to tell Google about the theme of your
pages. By using targeted relevant
anchor text, you can help increase your
rankings and also help to distribute
any PageRank your site may have.
9. Content
They say that 'content is king' and
this has always been the case ever
since the inception of the world wide
web. Don't forget to use bold and
italics to emphasise points in your
content but don't overdo it.
Check out the full video training
SEO Lesson #4 - Benefits Of Offline SEO
SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #4 - Benefits Of Offline SEO
Lately there has been a rush of video
products teaching online marketers how
you can help offline businesses. A lot
of these videos are great by teaching
you how to approach business owners and
close the deal which is necessary!
Once you've closed the deal and given
these offline businesses several
services, then what? They are they are
going be hungry for more services,
especially if you've helped them before.
Are there any benefits to helping
offline businesses?
Yes there sure are, let me point them
out to you..
1. You instantly deliver more value
offline than you do online. Therefore
even an asking price of $497 for a
one-off fix (which may be expensive
online) would seem like a great deal
for them.
2. You build a real-world working
relationship with offline
businesses.Because you deliver what
you've promised, they will want more of
your excellent services such as helping
them maintain their position in the
search engine, advising them with
pay-per-click and even building an
online store!
3. A chance to build recurring income! As
you may already know, keeping a website
at the top of the search engines
requires a constant build-up of
backlinks over time. If the offline
business you're helping have benefitted
from high rankings who do you think
they'll turn to in order to keep them
at the top?
Watch the full video training below...
SEO Lesson #5 - 3 No-Nos When Building Backlinks
SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #5 - 3 No-Nos When Building Backlinks
When it comes to building back-links
there's a right and a wrong way of
doing them.
The search engines like Google rank the
order of sites according to the amount
of links it receives.
Normally a site would generate links
naturally because it has good content
and visitors would bookmark them on
their social bookmarks as well as link
to the source from their site.
These are all NATURAL linking methods
which the search engines love.
However, there are those who build
links the synthetic way just to stay at
the top which do have their
Here are 3 big no-no's when it comes to
building links, either for your own
site or someone else’s!
1. Mass Link Packages
There are people out there selling link
packages that are not even worth a
Most of the time they blast ads out to
classified directories or other spam
filled network. These links are the
equivalent of buying spam email lists.
Don't do it. Your links might end up on
banned sites that can really hurt your
Google image.
2. Link Exchanges
Back in the day, exchanging links was
the main SEO link building strategy.
You link to me, I link to you and we
both win. Right? Wrong! Google caught
on to this when hundreds of link farms
opened up. Google can easily trace
reciprocal links and they simply don't
count for much anymore. Getting links
from big link exchange networks can
actually hurt you.
3. Linking From Non-Indexed Sites
Most people who spend hours building
those free back links make the of
building links on non-indexed sites.
For your back links to count, the page
on which you have your link has to be
indexed. Having links on non-indexed
pages means nothing. It's a waste of
Watch the full videos below to see
how to optimize websites the right