Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
*One-Time Offers* FINALLY Revealed! (instant profit booster...)
Lesson #1 - One-Time Offers Uncovered!
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - One-Time Offers Uncovered!
An OTO, also known as a one time offer, is a proposal
that is made to a potential customer at a time when
they have only that single chance to make a purchase.
The OTO is something that can make you a lot of money
if you know what you’re doing, and this is why it’s so
important to know exactly what an OTO is, how it works
and why it’s so popular.
Typically, the one time offer in its most true form is
offered after a sale is made on an existing product,
for a similar product or service that would enhance
the current purchase.
At the direct marketing company I worked with we sold
shoes and insoles to people with foot discomfort. A
lead would see our infomercial on television, call in
to place an order, and be taken through a scripted
series of OTO’s.
What we did for insoles and shoes, others have done
for everything from knife sets to e-books. An OTO is
applicable to any given situation that involves a
This OTO was an interesting one because all the
products we offered were meant to enhance the
customer’s foot comfort. So if customer X, we’ll call
him Bob, orders a set of the comfort insoles for
$19.99, we ask him if he’d like some peppermint
massage spray to use on his feet before and after
using the insoles.
Regardless of his answer the next offer was for
special orthopedic socks that would help the foot rest
comfortably with the new insoles. And this process
would go on for about ten to fifteen minutes, or 5-10
separate OTO’s.
At this point you might be thinking that the customer
probably turned all of them down, and hung up the
phone to boot. Wrong, the customer purchased about
half of the OTO’s offered to him, and the company was
able to take a $19.99 purchase and transform it into a
$120 purchase just from pitching a few clever one time
The above example best symbolizes what a one time
offer is all about. It’s unexpected, exciting, relevant,
and most importantly presented at the perfect time.
Find out how you can create your own hot-selling one-
time offers yourself, even if you've never created
one before!..
Lesson #2 - The OTO *Pressure* Effect
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - The OTO *Pressure* Effect
A one time offer in form should be simple, direct, to
the point, and most importantly, answer the following
question with command: “Why do I need this product or
This is the question your customers are going to ask
themselves while reading your sales letter for the OTO
or hearing your OTO offer on audio or video.
Regardless of the mode of delivery, the simple fact
remains that you must give your customer a real reason
why your offer is one they can’t turn down.
The most common answer to the above question marketers
provide is the price can’t be beat, and never to be
seen again. By combining a special price with a
ticking clock, one is forced to make a choice for the
long term if the offer is right for them. Just because
this is the most frequent way an OTO is shaped to
answer that burning question of yours as to why you’d
need it, does not mean it’s the best method.
Before getting into other OTO selling point concepts,
it is important to look at how the best do their OTO’s
that are themed around price and time to make a choice.
My father always said he’d never make a choice with a
gun to his head. This meant that he understood the
power of high pressure situations, and didn’t want to
make an impulse decision.
Think about it, this is the same thing that the OTO is
trying to get you to do, make a choice with the gun to
your head. Instead of a gun it’s actually a stopwatch
that counts down till the offer is up.
Why make your prospect feel uncomfortable and pressure
them - that doesn’t sound nice does it? Of course not,
the concept behind the OTO is to get your prospect to
TAKE ACTION, thus having them throw the logic and
budget concerns out the door.
Find out how you can create your own hot-selling one-
time offers yourself, even if you've never created
one before!..
Lesson #3 - When's A Good Time To Add An OTO?
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - When's A Good Time To Add An OTO?
Recently, I was with a relative in a mattress store
looking for a great mattress at a low price. The store
seemed to be independently owned, and the owner seemed
to be the same person that was helping my relative and
I shop for a mattress. The only mattresses they had in
our desired price point were horrible.
Ever lay on a bed of rocks? That’s about how soft the
mattresses were in our price range. So obviously we
weren’t interested since the mattresses that were half
decent were thousands of dollars more than we wanted
to spend.
As we thanked the person for showing us around, he
noticed we were leaving, and asked us to come in back,
he wanted to show us one more thing before we left.
I smell an OTO coming on, and I loved every minute of
it. How great, a one time offer from a mattress
salesmen, you got to love it!
As we headed to the back room I noticed a plush $3,000
mattress laying against the wall, the salesmen
explained that the mattress had a stain, and they were
going to have to send it back to the factory, but if
we bought it today with cash he’d give it to us for…
He thought about it for a minute, you could see in his
eyes he was trying to guess our budget so he could
present something in our range, and he said, $300.
Bingo! We bought it on the spot. Funny thing was, I
never did find a stain on it.
A one time offer can be done in virtually any place
that a sale would occur, and thus it is a valuable
tactic to use if you know what you’re doing. When
you present a one time offer that does not have value,
the customer will smell it out, and pass on it 9 times
out of 10.
However, when you create perceived value, and close
the prospect, good things can happen. At the mattress
store the owner had priced all the mattresses way too
high, and had us thinking this was not the place we
were going to make the purchase.
Then he takes us to the back, and shows us this
special deal, which was as soft and plush as any
mattress I’d ever seen. I’m not sure how many
prospects in my situation would have said no, but I’d
guess it’s not many, I believe most people would’ve
snatched up this deal as fast as they could.
Thus the perceived value of the OTO was so great,
it’s a can’t miss.
I know you’re thinking I sell e-books, how can I make
an OTO that has perceived value? Easy, give the
customer everything they are looking for without
losing your profit in the process.
More about this later, though for now it’s just
important that you understand that an OTO can be very
powerful, is always about time in some sense, and is
something that you must master in order to do it to
Lesson #4 - How To Theme Your One-Time Offer
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - How To Theme Your One-Time Offer
One of the most important things to keep in mind when
dreaming up your OTO is the theme of the offer. If
you’re selling e-books about dating, and present the
customer with an OTO for gourmet coffee, understand
that your OTO is in trouble, and will not convert well
at all.
Instead you’d want to offer a membership to a dating
website that offered expert advice, counseling, etc.
The first OTO type we’re going to look at is OTO’s
that are themed with a previous offer.
To theme an OTO towards a previous offer is a natural
and positive thing to do when one has something more
to offer.
Not everyone has something positive to offer, and you
must make sure your offer has more value than the
product or service that the individual is or was about
to purchase. The OTO that has a previous theme,
especially with those that are leaving a site without
purchasing, has a much better rate of success than any
A themed OTO you’ve all probably seen is that of the
popcorn upgrade. If you’ve ever been to a movie in the
past several years you’ve encountered the proposition
to upgrade from the medium popcorn you just ordered to
a large for just 50 cents more.
I’m not sure about conversion rates on that OTO, but
it’s probably pretty high. The reason it does well is
because people can justify the value of the popcorn,
after all it’s just 50 more cents.
Take the same principle of the themed popcorn offer
and apply it to something you’re more likely to be
selling, like an e-book. If you sell an e-book on the
health benefits of drinking water, it might make sense
to offer your customer a discount on a water purifier,
or a set of drinking glasses.
This is a little different since you’ve gone from
information products to physical products, but the
fact remains that people would find this of value for
the most part, and give it a shot. If you don’t feel
like shipping the product, just include an affiliate
link to a major retailer like Amazon or eBay :)
More on that in the full course!
Lesson #5 - How *NOT* To Create An OTO!
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - How *NOT* To Create An OTO!
A themed OTO after the sale is made that does not work
is one that is over priced or under valued. This is
typically found when you purchase something for a few
dollars, and are asked if you want to upgrade to
something else for a thousand dollars.
The mind is not able to handle that type of budgetary
swing. You’ve just committed to a few hundred dollars
to purchase the product, and now you’re being asked to
toss another thousand on top of that?
Forget it.
That OTO would never work, and thus one must only
offer OTO’s that fit the theme, both in category of
product, and in price of product.
Guru’s are famous for their OTO’s. One guru seems to
have an OTO for every one of his 50 websites. Some are
compelling, some are not. Some make me want to take
action, others don’t. But I have to give respect to
that guru for making it a point to put an OTO on
whatever product is released with his name on it, even
if it’s free!
Find out how you can create your own hot-selling one-
time offers yourself, even if you've never created
one before!...