Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
The Secrets To Using PLR To Speed Up Your Content Creation Finally Revealed!
Lesson #1 - What Is PLR?
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - What Is PLR?
PLR or Private Label Rights are a fantastic concept. Initially,
the concept was applied to offline stores and was brought online
a few years ago. Several people claim to be the originators of
the online term and process, but no one is totally sure who
actually brought it online.
Think about your last visit to a supermarket. How many
supermarket own brand products did you see and / or buy? Most
supermarkets have pretty much every product available as an own
brand product at a discount to the leading brands.
These are private label products. Yep, you can buy private label
canned beans! It is actually an incredibly lucrative market and
was invented by a company who were trying to think of how to
increase their market share for their canned produce and then
came up with the idea of allowing supermarkets to white label
their products. They made a fortune and changed the face of
supermarket shopping.
The same concept applies online with people selling private
label rights to products that you can buy and call your own to
do with as you please (so long as the rights permit it).
You are buying a product that someone else has created and are
selling it as your own. You pay them once and then keep all the
profits for yourself. You never pay them a penny for royalties
or anything.
It is a very good way for you to get your hands on high quality
products very cheaply. To get an e-book ghost written for you
can cost between $500 and $1000 depending on the quality and
length. To buy a PLR e-book of similar quality and length could
cost you as little as twenty bucks.
You can see it is a massive discount on the original cost and
provides you with one of the best ways to get hold of high
quality products to use in your business.
It dramatically reduces the time it takes you to create products
because you can use some PLR almost as is. Of course, it’s
recommended that you do some re-branding and re-writing, but
that doesn’t take very long to do once you get the hang of it.
It’s a very cheap way for you to test a market to see if it is
profitable. You can use a PLR product to test the waters and if
it is profitable then you can create your own product very
quickly having got a good understanding of your target market.
It significantly reduces risk involved with entering new markets.
It is also a quick way to enter a market. If you have to create
a product for every market you find you could be there for a
long time! If you use PLR products then you can be finding a
product in the morning and earning from it later that day.
PLR products have many uses, not just as products themselves.
You can use them as bonus items for other products you are
selling. Using Master Resale Rights products or Resale Rights
products as bonuses can have the effect of reducing the value of
your offer because people have seen these products before or may
have them already.
Creating your own unique bonus items from PLR isn’t a massive
amount of work. It means that all the products you are promoting
are your own and you are not building anyone else’s business.
Depending on the rights, you may be able to use the PLR product
as a list builder to give away on a squeeze page. This again
provides a quick and cheap way of getting a list builder
together and testing a market.
PLR provides you with a great way to provide value to your
buyers at minimal expense and effort to yourself. Used well, it
can be a very profitable business, and you will learn all the
details as you go through this training program.
Lesson #2 - PLR Rights Explained
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - PLR Rights Explained
The rights associated with PLR products can be a little bit
confusing. There are lots of different rights and no real
standard. There is a loose standard, which we will discuss here,
but even this varies between sites.
You need to pay close attention to the rights because they
determine what you can and cannot do with a product. Whereas the
legal enforceability of them is dubious, there is a gentlemen’s
agreement that these are stuck to for the good of all. Obviously
there are people who flout the rights but they are usually
blacklisted by marketers for doing so.
Some of the more common rights are listed here. A typical rights
statement will look like this with lots of statements and Yes or
No next to each one to determine what you can do with the
[YES] May sell at your own price
Quite often you see a right giving you guidance on what price
you should charge for a product. Price fixing, i.e. demanding
you sell it at a certain price is illegal and unenforceable, so
you can safely ignore those rights. However, it is worth looking
at the guideline prices as it may give you an idea of the worth
of the product. Then again, it could be overly inflated to make
the product look more valuable to potential buyers.
[YES] May put a different name on as the author
This is a fundamental principle of PLR products. Some of them,
however, don’t allow you to claim copywriter or ownership unless
you change the product by at least 50%. This indicates that you
can do so from day one with no changes.
[YES] May change/add to/remove content as you wish
Again, this is a fundamental principle of private label product.
You may not always see this in a PLR rights statement because it
is inherent in the concept of selling PLR rights.
[YES] May be added to PAID membership sites
Often you will see this right as products being added to paid
memberships retain some of their value. This may be clarified by
some people stating that only the personal usage rights may be
provided to a paid membership site. It depends on the product.
You will see another right related to this a little further down.
[YES] May be converted into multi-media products and sold
This is also inherent with PLR products, but many people include
it anyway, just to be absolutely clear. You are unlikely to ever
see a no next to this for this very reason.
[YES] May be offered as a bonus with other PAID products
You will sometimes see rights limiting what you can group the
product with. Often you will see rights stating you can’t sell
it in a bundle with more than four products or other
limitations. This is to prevent people selling it in dimesales
or firesales for pennies. If you have re-written the product
then this isn’t an issue because you have a brand new product.
This right just applies to the original, unedited work.
[YES] May sell Personal Use Rights to others
This is included by most people for completeness as it is the
fundamental principle of private label rights. If you couldn’t
sell this, there would be no point buying the product!
[YES] May sell Resale Rights to others
This is again standard text and just means you can sell on
resale rights if you choose to do so.
[YES] May sell Master Resale Rights to others
This is more standard text and means you can sell the master
resale rights to other people if you choose. You will only
normally see a no next to this if you are buying a master resale
rights product with non transferable rights.
[NO] May sell Private Label Rights to others
This is a statement that adds value to the PLR rights as it
means people won’t be selling the PLR rights everywhere. It
means the PLR rights are only available to the original
purchasers. The value lays in the fact that only the original
purchasers can rebrand and re-work these products, whereas
anyone else can only have master resale rights.
[NO] May give away for FREE
This adds to the value of the PLR product. It means that you are
not going to find it being given away for nothing across the
Internet. It will retain its value significantly because of
this. It does mean that you can’t use it as a list builder, but
that’s fine, it will have more value to you because you know
people aren’t getting hold if it for nothing.
[NO] May be added to FREE membership sites
This goes hand in hand with the previous right and means that
the product won’t be added to free membership sites. It means
the PLR product retains value because of it. You may sometimes
see this being a bit more precise and saying that only the
personal usage version can be added to a free membership site.
However, the best PLR will typically state no for this.
[NO] May be sold on auction sites
This is another typical right you will see. When a product gets
released on to eBay you will find it being sold for a few cents,
bundled with other products and sold with rights it doesn’t
have. Obviously, this isn’t always the case, but it often
happens. Most PLR authors object to their products getting on to
eBay because it devalues the product for everyone else very
quickly. If you are planning on selling your product through
auction sites you will have to re-write it significantly before
you do.
[NO] May be added to bundles of more than 4 products
You will often see this limitation in order to prevent the
product being bundled into firesales or dimesales. Typically in
this situation you can get products for pennies on the dollar
and so it devalues the original product. Of course, if you have
re-written the product significantly then you can do with it as
you please at it is now a unique product.
[NO] May claim copyright or sell Private Label Rights (Not
unless you change over 50% of the content to your own)
You won’t see this right very often, but it does appear on
occasion. Basically this is protecting the value of the
investment by ensuring it isn’t sold on. Quite often this right
will be left off and it will just say no to selling PLR rights.
The most valuable rights to you are non transferable PLR rights
with a limited distribution. The fewer people who can get hold
of the original PLR the better as it means the market will be
much less saturated. With very low distributions you can expect
to pay a premium and that will give you a real edge in the
Many people who purchase PLR products will literally turn them
around as is and sell the PLR rights. They’ll make some money
but it will be very short term cash. It won’t be long before the
master resale rights version is being sold for a few dollars by
many people.
This is particularly common in the Internet marketing niche and
not so much in other niches.
However, if you follow this course and apply it you will be able
to create long term cash generators and outsell all the
Lesson #3 - Where To Find PLR
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - Where To Find PLR
Finding high quality PLR is a challenge, but it is out there.
You may have to go through some poor quality PLR first, but you
will be able to find it. The videos accompanying this book show
you some of the best places to find high quality PLR. Remember,
the advantage of high quality PLR is it isn’t as much work to
re-write it to create a unique high value product.
One of the best places to find unique PLR is the Warrior Forum.
This is a forum for Internet Marketers and is free for you to
browse. It has a section called Warrior Special Offers where you
can find some fantastic deals.
Many marketers start their business on the Warrior Forum and
because it is a community you find people will provide very
special deals here. In the video you will see us find a massive
discount on a PLR membership site that is only available in the
Warrior Forum.
Likewise, you can find high quality PLR products being sold here
that are not available anywhere else. You definitely need to be
monitoring this forum for PLR. There is a lot of noise and a lot
of other offers, but if you sift through them you will find some
real gems.
There are many PLR membership sites you can find online which
will provide you with PLR products every month. These will be
discussed more in the next section.
There are also reseller and wholesale sites where you can often
get PLR products for a fraction of the cost it would be for you
to acquire them direct. The downside of this is that you may not
be able to have the rights you want, i.e. PLR rights, unless you
buy them direct. However, it is a good way to find some great
packages for a very low price.
Of course, you can search on Google. Searching for keywords and
your PLR and then looking through the results will reveal many
sites which will provide you with PLR.
You always have to check out the rights they give you for the
products and the quality, but in general you will find decent
quality. Remember, anywhere selling poor quality products is not
likely to survive in business for too long.
Many marketers will sell PLR rights to either their own products
or products they have created and not used. Being on their lists
will always ensure you are aware of whatever PLR is being
offered. Any really high quality PLR being sold will be marketed
by these people as affiliates so you are bound to hear about it.
There are also many giveaways in the Internet Marketing niche
and you can pick up some PLR here. Sometimes these are unique
and interesting, other times they are products that you probably
already have. However, it is always worth having a look as you
can sometimes find some good products. Don’t spend a lot of time
on these, but just look through them to find what you are after.
The one place to avoid finding resale rights products is eBay.
Sure, you can find thousands of products on a CD for a few
bucks, but many of these are either terrible quality or they are
products that you are not legally allowed to sell. Often these
will include recently published books in PDF format that could
land you in legal hot water if you try and sell them. Most of
these are only suitable if you are planning on selling the
entire package on eBay for a few bucks to try and make cash from
people looking for resale rights products.
Whereas there are some good quality packages on eBay, wading
through all the rubbish makes it a pretty pointless exercise. It
would be a far better use of your time to go find decent quality
membership sites and products through somewhere like the Warrior
High quality PLR products do exist, it is just you may need to
spend some time finding them. There is less work involved for
you with high quality products, but sometimes even a poor
quality product will provide a framework to start with.
Lesson #4 - Making Money With PLR
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Making Money With PLR
There are many different ways to make money from PLR products.
It is only limited by your imagination and creativity. This
chapter will discuss some of the common ways to make money from
PLR. You may choose to do one of these or many of them,
depending upon your target market, the rights and your business
Create An E-Book
This is the most common choice with PLR products. Most PLR
products already come as e-books so most people will turn them
round and sell them as is. With the techniques you will learn in
the next two chapters you can make some changes to an existing
PLR e-book and increase your earnings from it.
A PLR product could become a single e-book or a group of e-books
depending on the subject and what you do with it. You may
increase the length of the book or shorten it, but more on that
later on.
Create An Audio Book
Audio books are perceived as being higher value than just a
plain e-book. You could sell the product solely as an audio book
with a transcription (the e-book) thrown in as a bonus.
With our iPod friendly culture, many people love to listen to
audio books as they can do other things whilst they are
“reading”. Delivering an audio version will set you apart from
the competition and add value to your package.
You can either record the audio yourself or you can hire someone
to do it. Any of the freelancing sites will have many voiceover
artists who would be happy to record your product. The higher
quality artist and the more experience they have, the more you
are going to pay, but the end result is a much higher quality
product for you to sell.
Create A Video Series
Video is perceived as being even more valuable than audio, and
many people love video these days with the wide availability of
broadband Internet.
You could sell the product as videos with a transcription (the
e-book) or you could sell the e-book with the videos as an
upsell. Both of these work and it will depend on your target
market how well they are received.
These can be recorded yourself or outsourced depending on your
skills, vocal abilities and finances. You need to ensure you
create a high quality product in order for you to maximize your
revenue, so if you are not sure you can do it then you need to
outsource it.
Video lends itself nicely to physical products, as does audio,
which we will discuss in a minute.
Create A Membership Site From It
There are many opportunities to create membership sites from PLR
products. These could be training products or other types of
membership site based around the PLR product itself and maybe
other products.
Membership sites are a great model because you usually charge a
recurring fee paid every month. This means you have a few months
guaranteed income from each member, instead of just making the
single sale. This makes a membership site a very attractive
model for business
Add It To A Membership Site
If you already own a membership site then you may want to
re-write the PLR product and use it as content for members.
Exactly what you do with it will depend upon the rights granted
with the product and the needs of your members.
However, PLR products are a great source of content for
membership sites and many people make a good living from this
type of site. You will understand your members and be able to
give them what they want from the PLR.
Create A Home Study Course
A home study course is typically a multimedia course involving
audio, video and books. These may or may not be a physical
In most cases, this will be a reasonably substantial package
that provides complete training on the subject. This usually
comes at a premium price to the end user and provides them with
high value.
If you are creating home study courses then they will often be
an amalgamation of a number of PLR products together with
original content. Home study courses make a good backend product
or upsell.
Create A Physical Product
Even in our digital age, people love to receive physical
products. Some people won’t want to download the digital product
and others will just want a physical product for safekeeping. It
means they don’t have to print / burn it if they can buy it from
Physical products are also easier for you to sell offline
through classified and other adverts.
The physical product may be an upsell or may be the entire
product itself. If you are delivering digital products then
having a link to order the physical product on the download page
often brings in some additional income.
You can use a company like for CD and DVD
production and someone like for your printed books.
Which one you use depends on your product.
Create A Viral Product
Viral products are a great way to get traffic to your website
and promote either your own products or affiliate products. The
basic premise is that people take your viral product and
distribute it to other people with your links in.
This could be a product they can give away to their subscribers
or website visitors or it could be a product they can sell with
resale or master resale rights.
Remember when creating a viral product it has to be something
people will want to pass on to their friends or list.
Create A List Builder
Depending on the rights, you may be able to use it (particularly
if you re-write it) and use it as a giveaway to build a list.
Offering something like this to your visitors will help
encourage them to sign up to your list.
The rights may not permit you to do this, so you may end up
having to significantly re-write it as the giveaway product.
Remember that it has to be something of value, it can contain
affiliate links and must pre-sell your main product.
Create An On or Offline Training Course
Training courses can earn you a lot of money. Rather than read
an e-book, you can present your PLR material in the form of a
training course, which has a higher perceived value and could
well have a recurring billing component.
This may end up being a multimedia course or even a program you
deliver in person. Remember, there are a lot of companies and
groups offline who still hire speakers and people to present to
This is potentially a very high value opportunity and requires a
bit more work than creating an e-book, but will be worth it for
Create An E-Course
E-courses are like training courses but are delivered by
autoresponder. These are typically training courses or even
membership site content. If you split the PLR product up into
various modules then you could create an e-course that could be
either a pre sales or post sales training course or even a
product in itself.
Use It As Website Content
Providing the rights permit it, you can use PLR as website
content. It makes a very quick and easy way to create a website,
particularly if you are using PLR articles.
This again provides you with a rapid way of creating a website
with high quality content. If you mix it with unique content
then you are on to a winner as far as the search engines are
Use It As Autoresponder Content
Finally you can use all, or some, of the PLR product as content
for your autoresponder sequence. You can purchase PLR
newsletters, but these really need to be re-written before use.
There are a whole host of uses for PLR material and you can use
any one of the above or any combination of them with your PLR
material. You may find that you create an initial e-book and
autoresponder series and then create many other products based
on PLR material to satisfy your market.
Lesson #5 - Maximum Value Of PLR
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Maximum Value Of PLR
Anyone can take a PLR product and then sell it on either as PLR
or master resale rights without making any changes to it. The
real serious income comes when you change the product around and
create a valuable proposition for your buyers.
In order to maximize the value you need your product to stand
out from the crowd. It needs to be different from everyone else
who is selling the same PLR product in order to attract the most
The easiest way to do this is to change the title and graphics.
That’s a good start, but if people do buy the product then they
are going to realise it is the same content as other products
and you may see a high refund rate.
You can further add value by adding extra information into the
product. If you have researched your niche and you know what
they are after and what they want, then you can add more of this
information into the product to increase the value of it.
With some bonuses on the sales page (perhaps made from other
PLR) you have a high value product that solves the target
markets problems and should sell well.
You can further add value to the product by creating an audio
book and a video course from it. Not all products lend
themselves to these formats, but if yours does, then these are
perceived as higher value than just an e-book.
If you follow the herd and try to sell your PLR product as is
then all you are going to do is make a short term income and
compete on price. This will drive the price down and make it
harder for you to earn a decent amount of money from your work.
By thinking outside of the box and being creative with your use
of PLR plus re-writing it (see the next chapter) you will be
able to maximize the value of the product to your target market.
It will stand out from the crowd and will be easier for you to
To truly maximize the value of your product you have to
understand your target market. What pain are they experiencing
that has made them look for a solution? What are their problems?
Knowing this will help you create a product that will sell well
because it meets their needs. If you also understand what they
want, then the product will be a big hit.
People don’t always buy what they need, usually they will buy
what they want. This is why you find families who can’t afford
to feed their children with 52 inch plasma TV’s. They need to
feed their family but want the television. Wants will win in the
majority of cases.
So what does your target market want?
All of the above will help you to maximize the value of your
product even before you have started re-writing it. Add in the
re-writing from the next chapter and you will have a high class,
valuable product that should do very well for you.
Lesson #6 - How To Rewrite PLR
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - How To Rewrite PLR
Re-writing PLR is the key to making the product your own and
maximizing the value from it. Once you have significantly
re-written PLR it becomes your own product and you are
effectively free from the license restrictions.
Re-writing PLR can be outsourced. Any of the freelancing sites
will have competent writers who can do this for you. Remember to
check out samples and their feedback before you start in order
to ensure they are decent quality writers. The price will vary
from a few cents a word to a few dollars a page depending on the
You want to have new graphics designed for your product. You may
be tempted to just change the title on the graphics, but people
will still think it is the same product. In order to get maximum
value your product must be perceived as being different from the
If you are good at graphics then do this yourself otherwise
outsource it. You want the site design and a product image at
the absolutely minimum.
You need to change around the title page as well, add your
graphic to it and change the layout in order for it to fit your
own personal style and to differentiate it from the competition.
If there isn’t a disclaimer in the product then you need to add
one, or add to it if there is one there. Again, this helps to
make your product unique.
The table of contents is the next thing to tackle. If there
isn’t one, add one. If there is one already there change it
around and make it look different from the original. Change the
layout and then change the chapter headings (moving them around
and adding some if you can) to make it completely unique.
The introduction will need rewriting in your own style. Make
sure this grabs their attention and is completely different from
the original. This will make your product stand out and ensure
your readers enjoy your product.
Ideally you want to rewrite the content by a minimum of 50%.
This means swapping content around, adding to it, either unique
content, PLR articles or other PLR books and creating a totally
unique product.
You need to write in your own style, providing it is appropriate
for your target market. If you write in a style that is not
appropriate for your market you will alienate them.
For example, a book on confidence or dating can’t be written in
a doubting, wishy washy tone because it will not be accepted by
the market. Just as a book aimed at the scientific community
can’t be written in an informal, laid back style.
The style of the book has to be appropriate for your market and
if you have done your market research you will understand their
problems and pain as well as the solutions they are looking for.
This will enable you to target your style and content precisely
for your market for maximum results.
Lesson #7 - Summary Of PLR
SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - Summary Of PLR
Private label rights are a very valuable resource for you. The
provide a lot of benefits, not least is the reduction in time to
market and product development time.
You can very rapidly create unique, valuable products for your
target market using PLR material. In fact, you can create lots
of different types of products, not just an e-book.
It allows you to target many niches at once rather than
following the traditional product development process of
creating one product at a time. With practise, you will be
re-working PLR products in under a day and setting them up for
It grants you cheap access to expert writers and designers
through buying the private label rights to their material. It
could cost you several hundred, or even thousand, dollars to
hire that person to create you a product, but purchasing the PLR
rights provides you with a significant cost benefits.
There are lots of different ways you can monetize PLR products
and it is really only limited by your ingenuity. People make
lots of money from PLR all the time and you could be one of them.
Whether you create an e-book, audio book, video course,
membership site or whatever doesn’t really matter so long as you
are addressing what your target market wants. You need to
understand then and give them what they want, i.e. the solution
to their problem in an easy to digest capsule form with no work
You do need to find decent quality PLR and that can be a
challenge sometimes. However, resources like the warrior forum
will ensure that you find good quality work that you can make
into your own profitable products.
A monthly PLR membership site can be a great place to get your
products from and you can create new profitable sites from them
every month, which will be highly profitable.
Remember that before using PLR you need to make some changes to
it in order to guarantee the best possible price and conversion
rate. It needs to look different to everyone else’s product and
stand out from the crowd.
People who are looking for a solution to their problems tend to
compare a number of different solutions. If yours stands out as
being different and better then you are more likely to make a
sale. You won’t be competing on price which the people who throw
up a PLR product and hope for a sale are doing.
Now you have all the tools for starting to make money from PLR
products so here’s a quick action plan to help you succeed.
1) Find a PLR product in a niche you are interested in – you
probably have at least one on your hard drive now. If you have
more than one in a niche, take them all and copy them into a
separate directory.
2) Rework this PLR product into a unique product with brand new
graphics and sales page
3) Put it on Clickbank and drive traffic to it.
4) Enjoy the results!
Don’t try and spread yourself too thin. Pick one project and
work on that until it is earning. Trying to do much at once will
mean nothing gets done short term, and you want to get some
quick results.
You have all the tools now for earning from private label rights
products, so take action, follow the steps about and make money