Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
How To Legally Steal Other People's Content And Cash In With It!
Lesson #1 - How Do You Know If A Work Is Public Domain?
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - How Do You Know If A Work Is Public Domain?
Public Domain is the vast body of material that includes books,
photos, music and information that is available for the public
to use and
All of this is normally protected by copyright laws, but
copyright protection is not forever. Intellectual property that
is not covered by copyright laws belongs to the public domain.
Therefore, it is open to everyone who wants to use it. And that
can mean serious financial gain for you.
How Do You Know If a Work is Public Domain?
Copyright laws vary from country to country. In the United
States, there are three general rules that you need to follow to
help you assess potential public domain works.
RULE #1: Works published in the United States before 1923 are
considered public domain.
This rule is cut and dry. There are no exceptions. If the work
was published, created, or produced prior to 1923, then it is in
the public domain.
RULE #2: Works created after March 1, 1989, even if not
published, are copyright protected for 70 years after the
author’s death. Works made for hire (corporate authorship) after
March 1, 1989 are copyright protected for 120 years from
creation or 95 years from publication, whichever is sooner.
This rule, of course, means that you do not have to actively
file for copyright notice to come under the protection of the
copyright law. Under this rule, all creative work produced after
March 1, 1989 is automatically covered.
The phrase “works made for hire” actually refers to publications
issued for and by a corporation so the legal author turns out to
be the employer or corporation. That is why they are sometimes
collectively referred to as “corporate authorship” and may
include anything from newsletters to employee manuals, annual
reports and instructional texts.
Works made for hire may also cover any situation wherein a
creative professional is paid to produce a work within the scope
of his own employment.
RULE #3: Works published in the United States between 1923 and
March 1, 1989 are also copyright protected, provided the
formalities are observed.
These formalities include notice of copyright, registration,
and/or renewal. Failure to observe these formalities means the
work is in the public domain. On the other hand, if you comply
with the requirements, then your work is under copyright
So, to summarize, you know that a particular work falls into the
public domain if it comes under any of the following conditions:
• Published before 1923
• Published between 1923 and 1978 without a valid copyright
• Published between 1978 and March 1, 1989, without a notice and
• Published between 1923 and 1963 with a copyright notice but
author failed to renew it (According to a report, only 7% of
copyrights issued through 1958 were renewed)
However, a work is not public domain if any of the following
conditions apply:
• Published between 1923 and 1963 with a copyright notice,
properly renewed before its expiration for the first 23-year
protection term
• Published between 1963 and March 1, 1989 with a valid
copyright notice
• Published or created any time after March 1, 1989 (Works after
this date are deemed automatically under copyright protection)
Stay tuned for the next email where I'll show you 4 places
online where you can source your public domain content.
Lesson #2 - Sourcing Your Public Domain Content
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Sourcing Your Public Domain Content
If you want to get quality public domain content to start
building a site or your own product then you need to know the
best places to look for.
Start by searching for keywords and phrases like:
• public domain music
• public domain images
• public domain books
• public domain movies
• public domain works
• public domain library
• public domain software
**A word to the wise -- Don't trust everyone. Information from
the Library of Congress is reliable. If you're doing the
research yourself, it's in your best interest to contact a
copyright lawyer before you publish the work, just in case it
falls outside the copyright laws.
• Talk it Out
Besides regular websites, public domain works are also available
in boards with public posting access, e.g. forums, message
boards, and e-groups. Just do a search for “public domain
forum,” substituting “forum” with message boards, list, group,
news, community, etc.
**Just remember: Before you join any group, forum, or community,
browse through the forum posts and member profiles first to
determine if the members are easy to talk with and are not
averse to answering questions (okay, a lot of questions) from
• Go Right to the Source
When you do your search for public domain works, you will find
that many libraries and groups offer you a wide range of
creative work in the public domain. Countless copies of work
without copyright protection are digitized, archived in online
databases, and made freely available to the public.
According to them, this helps ensure the information is freely
available to scholars, educators, students, and the general
Start your search using the following resources:
• – For a collection of online reference books,
this site is the place to go. It also contains literature
(fiction and non fiction), verse, quotations, and books in the
public domain.
• – A collaborative project between the
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s MetaLab and the
Center for the Public Domain, is a database of
freely available information, including software, music,
literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural
• – As a free online library, this site offers
thousands of free books that a student, teacher, or even the
classic enthusiast can use completely without charge. It has an
author index which allows you to read free biographical
information about them.
• – Approximately 18,000 free public domain
e-books are available.
The Traditional Way
Public libraries are often a treasure trove of public domain
work. Often the staff will be able to direct you to the
resources you're looking for. Browsing through the card catalog
will also turn up golden nuggets, as they usually contain the
date of publication.
After finding the public domain materials you need, you are now
ready for the next step, which is preparing this work for
resale. One of the proven packaging methods to re-sell public
domain works is through an e-book.
Stay tuned for our next lesson where we'll discuss how to go
about turning this raw content into your own eBook.
Lesson #3 - Creating Your eBook With Public Domain
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - Creating Your eBook With Public Domain
Creating an ebook is quite simple {!firstname_fix}.
You can scan a physical book, compile the scans and transfer
them to a PDF file, or you can hire a freelancer to transcribe
the book in Word or another data processing program, so you can
turn that into a PDF file.
The beauty of e-books is they can be easily downloaded from the
Internet, whether direct from a website or as an email
attachment. However, downloading can be slow for some consumers,
especially if they are not using a broadband connection.
E-books that are particularly long can take quite a long time to
download and can be a source of hassle for your consumers. Aside
from cutting your e-book into mini, easy to download file sizes
(which would totally defeat the whole purpose of having an
e-book for a product in the first place), the best option you
have is to zip your e-book into an archive. This will compress
your e-book into a smaller file and will make it easy to
You can download free PDF software from
How to Turn E-Books into Money-Making Machines
Your public domain work can be used to make money in a variety
of ways. Take your inspiration from these well known stories:
Walt Disney
Walt Disney has made a billion dollar fortune on timeless
stories that we have always loved. His entire empire is built on
characters from these stories, making everything from movies, TV
shows, songs, music, theme parks, and so much more.
His source? The Grimm Brother’s Collection of Fairy Tales – a
public domain work. Disney simply copied them, tweaked the
characters’ names, rewrote a happy ending, slapped the whole
thing on a piece of film, added some music, and voila! He opened
a whole new world of magic while he made profit out of it.
Ted Turner
Turner Classic Movies (TCM), a cable network that earns millions
of dollars a year in gross profits, broadcasts classic films
that have long since entered the public domain, Ted Turner only
pays a very minimal cost when broadcasting.
This is a far cry from other broadcast stations who must shell
out millions to pay for royalties and other fees.
As a shrewd businessman, Ted Turner saw the opportunity of a
lifetime that public domain offered – re-distributing
copyright-free works and earning a fortune for his effort.
You will find many more examples of rags-to-riches stories
around public domain re-selling. Who said this kind of stories
only exist in fairy tales? You can create your own fairy tale,
too, by turning public domain ideas into dollars.
In our next lesson will discuss how you go about making money
with your new eBook - don't miss out on this!
Lesson #4 - Making Money With Your Public Domain eBook
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Making Money With Your Public Domain eBook
One of the easiest ways to earn money from public domain e-books
is duplicating the exact content of public domain works and
re-selling them.
Since the product is already in the public domain, there are no
royalties and no worries about copyright infringement. You do
not even have to get permission from the original author in
order to excerpt, reprint, or advertise their products.
You can make as many copies as you want of the original public
domain work, convert them into downloadable e-book format (See
previous section for instructions on how to create an e-book)
and can start re-selling, re-distributing, and reaping the
Give E-Books a Face-lift and Make Money
Have you noticed how successful companies re-package their
products over and over?
Walt Disney made use of this great business strategy. He came up
with a new way of telling old fairy tales, giving the stories a
refreshing feel. You can do this, too, with an old public domain
Just choose the public domain work you want. Create a revised
edition of it and then sell it as your own. Or, rework the
piece, add your own style, repackage it and sell it as your own.
Because of the copyright protection attached to it, no one else
can copy your work. This means the work is completely yours –
free for your use, private or otherwise.
Giving public domain work a face-lift does not take a creative
genius. The whole thing can be simple; just change the format of
a work by doing any or all of the following:
• Make the type face cleaner;
• Make the text more attractive by arranging it into sidebars
and tables. This would make the content much easier to read than
blocked text arranged in a boring, monotonous paragraph;
• Add graphics, headings, or color texts;
• Make a few actual changes to the text, either by adding new
material or subtracting unnecessary lines.
• turn a book into an audio or video
**NOTE: If you only made minor revisions to a public domain work
and did not make any actual changes to the content, it is not
advisable to file for a separate copyright notice for the “new”
work. If you must protect your product, then use the protection
feature that most e-book creation software offers – one that
makes it possible for you to protect your files from major theft
and tampering.
In our next email I'll share some 'outside-of-the-box' tips for
making money with public domain pictures and where to sell them!
Lesson #5 - How To Make MORE Money With Public Domain Content
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - How To Make MORE Money With Public Domain Content
Not many marketers understand or appreciate the real value of
public domain content even though they know it exists.
This is usually because they don't know how to fully exploit
them and so put it off.
Today I want to delve deeper as to what you can do with this
content - starting with images.
Recreate Public Domain Images and Sell Them
Besides modernizing public domain text, another alternative is
recreating copyright-free images. Again, you do not have to be
an artist to do this sort of thing. You do, however, need to
know a little about digital art software like Photoshop or Corel
With the help of a good image editing software, you can make
alterations in a public domain image, depicting tired old works
like Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Picasso’s Woman in front of the
Mirror in a humorous twist.
In fact, there may already be several funny depictions of these
works circulating the net – propaganda posters like the US
Government’s We Can Do It!, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Vetruvian
Man, and many more. These images are in the public domain so
they are free for use by the public any which way they want.
Once you have a collection of these “modernized” public domain
images, you can group them and publish them as themed calendars,
posters, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, or other gift items. You
can even print your products and sell them online as t-shirts,
hats, book bags, cards, and more.
There are two ways of doing this. You can hire a company that
specializes in promotional products. Have them make an inventory
of all your altered public domain images so you can store them
and ship them whenever a buyer decides to purchase from your
site. Or, you can enlist the services of a Print on Demand
company like Café Press or Lulu and let them reproduce or
reprint copies of your public domain images.
Redistribute Public Domain Works on eBay
Right now, eBay is one of the most powerful websites for selling
products to the world. Based on auction-style selling, buyers
can bid on a product up until the time deadline and then the
highest bid wins the product.
Make CD Versions of Public Domain Work
Repackaging public domain work on CDs gives your business a new
dimension and it's easy to do.
CD versions of public domain works are especially profitable if
you are making revisions or updates on an existing product.
In our last and final email I'll go over more ways in which you
can re-purpose and recycle public domain content which can lead
to more traffic!
We'll also be touching over the core of what internet marketing
is really all about and why public domain content is so precious
for the online world.
Lesson #6 - 4 More Ways To Re-Purpose Public Domain Content
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - 4 More Ways To Re-Purpose Public Domain Content
This is the last and final email you'll receive on the topic of
public domain.
I hope you've found it not only interesting but useful too,
because once you start applying this knowledge and use this
wealth of raw content, you'll be able to start getting more done
and quicker than ever before!
I want to finish off by sharing with you more ideas for turning
public domain content into content for the web.
How to Convert your E-Book into Articles or E-Courses
Not everyone will find a book-length public domain work
appealing. Most online users are browsers and scanners, so they
like to consume information in bite size pieces.
Instead of offering them an entire e-book, you can offer them a
series of articles or an e-course. It can take as little as an
hour to convert your e-book into an e-course. Simply separate
the chapters into bite size pieces and load them into your
autoresponder, or present them on your website as individual
Create Amazing Titles
The title of your e-book, e-course or articles is the key to
getting people to read.
Instead of “Flower Gardens” embellish a bit and turn your title
into something like “10 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Backyard
If you post a list of the article titles in your series or a
lesson plan of your e-course, readers will be drawn in and start
placing orders.
Link Building
The core of internet marketing is link building. When you post
articles to article directories, your link points back to your
website. When you trade links with other related sites, those
links point back to your website too. As you increase the number
of links to your website, the search engines take notice and you
get listed higher in the rankings. As you list higher in the
search engines, you get more visitors and eventually, more sales.
**NOTE: Some website owners will be grateful to you for
providing their links and to show your gratitude they may even
be willing to link back to you. Try to explore this aspect of
link building and see what possibilities open up for you.
Automate Everything
To keep your subscribers updated and to send your articles and
e-courses, you need an autoresponder. An autoresponder is simply
your email management program. It sends email for you on a
pre-scheduled basis. You enter your messages into the system
once and the software sends them for you forever.
Using the public domain can be a cash cow. You have very little
product development time and you have an endless source of raw
material. Your only limitation is your imagination, so let those
creative juices flow and who knows, maybe you'll be the next
Walt Disney :)
I wish you much success.