Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
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Lesson #1 - Understanding Copywriting
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - Understanding Copywriting
To master copywriting, you first need to understand exactly how
it differs from regular writing.
Copywriting is the use of words as promotional tools. They can
promote a person, a business, a product, an opinion or idea, and
they can appear on TV, radio, websites, in direct mailings,
brochures, press releases, catalogs, on flyers, billboards or
via any other kind of advertising material.
A copywriter’s job is to persuade the reader, listener or viewer
to take action, which usually means parting with some money in
exchange for a product or service. Alternatively, it may be used
to promote a certain opinion, or to dissuade people from
subscribing to a certain point of view.
The Unique Selling Point (or USP / Proposition) is a well-known
marketing ploy, although there is really nothing spectacularly
clever about it. In fact, the need to establish a USP is common
sense. Would you go for a job interview without any planned
response to the question of why the company should employ you
over the next candidate? That’s your USP. In truth, it may not
be that unique, but you should still be able to define a special
talent for yourself.
Similarly, copywriters shouldn’t beat themselves up over their
inability to find a truly unique selling point for a product,
especially if it leads to a bending of the truth. In the world
of marketing, there really is very little new under the sun.
Most times, a new ad campaign is simply a redux of one already
used to good effect in the past.
When the brief does not directly indicate the USP it wants to
push, you as a copywriter must try to locate one. The idea is to
set the product apart from, and above, the competition. What is
it that your product does better than the rest? Whatever the
client tells you about this, research it some more. Find out all
you can about the market so that you can write your copy with
Lesson #2 - Your Offer And Headline
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Your Offer And Headline
Make an Offer
When products are on special offer, public interest is piqued.
People love to think they are grabbing a bargain, or even just
saving themselves a few cents over a different brand or on the
previous price of the offer product.
This is perhaps the most important way to close any deal in the
advertising world. The offer taps into the greedy streak that we
all possess. It is so powerful that it is frequently able to
bypass the rational brain and straight away trigger the physical
reaction of hand-in-pocket.
It has been shown that certain unscrupulous supermarkets can
increase their profits by placing display stands near the doors
advertising special offers. In itself, this is not unscrupulous.
Until you consider that the product advertised can be found in
larger containers for less money further inside the store.
Customers wind up walking out with a product they didn’t intend
to buy at an inflated price, all because the word “offer”
appeared above it.
Your copy can make people buy when it grabs their attention with
a special offer.
The Headline
Many people scan a newspaper deciding on the basis of the
headline alone whether or not they will read any given article.
A headline is there to sum up the content of the article, and if
you are a copywriter you must be able to hit your audience smack
between the eyes the moment they see it.
Which is most interesting as a magazine article headline? “My
dog ran away”, “Aliens stole my dog”, or “Martians ate my
Chihuahua”? The story itself may be the same – some nutty
individual loses their pet and blames an ET – but the headlines
say very different things. (The difference between the latter
two is the level of detail in the third, which adds color and
interest to the headline.)
Remember that unsolicited advertising material is normally only
of interest when you are confined to one place with nothing
better to do. In all other circumstances, it has to be very
enticing to draw people in and get them to read it. A strong and
attractive headline can make all the difference, and make or
break an ad campaign.
Lesson #3 - Keep it Simple and Direct
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - Keep it Simple and Direct
Your copy will obviously be different if geared towards surgeons
rather than schoolchildren, but whoever you are trying to reach,
your message should be simple and direct. Cater to the short
attention span and say what you need to say clearly and without
going round the houses.
Even in a long piece of copy, the overall message should be
contained in the opening gambit. You can go into detail later
on, but many people will not have the time or patience to wait
for the punchline.
Bear in mind also that – unless you are catering to an audience
of rocket scientists – there will be a diverse group of people
potentially in receipt of your message. You don’t need to talk
down to people, as though you’re talking to five year-olds, but
you should say what you mean very clearly. Language that is
difficult to understand may be a deal-breaker for some.
Imagine a school teacher addressing a class after a heavy fall
of snow, and consider which message is most effective: “There
shall be no gratuitous redistribution of nature’s benevolence”
or “Don’t throw snowballs”. They both mean the same, but the
message of the first will be lost on the majority of school-age
kids, if not most adults. (This is a genuine quote, by the way!)
Remember that flowery or “clever” language can alienate a large
part of your audience, either because they won’t understand what
you’re saying or because they’ll think you’re being
unnecessarily elitist. Don’t try to impress anyone, just write
in a conversational tone that will reach your target audience.
Lesson #4 - Fire up Your Copy!
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Fire up Your Copy!
Use words that fire the imagination, and please don’t think that
this contradicts the point just made. You can make a powerful
announcement without sounding verbose. Which of these following
sentences sounds best?
“You will be happy you did this because you will make a lot of
money.” Or, “Relaxing on your luxury yacht in years to come, you
will know you made a truly life-changing decision.”
There are no fancy words in the second one – nothing anyone
would struggle to understand or find irritating – but it swaps a
dead statement for one that engages the imagination and lends a
momentous note to the occasion.
"And Your Point Is?"
Have you ever been faced with a salesperson who lists all the
technical specifications of a product without telling you how
any of the features will benefit you?
Selling a product is not about describing its features; it is
about explaining how those features will make your life better.
It is about benefits that are personal to the individual.
Effective copywriting should speak of the personal gains the
product or service will offer. Let’s say you are asked to write
copy for a company that sells running shoes. The new product has
a revolutionary shock-absorbing sole (its USP). Would the
customer want to know the chemical composition of the sole? Or
would they want to know that it can reduce damage to joints and
cartilage so that more frequent exercise can be taken so that
more weight can be lost so that long-term health will improve so
that longevity increases so that more time can be spent with the
grandkids in later life?
Of course you wouldn’t go that far with it, but the principle is
sound; your intention is to alert your audience to the many
benefits they will enjoy by choosing your client’s product over
a rival’s.
Appeal to the Emotions!
This is where your artistry as a writer can come into its own.
Although copywriting rules should be followed in a scientific
manner because they have been proven to work, an ability to
appeal to the customer’s emotions is a precious talent, and it
can reap great financial rewards for yourself and your client.
The literary skills of the copywriter will dictate how effective
this will be, and it is certainly not necessary to write
tear-jerking prose to achieve the desired result. In fact, one
of the best ways to trigger the emotions is to do what was
discussed in the point above: simply describe the positive
benefits for the customer. People like to imagine themselves
being happy and healthy so most of the hard work is already
done; you just need to show them the way. Describe a scene that
links the product with a happy outcome for the customer.
Lesson #5 - Know the Obstacles and Destroy Them
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Know the Obstacles and Destroy Them
Great salespeople enter a sales pitch knowing every conceivable
objection that can head their way. Not only that, but they have
answers prepared to defuse them. Not only that, but they
positively welcome these customer objections because they know
that as each one is removed, making the sale is a step closer.
Similarly, clever copywriters do not sidestep the possible
objections customers may have to purchasing; instead, they
plainly identify them in their copy and deal with them. Although
it may seem a risky strategy to point out the reasons why a
person might not buy, you can rest assured these objections will
not just pass by unnoticed for the lack of you mentioning them.
Besides which, you don’t have to overtly label them as customer
objections; rather, you can just name the benefits that smash
them to pieces. The main objections are:
• I don't have the time – You can see this objection answered in
copy written for exercise apparatus with such comments as “Abs
to be proud of in only five minutes a day!” This doesn’t overtly
identify the objection, although one approach is to do just
that: “Think you don’t have time to build great abs? Think
again! Five minutes a day is all you need!”
• I don't have the money – This is the initial standard
defensive response from even the very wealthy, and it can be a
tough one to overcome. It is usually best answered by creating
such a list of benefits that the price seems fully justified.
• It won't work for me – Without knowing the circumstances of
each customer, you can’t really cover all the bases here, but
you can certainly identify the main reasons why someone might
logically arrive at such a conclusion. Then you need to identify
why they are mistaken.
• I don't believe you – The canny consumer has seen every trick
in the book. Cynicism is a copywriter’s arch-enemy, but also
their raison d’être. If customers did not need persuading,
copywriters would be out of work. The best way to get around
this one is by providing credible benefits, customer
testimonials, and a money-back guarantee.
• I don't need it – This is probably the easiest objection to
overcome because a customer thinking this is clinging on with
their fingertips to the final objection. Very likely the
customer won’t actually need the product. Your thought must be:
No, but you WANT it, and your copy must be so attractive that it
makes them realize this.
Lesson #6 - Long Copy Sells
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Long Copy Sells
This may seem like a contradiction given the previous advice to
keep things simple and direct, but different briefs call for
different tactics and varying amounts of content.
Products or services that are expensive will not be easily sold
with a 100-word pitch. Equally, it may take more effort to
explain the benefits of certain tech-based products or to create
an adequate level of credibility, especially when it’s something
that naturally breeds skepticism. Weight-loss programs would
fall into this category.
Providing you’ve managed to initially hook the audience with a
strong headline and an attractive offer, long copy may be the
order of the day. This approach can be seen in web copy where a
long pitch is interspersed by numerous clickable “Buy” buttons.
The copy continues beyond each button as it adds more and more
reasons why the person reading should respond positively. These
are often a reiteration of points already made, or perhaps more
personal testimonials.
Copy of this kind can carry on for many pages, and you should
not think that this repetition is overkill. People who are
interested will continue reading as they slowly convince
themselves that their parting with money is justified. It is a
clever way of trying to pre-empt that fateful buyer’s remorse. A
purchase based on a gut reaction may be quickly cancelled. The
longer a customer takes to arrive at a decision to buy, the
happier they will be that all the salient points have been
addressed, and their objections overcome.
Lesson #7 - Devil in the Detail
SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - Devil in the Detail
For copywriters, the devil is actually in the generality.
Details are interesting and draw the reader in (remember the
Martians who ate that poor Chihuahua?). They lend some authority
to the information contained in your copy, and this helps to
relax the reader into feeling it’s safe to take action and buy.
• Be Interesting, Get Excited
Someone, somewhere in the world, wants to buy what your copy is
attempting to promote. You may find it impossible to believe,
but if you want to write interesting copy then you’d better
accept it’s true. Your task as a copywriter is to understand the
mindset of the target audience, even where this is a niche
crowd, and to get excited on their behalf. Enthusiasm sells.
• Offer Testimonials
It doesn’t take a genius to work out that testimonials can be
fabricated. Short of getting the phone numbers of satisfied
customers for prospective new customers to call up, testimonials
have to work on the basis of trust. Nevertheless, a sales page
without testimonials looks decidedly unconvincing.
• Offer a Guarantee
In conjunction with an impressive list of testimonials, a
money-back guarantee is a powerful sales tool to add to your
copy. This may not be up to you, of course, but you should
certainly have the confidence of knowing that making this
suggestion to a client shows you have a sound understanding of
what does and doesn’t work. In cases where guarantees are given,
less than 2% of customers ever claim their money back
• Go for the Close
There is not much point writing scintillating copy if you don’t
ask for the order. It is not distasteful to do this, but a lot
of copy avoids doing so. People know pretty quickly when they
are reading an advert, however cunningly disguised as help and
advice at the outset, and they expect it to end with a bid for
their cash. Ask for the order, make it simple for the customer
to buy, and close the sale. It’s the whole point of direct
response copy.
• Weave your Spell
More precisely, weave a sprinkling of magic words into your copy
and see how they work wonders. Certain words have, over time,
proven to be powerful influencers when strategically dropped
into promotional copy.
Powerful, amazing, astonishing, exciting, fantastic,
fascinating, phenomenal, revolutionary, wonderful, special,
unique, super, exclusive, incredible … and other similar
And don’t forget offer-related words, and words that suggest an
event to take notice of: guaranteed, urgent, announcing, new,
introducing, first, free, improved, initial, limited offer,
time-sensitive, time-limited, revealing, successful,
breakthrough …
Finally, keep in mind the personal connection you make when you
talk to your audience in the second person singular: YOU.
• Be Truthful
This means be truthful with your audience and with yourself.
Sincerity sells. Copy that lies or bends the truth passes
straight into the bad copy category, despite any sales it might
elicit. Bad reps are too easily spread around these days via the
internet. Also be aware that “time-sensitive” offers that
actually never end are highly disingenuous and can insult the
customer’s intelligence. In this down economy, you don’t really
need to explain why a discount is being offered.
• Be Honest With Yourself
For your own part, face up to the truth of your own work. Ask
yourself if what you’ve written would cause you to buy. If not,
what is lacking that can be added, or weak that can be
• Review and Rewrite
You will answer the above question about the quality of your own
work far more easily by carrying out a serious and repeated
review of it before you submit it. It is a very rare copywriter
who can write a perfect piece of copy straight off. If you think
you can do this, you are either amazing or deluded.
It is perfectly normal to finish your copy and then want to
rewrite parts of it, and to go through this many times until you
finally read through and have no corrections you wish to make.
That process does not make you an amateur; it’s what makes you a
Naturally, this extra work will effectively reduce your hourly
rate of pay, but it should make for a very happy client, and
that will mean repeat business and often referred business.
• Understand the Power of Words
This is the most fundamental point, but covers more than the
overall message you are conveying. You need to be aware of the
connotations of each word and phrase you use, and be happy that
you are giving out the right message.