Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Site Flipping Riches Just Released!
Site Flipping Lesson #1 - A General Overview
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #1 - A General Overview
Welcome to the first lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
What is flipping? Similar to real estate,
websites can also be bought and sold on the
market. In fact people do it all the time. You
might have gone through the trouble of purchasing
your own website. Perhaps you have bought a few
of sites and some of them worked out in producing
great income or generating you or your business
value. Perhaps others have turned out to be duds.
So, what do you do with your sites? Well, you
should flip them! There are a few things to learn
when it comes to selling sites. Where to buy
them? Where to sell them? And when to sell them?
The great thing about this type of business is
that the entry barriers are relatively very low.
Nearly anyone who knows this business can get
involved with very little to lose and a whole lot
to gain.
So, what’s the secret? There really isn’t a
secret. Every time you go online, where do you
go? Well, most likely, you visit a few web pages.
Those web pages create value to you, either
because they provide you news, information, or
entertainment. Well, someone, owns or had to sell
those web pages to someone else, who then in
turn, created the page you just visited.
This is what makes selling a site, so easy.
Millions of web pages are visited each day.
Millions more will be created before the end of
the year. Why not profit off those web pages by
selling it to someone who will carry your site to
then next level?
Stay tuned, because in our next e-Course, we will
be discussing how to “Buy High and Sell Low.”
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #2 - How To Buy Low And Sell High
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #2 - How To Buy Low And Sell High
Welcome to the second lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
No doubt, you have heard the tenet: buy low and
sell high. The same applies to the virtual world
where you can take a website and totally turn it
around for a handsome profit.
What’s your role in all this? Well, take for
example the regular real estate market in your
neighborhood. Let’s say an investor buys a “fixer
upper” and invests a few thousand dollars up
grading the landscaping and puts in a new
bathroom. He then sells the home and makes a
handsome profit.
What just happened? The investor bought
something, generated value to it, and sold it to
someone else who appreciates that value. Would
the house be worth as much if he did nothing to
it? Probably not. You job is to create a little
value to the “virtual” property that you already
own and sell it for a profit. Sounds like an
enormous barrier? Well, it’s not. The fact is
that doing few simple things can help you
generate a lot of traffic, which we will cover in
our series!
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #3 - How To Create Websites For Profits
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #3 - How To Create Websites For Profits
Welcome to the third lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
So how do you create a website for profit? Well,
let’s go back to that real estate analogy. We
need to generate value for a particular property.
In the on-line world that means we need to
monetize the site or show that it can generate a
bit of value – usually this comes in the form of
traffic or advertising revenue.
Just like an investor wants the best location on
the corner to place his business that is filled
with foot traffic, so too does the internet
entrepreneur or business person want a site that
will generate money.
To do this you need to get your hands dirty a bit
and learn a few tricks through “search engine
optimization” techniques. There are also a few
other ways that we will go into greater detail.
The thing to remember is that this process isn’t
very difficult at all. It just takes a little
knowledge and a little effort, and you will be
well on your weigh to generating income!
We hope that you enjoyed this session and stick
around for the next one!
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #4 - Adding Value To Your Virtual Real Estate
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #4 - Adding Value To Your Virtual Real Estate
Welcome to the fourth lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
The value that generating traffic creates is
king. People are always interested in buying
sites that have more traffic because the sites
can be used to sell items or garner great
advertising sales. So, how do you generate more
traffic? One easy and simple way to do this is
simply through social marketing sites. Always
free to sign up, you can create an email, join a
site and start networking with people who are
interested in your very niche site.
This is of course assumes that you have already
purchased a website and have something up and
online. If you don’t have anything online, you
can create a simple website or page with content
on it with any free and easy to use software. You
can also pay someone to put up your site and add
a few sub-pages.
Social networks and even spending a small budget
on advertising can generate a little traffic that
you want. The traffic will in turn, create
greater opportunities for sales and profits down
the road as potential buyers see that your site
is bringing in traffic.
We hope that you enjoyed this brief e-Course and
stick around for the next one!
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #5 - Online Places You Can Auction Your Site
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #5 - Online Places You Can Auction Your Site
Welcome to the fifth lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
How do you renovate a website? One of the biggest
ways is “optimization.” Optimization is simply
creating your site in a manner that you can be
found on the web. There are millions of sites out
on the web today. And interestingly, there are
many, many great sites. The sad thing is,
however, these sites, will never get found,
because nobody knows about them. Nobody knows
there address.
So, what your job will be is to acquire sites
that are both relevant to a particular niche
(meaning that it has potential for value) and
running that site until its ready to be sold. For
example, if you are in the real estate market,
perhaps you want to start a blog on home
foreclosures. Well, this would probably generate
a lot of interest, right?
What you can do is use free tools out there and
generate the hottest keywords that are being used
to search the exact or related terms on Google.
Once you buy or get that domain, you can create a
blog or develop content that drives your traffic
We hope you enjoyed the e-course topic and stay
for the next one!
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #6 - Important Topics In Selling For Profit
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #6 - Important Topics In Selling For Profit
Welcome to the sixth lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
You want to stay with sites on the subjects you
are familiar with. For example, if you are
familiar with real estate, you might not want to
go into electronics (unless of course, you are
extremely fluent with up to date electronics).
The reason, is because you want to be familiar
with the subject or niche you are working with.
After all, once you acquire a site, you may need
to provide some content to maintain your level of
traffic. It goes without saying that you doing a
little research goes a long way. Following
upcoming trends can be crucial to the timing of
your market. For example, when Apple released the
IPOD, imagine what kind of money you would have
made if you had a blog with the most searched
gadget on Google?
Following consumer’s trends or perhaps the
specific trends in your niche is key. For
example, if you are into real estate, following
up on current laws, programs, or issues for home
owners could be extremely important. As you can
see, this isn’t necessarily difficult, it just
takes a little observation. We hope that you
enjoyed this brief e-Course on making money by
generating value to your current or future
websites to generate profits!
To Your Success,
Site Flipping Lesson #7 - Making Money Off Your Unused Site
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #7 - Making Money Off Your Unused Site
Welcome to the seventh lesson of my seven-part
crash course on flipping your site to make money!
I hope that you find this information valuable
and that it helps you increase your earning
So, you have done the heavy lifting: you have
acquired your site, you have built up the
traffic, and you have created your value. Now you
are ready to sell. But where are you going to
sell? If your website is in a great niche and
have great keywords and is generating traffic,
you can expect to go confidently to the market
place and try to sell your site!
There are many sites that can help you sell your
site. A couple of them are and There are many others
that we go into on your series. Such sites allow
you to maximize your profits!
We hoped that you enjoyed our e-course over the
last seven days. We also hope that the
information we provided make you ponder the
endless possibilities of generating income with
your very own websites.
To Your Success,
P.S. If you would like some more information on
how you can make money through selling your
websites, please check out the full course.