Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
"Did I just make a wise choice?"
Do You Have Tough Decisions?
SUBJECT: Do You Have Tough Decisions?
Dear {!firstname_fix},
The average person is faced with hundreds, maybe
even thousands of decisions every single day. Some of
these might be unconsciously made, but others may take
a lot of thinking to come to a reasonable choice with.
I know how tough it can be to come to a single
decision when there are thousands of possible
outcomes. Even the simple "no-brainers" have everyday
pros and cons.
If you have trouble coming to a single answer or even
find yourself having complications coming to an end
with some questions you may have, I can help you out!
I'm going to teach you the little secrets that can
make a big difference on making sure that it is you
that makes the right choice to get the outcome you
Granted, making perfect choices all the time is very
tough, but it can be easier when you have a
professional teaching you the ways of a wise thinker.
Let me tell you the simple secrets that you need to
know to start turning those tough choices you have
into perfect decisions. Take five minutes right now to
listen to the rest of the story at:
The world is tough right now and the decisions you get
faced with everyday are just as tough if not even
P.S. Take five minutes and let me give you a few great
tips that will help you find ends to all of those hard
decisions you may have to make.
Have You Decided Yet?
SUBJECT: Have You Decided Yet?
SUBJECT: 100% Confident In The Decisions Make Profit
Decisions are the building blocks of everyday Human
Life. Without decisions, life as we know it would not
We, as humans, tend to second guess our decisions and
maybe even agonize over some choice we made that had a
negative outcome.
Sure, we can't always get the outcome we want, but we
can definitely walk away thinking, "I made the best
possible decision there was to make." No More second
The first step to making the right decisions is to
make confident decisions. If You aren't Confident in
the decisions you make then you'll never make the
right decisions.
I'm going to show you everything you need to be 100%
confident in the decisions you make. Now you will be
able to KNOW that you have made the best decision you
can and you will always be happy with your choices.
Every single solitary decision you make, no matter how
big or small, will affect your future in some way.
Can I show you my secret technique to making your
decisions the right decisions?
Don't just be another person that goes through life
wondering if they made the right choice, Be the person
that KNOWS it.
To your success,
P.S. If You find yourself second guessing many, if not
all of your decisions you make, don't you think its
about time to change that? Make the right decision now
and check out my link.
Did You Make Up Your Mind Yet?
SUBJECT: Did You Make Up Your Mind Yet?
Dear {!firstname_fix},
I know how hard it can be to Make up your mind on
certain things and making tough decisions is pretty
Did you know that there are a few things that you can
do to help make your life much easier by making the
right decisions and be 100% confident in the decisions
you make?
One of the quickest and easiest ways to make the best
decision you can is to be confident in your decision
making process.
Did you know, according to an AMI Statistic, that 50%
of all decisions made in the business world have been
later realized to have been WRONG decisions?
If companies and businesses can go about making the
wrong choices 50% of the time and still be alive,
imagine the possibilities of a business run by someone
who makes the right decisions.
If you could make simple changes to your decision
making process that made you 100% confident in all of
the choices you made, would you do it?
I can help you get all the positive self regard you
deserve and I can teach you the ways of a Master
Decision Maker.
Take five minutes to find out more at
To your future success,
P.S. If you don't make the right decision here, how do
you expect to make the right decisions in your
business or even in your everyday life? Let me show
you how...
Start Making Decisions Lesson #1 - YOU Decide
SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #1 - YOU Decide
Making decisions can be very tough. Here are a
few facts you probably didn't know about decision
#1 Decisions are the Building Blocks of Life
#2 We Tend to Second Guess Our Decisions
#3 Our Decisions, Great or Small, Affect Our Future
50% of all decisions made in the business world
today have been called WRONG decisions.
Making good decisions is a direct reflection on
your own character. We are the sum total of our
You need to know when to make decisions.
You need the courage to delegate.
You don't need everything perfect to make your next move.
Most of all you need the courage to act.
Everyday you have to make countless decisions
even some you're not even aware of.
The moment you actually STOP and consciously think
about what you're doing, that's when radical
changes will happen.
This is where you awareness is raised, where you
start to actually question everything you do, and
decide if your current routine is serving you.
When you start to see all habits which aren't
really serving you, you'll start to form new
habits, ones which actually steer you towards a
And having a goal, a life purpose is what
everyone should be aspiring to or else we'd just
be floating around aimlessly like a ship without
a rudder.
Making decisions is more than just about the act.
It's about the bigger picture and what you're
working towards. It's about your life purpose.
By the end of this week I'm going to teach you
more about decision making than you ever thought
mattered. You will be a master decision maker so
stay tuned for the next lesson!
To your success,
Start Making Decisions Lesson #2 - The 5 Tools
SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #2 - The 5 Tools
We have five different tools for making our
decisions. With these five mental tools,
decisions can be made easily, quickly and
effectively. You can use these five tools to
become confident in all of the choices you make.
1. Parameters - requirements.
- what are the things I need?
- What exactly am I looking for?
2. Policy - Rule
- eg. No physical products, no exceptions.
- Lunch at 12pm everyday
3. Analysis
- Logical Thinking
- Good planning
4. Judgement
- Taking in the facts and making your decision
5. Synthesis - Creating
- creating scenarios in your head
- Can I do this with any of my 5 tools?
Remember, not all decisions are necessary.
Decisions that won't have long term consequences,
don't have to be disputed over!
Why waste time? Why waste your brain energy if
your previously made Parameters can take care of
the decisions for you?
Your 5 Tools can help you everyday with making
decisions the right way. The first step is to
find these tools and put them to good use!
In my video training, I teach you how to create
parameters you can use for everyday decision
I'll be back with more great tips on how you can
make decisions the right way, or if you're in a
hurry and don't want to wait for tomorrow's
course check out my website today.
To your success,
Start Making Decisions Lesson #3 - Blueprinting
SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #3 - Blueprinting
Would you teach math the same way to
Kindergarteners, High-schoolers, or College
Of course you wouldn't, each of these individual
groups is going to require a totally different
approach when it comes to learning math at the
level that each of these groups is looking for
and needs.
The same holds true for problem solving. As
you've already learned you have 5 tools to help
you solve your easier problems quicker.
Now, to solve some of the harder and tougher
decisions you might have, we are going to talk
about blueprinting.
You couldn't build a housing complex or an
apartment building without blueprints. The same
goes for the tough decisions you need to make.
To make your blueprint you must state your
problem and try to write it out. Can you state
you problem in one paragraph?
After you state your problem, you must gather
enough information to effectively solve your
problem. Is time a factor? Do you have a deadline?
If you have 10 hours to solve a problem, take
about 2 hours to do your research.
Intuition is your next factor it takes to make
the right decision. With intuition you can always
feel confident in the solutions you come to. You
will never have to second guess.
You need intuition to make the right choice and
to know you made the best choice possible.
If you are lacking in intuition you need to make
the decisions you want and make the right
choices, you can train yourself and gain the
intuition you need to make these tough decisions.
Be sure you take notes so you can remember what
to focus on in when you make your decisions.
I'll be back with more great tips on how you can
make your decisions the right decisions, or if
you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for
tomorrow's course check out my website today.
To your success,
Start Making Decisions Lesson #4 - Right Brain Thinker
SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #4 - Right Brain Thinker
Everybody is considered either a left, or right
brain thinker. We are going to become right
The left hand side of you brain is all logic, but
the right side, that's where the magic happens.
The right side of the brain is responsible for a
persons creativity. Studies show that when a
person is given a problem, the right hemisphere
reacts 4/10 of a second faster.
You've only got that 4/10 of a second to make the
magic happen.
Here are some things to consider.
* Most people are left brain thinkers
* Stress shuts down the right brain
* Work hard to relax the right brain
* Exercising and naps help a lot
Creative daydreaming is a great way to think of
possible solutions and helping to stimulate your
right brain.
Imagine yourself finding the solution to your
problem. You can even use role models.
Imagine What your role model would do in that
situation. A lot of times, you too can do the same
I'll be back with more great tips on how you can
make your decisions the right decisions, or if
you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for
tomorrow's course check out my website today.
To your success,
Start Making Decisions Lesson #5 - Mapping It Out
SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #5 - Mapping It Out
So, how do you logically solve a problem? Is
there any easy step by step process?
Fortunately for you, there is, and I am going to
show you how.
The first tool may sound silly, but it works and
helps to stimulate your brain.
Flipping a coin is a great way of doing this, but
here's the catch, you flip the coin first and
after it lands, you must assign one of the
choices to that side.
This will help you figure out your pros and cons
to each choice you have and then you will weigh
out the benefits!
Next, you can create a checklist. This will help
you to map out everything you need done in a
orderly fashion and it will help you complete all
of your decision making tasks in a timely manner.
Quantifed evaluations also work very well when it
comes to solving our problems.
Make 2 columns... Pros and Cons
eg. Buying a Guitar
Pros Cons
1.Materials 1.Price
2.Tone 2.Availability
3.Quality 3.Finish
Rate each of the groups on a 1-10 scale. Add it
up and divide by the factors to find out which
outweighs the others.
Lastly, you could take the multiple choice
approach. Map out each choice and give it a
How well does each choice score on a 1-10 scale?
Remember this is simply a tool to help you decide
what's more important for you to do. There are
many more tools you can apply in your life. Start
Making Decisions is a home study course dedicated
to helping you become the best version of
yourself. It's more than just making decisions,
it's about achieving a life goal and working
towards it every day.
Be sure to visit the main site and we'll go
through everything you need to know about making
smart decisions that will guide you through your
To your success,