Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Solo Email
Forum Lesson #1 - 3 Steps To Your Own Forum
SUBJECT: Forum Lesson #1 - 3 Steps To Your Own Forum
Have you ever wanted to start a forum yourself but didn’t
have an idea how to go about doing any of it?
Over the coming days you will discover just how easy it
is to not only setup up your very own forum, in any niche
and have people climbing over one another to sign up as
I’m willing to wager that you have been on some forum
sites you can see with your own eyes are wildly popular.
And, you also wonder to yourself, “just how much money
is this site owner making?”
You have probably also wondered why some are popular
while others are extremely dead?
Niche forums can be easy to start, yet often they can be
difficult to attract enough members early on to avoid
the ‘ghost town’ effect.
In a nutshell here is the best way to setup a successful forum
the very first time:
Step One – Proper planning in the early stages means long
term success. This planning includes choosing a niche that
attracts you audience fast.
Step Two – Proper planning on how to monetize the forum
from the very first day you begin promoting.
Step 3 – Plan ahead exactly how you are going to use your
members to create all the quality content you will ever need.
That’s it, three steps to focus on first that guarantee you
create a goldmine your first time with your forum business
Let’s take a closer look at that last step, getting your members
to willingly provide your content, first. It’s easy, almost
sneaky, but not diabolical, unethical or even wrong.
People love to talk about themselves, their success and all
around ‘genius.’ What you want to do is merely get members
to write about themselves.
And you do this by asking open ended questions on your
forum. This will get people to fall over one another to show
how smart they believe they are.
Some will actually know what they are writing about, others
will reveal that they don’t – either way, it does not matter.
all you want is for people to post inside your forum topics.
The cream will rise to the top. All you do is keep asking the
right questions in order to keep people posting.
We will discuss further how using step three will actually
help you in deciding the ‘niche’ for step one in the next
email coming in a couple of days.
Watch out for that email it is a good one!
To Your Success
Forum Lesson #2 - Choosing The Right Niche
SUBJECT: Forum Lesson #2 - Choosing The Right Niche
The other day we discussed the 3 step process to setting up
a successful forum bringing in both profits and traffic.
We also discussed how to keep your forum members active
by asking a lot of questions that involves their expertise.
Remember, people enjoy talking about themselves and in an
online forum it is no different.
Asking questions that draw people out is key in developing
a successful forum. Ask a bunch of questions and let members
‘duke’ it out. Of course, don’t instigate arguments.
So today let’s talk about how you want to go about choosing
the right niche.
Choosing a niche isn’t all that difficult. I’m not going to tell
you to go out and do some keyword research in order to find
the right niche because there are plenty of materials out there
teaching keyword research.
A quick Google search for your niche with 'forum' at the end
will give you the results you need. If you see listings and
plenty of activity it means there is potential there.
To reduce competition, dig deeper into the niche and find
what people are looking for within that topic.
For example, starting a forum on fishing would be
rather difficult to beat out existing competition for members.
however, a new forum on the niche of fly fishing in the ‘Big
horn Mountains’ stands a real good chance of growing fast.
Does that example make sense enough? I believe it illustrates
how to find a niche easily. Use that example as a template
for your interests and have some fun at finding your niche
to start a forum.
Remember, there is no reason to try and start a forum that
doesn’t get you excited. You will be the leader, members
will want your presence in the forum, your leadership.
Otherwise, they will quickly fall away and find another
forum or social site to be involved in regularly.
Keep yourself involved in the forum and your members
will stay involved too. Keep in mind that you are not the
only person with an interest in the niche you choose. People
not only want a place to ‘hangout,’ they want to be lead.
Lead your members and they will be happy. The side benefit
here will be a forum that will provide a nice extra income.
In a couple of days we will discuss more about how to
get forum members to add some extra cash in your pocket.
To Your Success
Forum Lesson #3 - The Best Part Of Owning A Forum
SUBJECT: Forum Lesson #3 - The Best Part Of Owning A Forum
So far you should have a good idea how to choose your niche
when starting a forum. And how to keep members interested
in participating.
Keep in mind, the more active your forum appears to the first
time visitor, the more who will join by signing up.
Those are 2 of the 3 most critical elements in starting a forum
that is going to be successful. Do you remember what the 3rd
and best part of owning your own forum is?
It's being able to make a little extra money from your efforts
building up the forum. Do it right and the sky is the limit!
It's the part that will keep you interested at all times. Even
when you are ready to throw in the towel.
So what are a few good ways to monetize your forum?
One quick way is to share with members quality products
that interest them. Obviously these would relate to the niche
your forum is covering.
All you need to do is send members to affiliate products that
you personally recommend. And, if possible, I would also
recommend that you try your hand at developing a product
or two yourself that meets needs.
Trust this... because you are the forum owner your members
are going to view you as the expert. They will buy on your
recommendation alone. But don't lead them to garbage products
or abuse this trust in any way... you will regret doing so.
Another way to monetize your forum is by list building. Use
your ever growing list to market more products as well. This
way new members are exposed to everything you have to offer.
Again, don't abuse your list. Offer only relevant material and
you will be fine. Go of the reservation and you will have angry
forum participants posting in your forum. This would be bad.
In the video series “How To Build Your Own Forum From Scratchs”
you really can build a profitable community in any niche...
In the next email coming your way we will discuss a few of
the mistakes you need to avoid when operating your very
own forum. Easy to avoid... painful if you don't.
To Your Success
Forum Lesson #4 - Mistakes To Avoid
SUBJECT: Forum Lesson #4 - Mistakes To Avoid
Have you bee putting some thought into your forum?
I sure hope so! By now you understand how easy it really
is to start one yourself. With the video series recommended
you can't miss.
Start a Profitable niche forum.
Choose the right software.
How to install the forum right!
And following those videos makes everything easy.
Let's quickly discuss a couple of mistakes you really do
want to avoid while operating your forum.
First Mistake: many forum owners provide little to no visible
leadership. Sure they may do plenty of behind the scenes stuff
but that doesn't count.
People want to follow a leader. And the really good leaders not
only know where they are going, they point the way so others
can follow.
It boils down to this... if you yourself are not actively posting
in your own forum, others won't either and the forum dies.
I'm sure you have been to a site that had a “ghost town” of a
forum. Ghost towns of the old west attract visitors. Ghost towns
online don't. People visit, quickly see the digital cobwebs and
immediately leave never to return.
Be a leader.
Second Mistake: Picking people to moderate the forum out
of desperation. Pick the wrong person in this manner and I
guarantee they will 'run' good people 'off.'
Pick moderators who have a track record in your forum. You
will already know the quality of these individuals merely b
Likewise, you will also immediately spot those who you should
always pass up as a moderator. You will know these types too.
The are the “know it alls” and seemingly “flame” other posters
all the time.
You will recognize the bad eggs because others will leave as
a result of theirr behavior. By the way, a good leader will correct
their behavior or ban them if they choose not to shape up.
Those are two of the biggest mistakes. Easily avoided now that
you are aware of them.
Next up discover how easy it really is to position yourself as
an expert with your own forum. Don't miss this one!
To Your Success
Forum Lesson #5 - Position Yourself As The Expert
SUBJECT: Forum Lesson #5 - Position Yourself As The Expert
I pretty much eluded to it in the last email I sent.
You really can position yourself as the expert with your
very own forum. And the easiest way to accomplish this
is to pick a forum topic that you know quite a bit about.
Forum topics like...
Home Repair
Scrap booking
...are great. However, they are very broad. I would choose
to firstname my forum something like...
Hunting In the Dakotas.
In that example you find a specific niche narrowed down to
a specific region. You can bet you can easily fill up a forum
when targeted in this manner.
So, why do you want to be perceived as the expert?
Because you want people seeking both you and your forum
out for the information provided by you. When people come
looking for you, it suddenly becomes much easier to sell
them on a few of your recommended products.
Remember, you are the expert.
People use the Internet to find information. The search for the
solutions to their problems. When you provide the solution they
are looking for...
POW! They are already conditioned to accept your solution,
they are looking for it but just have yet to realize yours is the
answer they seek.
Because you have already positioned yourself as the expert
covering the information they need... they buy.
If there is any secret to marketing online, positioning yourself
as the expert is that secret. Ready to start your forum today?
To Your Success