Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
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List Lesson #1 - Why Own A List?
SUBJECT: List Lesson #1 - Why Own A List?
The first question people ask is why bother having a list.
You will be surprised the number of marketers who either don’t
bother building a list or never market to their list. It is a
worryingly high figure.
Your list is a very valuable resource and there are many
marketers who make more money from a single email to their lists
than they do from all their product sales. This is why a list is
so valuable.
With a responsive list it is not unknown for people to earn tens
of thousands of dollars from a single email. Effectively, it
puts money on tap, with you being able to earn almost whenever
you want just by sending an email.
It is an incredible resource to have because it gives you a
degree of flexibility that marketers without lists don’t have.
It means that when you release a new product, you have a list of
buyers ready and waiting to buy it; no waiting around for
organic search engine rankings or finding JV partners straight
It means that if a new product is released you can sell it as an
affiliate to your list and you can earn from it almost
You need to be building a list in every niche you work in, as
the list is where the money is – an often repeated mantra.
When you are marketing to your list you only send them related
information. You wouldn’t send a group of Internet Marketers
offers and information on parrot keeping. When you start sending
them information that they are not interested in you will see
the unsubscribe rate jump up.
One of the biggest benefits of having a list is that you can
test the market for products and services. You can email your
list and gauge their responsiveness to your offer, which will
help you understand what the market will do.
A list is a great place to carry out surveys to understand what
the market wants and to get feedback and testimonials on your
All of this is only possible if you have built a relationship
with your list based on trust. We will discuss how you do this
later on, but when you have done this, you will find that your
list becomes an even more valuable resource.
Getting testimonials is often the hardest thing for marketers to
do, and with a responsive list you can get that feedback almost
immediately. Plus, you can ask them questions so that you
understand what the market wants and create products that
precisely meet their needs.
A list is a vital component of Internet Marketing that far too
many people ignore as they feel it is too much trouble. Your
list is where you will earn the majority of your money from and
so you need to make sure everything you do online is focused
around list building.
As you build a bigger list so you can start running ad swaps
with other marketers and build your list further. From this you
can run bigger and bigger ad swaps until your list is
substantial and earning you a lot of money.
With the information in this program, you will be able to work
closely with your list, build a great relationship with them and
enjoy an additional stream of income to your business.
List Lesson #2 - Choosing An Auto-Responder
SUBJECT: List Lesson #2 - Choosing An Auto-Responder
Choosing your autoresponder is vital if you want to succeed with
your list. There are many different types of autoresponder with
varying costs and features.
In order to pick an autoresponder, you need to understand your
requirements from one.
• Do you want single as well as double opt it?
• What level of reporting do you want?
• What level of segmentation of your list do you want?
• What is your budget?
• Do you want to host it yourself or buy a managed service?
• How many lists do you want to have?
• How many emails do you want send every day?
These are all questions you need to have some answers to.
For example, some webhosts restrict the number of emails you can
send per day from their hosting accounts. This may not be a
problem if you have a small list, but if your list grows bigger
then you have a serious problem as it could take days for a
mailing to go out due to this restriction.
This delay could cost you a lot of money and ruin your attempts
to earn from your list, particularly when you are sending out
time sensitive offers.
Some auto-responders limit the number of lists you are allowed
to run, or charge you more if you go over a certain number of
lists or subscribers.
Different autoresponders offer different features for reporting
ranging from basic to advanced and in depth reports. It depends
on your need for reporting as to which you go for.
There are many different autoresponders on the market including:
• Aweber
• GetResponse
• WizardAutoresponder
• Autoresponder Plus
And more advanced business contact systems such as:
• InfusionSoft
• iContact
• Constant Contact
There offer many more features and detailed reporting. These
typically cost more as they are aiming for the corporate and big
marketer market segments.
Typically when you are hosting your own autoresponder software
you pay a one off fee for the software whereas a hosted service
tends to be a monthly or yearly payment.
Hosting your own brings with it a whole host of issues that you
may or may not want to deal with.
Firstly, you have to install the script yourself and configure,
which may be difficult if you are not technically competent.
Then you have to take care of security and ensure the script is
kept up to date to avoid security problems and to provide the
latest functionality.
On top of this you may find people spoof your domain, that is
they send emails pretending to be from your domain. This is a
big problem as it can result in your domain being blacklisted
and your emails being put straight into the junk or spam
folders. This is serious as it means your open rate will drop
massively because most people don’t look in these folders for
useful emails.
Hosted services don’t tend to have this sort of problem because
they have people who work with companies to ensure the emails
get through. Plus they usually have better measures in place to
stop spoofing and other issues that could cause blacklisting.
When hosting your own autoresponder you have complete control of
your list and can do whatever you want with it. You can email
them when you like, email them what you like, import users and
so on.
With a hosted solution you don’t have complete control. Your
list is in the hands of the autoresponder company. Some of these
companies will allow you to backup your list so you have a copy
of it, which is a useful feature.
You must remember that the hosted companies rely on their
reputation in order for emails to get through so they are very
watchful on what their users do and will shut your account down
if you have too many spam complaints. They don’t tend to let you
import users into your account, or if they do, not very many at
a time.
You need to consider the deliverability rate of the
autoresponder you choose. Does it have a high rate or does it
have problems with emails going straight to the junk folder?
You need to ensure that whatever solution you choose is
compliant with anti-spam regulations. Depending on the location
of your webhost, if you get too many complaints you could find
your hosting account shut down without notice, which could ruin
your business.
If you get too many spam complaints against your hosted
autoresponder account, you may end up with that being shut down
too, so you need to be careful.
You are looking for a reliable and established service that has
been around for a while and will be around for some time to
come. Aweber is well known for being reliable and having a long
established presence in the marketplace, and there are some
private label versions of Aweber such as TurboAutoresponders and
Owning the list is fairly important. Can you export it so that
if the worst happens, you still have a copy of the list you’ve
Depending on your business plan you may want to choose single
opt in for your list and you need to be sure that the
autoresponder you choose will allow you to do this.
Finally, it needs to be easy to use. Some of the self-hosted
software can be a little counter intuitive for you.
Once you have built a big list you are pretty much stuck with
your autoresponder for life as moving autoresponders is a
nightmare when you have a list. Most don’t allow you to import
email addresses and those that do require the subscriber to opt
in again. This means you lose a lot of subscribers, unless you
move to your own hosted solution, which opens a whole other can
of worms.
Choosing an autoresponder is a very important decision and you
really need to get it right the first time, so spend some time
considering the above and then pick the autoresponder that works
for you.
List Lesson #3 - Building A List From Your Websites
SUBJECT: List Lesson #3 - Building A List From Your Websites
Your websites are going to be one of the primary places where
you build a list. Whether these are website you own or web 2.0
sites such as Squidoo, Hubpages etc doesn’t matter.
Every website you create needs to be focused on building a list.
Every webpage you own should have a method for the visitor to
subscribe to your list.
This means that no matter where someone enters your web empire,
there is a way for them to get on a list so you can market to
It takes effort to get someone to your website and once they
have come to your website there is a high degree of probability
that they won’t come back again. Therefore, if you can capture
their email address you can market to them at your leisure.
Every niche market you are in really needs to have a separate
autoresponder list. For example, you would have separate lists
for stop smoking, parrot keeping, potty training a child and
keeping fish.
You may have a generic list for a broad niche, e.g. health tips
or Internet marketing, though this can be problematically in
some cases.
This separation of lists allows you to focus your marketing
efforts. Each list gets sent offers that are of interest to them
and because they are a tightly focused list you get a high
conversion rate. For example, you send your fish keeping list
information about keeping fish and your stop smoking list
information and products about stopping smoking.
The generic list tends to be a bit broad for a high conversion
rate. Health, for example, is very broad and some of your list
may want to know about fitness, some about dieting, some about
vitamins. Unless you have segmented your list into the different
niches, how do you know which people are interested in which
This segmentation means people are only seeing offers that they
are interested in and so you are more likely to make sales.
You can increase your opt in rate to your list by offering a
gift for people to sign up. This may be a free report, a course
via email or other product of value to your potential
subscriber. This will encourage them to part with their email
address and give you a chance to build a relationship with them
by proving you provide quality information.
Make sure you don’t give away the farm with this though as if
you give too much away, there is no need for them to buy your
The product you give away to your new subscribers should focus
either on selling the product they were interested or on
providing valuable information with links to either your other
products or to affiliate products.
By doing this, you are effectively earning regardless of whether
they return to your website or not. So long as they read the
report and click on links you can earn from it.
Once you have traffic to your website, you need to experiment
with different text on your subscribe form, pop ups / hover ads
coming in at different times and different gifts to see which
gets the highest response rate from your readers. Testing like
this will ensure you maximize your sign up rate.
When you are selling a product you need to have two different
lists. The first is for your prospective customers; the people
who come to your website and just give you their email address
in return for information.
The second is for your customers who have bought.
When someone buys the product they need to be removed from the
pre-sales list to ensure they don’t get confused with the wrong
sales messages.
This separation allows you to focus your marketing to each
segment of your list. The pre-sales subscribers are sold your
product and the occasional affiliate program. The customers are
sold your backend products and other affiliate products.
Working like this will maximize your profits because you are
able to target your marketing specifically to your list. If your
customers get messages selling them the product they have
already bought, it’s going to confuse them!
Make sure any autoresponder you pick allows for this level of
automation as it will make a huge difference in your earnings
and in how professional you are perceived by your subscribers.
List Lesson #4 - What To Send To Your List
SUBJECT: List Lesson #4 - What To Send To Your List
This is, of course the biggest question. What do you send out to
your list?
Firstly you can send hand written content every single email.
This is the best option available to you, but if you have many
lists it is not practical. This is best done on your one or two
“pet” projects.
Secondly, you can load up an autoresponder sequence with content
that you have either written yourself, paid someone to write, or
The second option is the most feasible because if you are trying
to write each email specifically, you are going to be a very
busy person!
The best approach is to use an autoresponder sequence for all
your niche lists and then for your main or favourite list you
send hand written content each message. The hand written
approach gets the best response from your subscribers, but you
can’t do it in every niche.
Your readers are going to want valuable content. There are
people who blast out sales message after sales message every
single day, and these are people who end up with a high
unsubscribe rate or low open rate.
By all means sell to them in every email, but don’t just sell
and not provide information, particularly in non Internet
Marketing lists. They are even less tolerant of constant selling
than Internet marketers. Marketers tend to be looking out for
hot new products and so are open to sales messages, but outside
of this niche they are not as open.
You need to condition your subscribers so that they know what to
expect from you. Don’t be frightened to email them or sell to
them. Your best approach is to always provide valuable
information and soft sell in every email, but once every 3 or 4
do a hard sell or pure pitch.
What has been known to work well is to send a free gift prior to
sending the sales message, a few days before. This makes them
feel grateful towards you and so they view your sales message
more favourably.
If you don’t condition them to expect sales messages from you
and all they ever get is information then they are going to be
well and truly shocked when they get a sales message and you may
find you get a high level of unsubscribes.
When writing to your list use their name in the body of the
email and in the subject line. Outside of the Internet marketing
niche, this amazes people and they think it is a personal email
written specifically to them.
Write to them as if you are talking to them face to face. That
kind of communication works much better than trying to write in
a more formal way. It comes across as friendly and puts them at
Make sure the subject line is something that intrigues them to
open the email without being an outright lie. Subject lines such
as “You’ve got Cash {firstname}” or similar result in a high
level of subscribers leaving your list.
Be honest in the subject line and let them know what is inside
the email. Be very careful about using subject lines like “Bad
News” and others as these have actually had negative results due
to them being over used.
Your list has specifically requested that they receive
information from you and so you need to email them. Marketers
who have lists and do not email them are losing money by not
being in contact with their list. Use your list as a valuable
asset but remember there are real people at the end of each
email you send.
Monitor your open rate and your unsubscribe rate so you can see
if a particular email did really well, or really badly. This
will help you improve your emails in order to maximize your open
rate and minimize your unsubscribe rate.
List Lesson #5 - Building Relationships With Your List
SUBJECT: List Lesson #5 - Building Relationships With Your List
The most important part of having a list is about building a
relationship with them. Whether you do this through hand written
emails every few days or through an autoresponder sequence
doesn’t matter, so long as you build that relationship.
You need to establish yourself as an authority in the niche you
are promoting. The idea is to build trust with the subscriber so
that they know you are someone they can buy from safely, someone
that isn’t going to promote rubbish and someone who will value
Having a good relationship with your list can massively increase
your conversion rate when you send offers to them. It is not
unknown for marketers with a good relationship with their list
to convert mailings at 5% to 10% and sometimes even higher.
Using bought, pre-written autoresponder sequences will mean that
they do not work on building a relationship. If you choose to
use bought messages then you need to re-write them. At the very
least you need to add a personalised message to the top or
bottom to build a relationship with your list.
One thing that will build a relationship with your list is to
not jump on every passing bandwagon and try to sell every
product released to your list, particularly using the emails the
product owner has written.
Be careful about what you are going to promote and make sure
that it is good quality and of interest to your list. If you do
choose to market any of these products then you have to make
sure that you write unique emails to promote them.
Any product release will be accompanied by a deluge of emails
from affiliates promoting the product and few, if any, will
write their own messages for the promotion. By doing so, you
stand out from the crowd and will build trust, particularly if
you point out the faults in a program and tell people not to buy
products that are poor quality.
Your messages need to have a personality. This could be your
real personality or it could be a personality you have invented
for the website, like the Rich Jerk. Whatever the personality
is, it has to be consistent across the messages and website.
You can’t have a nice personality on the sales page and then be
arrogant and obnoxious in the autoresponder sequence.
Your personality can help you make sales because people buy from
people they know and like. By giving your autoresponder
sequences a personality people will get to know you and that
will help you to make sales.
The relationship you have with your list can make the difference
between a list that responds okay and a list that responds well.
The difference can be a significant sum of money.
Make sure you spend time building up your reputation and
becoming a trust adviser to your list as it will be very
beneficial to you in the long run.
List Lesson #6 - Finding Content For Your List
SUBJECT: List Lesson #6 - Finding Content For Your List
Content is the key to making sales and building a relationship
with your list. You can write the content yourself or you can
buy pre-written autoresponder sequences in some niches.
These are a great starting point but you really need to re-write
them in order for them to be effective.
Think about it, when you are searching for information you tend
to visit a number of different websites and subscribe to a
number of different lists. If you find those lists sending you
exactly the same messages, what would you think?
It wouldn’t be positive, would it?
You need to jumble around the sequence of messages and to
re-write them to make them yours. Give them a personality and
make them something interesting to read.
Most pre-written autoresponder sequences tend to be very bland
and vanilla flavoured because they have been written for maximum
appeal. By customising them you are instantly going to stand out
from the crowd and your autoresponder sequence will get more
You can also use articles, either those that you have written or
from article directories. The latter is not the best option
available to you because most article directories insist you
include the resource box and details of where the article came
You can get great content from article directories, but do you
really want to be advertising someone else’s products and
website in your autoresponder? Probably not is the answer.
One thing you can do is invite guest writers into your
autoresponder sequence. Find experts in the field (both on and
offline) and get them to write you an article. In this case, you
don’t mind promoting them (usually through an affiliate link)
because you are aligning yourself with the expert in the minds
of your readers, which can only be a good thing.
Product reviews are also very beneficial to use with your list,
particularly if you are comparing two products with each other.
Product reviews work well if you are honest and point out the
negative points of a product.
Don’t be frightened to say something in your review like,
“Despite the fact that many other people are peddling this
product, I wouldn’t recommend you buy it because …” and then
give a good reason why. Then you recommend a product that
doesn’t have the bad points of this product.
Doing this will help your reputation immensely because your
readers will know you are not someone who sells rubbish, but
someone who will look out for their list and sell them good
quality products.
You can compare two products as well with different prices. A
product comparison review works well and will give you a higher
conversion rate. More people will buy because some will buy the
cheaper product and others the more expensive. It gives people
two options.
With product reviews you have to be honest and accurate. Don’t
say a product is good if it isn’t because you are going to ruin
the relationship you have built with your list. You really
should review every product personally before you send it on to
your list.
You can also use content from your own products or from private
label rights products that allow you to use the content on the
This is a great way of demonstrating the value of your product.
Obviously, you don’t give away too much, but enough for them to
realise that your product is something they need to have.
You can use your autoresponder to send out a training course as
content. This would be a multi-part course teaching people about
a subject. Naturally, this is monetized by promoting your own or
other affiliate products.
This will sell products very well if the content is good and the
products you recommend add a lot of value to the training
Your content is very important for your list, it will help
determine how much you earn from them. If you provide poor
quality content, you are going to get a poor response from your
list and a lot of people unsubscribing.
Good quality, unique content that provides value to your readers
will help you build that relationship with them. Your content is
all that they see in order to get to know you, so it has to help
in building that relationship of trust. Your content needs to
establish you as an expert in the field so you can move into the
position of trusted adviser with them. This will help your sales
Either write the content yourself or outsource it to a
professional writer, but ensure that it is good quality and that
your readers will enjoy it and view you as an expert from it.
Focus on building that relationship and it will pay off in the
long term.
List Lesson #7 - List Building Summary
SUBJECT: List Lesson #7 - List Building Summary
Lists are a vital part of Internet Marketing. Too many people
ignore list building in their hurry to get websites up not
realising they could make more from a responsive list than they
ever could from a website.
A list provides a value additional stream of income which is
effectively money on tap. You can send out an email and almost
instantly get money back from them. It is an incredible resource
that will significantly increase your income.
Build a list and use it!
You need to be capturing email addresses on every page you on.
No matter where someone enters your online empire, there needs
to be a way for them to join one, or more, of your autoresponder
It takes a lot of effort to get someone to your website, and
whilst they are there you want to maximize the revenue from
them, which means capturing their email addresses to market
further to them.
Remember that your list consists of real people and so you need
to value them and work with them. Don’t abuse them or take
advantage of them because you will find that you get a lot of
unsubscribers when you do.
You can increase signups to your list by providing valuable
gifts that promote your products and affiliate programs whilst
establishing yourself as an expert. Your sign up gift is a part
of the relationship building process. Make sure it is unique to
you in order to maximize the value of it.
Keep your niche lists separate and target emails to each niche.
If you are sending broadcasts you will get a much better
response rate if you ensure each message is targeted to that
list and their needs and problems.
A list needs to be conditioned to expect you to sell to them. If
you never sell to them they will be surprised when you do.
Therefore, sell to them from day one, but balance soft sells
with hard sales.
This will help you to build a relationship with them, but will
also mean that they will not react badly when you do try to sell
to them.
Always make sure you provide high quality content as this will
help you to build a good relationship with your list.
The relationship with your list is what makes the list
profitable. The better your relationship, the more sales you
will make. Ultimately, you want the position of trusted advisor
with your list so that they know you are going to give them good
The key to success is to take action. You have all the tools you
need now to start building a list and earning from it.
Pick an autoresponder, write some content for your niche, put
your sign up form on all of your pages and start building a list
and earning from it.
Who knows, maybe you could be one of those people earning
thousands of dollars from each mailing. Maybe that could be you
much quicker than you thought?