Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
How To Install A Suppost Desk To Keep Organized
Lesson #1 - 5 Traits You Should Have In Your Support Emails
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - 5 Traits You Should Have In Your Support Emails
When you're in business, you want to
make a good lasting impression with
every customer you come into contact
with. And yes that even includes the
'difficult' ones.
Here are 5 things you should strive for
in your customer support...
1. Dependability and reliability
Consistently provide accurate answers
and follow-through on your promises.
Your users should get the same
courteous, pleasant and knowledgeable
service every time they contact the
Help Desk.
2. Responsiveness
You or your team need to have the
willingness to respond to customer's
needs by answering their email requests
quickly, and being willing to do what
it takes to respond to their request.
3. Competence
Provide an informative service, with
accuracy and confidence. Technical
competence goes without saying. Know
your product/service inside out and
answer according to know questions are
left unanswered.
4. Empathy
Provide caring and personal service.
You can convey empathy when you listen
for the hidden meaning in what a user
is saying, acknowledge the emotion, and
offer caring assistance.
5. Professionalism
The way you answer emails and contact
your customers reflects a high level of
training and expertise. This becomes
the professional image that you project
to your end users.
Follow the link below to see how to set
up your own support desk to reduce the
time you spend tinkering with emails!..
Lesson #2 - Be 'Orderly' To Be Creative...
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Be 'Orderly' To Be Creative...
I'll take a quote from Gustave Flaubert
which sums what I'm about to say
"Be regular and orderly in your life so
that you may be violent and original in
your work."
Examine the life of any successful
marketer and you will find evidence of
hard work, discipline and perseverance.
Traits which would not be possible it
they spent 1-2 hours a day browsing the
web and sorting out emails.
So what's the solution?..
Prioritize your work. Focus on the
urgent and important tasks, things that
need to be done now which would make a
difference, and put the hobbies and
leisure time behind.
With the help of a support desk system,
you'll be able to manage your time and
priorities a lot better.
Follow the link below to see how to set
up your own support desk to reduce the
time you spend tinkering with emails!..
Lesson #3 - How To Get More Done In A Day
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - How To Get More Done In A Day
The way you manage your time online has
a direct effect on the money you make
online. As they say, time IS money.
The time freedom your online business
affords you can be both a blessing and
a curse. The power is in your hands to
use it wisely - or to waste it.
The following tips contain several good
habits of successful internet marketers
- habits YOU can make your own...
• If you are a morning person, wake up
earlier than usual. If you're a night
owl make use of quiet time after
everyone else has gone to bed. Just
knowing that you are not going to be
interrupted makes a world of difference.
• Plan out your day the night before.
Decide what you need to work on and how
much time you can afford to give to it.
Some successful marketers use Mind Maps
- drawing out what you plan to achieve
and how you will get there.
• Complete your biggest, most
productive task of the day FIRST -
before you check your emails or your
stats. This will begin a flow of
productivity and you'll feel great!
• Get out of the house for a while. Do
some form of exercise or just enjoy a
cup of coffee. Connecting with the
outside world will prevent that feeling
of isolation online marketers often
struggle with.
• Spend time every day building
relationships with positive,
like-minded people online. This is a WE
business - you will not make it alone.
Make sure you give plenty of time to
your subscribers too.
• Use your most alert, creative time of
day to write and create content,
whether that is early in the morning or
late at night.
Develop these skills and I guarantee
that you will see a huge improvement in
your time management online. Your
productivity will improve more than you
could ever have believed - along with
your bank balance!
Follow the link below to see how to set
up your own support desk to reduce the
time you spend tinkering with emails
and get more out of your day!..
Lesson #4 - Having Your Emails Answered For You?
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Having Your Emails Answered For You?
Do you want to outsource your emails
but don't know how to get started?
If you're getting to the point where
you're receiving the same emails asking
for help on a particule subject then
you should consider letting someone
else handle their emails and responses.
Managing all of the emails ourselves
just takes up way too much of our time,
and in order to become more productive
we must begin to think about hiring an
assistant to help handle the email
The goal is to find a system that
allows you to outsource the handling of
these requests and still being able to
'drop in' to check on how things are
A help desk is a good system to have
when you are using assistants because
the emails can be processed and sent on
the person you've assigned to handle
Customers usually are happy with this
type of system as well because they can
see a record of what has been said and
they can also check the status of their
query. Not only that but a record of
the conversion is kept for the customer
so both you and the assistant can refer
back to any tickets.
In some systems, you can even set
automatic escalation after a certain
number of days. What happens is that
the system alerts you whenever a ticket
has been inactive for a long period of
By having things set up this way you
can be free from having to 'check in'
often but still have the peace of mind
that all queries are being responded to
in a timely manner and that your
customers are receiving excellent
customer service.
Follow the link below to see how to set
up your own support desk to reduce the
time you spend tinkering with emails!..
Lesson #5 - Loss Of Concentration
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Loss Of Concentration
Whenever you sit down to focus on your
own work, you never know when your
concentration will be broken – by an
e-mail, a phone call, a request from a
colleague, or even by yourself, when
you suddenly remember something
important that you’ve forgotten to do.
Almost as bad is as the interruptions
is anticipating them – you can never
really relax and focus, because you
know you could be derailed at any
The bottom line is that interruptions
destroy your concentration. And loss of
concentration = loss of creative work.
If you’re not careful, you can end up
in permanent ‘reactive mode’ – spending
your time responding to others’ demands
and all the things you have to do
instead of the one thing you really
wanted to do today.
Let’s face it, the interruptions aren’t
going away anytime soon. If they did,
it would be a bad thing – it would mean
less customers.
Don't let your emails get out of
Follow the link below to see how to set
up your own support desk to reduce the
time you spend tinkering with emails!..