Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
How To Rank 1st Page With Linkwheels (10-part video)
Linkwheel Lesson #1 - What Is A Link Wheel?
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #1 - What Is A Link Wheel?
Linkwheels are a very powerful method of boosting a site in the
search engine rankings and even dominating the top ten search
engine rankings. They are something that few marketers use
because they can be either costly or time consuming to set up.
This guide has been written to help you create linkwheels much
easier and quicker than before.
A linkwheel is an interconnected group of sites which have been
created to push a “money” site higher in the search engine
rankings. They link to each other and to your central site to
help the central money site rank better.
Whilst they are very effective in what they do they can be time
consuming to create by hand simple because of the number of
sites involved and how much you need to do to create each spoke
There is software than can automate this for you but it is
notoriously unreliable due to the complexity of the software and
the task it has to perform.
However, linkwheels can really boost your money site up the
search engines and so it is a useful component of any traffic
generation strategy.
This program has been created to give you a step by step guide
to creating linkwheels. Whereas many people talk about them,
there are very few step by step guides to the process of
creating and promoting a linkwheel.
In this course of this program you are going to learn everything
you need to know to start successfully using linkwheels in your
SEO strategy.
We’ll cover where to get content from and how to use it plus
show you what you can do to help make your linkwheel spokes even
more valuable to you.
You’ll also have a step by step guide to creating a linkwheel,
covering everything that you need to know in order create a
linkwheel. In addition to this, we are going to cover advanced
linkwheel techniques so that you can really make the most of
your linkwheels.
Then we will talk about how you promote your linkwheel, which is
what helps you dominate the top 10 of the search engine results
and get extra link love for your money site. This is something
that many people don’t do with their linkwheels, but is highly
effective and well worth your while doing.
Of course, you don’t need to create the linkwheels yourself, you
can outsource them or use software. We will discuss both of
these in detail to help you to decide which of these you want to
Finally, before we finish the program you will get some very
useful tips for making your linkwheels successful and stick.
Some people have problems with their linkwheel spokes being
deleted because they don’t know how to make them stick. You will
learn techniques that will ensure your linkwheel spokes are also
treated as authority sites and do well in the search engines.
With well constructed linkwheels you can give your money site a
huge kick up the search engines and can make the difference
between your site earning some money and earning a lot of money.
Enjoy this course, follow it through and take notes where you
need to. It is full of information and advice that will help you
make your online business a success.
Linkwheel Lesson #2 - Keyword Research
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #2 - Keyword Research
Keyword research with linkwheels is pretty much the same as
researching keywords for your other websites. When looking for
keywords you are looking for low competition, high traffic
keywords. You can keywords that you can rank for relatively
easily, particularly if you are looking to dominate the top ten
search results.
The Google external keyword tool is as good a keyword research
tool as any and is demonstrated in the accompanying videos.
Once you have decided which keywords you are targeting you need
to start using them in your linkwheel.
Typically, you will have a main keyword you are targeting and
then some sub keywords you also want to get results from. For
example, your main keyword may be “natural weight loss” and you
also have a number of other keywords you want to get traffic
When it comes to using these within your linkwheel structure you
will want to use your main keyword around 70% of the time and
use your other keywords the remaining 30% of the time. The
reason for this is obviously the search engines are well aware
of linkwheels and their uses. By mixing up your keywords like
this you are removing one of the major footprints of a linkwheel
and making it look more natural in nature.
When you are creating your linkwheel you want to ideally use
your main keyword (or variation of it) in the title of the web
2.0 site too. This will provide a significant boost in the
search engine rankings for your sites.
Once you have found some keywords you are ready to start
creating your linkwheel.
Linkwheel Lesson #3 - Link Wheel Content
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #3 - Link Wheel Content
The content of your linkwheel is of vital importance because it
directly helps your websites rank higher in the search engines.
It needs to be keyword rich for a start so that it ranks well.
The quality of the content will depend upon your desired outcome
from your linkwheel. If you want to dominate the top ten results
and get human visitors then the content needs to be good
quality. If you are just creating sites for the search engines
and are not interested in human visitors then you will not be
overly concerned about the quality.
There are three sources for your content depending upon what you
intend to do with your linkwheel sites.
Firstly you can use unique content. This can be either written
by yourself or outsourced. This is the best type of content
because it is unique, so no chance of a duplicate content
penalty plus it will be something your website visitor hasn’t
seen before.
The downside of this is that you will need a lot of content for
your linkwheel. If you are creating twenty sites each with two
pieces of content in then you need forty articles. At a typical
cost of $10 per article for good quality, unique articles, you
are talking $400 just for content, without any other outsourcing
costs. Alternatively you can write it yourself but it will take
you a good amount of time.
However, downsides apart, unique content is by far the best type
of content.
You can always take private label rights articles or books and
use that as content for your linkwheel sites. You could rewrite
the content or use it as is.
The final option is to take unique or PLR content and spin it to
get unique copies of the article. This is a good way of
stretching your unique content. You can take a single unique
article and spin it so there is a unique version of the article
on each site.
The best option for you to take is really a mixture of these
three methods. You will probably use a combination of these
different types of content. This is a good idea because it will
remove any possible footprints left by the creation of your
Before we move on, let’s just talk a little bit about spinning.
Spinning is a great way to really get the most from your content
and to re-use PLR content effectively.
To start spinning you want an article of 450 to 600 words which
you will feed in to your spinning software. Which software you
use is up to you, but there are many on the marketplace that do
a very good job. This article can be PLR or it can be a unique
article, it depends upon your linkwheel strategy.
Once you have your article you need to rewrite each sentence an
average of three times. This means some sentences you will be
able to rewrite more than three times, others less than three
times. It depends on the sentence as to how many times you will
be able to rewrite it. You will, obviously, rewrite it in your
spinner’s syntax.
Then within each sentence you spin as many phrases and words as
you can. The more you can spin it, the more unique your finished
article will be. So words will be spun with synonyms,
contractions (you’re) will be spun with the full version (you
are) and numbers (1) will be spun with the word (one).
All of this will provide you with a very highly spun article
that will give you a high degree of uniqueness in all of the
articles you produce from it.
There are automated spinners on the market you could use, but be
aware that these don’t typically produce content that makes
sense to humans. So if your linkwheel sites are aiming for a
human audience, automated spinning may not be good enough.
Linkwheel Lesson #4 - Creating Your Link Wheel
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #4 - Creating Your Link Wheel
When it comes to creating your linkwheel you need to decide on
which site to start with. Pick any web 2.0 properties and start
there. It doesn’t matter which one you start on, but make sure
you don’t always start on the same one.
Some web 2.0 properties you may choose to use include:
All of these are potential spokes in your linkwheel. It is by no
means a definitive list with there being hundreds of others
sites that you could use. These are just a few of the more
popular sites. Using any of the search engines you can easily
find more of these sites that you can use.
Once you have created the first spoke in your linkwheel you need
to ensure that it is linking to your money site. As this is your
first spoke there are no other sites in your linkwheel for it to
link to so you can either link out to an authority site or link
to your money site twice using different keywords.
Always make sure you use your keywords as anchor text, i.e.
clickable links, because this has a lot of relevance with the
search engines.
When your first site is created (and it doesn’t matter which Web
2.0 property you decide to do this on) you can move on to the
next one. You simple keep repeating it for as many spokes in
your linkwheel as you want to create.
Each spoke has two outgoing links, one to your money site and
one to another spoke in your linkwheel.
I recommend keeping track of your linkwheel spokes using a
simple spreadsheet so you know where you have created sites,
what the passwords are and so on. This way you can easily come
back and edit the sites in the future if you want to.
Linkwheel Lesson #5 - Creating Advance Link Wheels
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #5 - Creating Advance Link Wheels
Of course, once you have created your linkwheel you may be
interested in some more advanced techniques which will further
boost your search engine rankings. Making money and seeing
results from your business can be highly addictive, so this
section will be of interest to you.
Firstly if you are serious about your search engine rankings you
may end up created linkwheels for your linkwheel spokes! This
will give them a really good boost up the search engines
rankings and create a network of sites with which you can
dominate the search engines.
If you want to take this even further then you can create a
network of domains you own which surround your money site with a
linkwheel. Each of these domains has a linkwheel surround it,
boosting it up the search engine rankings.
This is a very powerful technique because you are building a
valuable network of sites because you own all of the domains
that you are boosting up the search engines. This insulates you
to a degree from any issues from your Web 2.0 properties being
This is a very good use of linkwheels because you can easily
dominate the search engines because you earn from the
surrounding domains as well as from the money site. Many of the
web 2.0 sites will give you an RSS feed. If you take this RSS
feed and mash it up with a site like or Yahoo Pipes
then you can create a unique RSS feed which you can submit to
the RSS directories for further incoming links.
You can also use these RSS feed as content on your web 2.0 sites
which accept RSS feeds. These mash-ups can be combined with RSS
feeds from authority sites such as news sites and so on to
provide highly keyword targeted RSS feeds.
There are a lot of people who are selling backlink packages at
the moment. These are a superb way of getting high page rank
incoming links to your sites. You can do these for your
linkwheel spokes or your money site or even both!
If you are targeting multiple keywords then you can create a
linkwheel per keyword which will really help you dominate the
search engines and get some good results.
Once you’ve created a number of spokes you can increase your
domination by creating more spokes in your linkwheel. The more
incoming links you have to your site the better and this will
give you the opportunity to increase your search engine rankings.
The more you do to boost the page rank of the spokes in your
linkwheel, the better it will be for your money site. You have
to remember that page rank flows through from one site to
another. Therefore, if you want to boost your money site higher
in the search engine rankings then you need to do work on the
spokes of your linkwheel to get them ranking well with a good
page rank.
The more sites you create in your linkwheel, the more you are
going to dominate the search engine results. The more you can
dominate the search engine results then the more traffic you are
going to get to your site and the more you will earn from it.
Apply some of these advanced techniques to your linkwheel
construction project and you will see some fantastic results
that will keep the traffic (and money) flowing.
Linkwheel Lesson #6 - Promoting Your Link Wheel
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #6 - Promoting Your Link Wheel
When you have created your linkwheel the next job is to do some
promotion on it so that it starts to rank and get traffic. You
need the search engines to be aware of your site and for it to
get indexed. Therefore, you need to do some SEO work on every
one of your spokes.
How much you do will depend upon your strategy and whether you
want to dominate the search engines with your sites or just
concentrate on getting lots of links to your money site so it
ranks well.
The absolute minimum you need to do is the three steps outlined
The first thing you need to do is ping your newly created
linkwheel spokes. This is a quick process and you can do it at
sites such as or or
They all do more or less the same job, everyone has their
personal favourite. You don’t want to use more than one ping
site though!
Secondly, you need to social bookmark each spoke. You can do
this manually, with a software tool or outsource it, it’s up to
Finally, you need to take the RSS feed for the spoke, if there
is one, and submit it to the RSS directories. This again can be
done by hand, with software or outsourced.
These three steps will get your new sites noticed by the search
engines and start to build some incoming links. For some
keywords, this can be enough to get the sites ranking in the
search engine results.
Of course, you can do some other link building to the spokes
such as press releases, article marketing and so on. It depends
upon your time and how much effort you want to put in. The more
you do, the better your sits will rank.
The aim of the game is to get traffic to your linkwheel spokes
and to pass this traffic and page rank through to your money
Whatever traffic generation strategies you currently use you can
apply to your linkwheel spokes. Because they are boosting your
money site higher in the search engine rankings, it is worth
your while spending the time boosting the spokes.
Of course, if you are worried about boosting web 2.0 properties
that you don’t physically own you can build your own network of
domains surrounding your money site (see advanced techniques
above) and build some very valuable virtual real estate.
Whichever traffic generation and website promotion methods you
choose, make sure you apply at least some of them to the spokes
in your linkwheel because it will help to make your money site
an authority site in your chosen niche.
Linkwheel Lesson #7 - Outsourcing Your Link Wheel
SUBJECT: Linkwheel Lesson #7 - Outsourcing Your Link Wheel
Linkwheels are time consuming to create by their very nature so
it is one aspect of traffic generation you may want to outsource
in order to free up more of your time.
There are plenty of people who are willing to do the work for
you … for a price.
You need to be aware before you go looking for an outsourcer
that if you pay peanuts you will get monkeys. A cheap service
will usually be a cheap service.
For example, you can easily find someone to do you 50 or 60
spokes in a linkwheel for $60 or so. However, it will be a
single article with the same title, i.e. every spoke will be the
same article but they will be interlinked.
If you want a higher quality service then it will cost you more
money. For the same $60 you can get just 12 spokes in your
linkwheel created but each one will have a unique article on it
that has been specifically written for you.
Which level of service you go for depends upon your strategy
with your linkwheels. Are you more interested in humans or
search engine spiders?
Any of the Internet marketing forums will have a whole host of
people who are willing to create linkwheels for you.
Alternatively you can Google something like “linkwheel creation”
and find many companies who will create linkwheels for you.
Outsourcing isn’t the only option, you can purchase software
that will create linkwheels for you. The software varies
significantly in price and quality so you need to do your
research before you buy any.
However, much of this software relies on scripting which means
that if anything changes on a web 2.0 site it is likely to stop
working. Linkwheel software is frequently updated, and in some
cases on a daily basis!
Whether you choose to use software or choose to outsource your
linkwheel creation is entirely up to you. It depends on your
budget and on your needs. Both will do the job for you, but
outsourcing will free up more of your time to do other things.