Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
The Wealthiest People BUY And SELL... What Are You Doing {!firstname_fix}?
Site Flipping Lesson #1 - What Is Flipping Websites Really All About?
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #1 - What Is Flipping Websites Really All About?
Imagine if you could create a website in a few hours and then
sell it for a few hundred dollars, and then imagine if you could
repeat that process again and again. That would make for a
pretty nice part-time or even full time job, wouldn’t it? Well,
that’s exactly what you’re going to be able to do by the time
you’re done reading this.
Flipping websites is akin to flipping houses, with one huge
difference. When people set out to flip houses, or real estate
in general, they typically have to invest hundreds of thousands
of dollars. People who flip houses will find houses that are
undervalued, put money into them in order to fix them up and
then they’ll sell those houses for a profit.
The same can be done with websites. You can buy a website for a
few hundred or even a few thousand dollars, fix it up and then
sell it for even more money than you bought it for.
That’s not what you’re going to learn here. You’re going to
learn how to build the websites that others will buy. In fact,
the people who buy your websites may go on to sell them for huge
profits. And good for them. To do this, they’re going to need
What you’re going to learn here is how to build websites from
scratch using very little money so that you can create an income
stream that will either supplement your income, or it can even
become your sole means of income. It’s completely up to you.
Most people, when they start out building a website with the
intention of flipping it, set out to create the next big thing.
They want to make the next Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or Digg.
Yet the chances of you creating a site like this are very small.
This is the wrong way to look at website flipping. Instead of
coming up with the next big thing, just focus on what works.
Throughout your website flipping venture, remember this phrase:
if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That phrase simply means taking
what others have done to make money and then replicating that
idea to make a profit of your own.
Site Flipping Lesson #2 - How Much Is Your Website Worth?
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #2 - How Much Is Your Website Worth?
When it comes to flipping websites, the tried and true model is
either creating or buying a website that has value, and then
selling it to another person for a profit. But what constitutes
a website’s value?
A website’s value is based on a number of criteria. These
• The value of the domain name - There are several domain name
appraisal services, and some domain hosting services even offer
an appraisal of the websites they sell.
• The value of your brand. Your brand is your website’s identity
within its given niche. Consider the various brands that you
know of, such as Facebook and even Coca-Cola, and you will see
just how valuable a brand can be.
• Your website’s content. This is very important as content is
king when it comes to a website’s value. Your website’s content
includes text, photos, videos, audio, etc. The more unique the
website’s content, the more value that website will hold.
• Website Traffic. Website traffic refers to how many visitors
arrive at your site on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The
more visitors your website attracts, the more valuable it will
• Search Engine Ranking. This is another huge one, as the higher
your website ranks, the more money people will be willing to
spend to acquire that website.
• Now that you know what a valuable site looks like, it’s time
to start making one of your own so that you can start making
hundreds or even thousands of dollars by creating websites from
Site Flipping Lesson #3 - Drilling Down Into A Niche
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #3 - Drilling Down Into A Niche
Your website’s niche is the subject-matter it will deal with.
The more specific your niche, the more valuable it will be.
However, there are some niches that hold more value than others.
For example, Mortgages, Insurance and Credit are extremely
profitable niches. Yet the more profitable a niche is, the more
competition it will probably have.
Therefore, you have to find sub-niches within those main niches
so that you can take advantage of that main niche’s
profitability while also targeting a specific group or audience.
For example, if you create a site about mortgages, you will
likely find millions upon millions of sites just like yours. On
the other hand, if you were to choose a site that has to do with
mortgages for single moms, your website would then be part of a
targeted niche that may not have as many competitors.
Keeping this in mind, you need to create your site around a
niche that people will want to pay for. One of the ways to do
this is to use Google’s free keyword tool.
Google Keyword Tool
Google’s keyword tool is designed for the Pay-Per-Click Adwords
platform. It’s free to use and it can give you very valuable
information regarding which keywords are hot at the moment.
To use the tool, you simply enter a keyword or phrase. You will
then be given the amount of searches Google experiences each
month for that keyword or phrase as well as how much competition
there is for it. Some people claim that the Google keyword tool
isn’t very accurate but it can give you a great idea of what
keywords are popular and which ones will make you the most
amount of money.
When you find a keyword that has a lot of searches with minimal
competition, you may have found a winner. You can also select an
option within the tool that reveals how much advertisers are
paying for certain keywords, so that you can see which ones are
most profitable.
Whilst the Google keyword tool is a great way to find a
profitable niche for your website, it can also be time
consuming. If you want to save time, there is a better way to
find a successful niche for your site and that’s to check which
sites people are buying at the moment.
Site Flipping Lesson #4 - Registering Your Domain
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #4 - Registering Your Domain
There are many domain registrars on the internet, but not all of
them are created equally. is a very popular one and
they are very reasonably priced. You can often register a domain
name for as little as $10-$20/year, depending on which registrar
you choose. When choosing a registrar you’ll of course want to
be focused on the price, but you’ll also want to consider what
kind of customer support they offer.
Once you choose a registrar, you’ll be able to search for the
domain you want right on the site to see if it’s available. You
will usually always want to go with a domain that ends in .com.
Sites that end in .com tend to be more valuable than sites that
end in .net, .org, or .info.
You can find a great domain name for your given niche using the
same keyword tool we just spoke about. If you can’t register
your .com name because it’s already taken, go back to the tool
and find one similar. You may find that the new name you come up
with is even better than the old one.
You will have to use a PayPal account or a credit card to
register the domain name. Then, once you own that domain, it’s
time to host that domain using a domain hosting service.
In our next lesson we'll focus on how to host your site and
eventually on to how to sell it!
Site Flipping Lesson #5 - Domain Hosting
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #5 - Domain Hosting
Domain hosting, like domain registration, doesn’t cost very
much. In fact, you can host a domain for as little as $10 or
less per month if you find the right host. Most people recommend
Host Gator but you should do your own homework so that you can
find the best host for you. Again, choose one that offers good
customer support.
You’ll also want to make sure that the host offers Cpanel. This
is a graphic interface that makes managing your websites much
easier, even if you’re not very technically proficient. If you
don’t know anything about websites, the host’s customer service
can usually walk you through most of it, and that’s why you’ll
want to choose a host that offers superior customer service in
case you get stuck.
You’ll also want to make sure you host your domain on its own
account. That’s because hosting a domain on an account with
other domains makes it more difficult when you try to sell that
account and then transfer it. It’s best to keep everything
separate so that the transfer process as is clean and easy as
possible. You’ll also want to create a reseller account, which
is designed for doing exactly what we’ll be doing: flipping
websites for profit.
Ok, so let’s assume your website is now registered, hosted and
now all that’s left is the actual building of the website, which
is the most fun part of the entire process. Stay tuned!
Site Flipping Lesson #6 - Selling Your Website - The Fun Part!
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #6 - Selling Your Website - The Fun Part!
When it comes to selling your website, PayPal is probably your
best option. That’s because PayPal is available in many
countries and it can handle many currencies, as well.
However, there are times when you might want to use another form
of payment. If you are dealing with a large amount of money, for
instance (which is likely to happen once you get better at
creating and flipping sites), you may want to use an escrow
service such as
Still some site flippers choose only to deal with checks, money
orders, wire transfers or even payments through Western Union.
Whichever form of payment you use is completely up to you, as
long as it’s most convenient. And for most, PayPal offers a
convenience that can’t be beaten.
Transferring Your Site and Files
Before you transfer anything to any buyer, make sure you have
receipt of payment first! This is very important. There are many
site flippers who have been burned by scam artists who promise
to buy and then never come through. These site-flippers spend
all this money, time and effort on creating a site only to hand
it over for free. Don’t do that. Get paid first (an escrow
service will ensure you do) and only then should you transfer to
the site over to the new owner.
On the other hand, there have been many buyers that have been
scammed by people who promise to transfer a site and then never
come through. So you may be asked to show a sign of good will by
giving a piece of the site. If this is the case, just send over
a file or a template that is useless without the rest of the
site’s files. For the most part, however, the buyer will usually
pay for the site with the expectations that you will just sign
the site over to them.
Transferring the site is easy enough to do. You simply send the
buyer the site files and then the buyer uploads them to his
server. You then push your domain to the buyer’s account. The
buyer updates his nameserver info and then points the domain to
his server. Clean and easy. Or, you can simply provide the buyer
with your FTP login and password, as well as your server and
account details and the buyer then transfers everything over at
his expense.
This should be the easiest part of the entire process. And
that’s all it takes to create and then sell a website in just a
few hours. The best part is that you did it using only a minimal
amount of money.
Of course, you can spend money to get better results. You can
have someone design your sites for you, which will usually cost
around $50 for a good design, you can hire a ghostwriter to
write your content or your e-book, and you can even use paid
advertising services like Google Adwords to promote your sites
to get even more visitors.
As I said, however, you’ll want to stick to the free and cheap
methods first until you get a little more experience. Now, you
just have to decide what to do with your newly made flippin’
amazing profit!
Site Flipping Lesson #7 - You've Made A Sale! Now What Do You Do With Your Money?
SUBJECT: Site Flipping Lesson #7 - You've Made A Sale! Now What Do You Do With Your Money?
The best thing to do with your web-flipping profits is to put
that money back into buying more domain names and creating more
websites that you can then flip for even more profit! The more
sites you build and flip, the better you’ll get and soon you can
be selling real premium sites for thousands of dollars.
When you’re first starting out, however, you may experience a
little failure. Not every site will sell on the first try, and
some sites may not sell at all. However, you must look at
failure as your best teacher. The more you fail, the better
you’ll get. As long as you stick with it and you keep learning
from your mistakes, you’ll be able to flip websites by the
dozens and then just think how much money you’ll make.
Now that you know how to do the proper market research to find
your niche, register your domain, host your domain, and then
build, promote and sell your site, you’ll be able to do it again
and again to supplement your income or you can make it your sole
income stream. It’s completely up to you.
One thing’s for sure. This is a great way to make money online
using very little money of your own and it can be done anywhere,
anytime using only a computer and an internet connection. What
could be better than that?
So get out there and start making that fortune.
Good luck and happy flipping!