Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Is Your Brand Or Lack Of Branding Letting You Down?
Branding Lesson #1 - So What Is Branding All About?
SUBJECT: Branding Lesson #1 - So What Is Branding All About?
Branding is all about what the customers perceive of your
company. Your brand is the promise that you intend to make to
the customers. The ultimate goal is to spark an emotional
connection in order to create a positive feeling resulting of
loyalty to a specific product from the customers.
Most customers hold true to products they enjoy. It is very
common for a customer to be impressed with a brand and continue
to buy a product based on that brand. You want to create these
feelings of loyalty to bring the customers back for more. This
is the ultimate goal.
Mission and Vision of Your Company
The mission and vision of your company should uphold excellence
in providing a quality product to customers that you care about.
These are statements about your company regarding the ultimate
goals you wish to achieve with in your endeavors. Many companies
focus their vision or mission on their employees while others
extend their mission outward to the customers. There should be a
fine mix here with both.
Many customers do not read into a vision or mission statement
too often. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take it
seriously. Your vision and mission are both a part of the
branding process because they define what your company is all
about. These two statements need to be believed and practiced by
employees and all staff of the company.
Benefits and Features of Your Products or Services
A big part of creating a brand for your business is proving to
the customers why your products and services are the best to
buy. Differentiation takes place here but you need to prove the
benefits to the consumers. Determine what the benefits are with
the products you offer, the services you offer, or something
else. Why does the customer benefit when they shop or buy from
you? You will have a very hard time establishing a brand if you
cannot determine the benefits or your products or services.
The features of your products and services are also important
and they go hand in hand with the benefits. The features of a
specific product should provide a benefit. Determine the
features and the ones that stand out from the rest or provide
the biggest benefit may be a target for the marketing campaign.
Customers Perception Today
Branding is about customer’s perception. When you want to create
a brand you want to create a perception of the customer that you
are the best, provide quality, or maybe even more.
It is important to have a good idea of what the customers
currently think of you when you are building a branding
campaign. Today customers may not know that you exist or they
may have a negative feel for your business because you haven’t
been practicing proper methods. Have a clear understanding on
exactly what the customers think of you.
If you are unsure what the customers think of you then you may
need to send out surveys and questionnaires. These types of
things can help you get a good idea where you stand with the
perception of the customers. It is okay if it is bad today. It
will give you something to build on with your branding campaign.
Qualities Perceived by the Customers
The next thing you need to do with a branding campaign is to
determine the different qualities that are perceived about your
products by the customers. Do you have a good reputation with
the consumer world for providing total quality in your products
or are your products considered to be garbage and not worth the
The qualities of your business may be many things. When you
think about how customers consider the qualities of your
business, make sure you consider the products you offer, the
customer support you provide, your image, or anything else that
would make a customer think of quality coming from your company.
The vision and mission statement are very important for every
business no matter how big or small. Make sure that your brand
works well and matches what you say you want to deliver.
Determine what the benefits and features of your business are
and have a clear picture on this. You will need this information
to provide a clear picture when you focus on developing your
Also learn about what the customers really think of you. You
might think customers absolutely love you when they are really
bashing you on the quality of your product. Knowing what the
customers think is very important. Creating a brand based on
customer input can be successful, especially if you change the
design of something for the customers. This gives them a sense
of ownership and it shows them you really do care.
Branding Lesson #2 - Your Audience Is Everything
SUBJECT: Branding Lesson #2 - Your Audience Is Everything
Audience is everything. If you do not know the audience that you
are targeting then you cannot begin creating a brand for a
product or a company. There are many reasons that audience must
be considered. Knowing your audience well will work for you in
the long run.
The audience is the targeted customer base that you are hoping
to reach out to for purchasing your product. Audience may
include gender, age, geographical regions, and more.
The age of an audience must be considered when branding occurs.
This is because if you are targeting a younger and more hip
crowd they may want to see a brand that is vibrant and more hip.
If your audience is older and more sophisticated then they may
be looking for a brand displaying more professionalism.
Gender of an audience is often an issue if you are selling
women’s clothing, men’s hats, or other items. However, when you
create a brand for a man, remember that you can create ad
campaigns targeting the women to purchase the products as gifts
for men.
Income isn’t something that many people think about when they
consider an audience when developing a brand. This is often
where companies go wrong. If you are selling a video gaming
system that is several hundreds of dollars in a local store down
the street and the average income of families in the area is
less than $25,000 a year they may not be able to afford the
product. You cannot sell an expensive product to a poor
audience. Also, people with a very high income may not consider
purchasing a very cheap product. The value of your brand must
match the income of the people you think will be your primary
target as customers.
Geographical regions are also very important. Many people open
businesses and try to sell products and services where there
just isn’t a need. This is a good way to fail. For example, if
you have a company selling snow shovels then it wouldn’t make
sense to try to sell them to home owners in Florida. Know your
geographical locations and which regions will benefit the most
from your product or services.
Know Your Audience
There are many things about your audience that you must know
when you are creating a brand. If you do not have a clear
understanding of which your audience is then you will fail.
When you determine your audience it is important to narrow it
down based on the age, gender (only if specific), geographical
region (only if specific), income levels, and more. Your
audience will be defined as something like 20-30 year old, male
golfers that are left handed.
Some brands may not be this specific. However, the more you can
narrow down your audience the more your brand will separate you
from the competition. This means you will have less competition
to worry about also.
Branding by Your Audience
Branding by your audience will allow you to be more successful
with sales and develop long lasting customers that are dedicated
to you. Targeting the wrong audience can cause problems with
credibility and trust.
Older groups of people often want to see a brand as one they can
trust. They want credibility and a professional look. If the
image appears to be young or unprofessional then you may find
that your revenues are lacking.
The same practice rings true with a younger crowd. If you are
targeting a young crowd and your brand is too professional and
comes across as boring then kids will not be interested in what
you have to offer. For example, if your target audience is to
sell super fast toy cars to five year old boys then you want a
very exciting brand that is fun. If your brand is professional
and so is your appearance it will be hard to convince a 5 year
old that the cars are really fast.
Always brand by audience. Find out what they want to see. You
may even want to talk to different age groups and find out what
they would like to see. This would be a good place to start.
Branding Lesson #3 - Get A Logo To Represent Yourself
SUBJECT: Branding Lesson #3 - Get A Logo To Represent Yourself
Today it is common for people to say that a logo is everything
when it comes to branding. This couldn’t be further from the
truth. A logo is important in many ways when branding but it is
not where the rubber meets the road with a business and a brand.
A logo is one of the smallest pieces of branding.
About Logos
It is common for many companies not to have a logo at all with
their company. They may just have the name of their business in
bright and basic letters in front of the store. Many online site
owners do the same and just write the name of the website in
bold letters at the top. A logo is important for every company
and a good idea to have.
A logo may be a creative way of writing your company name in
bold or italic lettering, special font,, different colors, and
it may even contain a picture. A good logo is the golden yellow
arches in McDonalds. This is a symbol that everyone recognizes
when they see the yellow arches on a highway or side street from
a distance. People immediately know which restaurant the arches
are for.
A logo can be just one letter or it may even be your entire
name. Developing a logo may be something you put off until the
end of your branding process if you are not sure what you would
like it to look like.
Tips with Logos
When you do design a logo there are many things to consider so
you know that you are creating a good one. These things include
the colors, how busy the logo is, a tagline, memorable, and more.
Colors are very important in a logo. They can be extremely
annoying if they are too bright and hard to look at and they can
be too dull and boring. It is very important to choose a wise
color combination with your logo. Again, consider the audience
when you design the logo and choose the colors. A more
professional look for an older audience should use lighter tones
and pleasing colors while children enjoy primary and bright
A logo should never be too busy. It should be short and sweet.
You want a company logo to be simple and easy to remember. A
logo that is too busy may be annoying and hard to read.
It is important to search competitor sites and verify that there
are no other companies with the same name as yours with a logo
that is similar. Make sure that you never copy a logo or use a
logo that is almost the same as another company also. This could
cause you to be in the middle of a lawsuit if you accidentally
design the same thing as someone else.
Does a Logo Really Help You Sell?
There is a lot of hype about logo creation and the web is
saturated with companies offering to design the perfect company
logo. Logos do not help you sell products. They are not
responsible for increasing revenues. No one buys a product
because the logo is cool or professionally designed.
Logos do create a positive impact for a business. A company with
a logo versus a company that does not have a logo looks more
professional and comes across as a more credible place to shop
from. This is because a professional logo creates an image. For
example, employees wearing plain blue shirts in a store do not
look as professional as employees with the same plain blue shirt
on and a company logo stamped on the top left chest area of the
Logos are a part of image. Your goal in branding is to create an
image that has an emotional impact when the customers. This
doesn’t mean to add an emotional picture or throw in a tagline
to make people cry. Taglines should have an impact but make a
promise you are going to deliver. Pictures should not be in
logos at all but if you choose to put one in a logo then make
sure that it is very small and not too busy.
Branding Lesson #4 - Building Recognition
SUBJECT: Branding Lesson #4 - Building Recognition
Building recognition can be a difficult task in the branding
process. There are many ways that you build recognition.
However, you must start from within the organization and work
your way out to the customers and the competitors.
Corporate Overview
All companies need to write a brief paragraph about the company.
Give an overview of the business, how you got started, and what
makes you thrive today. The overview should be positive and
encouraging. It should also make consumers think you are an
excellent place to buy from.
Maybe you donate half of your proceed to a non-profit
organization helping cancer. If so, then you would want to let
people know here. A corporate overview is read often by most
people when it is available. An overview should be included on
websites, brochures, press releases, and more.
What is Your Personality?
Your personality has a lot to do with your brand. You should
make sure that your personality doesn’t overpower your brand too
much with the company. For example, if an advertisement or
company logo would look excellent in the color yellow but you
hate the color yellow then maybe you need to do a check on your
personality and how it is interfering with the company brand.
It is very wise for many companies to hire a brand manager so
there are not problems with personalities conflicting with a
brand. The image of the company needs to be based on what looks
good for the company, what is attractive to the customers, and
what will sell. Your personality should not mix into the brand.
Some people say that you are your brand and your personality
should shine with your brand. However, there is a fine line here
with this theory. A branding manager is the best option because
this person can help with image and they will have a biased
point of view and they will act as a cop with the brand not
allowing any personalities to interfere.
When you are creating a brand then you need to be consistent.
Consistency should take place in everything that you do.
Remember, brand is your image and if you are not consistent it
will not have a good impact on the consumers. The primary
question that you should as yourself is if you deliver
everything you promise to your customers. The answer here should
always be a yes. Delivery should be consistent at all times.
Branding Lesson #5 - Out-Doing Your Competitors!
SUBJECT: Branding Lesson #5 - Out-Doing Your Competitors!
There are many things to consider about your competition when
you are designing a branding campaign. Many businesses fail
because they do not consider their competition. You need to do
proper research about your competitors, learn what makes you
different, why the customers should choose you, and much more.
Researching the Competition
You must always research your competition before you begin your
brand. Every business must know who their primary competitors
are. It is important to know if your company is on top of the
list in the industry or exactly where you stand.
When researching competitors it is important to be thorough and
learn everything about them that you can. How are you similar?
Do they have the same products as you? What types of ad
campaigns to they use that are successful? What campaigns to
they use that are failing?
What Sets You Apart From the Competitors?
A very important factor when you are researching competitors of
your products and services is that it is that you have that is
different. If you have to, make a list of everything you have
that they do not and vice versa. Determine what it is about your
company that works.
Many the competitors left out a vital piece of information that
they should be focusing on the product that they are not. This
could be a perfect solution to getting a foot in and immediately
ahead of the competitors.
When you determine the positive aspect that is different that
sets you completely apart from the competitors it may be this
information used for your ad campaign.
You never want to look the same as the rest of the companies in
your industry. Don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and go
different. This is how consumers will remember you. If you all
look the same then it will be no difference to the customers
when they make a choice that they are going to buy from.
Why Should Customers Shop From You?
Another part about setting yourself apart from the competitors
is determining why the customers should shop from you and not
the other guy. What is it about your business that makes you the
right place to shop from?
If you offer sales or free shipping and the competitors don’t
then you should use this as a focal point right up front. If you
have a product that the competitor doesn’t then you should use
this too. Show the customers why you are the better place. There
are many ways to do this. You may have a customer service team
that is available 24 hours a day and the other companies may
only be open during normal business hours. This would be a focal
The reasons that customers should shop from you need to be clear
and concise. You need to be entirely different than the rest of
the businesses in your industry. Setting yourself apart from the
rest is the best thing you can do because it will cause the
customers to remember you specifically. There will be no
confusion of which company you are in a group of businesses that
look the same.
This is the last lesson you'll receive on branding yourself and
your business.
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