Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Thinking About Becoming A Top Copy-Writer?... Read This!...
Lesson #1 - How to build a successful freelance writing career?
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - How to build a successful freelance writing career?
Although, for writers to break into the freelance market, there
are many opportunities but it requires skills and correct
strategy to achieve success. Let?s find out some smarter ways to
success in different phases of your freelancing career.
1. Start-up Phase
Evaluate your skills and interests: It is imperative to
evaluate your own self before offering your services to the
market. Freelancing is flexible and you can choose jobs that
suit your interest, education, skills and background.
Preliminary search: Actively search online for freelance jobs
available and get your self registered with various good
freelance writing sites on the internet.
Introduce your services to prospects: A well designed
Bio-sheet?, is a best resource to offer yourself to the
prospective client. It is a document similar to a resume
carrying a brief description of your education, skills,
experiences and interests.
2. Growth Phase
Beware of the single-client trap: As freelance work is job
based and generally no contracts are signed, it is crucial to
work for a number of clients rather than stick to a single
client, but ethically, you must avoid giving services to clients
who might be each others close competitors.
Improve your writing skills: In order to retain your jobs it
is essential to keep improving your writing skills. In later
chapters we will discuss in detail how can you improve your
writing skills and be persistent.
Take criticism positively: Take criticism and comments from
your clients as guidelines for future success and never get
discouraged on rejections.
3. Maturity Phase
Be consistent: Consistency is crucial for long term existence.
It is generally observed that freelancing is considered as a
source of second income and people take it very casually and get
bored too quickly.
Stay in touch with old clients: Relationship building is
considered as a key to success as market is flooded with masses
of freelance writers from all over the globe.
Hence freelance writing is an open platform for anyone anywhere
in the world, but long term persistence is not every ones cup of
tea. One should take it is a passion and it requires skills and
intense hard work to get success.
Lesson #2 - Types of Freelance Writing
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Types of Freelance Writing
Freelance writing has two forms, print (magazines and
newspapers) and web content (web based). There are a number of
ways through which a freelance writer can earn a steady source
of income. You can work as research writers, essay writers,
story and drama writers, copy writers, bloggers, eBook writers,
magazine writers, catalogue material writers, content writers,
advertising copy writers, corporate copy writers, grant writing
(for nonprofit organizations), essay writers, resume writers are
just to name a few. However, all these above listed freelance
writing jobs may fit in one way or another under any of the
below mentioned broad categories.
Creative writing
Creative writing is often referred to as the imaginative and
original form of writing. It requires a great deal of creativity
and thought to compose such artistic writing pieces. It is
different from other technical forms of writing as it is guided
by writer?s own feelings and emotions. Writing which may fall
under this category includes poems, novel, drama, story, epic
Web Blog and SEO writing
Today a number of websites are hiring people to stock content on
their websites. Web blog and SEO writing comes under this
Web Blog contents are normally shorter than other forms of
freelance writing like technical writing or research writing.
Blog posts are normally written in a very informal tone and may
attract many youngsters who like staying up with internet buzz
to work as blog freelance writers.
SEO writing refers to Search Engine Optimization writing. It is
a form of web content writing, where, writers are required to
keep focus on key words and other search optimization
techniques, which bring traffic to their sites. The pay is
usually a flat rate and sometimes with bonuses for traffic
Newsletters, Editorial and Magazine writing
These are one of the most lucrative and technical forms of
writing that may fall under the umbrella of copywriting. These
forms of writings require defined focus, in-depth research and
an extensive reading. It is best suited for people from the
advertising agencies, publishers, public relation firms etc.
Sales and Marketing Writing
Sales and marketing writing is the most common source of
freelance writing that generally requires marketing skills. As
businesses around the globe are going online, companies require
the services of efficient freelance writers for online marketing
of their services and products. It usually involves writing
product descriptions, sales letters, marketing oriented web
papers and media content, marketing and business plans etc.
EBook Writing
As internet is becoming a wide medium, the scope for EBook
writers is expanding. Many electronic publishing houses are
hiring the services of eBook writers. EBook writing may
sometimes take the form of ghost writing, where the original
author of the book remains anonymous or someone else?s name is
attached to the work done by you. People who value recognition
in their field may find it unattractive.
Our next lesson is dedicated on highlighting factors that help
you realize and improve your writing skills. Stay tuned!
Lesson #3 - Realizing Your Writing Skills
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - Realizing Your Writing Skills
Before entering into a writing career first ask yourself the
following questions that will help you realize your writing
Does Writing interests you?
Writing is a passion; you can only retain a long term writing
career if you have drive and desire to work as a writer. As
quoted by a famous writer
?To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about,
but the inner music the words make?
- Truman Capote.
Are you a good reader?
You can only write well if you read a lot. Reading famous
writers will help you learn some tips and techniques for
effective writing. As quoted by world well-known writer;
?If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or
the tools to write? -Stephen King
Are you Curious? Willing to research?
A writer is considered to be a complete information package. You
must have complete understanding and knowledge about what you
write and this can only be done by putting efforts to conduct
extensive research.
Are you creative?
Creativity and unique writing style will help you stand out of
competition and retain a stable position in your career.
Can you sell your idea?
Effective writing is nothing but selling your ideas. You should
play with words so effectively to make people like and
understand your text.
Do you have a natural writing flow?
Some writers have natural writing flow; they just fill up pages
while others strive.
Do you have patience?
Hard work, diligence and patience are core for getting long term
success. An effective writer is a product of patience, and
practice, practice and more practice.
Do you take criticism positively?
If you see criticisms as avenues to learn and improve your
skills, you pace towards success can be enormous.
Are you well organized?
If you have a well organized personality, it would appear in
your writing too. As in order to be an effective writer you need
focus, clarity, disciplined and well organized effort, so that
your readers can found your text effective.
If you analyze yourself and identify the presence of the above
qualities in you, you can start a successful career in writing.
But lack of these qualities doesn?t mean that you cannot become
a successful writer. In the next chapter we will explore some
ways that will help you enhance your writing skills and
guarantee your success.
Lesson #4 - Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills
Effecting writing is an art, a skill, that doesn?t just comes
easily to everyone. Some writers are just born writers but if
you don?t fall under this category, there is nothing to worry
about. If you have obsession to become a successful writer, you
can always perk up your writing skills.
Here are some tips to ink your writing skills.
Be a good reader:
To get effective, get into reverse gear and read the writers. To
be a good writer you have to become a good reader. Reading
regularly will not only help you boost your knowledge, but also
help you discover some tools and skills. You can also spot
writing styles of famous writers in various fields example
fictional, non- fictional, creative writing techniques etc.
Be your customer to know your customer:
After becoming a good reader, now step forward and go a step
ahead, be your customer. In order to sell your writing you
should know well who is your target audience and what are they
exactly looking for in your text. Knowing your audience will
help you incorporate the correct mood and style into your entire
paper to set up a distinct reading material for your audience.
Get a professional degree if possible:
Getting a professional degree is valuable for people who seek
freelance writing as their long term and full time career. Even
doing some short term certificate courses from some institutes
will also help you polish your skills in your specific fields of
Improve content quality:
No matter how well qualified are you and how passionate are you
about your work. When is comes to success, the only factor that
determines it is a well developed content. You should put
intensive hard work to develop error proof content by following
the tips below;
Use clear and effective words. Avoid producing vague
statements that will confuse your readers.
Use active tense
Talk to audience, don?t write but speak
Avoid using grammatical and spelling errors.
Avoid repetition
Do not ever copy your text; try to be original and distinct.
Remember there is always a room for improvement:
It is always vital to get some expert opinion about your work
and don?t get afraid of criticisms. Take criticisms positively
and try to incorporate expert suggestions in your future jobs.
Follow a well planned strategy:
As freelance writing is a gigantic field in itself and it can
take numerous forms. Each task has its own unique requirements
for example writing a business letter is entirely different and
is targeted towards different audience as compared to writing an
eBook. So it is essential for every writer to follow a well
planned strategy to create an effective writing piece. In our
next lesson we will explore a complete strategy to organize the
data and develop an effective content, a key to success.
Lesson #5 - Process to Develop Quality Writing
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Process to Develop Quality Writing
As of now you are well aware of the importance of writing a
quality article. But the question is how? How can we develop a
Quality article? There are no hard and fast rules for freelancer
writers, as every job is different from the previous but we can
off course follow a proper procedure to write a quality article.
Let?s see a step by step procedure of effectively developing
quality content.
Understand the basic need of the job:
The first and foremost step before starting to write anything is
to know the purpose. You should be well aware of the purpose of
the job and your clients? expectations from you. Also as
freelance writing is very vast, you should know the type of
article you are required to prepare. For example writing a
research paper will entirely be different from writing an
advertisement as discussed in the example above.
Know your audience:
Your audience is your end users and the success of your job
depends on their viewership. It is crucial to know about your
audience and their interests.
Brainstorm and develop a manuscript:
Before starting to write anything it is always advisable to
develop an outline and format of your copy.
Create a quality content:
A great deal of hard work and thinking is required to generate a
piece of good quality content. You should choose your words
carefully. Express your ideas with elegance, while being direct
and persuasive. Some tasks require you to call for action for
example feedback, calling to place an order etc. so customize
your text according to the specialized need of your task.
Proofread and review:
It is imperative to proofread the copy to rectify any mistakes
or grammatical errors and to improve the quality of your text.
Lesson #6 - Tips to Establish Credibility
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Tips to Establish Credibility
It is a well-known fact that professional freelancers are so
busy with their work load and in meeting their client?s
deadlines that they don?t have enough time to leverage their
skills to grow their own business. In order to establish
credibility you need to market yourself prudently. Here are some
tips to attain credibility:
Avoid short cuts:
Many freelancers focus on short term goals. In order to meet
deed lines and tight work schedule they try to duplicate and
copy for many of the online sources. Remember this is the most
perilous step to harm your credibility.
Always meet your dead lines:
It is crucial to make sure to meet deadlines. Always take up
project when you are confident that you can finish then in time
and never compromise on the quality of your work.
Identity and superiority
Ask yourself a simple question that why should clients hire you?
You should have some superiority over others. Focus on your
specialty. Market yourself well, focus on your area of specialty
and promote your key skills. Remember that if you?re not
superior in some way, why anyone would seek your services.
You might be efficient and effective freelance writer but how
can clients hire you if they can?t see you. You have to be
visible and accessible. This can be done by
Getting involved in your professional community
Writing articles
Develop and update your own website
Always be in touch with your old clients
Develop and update your blog
The following comments made by a successful freelancer on the
benefits of blogging are posted below:
In her post, Why I Write this Blog, freelancer P.S. Jones says
that blogging is a way for her to remain accountable and meet
virtual colleagues. When you think of it in these terms, you
can?t deny that your blog is an important part of your freelance
businesses. If you write well, each and every one of your posts
can generate new leads and help showcase your skills and
services around the clock.
Tough in this chapter we have explored several ways of attaining
credibility in the market but nothing is as worthy as an
effective content. Always remember Do Not Compromise on Your
Lesson #7 - Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs
SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs
There are a number of ways which we are going to explore in this
chapter to find online writing jobs for freelancers, but a word
of caution for you is to beware of scams and fraudulent
employers. Always research well and be prudent in selecting the
right job and the right people.
List below are several ways to locate freelance writing jobs.
Some of these options are free and others require that you pay a
membership fee. All of them, however, have the potential of
helping you find jobs.
There is huge number of websites that provides you with
freelance job listening. is a one the best and
free place to find freelance work. There are job listings posted
daily. Other available free websites are,,, but their reliability is lower.
However there are few paid sites that are more reliable for
Social Media Sites:
Famous social media sites like face book, twitter, LinkedIn also
help you in job search, but again the reliability is
Email marketing:
For tyro writers daily emails may also work. But it is most
effective for people already in the field and if they have a
lull in work schedule, as happens to almost every freelancer at
some point. Sending out emails to existing clients is effective.
Solicit references:
Enquire from your friends, family members and colleagues for
reliable employers. These sources are more reliable and trust
worthy. Even many people looking to hire a freelance writer will
ask someone they know for a referral so keeping in touch with
friends, colleagues proves to be beneficial.
Registering with professional organizations:
This strategy works best for professionals. Writers who
specialize in areas such as marketing, medical, or technical
writing could join organizations specific to those industries.
Alternative approach- Market yourself:
This is the you turn approach for which you do your work first
i.e. prepare your article first and then email it to various
related businesses and people who might be interested in your
work and get you a freelancing job. Or you might submit your
articles to various free directors and solicit work.
Create your own blog or websites to market yourself:
This is the most effective approach for professional freelance
writers. You can update your blog or web sites and present your
work and market your specialties which will help you to get work
of your choice.
Hence, there are a variety of ways through which freelance
writers can find opportunities and there is no one best method
for everyone. Some freelancers are novice, others experienced,
some are better at online networking, while others are more
proficient at talking with people face-to-face, some see
freelancing as a source of additional income while others want
desire to take it as a long term profession. One thing is sure,
freelance market is full of opportunities, one just needs to be
prudent finding them.