Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
How I get more sales with the same amount of traffic
{!firstname_fix}, follow up with your leads
SUBJECT: {!firstname_fix}, follow up with your leads
Hi {!firstname_fix},
I'm sure that you’ve heard how important it is to
follow up with your potential customers.
The sad truth is that most people just don't do this,
and the few that do follow up suck at it.
That means that most businesses aren't getting
anywhere near the amount of profit that they could be
Doesn't it make sense to follow up if it's going to
put more cash in your bank account every month?
And if you are going to follow up don't you think
that you should do it good?
I already know the answer to that one!
The reason most people don't follow up is because they
just don't know how!
But that's all changed because I have documented
everything I've ever done when following up just for
You can apply all of my ideas, tactics and principles
in your business in just a day or so!
That's fast and the results that you will see will be
To get a copy of this set of blueprints right now just
drop by this webpage and grab it...
To your success,
P.S. Following up with your prospects can be
incredibly easy if you know how to do it properly &
Find out how now...
Extracting maximum cash from your e-mail list
SUBJECT: Extracting maximum cash from your e-mail list
Hi {!firstname_fix},
I'm not going to try to hide my intentions here today...
I'm e-mailing you about a product that you have to pay
for (although it is dirt cheap).
This product is called Extracting Maximum Cash from
your e-mail list and it will teache you how to follow
up with your prospects, and put your income on overdrive.
If you're tired of mediocre response rates and pitiful
conversions at your website, this is the solution.
Every website that I’ve applied this system to has
immediately tripled in profits (at least).
And that happened with about a day or two of work!
I am going to teache you how to convert more
"tire kickers" into customers quickly and easily.
You will learn why people refuse to buy and how to
break through those barriers almost without trying.
There has never been a system like this put together
because most people just don't know how to do it
You can learn the secrets that work like gang busters
and that are incredibly easy to apply just by checking
out my short two-hour video system today.
To your success,
P.S. Click here to take control of your online business
once and for all...
does your follow-up strategy suck?
SUBJECT: does your follow-up strategy suck?
Hi {!firstname_fix},
Are you following up with your potential customers and
existing customers?
Did you know that if you aren't you are missing out on
75% of the potential profit in your business?
I'm not kidding, you're business income could be 3
times what it currently is!
And that's without any additional traffic!
This may sound a bit off the wall but I'm here to tell
you that you really can close more business from the
traffic and customers that you have.
It doesn't take some complicated software solution or
learning hundreds of hours of website tricks.
This is a time tested and profit proven way of
generating more profits.
I have arranged everything that you need in a Follow
Up Blueprint that will show you how to do this.
All you do is follow the steps, plug them into your
business and you're off to the races and higher
This is all available via instant download at the page
below for a limited time...
To your success,
P.S. Following up with your potential customers and
existing customers can triple your business over
Click here to learn how to setup a follow up plan in
your business today...
Email Cash Lesson #1 - Extracting Max Cash
SUBJECT: Email Cash Lesson #1 - Extracting Max Cash
Welcome to the first lesson in the Email List Cash
Today we are going to be going over an introduction to
making the most money possible from your e-mail list!
If you've been doing business online for any amount
of time, there's no doubt that you've heard about
the money being in the list.
Following up with a customer is simply contacting them
after the initial point of contact to make them a
customer that purchases again and again.
This is a marketing tactic that people have been using
for over 100 years to make more sales.
The fact is, following up with your potential
customers will bring more of them back to your offer
and many will buy from you multiple times after their
first purchase.
Why is this?
Studies have shown that 7 to 12 exposures to your
product, service or offer is needed for the majority
of people to buy the first time.
Once a person has become your customer and made a
first purchase is even easier to get them to purchase
again and again in the future
One of the best ways to get your customers buying from
you again and again is to know exactly what they want.
Once you know what your customers want the best way to
get them to love you and want to spend money with you
is to write to them just like you would speak to them
if you are sitting next to them on the couch.
Tell them who you are and how you can help make their
life easier, and then make sure to close all of your
contact with them with a personal message from you that
comes from your heart.
Letting your customers know that your real person with
little problems just like them will help them relate
to you as a friend when it comes to taking your advice
on purchasing products that can help them.
To your success,
Email Cash Lesson #2 - The Lost Marketing Secret
SUBJECT: Email Cash Lesson #2 - The Lost Marketing Secret
Welcome to the second lesson in the Email List Cash
Today we are going to be going over why follow up has
been lost in translation in many businesses online!
In the last message you learned why it's important for
you to follow up with your potential customers and
existing customers, and how you can develop a better
relationship with those customers.
But the truth is, most people aren't doing this and
the people that are following up aren't doing it
Why is this?
Follow up principles have been lost in the rapidly
moving technology boom that surrounds the business
Most companies either aren't doing it because they
don't know any better or forget.
The ones that are doing it aren't using the right
principles making any effectiveness they would have
experiences vanish.
This is a pretty big problem that no one really knows
exists because follow up is being berried by other
things like SEO.
Developing a relationship that feels like a personal
one-on-one relationship to your customer is the secret
that will give you success that will make your
competitors envious.
Another important aspect to keep in mind when you're
sending e-mail to your customers, is that you should
stop trying to sell them in your e-mail on anything
other than the click.
What I mean by that is for you to not try to sell a
product in the e-mail, sell your customer on just
simply clicking through to the website that will sell
the product. After all if you can't get them to click
through to your website you have no chance of earning
their business.
If you'd like to learn how you can lift the fog from
effective follow up just drop by this website where I
clear everything up once and for all...
To your success,
Email Cash Lesson #3 - Why Follow Up?
SUBJECT: Email Cash Lesson #3 - Why Follow Up?
Welcome to the third lesson in the Email List Cash
Today we are going to be going over why follow up is
essential if you want a successful business online!
In the last message you learned how the follow up
principles once widely known have become buried in a
flurry of technology.
You may have the following question floating around in
your head...
"Why do I need to follow up with my customers?"
The answer is this...
Most people who come to your website just won't have
the trust built up with you to make a purchase on their
first visit, but if you can find a way to collect their
e-mail address by giving away free report or other
valuable information you can now contact them in the
future and sell them again and again once they get to
know you a bit better.
It's nothing personal; it's just that they don't know
you from a hole in the wall and have no relationship
with you.
This is why follow up is so important! You can build
a relationship with these visitors through effective
follow up!
One of the things that you can give your customers for
free that will provide value to them would be to do an
interview with another expert in your industry or have
somebody interview you and give them the audio or the
transcript of the interview for free.
By giving them valuable information like this you will
begin developing a relationship with with your prospect
which will lead to long-term customers in the future.
To learn how to do this easily and automatically (even
while you sleep), read this report online right now...
To your success,
Email Cash Lesson #4 - Why Majority Don't Follow Up
SUBJECT: Email Cash Lesson #4 - Why Majority Don't Follow Up
Welcome to the fourth lesson in the Email List Cash
Today we are going to be going over why follow up has
been so hard to figure out.
In the last message you learned why you absolutely
must follow up with your potential customers.
I also told you about a great way to create free
content that you can give to your customers that
they will be very happy to get, not to mention the
fact that this will help develop a relationship
between you and your customers.
You may be wondering why follow up is so often
overlooked and why people in business on the Internet
don't use it more often in their businesses.
The answer is because there just isn't much
documentation on the actual process of using follow
This goes back to the fact that not many people are
doing it so that leaves very few people to actually
teach it.
This can provide a huge advantage for you and your
business because if you are one of the few people are
actually following up with the customers interested
in your type of products, who do you think these
customers are going to buy from, you or your competitors
that don't follow up, or that follow poorly?
The good news is that I am going to share with you a
complete system (finally) for the first time ever in
tomorrow's lesson!
If you'd like an early sneak peek at it just drop by
this webpage right now to check out our full system
which is available as a quick two hour video tutorial...
To your success,
P.S. To get a jump start and create a highly
effective and profitable follow up campaign in your
business follow the link below...
Email Cash Lesson #5 - What Works From Personal Experience
SUBJECT: Email Cash Lesson #5 - What Works From Personal Experience
Welcome to the fifth lesson in the Email List Cash
Today we are going to be going over my personal
recommendation and discovery regarding follow up.
One super way to follow up with your customers
and make sure they are incredibly targeted to
whatever it is that you're trying to sell is to
create micro-lists for each of your products.
This way when you do follow-up you're exactly on
target with your customers wants and needs.
Another important thing to remember is that you
need to be sure you mail regularly, your prospects
will tend to forget who you are if you don't mail
them on a regular basis with great cutting edge new
content that may help them in your niche.
You need to be monitoring trends that are happening
in your industry and keep your customers up-to-date
on what's new and exciting regarding your products.
Another thing to do is low scale testing of your
e-mails before you roll them out to your entire
customer base.
Write your e-mail and only send it to a small portion
of your customer list to make sure that converts clicks
before you send it to your entire list.
If it doesn't work change it up a bit and try another
test until you get the ideal results, then blast it
out to your entire customer database.
Never send your customers to a landing page or a squeeze
page and make them opt in to get your information.
They are already on your e-mail list so why would you
make them subscribe again? I never understand why marketers
do this, just send them directly to the information you
promised in your e-mail.
Okay, so you reach the end of my five day course, but
trust me I'm only scratching the surface of ways that you
can increase your profits from your e-mail list.
Check out my full video course, it's not something that
is going to take you three days to watch. I've condensed
it down into a very powerful two hours that will blow your
mind when it comes to increasing the profits that you now
get from your current customer list.
Check it out and see if I can help you double or even
triple your list income. I guarantee results, or an
instant refund will be yours, what do you have to lose!
To your success,
P.S. Don't miss out on this chance of a lifetime every
day that you delay are profits that you could be missing
out on.
Learn how to follow up and increase the profits in your
business today...