Emails and Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and converts higher than any other form of traffic. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email sequence below to being your promotion.
If you don't currently have enough subscribers, it's never too late to get more. If you don't have an email list, it's never too late to start. Take action, build your list and you'll have the ability to promote our instant-pay products on demand!
If you're new to list building, it's always a good idea to get to grips with your autoresponder. You can still add the below emails into your auto-responder sequence together with our other range of products and build your own campaigns. The more emails you add into your campaign, the more profit you'll make. Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
(Send on Day 1) - Grab 100+ Sales Letters to Sell Your Products Better! (swipe, copy and paste...)
(Send on Day 2) - RE: Grab 100+ Sales Letters to Sell Your Products Better! (swipe, copy and paste...)
RE: Grab 100+ Sales Letters to Sell Your Products Better! (swipe, copy and paste...)
re: Get Instant Access to 100+ Swipe Sales Letters Worth $30k (just copy, paste and profit...)
fwd: Download 100+ Professionally Written Sales Letters (swipe, copy and profit...)
If you want to do well online then you
need to be able to sell. Fact.
Even if you spend years developing your
own product and it's the best thing on
the market, your prospects won't be
persuaded to buy it unless you convince
That is the whole point of a sales
letter. To convince your prospects to
take action and buy your product when
they're on your website.
Unfortunately writing good sales
letters is a skill that takes 2025S to
master. In fact professional writers
can charge $300+ for just ONE 2000 word
sales letter.
So where does that leave you?
You can either do it yourself...
You can pay someone to do it...
Or you can have it done for you...
Right now we've handing you a treasure
box of pre-written sale letter
templates for the best niches online.
You'll get access to over 100 sales
letters that you can swipe, copy and
profit from immediately.
Salesletter #1 - Affiliate Marketing
Salesletter #2 - Alcohol Treatment
Salesletter #3 - Alternative Energy-Fuel
Salesletter #4 - Apps Development
Salesletter #5 - BasketBall Skills
Salesletter #6 - Blogging
Salesletter #7 - Budget Tips For Students
Salesletter #8 - Building Profitable Coaching Business
Salesletter #9 - Business Management Training
Salesletter #10 - Career Development
Salesletter #11 - Cats
Salesletter #12 - Child Self Esteem
Salesletter #13 - Children Health & Wellness
Salesletter #14 - Children Safety
Salesletter #15 - Choosing Childcare
Salesletter #16 - Choosing The Righ Online School
Salesletter #17 - Choosing The Right Network Companies
Salesletter #18 - Choosing The Right University
Salesletter #19 - Communication
Salesletter #20 - Computers
Salesletter #21 - Consulting
Salesletter #22 - Couple Relationship
Salesletter #23 - Divorce
Salesletter #24 - Dogs
Salesletter #25 - Drug Treatment
Salesletter #26 - Email Marketing
Salesletter #27 - Exercise
Salesletter #28 - Exotic Pets
Salesletter #28 - Facebook
Salesletter #29 - Family Planning
Salesletter #30 - Financing Your Business
Salesletter #31 - Financing Your Education
Salesletter #32 - Financing Your Property
Salesletter #33 - First Time House Buyers
Salesletter #34 - Fish
Salesletter #35 - Fit and Healthy Body
Salesletter #36 - Forex Trading
Salesletter #37 - Futures Trading
Salesletter #38 - Gambling Addiction
Salesletter #39 - Gambling Game
Salesletter #40 - GooglePlus
Salesletter #41 - Green Homes
Salesletter #42 - Hair Styling and Treatment
Salesletter #43 - Handling Breakup
Salesletter #44 - Handyman Guide
Salesletter #45 - Internet Marketing
Salesletter #46 - Investing In Property
Salesletter #47 - Ipads OR Galaxy Tabs
Salesletter #48 - Law Of Attraction
Salesletter #49 - Lead Generation
Salesletter #50 - LinkedIn
Salesletter #51 - Managing Personal Finance
Salesletter #52 - Manicure and Pedicure
Salesletter #53 - Moving Tips
Salesletter #54 - Network Marketing Mindset
Salesletter #55 - Network Marketing Training
Salesletter #56 - Nicotine Treatment
Salesletter #57 - Nutrition
Salesletter #58 - Online Dating
Salesletter #59 - Online Marketing
Salesletter #60 - Operating System OR Languages
Salesletter #61 - Options Trading
Salesletter #62 - Organic Food-Garden
Salesletter #63 - Outsourcing Your Business
Salesletter #64 - Personal Coaching
Salesletter #65 - Phones
Salesletter #66 - Pickup and Dating
Salesletter #67 - Pinterest
Salesletter #68 - Product Launch
Salesletter #69 - Profitable Business Planning
Salesletter #70 - Profitable Compensation Plans
Salesletter #71 - Public Speaking
Salesletter #72 - Racing Games
Salesletter #73 - Recycling-Reusing
Salesletter #74 - Reptiles
Salesletter #75 - Schooling For Your Kids
Salesletter #76 - Search Engine Optimization
Salesletter #77 - Self Motivation and Discipline
Salesletter #78 - Shooting Games
Salesletter #79 - Simple Living
Salesletter #80 - Simulation Games
Salesletter #81 - Skin Care
Salesletter #82 - Sky Diving
Salesletter #83 - Soccer
Salesletter #84 - Sports Coaching
Salesletter #85 - Starting Your Own Business
Salesletter #86 - Stock Share Trading
Salesletter #87 - Stop Addiction
Salesletter #88 - Stop Procrastination
Salesletter #89 - Strategy Games
Salesletter #90 - Stress Relief
Salesletter #91 - Study Tips For Students
Salesletter #92 - Styling and Fashion
Salesletter #93 - Swimming
Salesletter #94 - Take Control of Your Life
Salesletter #95 - Tennis Skills
Salesletter #96 - Twitter
Salesletter #97 - Web Design
Salesletter #98 - Wedding Planning
Salesletter #99 - Weight Loss
Salesletter #100 - Win Your Lover Back
Salesletter #101 - Woo A Girl
Let me give you some real life examples
where these done for you sales letters
and auto-responders will come in
IDEA #1 - You want to enter a new niche
that you know full well is profitable
and marketers are making a killing in
but you have no idea how to put
together a sales letter or landing page
that makes you sound like you know what
you're on about.
IDEA #2 - You've bought private label
rights to a bunch of products in
various niches but none of them came
with a sales letter. Use these swipes
as a start to get your products sold!
IDEA #3 - You want to build a niche
list but are still not quite sure what
your audience wants or what their
problems are. Skim read your sales
letters to help you write irresistable
squeeze pages that people will happily
sign up to.
IDEA #4 - You want to build a
relationship with your readers and been
seen as an expert in your niche but you
have no clue what to put in your
autoresponder sequence. Swipe the
bullet points from the sales letters to
find out what the main problems are and
you'll be able to write a mini lesson
around each problem.
IDEA #5 - You want to promote a product
on ClickBank outside of internet
marketing and see that it has a high
gravity score, plus a recurring
back-end. Use the sales letters to help
you put together a landing page or
pre-sell page to convey a sense of
understanding to your visitors and then
recommend the ClickBank product.
IDEA #6 - You plan to use paid
advertising and want to create
effective text ads and banners that
will hit their emotional triggers.
Swipe the headlines and sublines from
the sales letters to put together an
effective ad.
IDEA #7 - You're near the bottom of the
listings on the first page of Google
for your keyword or keyphrase and can't
seem to rank any higher. Use the
powerful text ad from the previous
example as your page title to attract
more traffic. Anyone who glosses over
the first page of results will notice
your listing right away!
IDEA #8 - You want to give your new
niche product a name, an identity or
build a brand but don't know what to
call it or what tagline to use. Use the
sales letters to help you come up with
a catchy name that even cold traffic
can instantly relate to. This alone
will make you stand out from the
competition and attract more customers
to you.
IDEA #9 - You want to write effective
articles to help promote your product
but you don't know what the heck to
write about. Read through the sales
letter and pick out problematic areas
that can be easily expanded on in an
article. Combine that with an effective
title and you'll be churning out fresh
new content in no time... or at the
very least have a good idea of topics
you want to outsource.
IDEA #10 - You have some idea of what
to write, but don't know how to
structure your sales letter in an
effective way. Use the pre-written
sales letters as a template to speed up
your progress.
If you want to save time, tens of
thousands in copywriting fees, not to
mention a massive headache then these
done for you sales letters are ideal
for you.
(Send on Day 3) - FREE Download! The 7-Figure Copywriter Manual (to write sales letters for your products...)
FREE Download! The 7-Figure Copywriter Manual (to write sales letters for your products...)
FREE Download! 17 Steps to Write *Profitable* Sales Letters (to sell your products and services...)
As you already know, profit is only
made when a sale it made, and a sale is
only made by how convincingly you sell
your product.
And what makes a product tempting to
buy?... You guessed it. The sales
If you go to any website that sells a
product you'll usually see a single
page with LOTS of writing. It's those
words do all the selling.
So if you're not developing your
copywriting skills then you're missing
out on sales and the growth of your
In today's newsletter we're giving you
the entire formula to write
high-converting sales letters so you
can sell any product or service in any
Everything is organized and laid out
for you in 17 easy to follow steps...
* Why The Top Is The Most Important Aspect
* Writing A Powerful Headline
* Understanding The Psychology Of Headlines
* Headlines Examples
* Headline Swipes You Can Use
* The Body Of The Copy
* Maintaining The Flow Till The End
* Write It Like Telling A Story
* Build It Up Through Pain, Aggravation and Solution
* Presenting The Offer
* Securing The Order
* Using Guarantees
* Using Post Scripts P.S.
* Structuring The Order Page To Complete The Order
* Using An Exit Script In Case They Reject The Offer
* How To Write A Good Thank You Page So Your Customer Feels Appreciated
* Ways To Minimize Your Refund Rates
Download directly from the link below:
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. Don't forget if you want to skip
the hard work, save time and grab 100
done for you sales letters that you can
start editing right away then check out
our latest package below...
(Send on Day 4) - REMINDER: Grab 100+ Sales Letters to Sell Your Products Better! (swipe, copy and paste...)
REMINDER: Grab 100+ Sales Letters to Sell Your Products Better! (swipe, copy and paste...)
ENDS SOON: Get Instant Access to 100+ Swipe Sales Letters (just copy, paste and profit...)
LAST CALL! Download 100+ Professionally Written Sales Letters (swipe, copy and profit...)
This is just a quick reminder that the
100 sale letter package is about to
come to an end.
You'll be able to grab 100 sales
letters in the most profitable niches
together with a swipe file of 100
phrases to help you sell almost
anything in any niche.
Here's a quick look at what's inside
this package...
Salesletter #1 - Affiliate Marketing
Salesletter #2 - Alcohol Treatment
Salesletter #3 - Alternative Energy-Fuel
Salesletter #4 - Apps Development
Salesletter #5 - BasketBall Skills
Salesletter #6 - Blogging
Salesletter #7 - Budget Tips For Students
Salesletter #8 - Building Profitable Coaching Business
Salesletter #9 - Business Management Training
Salesletter #10 - Career Development
Salesletter #11 - Cats
Salesletter #12 - Child Self Esteem
Salesletter #13 - Children Health & Wellness
Salesletter #14 - Children Safety
Salesletter #15 - Choosing Childcare
Salesletter #16 - Choosing The Righ Online School
Salesletter #17 - Choosing The Right Network Companies
Salesletter #18 - Choosing The Right University
Salesletter #19 - Communication
Salesletter #20 - Computers
Salesletter #21 - Consulting
Salesletter #22 - Couple Relationship
Salesletter #23 - Divorce
Salesletter #24 - Dogs
Salesletter #25 - Drug Treatment
Salesletter #26 - Email Marketing
Salesletter #27 - Exercise
Salesletter #28 - Exotic Pets
Salesletter #28 - Facebook
Salesletter #29 - Family Planning
Salesletter #30 - Financing Your Business
Salesletter #31 - Financing Your Education
Salesletter #32 - Financing Your Property
Salesletter #33 - First Time House Buyers
Salesletter #34 - Fish
Salesletter #35 - Fit and Healthy Body
Salesletter #36 - Forex Trading
Salesletter #37 - Futures Trading
Salesletter #38 - Gambling Addiction
Salesletter #39 - Gambling Game
Salesletter #40 - GooglePlus
Salesletter #41 - Green Homes
Salesletter #42 - Hair Styling and Treatment
Salesletter #43 - Handling Breakup
Salesletter #44 - Handyman Guide
Salesletter #45 - Internet Marketing
Salesletter #46 - Investing In Property
Salesletter #47 - Ipads OR Galaxy Tabs
Salesletter #48 - Law Of Attraction
Salesletter #49 - Lead Generation
Salesletter #50 - LinkedIn
Salesletter #51 - Managing Personal Finance
Salesletter #52 - Manicure and Pedicure
Salesletter #53 - Moving Tips
Salesletter #54 - Network Marketing Mindset
Salesletter #55 - Network Marketing Training
Salesletter #56 - Nicotine Treatment
Salesletter #57 - Nutrition
Salesletter #58 - Online Dating
Salesletter #59 - Online Marketing
Salesletter #60 - Operating System OR Languages
Salesletter #61 - Options Trading
Salesletter #62 - Organic Food-Garden
Salesletter #63 - Outsourcing Your Business
Salesletter #64 - Personal Coaching
Salesletter #65 - Phones
Salesletter #66 - Pickup and Dating
Salesletter #67 - Pinterest
Salesletter #68 - Product Launch
Salesletter #69 - Profitable Business Planning
Salesletter #70 - Profitable Compensation Plans
Salesletter #71 - Public Speaking
Salesletter #72 - Racing Games
Salesletter #73 - Recycling-Reusing
Salesletter #74 - Reptiles
Salesletter #75 - Schooling For Your Kids
Salesletter #76 - Search Engine Optimization
Salesletter #77 - Self Motivation and Discipline
Salesletter #78 - Shooting Games
Salesletter #79 - Simple Living
Salesletter #80 - Simulation Games
Salesletter #81 - Skin Care
Salesletter #82 - Sky Diving
Salesletter #83 - Soccer
Salesletter #84 - Sports Coaching
Salesletter #85 - Starting Your Own Business
Salesletter #86 - Stock Share Trading
Salesletter #87 - Stop Addiction
Salesletter #88 - Stop Procrastination
Salesletter #89 - Strategy Games
Salesletter #90 - Stress Relief
Salesletter #91 - Study Tips For Students
Salesletter #92 - Styling and Fashion
Salesletter #93 - Swimming
Salesletter #94 - Take Control of Your Life
Salesletter #95 - Tennis Skills
Salesletter #96 - Twitter
Salesletter #97 - Web Design
Salesletter #98 - Wedding Planning
Salesletter #99 - Weight Loss
Salesletter #100 - Win Your Lover Back
Salesletter #101 - Woo A Girl
If you want to save time, tens of
thousands in copywriting fes, not to
mention a massive headache then these
done for you sales letters are ideal
for you.