Emails and Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and converts higher than any other form of traffic. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email sequence below to being your promotion.
If you don't currently have enough subscribers, it's never too late to get more. If you don't have an email list, it's never too late to start. Take action, build your list and you'll have the ability to promote our instant-pay products on demand!
If you're new to list building, it's always a good idea to get to grips with your autoresponder. You can still add the below emails into your auto-responder sequence together with our other range of products and build your own campaigns. The more emails you add into your campaign, the more profit you'll make. Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
(Send on Day 1) - How to Create Irresistible Deals to Attract JV Partners (with big email lists...)
(Send on Day 2) - RE: How to Create Irresistible Deals to Attract JV Partners (with big email lists...)
RE: How to Create Irresistible Deals to Attract JV Partners (with big email lists...)
re: Attract Successful JV Partner with BIG Email List (to promote your offer...)
RE: 8 Steps to Attract JV Partners (to promote your offer...)
The big misconception is that Joint
Ventures are only for the big guys, but
that's not true at all... There's a
vast world out there of successful
Joint Venture partners big and small,
though you must do it right.
Remember JV partners and affiliates
only want one thing... a product to
promote to their hungry list.
In this video course, you will learn
what you need to get started, how to
find joint venture partners, approach
them, and become a JV magnet. Remember,
while everyone is too busy spamming
them, you’re doing it professionally.
You’re doing it smart.
Module 1 - Introduction to JVs
What are Joint Ventures? What are the
different types of Joint Ventures?
Introduction and Quick Overview and
Mindset. Joint ventures should always
be a win-win situation in which
partnerships are created with two or
sometimes more reputable business
people. In this video, you'll learn
the basics of Joint Ventures and the
different types that are available.
Module 2 - What to DO and AVOID Doing
Before you approach JV partners, you
should think about this one. I can’t
tell you how many people do it wrong
and just shine a negative light on
themselves for years to come. Many JV
partners have groups of people they
hang out with. If you do it right,
their group will want to promote for
you, especially if one person has a
profitable experience. Do it wrong and
you may as well say goodbye forever.
Module 3 - Spot Successful JV Partners
Want to learn the formula for how to
spot a successful JV partner? In this
video, we will talk about different
methods you can use to manually find
Joint Venture Partners whether you use
Google, Niche Networks, Forums,
Bloggers, etc.
Module 4 - What to Do Beforehand
Before you approach JV partners, you
should know what to do. People often
ignore these rules and it’s one of the
many reasons why JV partners say NO.
So, listen carefully as we dive into
what type of intelligence research you
should do first.
Module 5 - Things You MUST Have
The goal is to look prepared. Do you
want to stand out? Looking unprepared
will just make you look like everyone
else. We’ll discuss this in this video.
Module 6 - Preparing Your Successful JV
Gathering all the information before
you write your JV Proposal is very
important, because you want to do some
quick research on your future JV
partner such as what they provide. By
doing it right, you begin to establish
a relationship with them.
Module 7 - Writing Your JV Proposal
Now that you have the data you need to
write the JV proposal; you can take
what you learned about the possible JV
partner and customize it fully. By
customizing it and making it more
personal you increase your JV
acceptance rate. Once you have set up
your first letter, the rest will be a
breeze, so in this video you'll learn
how to piece everything together to
write the email.
Module 8 - How to Close Deals
Closing the deals can sound scary, but
in this video you will learn exactly
what JV partners look for, and why most
super affiliates won’t budge.
Watch the video below for full
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
(Send on Day 3) - FREE Download! 26-Step Action Plan to Start a Joint Venture (and launch profitable products...)
FREE Download! 26-Step Action Plan to Start a Joint Venture (and launch profitable products...)
You’ve probably read all sorts of posts
and emails about the secrets of Joint
Venture marketing. All of them offering
up rosy visions that include you paired
with the top Guru in your niche.
All of them claim it can easily
happen... if you only do things the way
they say.
It doesn’t matter whether you approach
a top guru or someone less prominent
(with a large list!) Your success in
landing any JV partner depends, like
everything else in your marketing
career, on:
How driven you are, how confident you
are, how creative you are, how “lucky”
you are, how savvy and professional you
are, but most of all, it depends on one
other thing... knowing how to approach
potential partners in a manner
guaranteed to help them say YES. And
this report is going to help you do
just that.
* What is a Joint Venture Partnership?
* What’s The Big Advantage?
* The Single Most Vital Thing You Can Do
* Other Tips To Consider
* Top 8 Mistakes
* The Fire Sale
* Choosing Your Potential Partner
* Where To Look
* Finding Your First JV Partner
* Why Warrior Forum?
* Another Overlooked But Highly Effective Source Of JV Partner Leads
* Starting Simply
* “Do I Have To Try Their Product?”
* What Traits Should You Look For In A JV Partner?
* Researching Your Potential JV Partner
* Building A Relationship
* Building your relationship
* Making Your Offer
* Top Tips
* Necessary Steps
* 2 Tools You Can Use
* Dealing With Rejection
* What To Do If There’s No Reply
* Letting Your List and Marketing Peers Know
* Who Handles What
* Joint Ventures: Tips For Successful Partnerships
Download your report from the link below:
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. If you're serious about starting a
joint venture, then check out our
latest course Joint Venture Cash Magnet
and you'll be shown the step-by-step
process to find, approach and close
deals with JV partners to give your
business the kick-start it needs...
(Send on Day 4) - LAST CALL: Attract Successful JV Partner with BIG Email List (to promote your offer...)
LAST CALL: Attract Successful JV Partner with BIG Email List (to promote your offer...)
REMINDER: How to Create Irresistible Deals to Attract JV Partners (with big email lists...)
Imagine for a second you had created
your dream online product or business.
You have painstakingly created your
masterpiece and it's ready to go! Your
confidence is high when you go to open
the cart... then... Nothing. No sales,
no traffic, nothing!
What most online business owners fail
to realize is that businesses don't
automatically create revenue once they
are online. It's not a physical bricks
and mortar business which has passing
trade and word of mouth. Your online
business has to be found and this is
something that 99% of new businesses
don't get.
There is only one way to make sales and
that is with traffic. Simple traffic
generation is the key to making an
online income to sustain your online
business. But how simple is simple
Traffic is expensive and if you don't
know what you are doing it can be very
expensive and counterproductive.
Unless you want to spend countless
hours fighting for the scraps of free
traffic you may want to give it a miss.
It is possible but who wants a full
time job generating free traffic.
Remember you have a business to run.
So what's the best solution...
leveraging affiliate partners!
Affiliate partnerships are one of, if
not the best way to generate huge
online incomes online. Not only can you
make a tonne of cash in a very short
space of time, you get to build a huge
following in the process.
The only problem is affiliate partners
are not always willing to give their
well earned mailing list to just
anyone. Sharing their subscribers has
to be worth their time and efforts.
With Joint Venture Cash Magnet you'll
be shown the step-by-step process to
find, approach and close deals with JV
partners to give your business the
kick-start it needs.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.