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Email and Forum Signatures

Email signatures and forum signatures are a form of text-link advertising. They are simple, yet highly effective ads. It gets the message across in a few words but attracts maximum attention and gets people clicking.

Choose a signature below and add it your email account, or add it to the footer of your next newsletter to boost your income.

When you setup a forum account simple choose a signature below and add it to your profile. When you start sharing information and adding value to discussions, your link will be exposed with every post and you'll get targeted traffic.

These signatures can also be used as standard text links, so anytime you blog or post on social media sites about a relavent topic, add a signature link to the footer of your post. It's fast, simple and easy to do and you'll be grabbing sales immediately without even knowing it!

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List of 'make money' related forums!

Tip! You can type in 'make money' +forum to find many more forums to interactive in. You will also find many high ranking blogs that allow you to post comments - use this as an opportunity to provide interesting and comments whilst adding your affiliate link in the post.