Emails and Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and converts higher than any other form of traffic. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email sequence below to being your promotion.
If you don't currently have enough subscribers, it's never too late to get more. If you don't have an email list, it's never too late to start. Take action, build your list and you'll have the ability to promote our instant-pay products on demand!
If you're new to list building, it's always a good idea to get to grips with your autoresponder. You can still add the below emails into your auto-responder sequence together with our other range of products and build your own campaigns. The more emails you add into your campaign, the more profit you'll make. Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
(Send on Day 1) - REVEALED! The *REAL* Secret to Consistent Income Month After Month (details inside...)
(Send on Day 2) - re: REVEALED! The *REAL* Secret to Consistent Income Month After Month (details inside...)
re: REVEALED! The *REAL* Secret to Consistent Income Month After Month (details inside...)
RE: How To Setup Your First Membership Site... Starting Today!
re: setup your first membership site
Let me ask you...
Would you rather get paid $97 per sale
or $17/mo from a customer who may stay
for the next 6-12 months?
With membership sites, your customer
gets well acquainted with who you are
and the quality of the information and
content you put out. So, as long as you
provide great content, then guess who
becomes your loyal fan that you can
sell more products to?
Think about it. You buy a product from
Vendor A about a year ago and then
Vendor A tries to contact you about an
upcoming sale. Most likely youve
already forgotten about Vendor A and
why you bought their product in the
first place.
But take this situation - you are part
of an ongoing membership site and you
hear from Vendor B every week or every
month. Your relationship with them is
most likely much stronger and youve
stayed with them all these weeks,
months, or even years.
With traditional membership sites there
is a lot of maintenance, in addition to
trying to set everything up.
This includes having to constantly
update your site. Dont get me wrong I
love traditional membership sites and
make a lot of money with them, but
fixed-term membership sites make a lot
too, with a lot less work!
And that, my friend is your solution.
This is why I've gone ahead and created
a full blown video course dedicated to
teaching you how to create a membership
site that you didn't have to attend to
every month.
Here's what we'll cover...
Module 1 - Introduction & The Tools You'll Need
Module 2 - Roughing Out Your Membership
Module 3 - Organizing Your Content
Module 4 - Creating Value & High Stick Rates
Module 5 - Creating Multiple 'Thank You' Pages
Module 6 - PayPal Subscription Button Creation
Module 7 - Site Upload & Getting URLs
Module 8 - Content Delivery System
Module 9 - Finalizing & Testing
Module 10 - Reducing Support Tickets
With that said, you can put it all in
action and start creating your
profit-pulling automated membership
machine today, and avoid the mistakes
that cost me thousands of dollars and
hours of time.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
(Send on Day 3) - FREE Download: 20 Creative Ways to Recycle Your PLR (quick cheat sheet inside...)
FREE Download: 20 Creative Ways to Recycle Your PLR (quick cheat sheet inside...)
Do you have a stash of PLR articles on
your hard drive kept deep within
folders from years ago?
Do you have tons of PLR eBooks with
golden nuggets of information that you
know you could be using but don't know
Do you sometimes feel like there's no
money to be made with PLR at all?
If that's the case then it's most
likely because you don't know how to
use PLR content to it's full potential.
The good news is, you can repurpose and
reuse this content to quickly create
additional content to generate traffic,
new subscribers and sell more products
without having to reinvent the wheel.
In today's special report we'll cover
20 creative ways you can put all the
raw PLR content to good use...
1. Create an email or sequence
2. Build a lead magnet
3. Design a slide-share video
4. Create a “talking head” training video for youtube
5. Post the content on social media
6. Create an infographic
7. Sell the licensing rights to select pieces
8. Turn the content into a series of podcasts
9. Use the content inside paid products
10. Create guest posts for other peoples’ blogs
11. Give the content to your affiliates
12. Compile the best posts to create a tripwire product
13. Use content as handouts during guest speaking gigs
14. Use the content to create faqs
15. Excerpt for use in joint ventures
16. Update and republish popular posts
17. Use the content to create a webinar
18. Create a bonus report out of your best content
19. Insert content into your sales letters
20. Create freemiums
Once you know how to use PLR as part of
your big marketing plan, you'll know
exactly what to do with them to help
your business grow.
Download directly from the link below:
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. If you like the idea of creating
your own membership that runs itself
and pays you month after month but
don't want to get bogged down with all
the technical hurdles, then check out
our membership training course...
(Send on Day 4) - REMINDER: Do you still want to setup your own membership site? (that pays every month...)
REMINDER: Do you still want to setup your own membership site? (that pays every month...)
Is your online business inconsistent?
Do you sometimes make a few sales here
and there but never seem to make enough
to completely quit your job and go full
time online?
Whatever the case may be, setting up a
membership site may be the solution
you've been lookign for.
With your members paying you each month
for access to your website you can very
quickly build a steady full time income
from your site.
The trouble is, setting up a membership
site is shrouded in mystery for many
people. The scripts can be complex and
arcane, getting members perplexing and
making the site profitable a complete
but once you understand how they work
and what people want from them they are
surprisingly easy for you to set up and
If this sounds like something you'd be
interested in then check out our
membership training course to help you
get started.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #1 - Why Create A Membership Site?
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #1 - Why Create A Membership Site?
You may be thinking that a membership site is a lot of hard work
for you, the site owner. Membership sites dont have to be and
can be set up on auto-pilot very easily, which means all you do
is answer support calls and drive traffic.
Membership sites are an excellent revenue model and can provide
you with a recurring income if you are charging monthly.
This recurring income is the Internet Marketers equivalent of
job security. It means you get a regular sum of money every
month, which all of us are happy about. A single membership site
can very easily provide you with a full time income.
The benefit is that your members are actively involved in the
sales process. This means instead of just reading an email and
ignoring it, which is what often happens with the traditional
sales process, they get your email and take action on it to go
to the membership site for their content. If they dont take
action they dont get their content.
This gives you some great opportunities to market to your
members. When they log in to your site you can present them with
one time offers and log in offers selling other products or
upgraded memberships to them. You dont need to be a rocket
scientist to realize that this could dramatically boost your
Of course, with a membership site you have built a list of
qualified buyers, i.e. your members. You can also email them
with offers and market to them that way too.
This provides you with a lot of opportunities to earn from cross
promotions and affiliate products as well as your own products.
You can see instantly how a membership site provides you with
many different streams of income and can be so very profitable.
People love to feel like they are a part of a community or
tribe. It is basic human nature. Think about football team
supporters and how fanatical they can be about their team. This
tribal nature is a fundamental part of the human psyche.
It also applies to membership sites. People love to belong and
feel that sense of community and if you can build that up around
your membership site then you are going to have a very popular
and profitable site.
You also have full control over your members access to the
material in your membership site. For example, when selling an
e-book the buyer can buy the product, download it and refund it
and theres nothing you can do about it.
With a membership site as soon as they refund they lose access
to the membership site. Membership sites can help to stop serial
refunders and give you a degree of control over your product.
All in all, membership sites are an excellent source of income
for you and a great business model. Being able to set it on
auto-pilot will seriously help you create some great streams of
passive income.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #2 - Membership Site Formats
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #2 - Membership Site Formats
There are many different formats of membership site and your
choice of format could influence the script you choose. If your
script doesnt offer the features to provide the format you want
then you will either need to change your format or your script.
From your niche research you will have determined what formats
your target market will be open to.
A fixed term membership site is a great model to set up on
autopilot. Basically, someone joins your site and gets delivered
content for a fixed period of time. It may be 3 months, 6 months
or even a year.
This model works well because the member knows they are not
going to be billed forever. They know they sign up for a certain
period of time and thats it. At the end of the fixed term you
can then market to the more advanced courses or other related
This model lends itself very nicely to delivery via an
autoresponder rather than a script. Most marketers already have
an autoresponder so it doesnt require any further investment
from you to get started.
It is a very quick and easy membership site to get started and
you only need to create the first months content initially to
test the site. Once you have people signing up and it is
selling, then you can create and add the rest of the content.
Typically you will send content out on a weekly basis and bill
on a monthly basis. The reason for billing monthly is that
people are used to being charged for things monthly. Most of
your household expenses are billed on a monthly basis and
charging monthly for your membership site is comfortable for
most people.
The next type of model is the one of payment model. This single
payment provides lifetime membership. This is great for content
that isnt being delivered over time or for delivering a
traditional product. It is also very good for social networking
type membership sites.
This is a very good membership site model that many marketers
use. The downside is you dont get the recurring membership fees
but you build a list of qualified buyers.
The monthly payment membership site where content is delivered
each month is the type of membership site most people are
familiar with. Often these are billed until the member cancels
because it is providing access to content that is regularly
updated or to a forum / discussion board.
This model is great for PLR memberships and other memberships
where content is provided each month.
Depending upon your business model you may well limit the number
of members to your site. This scarcity can often help sales and
justify the value of your site, particularly in the case of a
PLR membership site.
PLR is most valuable when few people have it, so a membership
site with a limited number of members can charge a higher price
than a site with more members.
PLR and Resale Rights clubs are popular forms of membership site
and lend themselves well to the membership site model. However,
dont get caught up in that being the only way to create a
membership site.
Other types of membership sites are dating sites. Niche dating
sites are particularly popular and can be very profitable for
Leading on from this are other types of social networking
membership sites. Facebook is a well known social networking
site but you can create niche social networking sites and charge
for membership.
One great way to get people in to your membership site is to
offer a free level of membership. This may be in the form of a
free 3, 7 or even 14 day trial so people can see inside the site
and see what they can get.
Lots of people will sign up to a free membership and this gives
you an opportunity to tease them with whatever is on the inside
of your site to get them to sign up. Not only that, but you have
a list of people you can market other offers to as well.
A free membership or trial can often make the difference in
people choosing to sign up or not. A lot of people will give it
a go if it is free and then if they find it is of value to them
(which of course they will with your site) they stay a member
for a period of time.
Whenever you set up a membership site think about having a free
point of entry into it because this can dramatically increase
your signups and help to build a profitable targeted list.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #3 - Providing Content
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #3 - Providing Content
The content is the heart of your membership site. The script is
the engine that drives your site but ultimately it is the
content that gets and retains members. Without good content you
are going to struggle to set up a good membership site and to
earn from it.
It is up to you to provide high quality, valuable and useful
content to your members. The better the content then the higher
your member retention rate will be.
Ideally you want the content to be unique to you for maximum
value. If you do not have unique content and your content can be
found by people outside of your membership site then there is no
reason for anyone to join your membership site.
Unique content is inherently more valuable and so you will be
able to justify the cost of your site to your members through
the value and uniqueness of the information they will receive.
You will also want to update your membership site regularly. If
you are delivering a normal e-book using a membership script
then you want to add unexpected bonuses and other information
regularly in order to get people back to the membership site so
you can show them more offers and to keep you and your services
in the forefront of their mind.
If you have told your members that you will deliver content at a
certain time then you need to make sure you deliver it on time.
Many membership sites have gone under and the owners reputation
has been ruined because they have been late in delivering the
promised content.
You want to listen to your members when it comes to providing
content. Encourage feedback from them and then you can provide
them with the content that they want to receive. This will help
to make your site more popular and also help you to retain
members longer.
When it comes to creating you have a number of options available
to you.
Firstly you can write it all yourself. Obviously this is very
time consuming but if you are an expert in the niche or you are
on a tight budget, it may be the best option for you.
The second option is to interview experts and use their
interviews as content. You may even be able to get some of these
experts to write you content for free in return for promoting
them and talking about them. Particularly in non Internet
Marketing niches experts are often happy to do this.
The third option is one many marketers take. They hire
freelancers to create the content for them. This will cost you
money, particularly if you are hiring good quality freelancers,
but it will ensure that you get unique content.
There are some other options available to you such as getting
your users to generate your content. This will work in a social
networking or forum type of membership site.
You can use resale rights products too but remember that these
are often promoting other peoples websites and services and so
can take away from you and your products.
Finally you can use re-written PLR products. So long as you have
changed them significantly then these are a great source of
material for your membership site. You can break them down into
lessons or use them as is, depending on the theme of your site.
Content is vital to your site so make sure you take the time and
make the effort to ensure the quality is high in order for you
to retain members for as long as possible.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #4 - Retaining Members
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #4 - Retaining Members
Every membership site suffers from attrition, where members
leave the site. It is a fact of life. People decide it is no
longer for them, something happens in life or for other reasons
they decide they are going to cancel their membership.
It is important you understand what your unsubscribe rate is and
you monitor it. If you find your unsubscribe rate is high then
it means there is a problem with your content. Either it is not
what people expected or it is not of the quality they are
looking for. If this is the case then you need to work to
improve your content in order to keep your members happy.
You may find that after delivering a particular piece of content
your unsubscribe rate shoots up. If it does this then you need
to closely review that piece of content to determine what the
problem is with it. Something about it has caused members to
unsubscribe and you need to fix it.
However, if you have focused on providing high value, exclusive
information then you can easily keep your members happy.
You will find that you get the highest number of unsubscribes in
the first month. This is natural and every membership site both
on and off line will suffer from the same thing.
Therefore it is important that in the first month you provide a
high degree of value and sell your members on what is coming
down the line in future months. This will help to sway their
decision to stay as a member. Some experts state that you need
to provide ten times the value in the first month to your
If you understand your target market then you shouldnt find it
too hard to provide them with high value information in your
You should also make sure that your sales letter is very clear
on what people will find on the inside once they become members.
It is important because if people expect one thing and find
another then you are going to get a high level of unsubscribes
and unhappy members.
Remember that your unhappy members will talk and tell people how
terrible your site is. It is human nature, so you do need to
work to keep them happy. However, dont do this at the expense
of your business. There are times when you have to tell a member
no. Contrary to popular belief, the customer isnt always right.
By making sure your content is delivered on time you will also
retain your members. A lot of people whilst they will buy online
still mistrust buying online products. This means that as soon
as they see potential issues such as the product being delivered
late they get jittery and you will find many will run and cancel
their membership frightened they are being ripped off.
If you are going to have to deliver content late then
communicate this to your members and tell them about it. Offer
them some sort of bonus because the content is late and you will
still have happy members.
At the end of the day you are always going to get people who
will want to unsubscribe from your membership site. You should
contact each one personally and ask them for their reasons,
politely. This is so you can ensure that whatever made them
unhappy and want to leave you can rectify (if possible) so that
it doesnt alienate other members.
Few membership sites take this approach and it can help you to
retain your members through producing a high quality membership
Money Machine Madness Lesson #5 - Making Your Site Succeed
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #5 - Making Your Site Succeed
If you want to make your membership site succeed there are some
steps you can take to make sure that it does as well as possible.
Obviously the first one is to ensure that you have picked an
amazing niche and have great content, but you already knew that.
One of the main ways to make your site succeed is to plan your
content in advance. Know what the content of the site will be
over the next 6 to 12 months.
It is highly advisable to also get your content created in
advance, at least a few months in advance. Whether you are
creating the content yourself or you have a freelancer doing it
for you, you never know what will happen. Things do happen and
it means people cant finish the work so you end up stuck with
no content.
If you have you have a couple of months of content already
created it means that no matter what, you have your content for
your membership site and time to find another freelancer to
create it for you, if necessary.
Many membership site owners launch their site, get some members
and then sit back on their laurels. You need to be constantly
working to get new members in to your site and to keep your site
ranking well in the search engines.
Unless you have deliberately limited numbers you want as many
members as possible in your site. The more members you have, the
more you are earning.
By providing unexpected bonuses and additional content at random
intervals you will keep your members on their toes. They are
more likely to stay members because they are getting additional
content and they do not know when the next pieces will arrive.
Dont let this stop you from marketing to your members. Your
membership list is a valuable asset and if there are other
quality programs and products in the marketplace then you should
be marketing them to your members. This provides you with a
valuable additional stream of income.
A membership site is really a two way process. The members are
more active with you and you are more active with your members.
Your interaction with your members helps to keep them interested
in your site (you are perceived as an expert by them) and helps
retain their membership.
Marketers are always looking for new niches to market to so you
need to keep an eye on your niche to watch for competition. If a
new membership site opens or a new product is launched in your
niche you need to understand how it impacts your membership site.
Most niches have new products, new information, new technologies
appearing in them regularly. As a membership site owner you need
to keep abreast of all of these new developments and relate them
to your members where it is appropriate for you to do so.
Taking this approach will help you to keep members because they
will realise the value of your site because you are providing
them with up to date information. Being on this cutting edge of
information will always help your membership site to be
perceived as being the best.
If you think about adding value to your members at all times you
will make sure that your membership site succeeds. A successful
membership site will provide you with a great source of income
and following the advice here will help to ensure that your site
is one of the successful ones.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #6 - Driving Traffic
SUBJECT: Money Machine Madness Lesson #6 - Driving Traffic
Every membership site needs new members and whilst you can get a
lot of traffic from affiliates and from joint venture partners,
it is important that you get some traffic direct. This will
capture more of the market and help you to get new members to
your site.
Unless you have a waiting list for your site or a substantial
mailing list, then traffic is one of the best ways to replace
members that have left your site.
Now you can use pay per click (PPC) marketing for instant
targeted traffic and many marketers have great results with it.
The only download of this is that it costs money. If you know
how much the life time value of a member is then you will know
how much you can afford to spend in order to acquire a new
Of course, you dont need to rely on PPC for your traffic, not
everybody wants to get involved with it. If you optimize your
website for the search engines and then work on getting inbound
links based on your keywords through article marketing etc then
you will start to get organic search engine traffic.
Depending on the keywords that you are targeting this may take a
lot of work, but with some good keyword research you can easily
find some long tail keywords to target.
A good way to get traffic is to participate in forums and groups
related to your niche. If you can advertise your membership site
in your signature then you will get people clicking through from
your posts. You will get a high click through rate if you
establish yourself as an expert through authoritative posts and
being professional.
There are many newsletters and e-zines in most niches and some
of these accept paid advertising. If you cant joint venture
with list owners then you can always pay to advertise in their
newsletter. A well written advert can get a good click through
rate and you can easily get new members from a single advert.
Of course, we must not forget that there is an entire world
offline you can advertise in. There are many niche related
publications and groups offline that you can market to and get
new members from. These are largely untapped sources and you
could always create a physical offline product from your
membership site and market it completely offline.
Your existing members are an excellent source of traffic. If you
set up an affiliate program and automatically make your members
affiliates you can encourage them to spread the word and to get
paid for their efforts. It only takes them to recruit a couple
of members and their membership is paid for, which is a very
powerful marketing tool.
The social networking scene is also a great place to get
traffic. If you build vibrant social networking groups relating
to your niche you can market your membership site to them. This
includes sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and more.
By working to give your membership site a reputation of being
the place to be you will find it helpful to you in recruiting
members. Traffic is something that you need to be considering at
all times in order to keep a fresh flow of new members in to
your site.
Money Machine Madness Lesson #7 - Summary Of What You Need To Do