Emails and Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and converts higher than any other form of traffic. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email sequence below to being your promotion.
If you don't currently have enough subscribers, it's never too late to get more. If you don't have an email list, it's never too late to start. Take action, build your list and you'll have the ability to promote our instant-pay products on demand!
If you're new to list building, it's always a good idea to get to grips with your autoresponder. You can still add the below emails into your auto-responder sequence together with our other range of products and build your own campaigns. The more emails you add into your campaign, the more profit you'll make. Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
(Send on Day 1) - NEW! Super Fast List Building With Solo Ad Wizard! (video inside...)
(Send on Day 2) - re: NEW! Super Fast List Building With Solo Ad Wizard! (video inside...)
re: NEW! Super Fast List Building With Solo Ad Wizard! (video inside...)
REMINDER: 3:37min Video Why You're Failing with List Building
re: List building doesn't work like it use to... (here's why...)
If you weren't already aware I have
released a new course dedicated to
teaching you how to build your list
fast with the power of solo ads.
Not only that but you'll learn how to
make your money back with every solo ad
investment you make and more
importantly maintain a bond with your
list to ensure you're getting the most
out of every promotion you send out in
the future.
Watch the quick 3:37min video and all
will be explained...
Here's just a small snippet of what
you're going to discover in this
* How a simple adjustment in your
mindset can stack the odds in your
favour of converting more of your
* The one basic secret of high
converting emails and why most overlook
* The 3 biggest factors to selling more
through email without losing subscribers
* 8 step sales funnel formula that
works everytime even if you are
completely new to solo ads and mailing
* Why you don't really need a list of
10,000 people and how it actually can
work against you
* Demystifying truth about mind maps
and effective ways to use free mindmap
software to create a path to success
* Almost fool-proof way to find the
best solo ad sellers by asking these 8
simple questions
* A short list of online solo ad
websites that are proven to be
trustworthy and the key to quickly
finding solo ad sellers in your niche
* Exploding the top 4 myths that gurus
want you to believe and how to avoid
losing all your subscribers
* The 3 step, instantly-effective
process to creating congruency from
your initial offer through to offers in
the future
* 8 simple tricks to positioning
yourself as an expert with those you
email and getting them to buy from you
time after time
* The single most-violated rule of
following up with your email list
* The most certain way to get an
outstanding response from your list in
the follow-up when you email out this
* Put an end to unsubscribers and
freebie loaders using these simple
email strategies.
* Why hard selling almost never works
and the one "almost magic" way to get
subscribers buying that works every time
* The great secret of converting your
list and why most people miss out on
more sales
* Exactly how and what you should write
in your emails going out to get emails
opened, read and acted upon
* The critical element involved in
promoting to your list and how long you
should wait to do it
* Why you should never promote anything
that is unrelated if you are trying to
get sales long term
* The number one method for increasing
Just imagine...
* Knowing how to squeeze every penny
out of your solo ads
* Knowing how to build a responsive
list that wants what you offer
* Knowing how to establish a level of
trust with your market so they buy any
offer you send their way
* Knowing when and how to follow up
with them without making them
* Knowing the exact strategies and
techniques have been proven to increase
sales and work countless times
Think about it. Where will you be a
year from now? Will you still be
struggling to build a list that
converts, while competitors who are
savvy steal business from you?
I’ve already gone through the pain so
you don’t have to. Get solid advice
from a real expert and make your online
business the way you've always wanted
it to be.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
(Send on Day 3) - FREE Download! 10-Step Plan to Pre-sell Anything (to make more sales...)
FREE Download! 10-Step Plan to Pre-sell Anything (to make more sales...)
No matter what kind of business you’re
running, you’re going to use your blog
as an important sales tool. Every post
is a chance to make a sale or warm
someone up to an idea.
You might be selling a product, or you
might be selling people on the idea of
joining your list in exchange for a
lead magnet. Either way, your blog
posts are some of the most important
sales tools in your arsenal.
This is only true if you know how to
write blogs posts that sell. In other
words, not just any blog post will get
people clicking through to your sales
pages and lead pages.
So how do you craft effective content
that sell like crazy? Simple: by
following this 10-step plan...
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. If you're serious about building
your list and having hot traffic on tap
that you can email on demand, then be
sure to check out our latest course...
(Send on Day 4) - REMINDER: 9 Simple Steps to Super Fast List Building! (ends soon...)
REMINDER: 9 Simple Steps to Super Fast List Building! (ends soon...)
To succeed with email marketing you've
got to think long term, have a plan of
action and have a proven formula that
you can apply again and again with
complete confidence.
The problem is most people are looking
to make a quick buck as fast as they
can, and many do. But then they’re left
scratching their head when their
subscribers don't open their emails,
when their click rates drop and when no
one buys no matter how good their
offers are.
Solo Ad Wizard will teach you how to
stay connected with your list so you
can not only build your list fast, but
maintain your relationship with them
and increase your profits in the long
Think about it. Where will you be a
year from now? Will you still be
struggling to build a list that
converts, while competitors who are
savvy steal business from you?
If you're serious about building your
list and having hot traffic on tap that
you can email on demand, then be sure
to grab your copy of this course before
the next price bump.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
List Building Wizard Lesson #1 - Intro To List Building
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #1 - Intro To List Building
Just to be clear... I'm going to only share what's working RIGHT NOW.
When I go over the older tactics I'm going to talk about how well they work RIGHT NOW and how I'm using them TODAY.
What I’m going to share with you is not just the tactics themselves, but some I’m going to point out to you and tell you which ones have built me the most subscribers, for example, and which ones are working the best for me right now.
I don’t want you to look at this as if it’s a written report, I want you to look at it as if it’s lifechanging knowledge and information because it doesn’t matter if it’s written on a napkin.
It doesn’t matter if it’s on audio.
It doesn’t matter if it’s on video.
It doesn’t matter if it’s in a PDF.
It doesn’t matter if someone is teaching it to you one-on-one over the phone or one-on-one through a webinar or through group coaching; it’s all information, and this powerful information is the most powerful information that I’ve ever come across online.
List building has been the key to my success over the years and I have a lot of people to thank for that, but I mostly have to thank myself because I’ve gone out of my way to explore all of these realms of list building.
The first thing you need to know is that business and making sales depends on fresh lead flow.
What I mean is you want constant leads coming in.
If I were you, I would start aiming to generate something like 250 subscribers per day.
You might be thinking, that’s a lot of subscribers, or it’s going to be too expensive.
Well, there are great paid lead sources; there are also very good free ones that you can use to build up your list to generate 250 or more subscribers per day.
Once you hit 250 subscribers per day or more, then it’s all a matter of focusing on converting them and then just doing the list building stuff you’re doing over and over and over and getting the same results all the time.
Converting them is another thing and this report isn’t going to be anything at all about converting leads into sales, it’s all about generating lead flow.
As I was telling you, I can’t stress this enough that the bulk of your money that you make is going to come from the people who are the newest on your list. THE FRESHEST.
The older a lead gets, the less responsive they become, generally, especially if you’re an affiliate.
Now if you’re a product creator and you do classes and such, you may find that some of your older subscribers are the most profitable subscribers you have because they’re your own customers who enroll in all of your classes; all of your $1,000 classes and whatnot.
As an affiliate, it’s different; you don’t have that retention.
See when you’re a product creator, it’s easier to keep the retention of your list, for some reason.
I’ve found this to be true and that’s one of the reasons why I’m starting to create more and more products now, although over the years I’ve been mainly just an affiliate.
If you are just an affiliate, again, your normal focus should be fresh leads and keeping your leads coming in on a daily basis.
That’s at least 250 leads a day.
If you’re a product creator, you may not need as high of a lead flow, but why not do both?
Why not be a creator that keeps retouching the list and also generate 250 subscribers or more to your list?
In our next lesson we'll be going through my best practical methods for list building. Stay tuned!
List Building Wizard Lesson #2 - Public and Private JV Giveaways
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #2 - Public and Private JV Giveaways
JV giveaways haven’t changed much as far as public JV giveaways go.
You can go to anytime you want and jump in on any JV giveaways.
But what has surfaced lately is something called the private giveaway.
There are a lot of little private giveaways taking place that you can be part of all over the internet.
You can go to people who are just as big as you are online, and even bigger, and start a private JV giveaway with them.
What I mean is you can get 5 to 10 or more people in on a private giveaway, where no one else can join and be a contributor.
This means that the people who are on there, who are contributors, are responsible for generating all the traffic to the giveaway and there is a WordPress plug-in that you can use to host your own private giveaways called WP Venture.
So go do a search on Google for WP Venture and it’s being sold on the Warrior Forum for chump change, as a Warrior Special Offer.
A giveaway is where a group of contributors come together and submit their gifts.
People who come and join the giveaway as members are going to opt in to different giveaways and this will add subscribers to your list.
If you’ve been around for awhile, you no doubt know what JV giveaways are, and I’m not going to dwell on what JV giveaways are or how they can build good business for you because you can go to a place like and find out all you need to know about giveaways freely on the net.
But just the fact that I’m pointing you in that direction is pretty valuable because if you’re just starting out and you have no money to spend on ads, getting giveaways is a really good way to start, because you can add that first 10, 50, 100 subscribers on your list fairly quickly.
Some of these giveaways get up to 30,000 subscribers joining; not to your list, but to the actual giveaway.
What happens is the host of the giveaway is going to get the most subscribers.
They’re putting the giveaway with all the contributors and setting the dates, and then once the giveaway is live, all the contributors send traffic to the JV giveaway main page, but the host is going to get all the subscribers onto their list.
Then the member who just joined will probably see a one-time offer or some kind of offer before they go and see all the different gifts that that contributors have.
So when you’re a contributor and you promote one of these JV giveaways through your own link, you often make sales right there before they even get to the gifts.
That’s one thing about it.
My point is if you’re just starting out and you don’t have much money to buy traffic, then this may be one that you want to master.
The truth is, if you became just a master of one of these methods, then you’ll generate all the ads you’ll ever need.
Let me say that again.
If you become the master of just one of these methods I'm going to share with you then you will generate all the leads you’ll ever need.
So why not do something like JV giveaways?
You can do public ones, you can do private ones, and you can host ones and make the real money.
I’ve hosted a couple and that’s where I generated the most leads.
You could generate 10,000 leads in one day, 20,000 leads in one day from contributors blasting traffic to your own giveaway.
So just think about that.
If you were to jump headfirst into the world of JV giveaways as a contributor to start off with, then one day you may be able to host your own JV giveaways.
List Building Wizard Lesson #3 - Solo Ads
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #3 - Solo Ads
The next list building tactic I want to talk about is solo ads.
When I'm actively running solo ads, I’m usually able to generate hundreds of leads per day right now, this year.
This may change down the road, but as of right now, this year, solo ads are cheap, they’re effective and very easy because you don’t have to worry about landing page quality score or paying per click and keeping an eye on your ads ad paying by the click.
What you’re getting is an ad that goes out to a subscriber list, so whenever you buy a solo ad; let’s say you buy a solo ad for $300 for 1,000 clicks to your site, you pay 30 cents per click to your site and you know exactly how many clicks are going to come to your site and the guy who sends you a solo ad sends an ad out to his email list, which recommends your freebie or your website.
So they’re transferring their authority over to you, in a way, that’s what makes it the most effective way of generating traffic right now, in my opinion.
Because the ads are still cheap, it’s very effective for anybody who has the money to risk on it.
One place you can find a lot of great solo ad deals is by getting on Skype and talking to different solo ad sellers.
I realize it’s not going to be easy just to find a solo ad seller, or any solo ad sellers if you have no clue about the world of solo ads right now, but once you find some solo ad sellers, you want to start connecting with them on Skype and getting into the world of solo ads because you can meet so many different solo ad sellers who will give you great deals on Skype that they don’t give outside of Skype.
That’s where I would go if I were going to go and look for solo ads right now.
The key to have profitable solo ads is your sales funnel.
You want to have the squeeze page that generates the free leads that gives away something.
Then you have an upsell from there, which will be a one-time offer for something that’s below the $17 price point and then you want to have upsells from there so you can afford to pay for your solo ads.
Now you may also want to promote things on the download page for your freebies that you’re giving away.
That way you can come close to breaking even or you can profit directly right away from that solo ad before you even get the subscribers on your list.
Although many solo ads I haven’t profited from right up front, I made a profit on the backend from promoting strictly to the subscriber list.
That’s something you have to think about.
A lot of companies in advertising are willing to pay a lot of money upfront and even lose money on the front end because they know they’re going to make money on the backend with their follow up marketing, which is what email marketing is all about.
List Building Wizard Lesson #4 - Ad Swaps
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #4 - Ad Swaps
So let’s move on to ad swaps.
Ad swaps are where you send out an ad to your list promoting someone else’s squeeze page and then someone else does the same for you to their list.
So it’s similar to solo ads except for no one is buying anything; you’re just trading off ads.
The place where everybody has moved to these days is called
There used to be a site called, which was like an ad swap forums.
There are other forums that kind of emerged in the last few years and they’ve pretty much slowed down because of
The thing about ad swaps is that it is getting less effective because seeing that it emerged around 2009, that’s when everyone was discovering ad swaps and starting to do it.
Now people are over-mailing their lists with ad swaps.
They’re doing way more ad swaps so they’re getting less responses from the subscribers.
Retention rates are going down, click thru rates are going down, but if you still want to generate hundred’s of leads per day, you still can do that.
The key to profiting from ad swaps is the same key to profiting with solo ads, which is your sales funnel.
So if you’ve got a good sales funnel, you can use it for your ad swaps.
Also, ad swaps are a great way to test your sales funnel before you start buying something like solo ads.
You’re probably going to get less quality leads from ad swaps than you are solo ads, yet it’s still a good indication of whether your sales funnel will convert traffic into sales, and that’s what’s necessary to profit with ad swaps, because you’re not promoting anything that’s going to be making money directly to your list; you’re promoting someone else’s squeeze page, so you’re relying on the traffic coming from the JV partner’s list to your sales funnel.
Depending on your sales funnel, you can do ad swaps every single day if you want to, become the master of ad swaps and just tweak your sales funnel and have very good business there.
You don’t want to overcomplicate marketing.
This kind of thinking is really profitable if you could get super focused.
Think about how simple this business is right here.
You put together a sales funnel.
You do ad swaps every day.
You test your sales funnel every day until you’re converting the maximum amount of visitors who land on your page.
That in itself is a business no matter what anyone says.
So that’s what I try to do in my business... SIMPLIFY.
I have a daily routine that I try to simplify down more and more every day until that is just brain dead stupid, and lately, it has been solo ads because I’ve found that I’m getting the best returns on solo ads.
But if I didn’t have any money, I would start off with JV giveaways just to generate 100 subscribers or so, then I would move to and I would start ad swapping.
That’s what I would do if I didn’t have any money.
List Building Wizard Lesson #5 - Click Banking
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #5 - Click Banking
There’s also another thing I would want to do if I didn’t have any money and I had a small list.
This goes out to the small list owners, people who are just starting their lists and what not.
If you have a list of 100 people or 1,000 people, you could start doing what’s called click banking.
It has nothing to do with but what it is, is you go to a marketer with a huge list and you say, “I will send you 100 clicks or 1,000 clicks over the course of this month (clicks mean visitors) and what you will do is return those clicks all at once after I’m done.”
So what happens is the big marketer with a big list will give you a tracking link to use on all your emails.
You’ll work hard to build up your traffic to them through that link, and then when you’re ready to cash in your clicks you go to them and say, “I’d like to cash in my clicks,” and then they send you clicks; they send you as many as you have sent them.
This is real similar to ad swaps, as you can see, but it works out well for small list owners because you can just focus on sending traffic to one big marketer without having to set up all kinds of ad swap deals.
For example, if you have an email follow up series, the first couple of days of your email follow up series could be sending the new people on your list to another marketer who you are click banking with.
Now this isn’t the greatest advice for product creators.
I don’t think that ad swaps or click banking is a great idea for product creators because if you’re a product creator, then you can have so much longevity on your own list by just promoting your own products.
If you’re a product creator, you might want to just focus on paid methods and getting affiliates to promote your stuff, but that’s just my opinion and that’s what I’ve seen from experience.
As an affiliate marketer, who doesn’t have a ton of products to promote to the list all month, who doesn’t crank out many products, it’s all about fresh lead flow, like I was saying in the beginning of this report.
Things like ad swaps and click banking are the mother load of free, fresh lead flow.
List Building Wizard Lesson #6 - Free WSOs
SUBJECT: List Building Wizard Lesson #6 - Free WSOs
Now let’s get into another method, which is something I’ve been doing since 2008 or so, which is running free WSO’s.
I'm talking about freebies that I give away on the Warrior Forum, which is and WSO stands for Warrior Special Offers.
So I will give away products on the Warrior Special Offers forum in exchange for opt-ins.
One thing that I’ve noticed between the Warrior Forum and the leads you may get from ad swaps, click banking, and solo ads is that Warrior Forum traffic is used to buying lower priced products.
So your funnel may be a lot different for free WSO’s than it will be with ad swaps, click banking, or solo ads.
For one of my funnels they get a freebie on the squeeze page, then the OTO after that is a $10 offer, then the OTO after that is another $10 offer.
So you can see I’m keeping it at $10 or less because I know they buy $10 or less things, whereas with ad swaps, click banking, and solo ads I’ll have a freebie, a $9 offer, then to a $97 OTO and then it will go up from there.
Good luck trying to sell a $97 to Warrior Forum members because it’s not going to happen, unless you have a done-for-you service or something that’s worth 25x $97 price points.
It’s just a different world there, but the good thing about running free WSO’s is that’s a business in itself, if you want it to be because you can run free WSO’s and then you can promote WSO’s as an affiliate to promote programs like offers through WSO Pro, which is at or or
So you know how I was talking about in one of the other sections how you can make a business just by focusing on one thing?
Well this is a business for you too.
Think about this.
This is all you need to do is to run free WSO’s.
You can have six or seven free WSO’s for six or seven different freebies that you create and you can rotate those once a day so that you’re launching a new WSO a day, but it’s giving away one of your six or seven freebies.
You can generate your list like that and your sales funnel will get you close to breaking even or making a profit right away on the front end, then on the backend you can promote WSO’s as an affiliate to your list you've built.
I’ve been known to have multiple free WSO’s that I rotate on a daily basis and I’ve done that model before.
You see... I get bored with certain things in marketing and then I try different models.
I just simplify things and just go at them with a very narrow focus.
Right now I might be buying a lot of solo ads and doing what I described in the Solo Ads section, but just months ago, I was buying a lot of free WSO’s and trying to get as many leads as I could with that and just promoting WSO’s every day and making plenty of money.
So once you get that narrow focus and simplify everything, everything becomes clear and you can make a lot of money just focusing on that.
List Building Wizard Lesson #7 - PPV/CPV List Building