Articles Blog and Social Media Posts
Articles are a great way for building links back to your site. It works by submitting free article content to networks, who then in turn share your content with other webmasters so they can copy and paste it to their website.
With each article you submit you're allowed to provide an author biography. This is your chance to leave a strong call-to-action so anyone reading your article is included to check out your link (cloaked affiliate link).
For great long term results, you should write your own unique article content or hire someone on sites like Fiverr and Upwork to do it for you. To get started simply select an article below and submit it to one or several article directories.
How To Get Your Digital Product Created For You
Quick Tips For Naming Your Digital Product
Quick Tips For Naming Your Digital Product
When creating a digital product, many new Internet marketers will not focus much on naming the digital product. However, the title of your digital product is key to it gaining the attention of your interested target market. If the title you choose doesn’t garner the attention of your target market, it won’t sell well, even if the information inside of it is quality information. Thus, the name of your digital product is important.
To learn what you should name your digital product, look at similar products in your industry and see what they are named. See if there is any pattern or anything of note you can duplicate. This doesn’t mean you take their title word for word. Instead, if you have an email marketing ebook, and a competing email marketing ebook is called “Getting More Profits From Your Email Marketing,” you could use a similar structure to name your ebook, “How To Earn More From Your Email Marketing.”
You should also look at websites such as (including their country-specific websites like, Barnes & Noble, Apple’s iBooks Bookstore, and Google Books to see what similar topic books in your industry are selling well on those platforms. See what the names of their titles are; you know that the titles are drawing the attention of their target markets due to the fact that the books are selling well.
You can also look at digital marketing platforms such as and see what their top-selling digital products are. See what the titles of these products are and see if you can use a similar structure to form your title. Again, the amount of sales these digital products are making tells you that the target markets for these products are paying attention to the titles and purchasing them.
While the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover,” unfortunately, that is exactly what people do when it comes to books, and especially when it comes to ebooks. With ebooks in particular, they can’t hold it in their hands, so they want to see a descriptive title and a vivid cover that gives them an idea of what is inside the digital product. This is why you need to come up with a title that grabs their attention and entices them to purchase your product. The information above gives you some ideas on how to come up with notable titles that will grab your target market’s attention and get them to purchase your ebook.
3 Ways To Create InfoProducts Super Fast
3 Ways To Create InfoProducts Super Fast
Having your own infoproduct is essential to creating the most profit online, but the thought of creating your own infoproduct can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. Even for those who have, starting a product from scratch can be a monumental undertaking, something that can deter even the most dedicated and committed Internet marketer. Fortunately, there are ways to come up with infoproducts very quickly; we will go over three of these ways below.
The first way is to use outsourcers from sites such as the following,,,,
Find a listing from one of these sites that can create the infoproduct you are looking to create. The amount of detail and the cost will vary by site; Fiverr is a good place to start if you have never used outsourcing before and just want to create a basic infoproduct.
For more detailed and intricate infoproducts, you may wish to use an outsourcer from one of the other sites listed above, as they can usually do more detailed work for a higher cost. Provide the details of the infoproduct project you have in mind to the outsourcer, provide the timeframe, negotiate the price, and hire the outsourcer to do the work. You may have to use a different outsourcer to create an appropriate infoproduct cover if the first outsourcer cannot do the cover.
A second quick way to create an infoproduct fast is to use private label rights (PLR) products involving the topic you want your infoproduct to be on. PLR products allow you to use those products in virtually any way you choose. It is advisable you or an outsourcer modify the original PLR product to include more current information (especially if the PLR product is older), as well as to modify the style of writing to reflect your style of writing so that it appears you created the infoproduct from scratch. You or an outsourcer should also modify the PLR product cover as well to make it appear as if the product is brand new and not based off of a PLR product.
A third quick way to create an infoproduct fast is to talk your infoproduct out using speech-to-text software. Both Windows and Mac computers come with Speech Recognition Software programs that will allow you to talk to your computer and have it write out the words you speak. Many people find it easier to compose information by speaking it rather than writing it. Using such software (which is usually available on mobile devices as well) can help you to easily compose information into a document and then turn that into an infoproduct.
Affiliate Marketing vs Selling Your Own Product
Affiliate Marketing vs Selling Your Own Product
Many new Internet marketers struggle with the idea of whether to create their own product to sell or to promote other people’s products through affiliate marketing. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.
Many new Internet marketers prefer to start out with affiliate marketing because they don’t have to create their own product and they don’t have to provide updates or customer support for those products. All they have to do is to refer a prospect to the product creator’s website through a specialized affiliate link and earn the commission for that sale. Thus, the affiliate makes money more quickly and only has to refer prospects to the product creator’s website without any product creation or support.
While affiliate marketing can lead to making profit quicker, the downside to affiliate marketing is that the people you refer to the product creator’s website can become his/her lifetime customers, not yours. You don’t have the chance to add them to your own email list; thus, you are really building up someone else’s online business, not yours. Additionally, when you make commissions, you usually make less than 100% of the purchase price, sometimes as low as 50% of the price. Thus, you will have to make more affiliate sales to earn the amount of money you could make from selling your own product.
This is where selling your own product has its advantages. When you create your own digital product to sell and get prospects to click your link, you make 100% of the price; you don’t have to share the price with anyone (provided it’s not an affiliate who referred the prospect to your site). Additionally, when you gain a new customer, he/she is added to your email list to where you can email them with new information and offers in order to build up a relationship with them and have them purchase your future offers, thereby increasing your income.
Of course, the downside to creating your own digital product is that it usually takes longer to get started, since you either have to create the product from scratch or have to use outsourcers and/or private label rights products to create it. Still, that takes more work than just promoting someone else’s products. Additionally, you have to provide updates to your product and also customer support if people have questions or issues with your product. Thus, there is more work involved with having your own product, but there is also more profit and profit potential too as compared to affiliate marketing.
What Exactly Is A “Digital Product”?
What Exactly Is A “Digital Product”?
You may be wondering what exactly a “digital product” is. A digital product can be an ebook, a software product, a membership site, an email series, an audio or video training program, etc. Essentially, it is a product that cannot be physically held in your hands like a physical book, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray disc, software box, etc. Thus, a digital product is a product that can be used for information or for features/benefits like a physical product, but cannot be physically held and can only be used on a PC/laptop or on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.
A common digital product that is used and sold online is an ebook. An ebook stands for “electronic book” because the book can only be accessed on an electronic device such as a PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or ebook reader (such as a Kindle or Nook, etc.). This ebook can have useful and interesting information in it, just as a physical book does. The advantage with an ebook is that it doesn’t take up any space for the buyer/user. The advantage with an ebook for a seller is that you don’t have to physically ship anything to the buyer; it can be delivered digitally to the buyer, either to his/her email inbox via an attachment or via a download link where the buyer downloads it at his/her convenience.
Another common digital product that is used and sold online is a software program. Like the physical software programs you buy in-store and online, digital software programs provide the user with features that aid him/her in doing something, whether it’s creating graphics or infographics, composing emails or text documents, doing keyword or book research, etc.
The advantages for a buyer when purchasing a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to use a CD or DVD to install the software onto his/her computer; he/she can either use it when he/she is online or can download the program directly from the Internet and install it. The advantages for a seller when selling a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to physically ship the program to the buyer; instead, it is delivered digitally to the buyer, either to his/her email inbox via an attachment or via a download link where the buyer downloads it at his/her convenience.
Thus, digital products allow the buyers/users to not have to store them in their homes/apartments, but can use them like their physical counterparts. Digital products allow sellers to avoid having to carry inventory of physical product; they just have to deliver the product digitally to the buyer either as an attachment to a message in the buyer’s inbox or as a download link inside that message for the buyer to download at his/her convenience.
Benefits Of Digital Products Over Physical Products
Benefits Of Digital Products Over Physical Products
There are several advantages or benefits digital products have over physical products. When it comes to ebooks, buyers don’t have to take up any space in their homes or apartments to store them. Instead, they can just use their PC/laptop or mobile device (smartphone, tablet, or ebook reader) to access the ebook and the contents within. For sellers, they don’t have to store ebooks in a warehouse like they would with physical books. All they have to do when a buyer purchases an ebook from them is to either attach the ebook to an email and send it to their inbox or send the download link in an email for the buyer to download at his/her convenience.
The advantages for a buyer when purchasing a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to use a CD or DVD to install the software onto his/her computer; he/she can either use it when he/she is online or can download the program directly from the Internet and install it. The advantages for a seller when selling a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to physically ship the program to the buyer; instead, it is delivered digitally to the buyer, either to his/her email inbox via an attachment or via a download link where the buyer downloads it at his/her convenience.
When it comes to digital ebooks and software programs, they both have the advantage over their physical counterparts when it comes to updates. If an ebook or software program needs to be updated with new information or a new feature, all the seller has to do is to modify the main file or program, then send a notification to buyers via email that the ebook or software program has been updated and that it should be downloaded again to take advantage of the new information or feature. To do that with a physical product, a seller would have to create the product again from scratch with the new information or feature, then advertise to the buyers that new information or features have been added and that the buyer should buy the product again to get the benefits of the new information or features. Obviously, digital products make it much more convenient for buyers and sellers than their physical counterparts.
Thus, digital products allow the buyers/users to not have to store them in their homes/apartments, but can use them like their physical counterparts. Digital products allow sellers to avoid having to carry inventory of physical product; they just have to deliver the product digitally to the buyer either as an attachment to a message in the buyer’s inbox or as a download link inside that message for the buyer to download at his/her convenience. In addition, updating digital products is much easier for sellers and more convenient for buyers to take advantage of than is the case with physical products.
Quick Niche Research Using Amazon Books
Quick Niche Research Using Amazon Books
When considering what topic you wish to create an infoproduct on, use Amazon Books to do quick niche research to determine what is popular and what is selling on the market today. Amazon lists the books that are selling the best in terms of customer reviews, plus it shows the number of books in each category and the dates in which they first appeared on Amazon.
Go to and type in a keyword or key phrase related to the topic you are interested in. See how many books are listed, including how many pages of books there are (i.e. total number of books in the category). Also check to see books on the first page of search results were published.
If the first page of search results don’t show many books or if the books that are there were written several years ago, you know that that topic is not the most popular and not the highest in terms of demand. Plus, check to see the number of reviews that each book on the first page of search results has; if the number of reviews is low (say, under 100 reviews), you know the topic is not that high in-demand. You really should consider finding another topic that is more in-demand if you really want to sell a large number of your ebooks.
Be sure to check the Kindle Edition listings as well, as those can differ from the regular, physical book listings in terms of sequence and in terms of the number of reviews. Especially if you plan to write an infoproduct book or have an infoproduct book created, you should pay attention to the Kindle Edition book listings, as this will give you a solid idea on how popular the topic you are considering is in digital book format.
If your topic doesn’t appear to be that popular, be sure to use the side panel and choose other related categories under “Books” to check other listings. You may find that a more specialized topic of the original topic you had in mind is more popular and provide a better topic to consider forming an infoproduct around.
Thus, using Amazon Books is a good way to do some quick niche research to learn if the topic you have in mind is a good idea for constructing an infoproduct around. By looking at the number of listings, the number of customer reviews, and the dates the books were published, you can quickly determine if the topic you had in mind for an infoproduct is likely to sell well or if you need to look at a related category or even an entirely different topic in order to create an infoproduct that will be popular and that will sell well online.
How To Find Qualified Writers To Write Your Book
How To Find Qualified Writers To Write Your Book
When wanting to create your infoproduct, you may either not be able or not want to write your own ebook. Thus, you will have to find qualified writers to write your book for you. There are some locations where you can look to find them.
There are several notable outsourcing websites where qualified writers and other skilled people are available from,,,,
Fiverr is usually a good place to start for most outsourcing projects, with services starting at just $5. However, Level 2 sellers can charge more, but these sellers have been on Fiverr for a while and have many high-rated customer reviews, so they have an established track record for providing quality services such as ebook writing.
Enter “ebook writer” or “ebook writing” in the Fiverr search box and look through the listings to see whose listing you want to look at in more detail. You can look at each listing and see what they have to offer; many Fiverr sellers will provide several different levels of package that vary in word length, revisions provided, and cost.
Alternatively, you can go to one of the other listed outsourcing sites. These work a bit differently from Fiverr in that you need to find an outsourcer you wish to communicate with or hire, then get in touch with that outsourcer via the site’s messaging service and inform him/her of your requirements. You then negotiate a price that works for both of you, then hire him/her to write your ebook.
A third option you can consider is finding online writing forums, becoming a member of those forums, conversing with other members of a forum, then reaching out to one of them and asking them about writing your ebook. These online writing forums really focus on specific elements of writing, so it make take some time to find the right person to fit your requirements, but with their apparent devotion to writing and improving their craft, it is a possible option for you to consider using to write your ebook.
Thus, there are several sites you can go to to find your ideal writer for your ebook. Fiverr is a great place to start, and the cost can be as low as $5. Other outsourcing sites like Elance, Guru, and Upwork can also provide quality writers at a higher price. Finally, becoming a member of online writing forums and asking someone on there who fits what you are looking for in terms of writing experience and expertise in your topic of interest is another possible option to finding the qualified writer who can write your book.
How To Find Affiliates To Promote Your Product
How To Find Affiliates To Promote Your Product
After you have created your digital product, you need to find affiliates to promote your product. While you can and should market your digital product yourself, if you’re the only one who is marketing your product, your sales and profit potential will be much lower because you can only reach so much of the Internet and the billions of people on it. If you have affiliates also promoting your product, your sales and profit potential will be much greater because they will reach even more people who could have interest in purchasing your product.
You can begin finding affiliates by contacting Internet marketers that you know and letting them know that you have created a product that you plan to release soon. You could allow them to have early access to the product to let them check it out and provide feedback on how to improve it. Some of those marketers may be interested in promoting it, especially if they feel that their lists could benefit from your product. You can also encourage them to let other marketers they know about your product and whether they’d be interested in promoting it as well.
Another way to get affiliates for your product is if you use an ecommerce platform such as ClickBank or JVZoo to host your product and provide the buy buttons for your product. Their platforms make it very easy for you to gain affiliates for your product. You just add your product to their product library or listings and allow affiliates to promote the product.
When an interested person is checking the listings and sees your product, they can apply to become an affiliate by clicking the “Promote” button next to your product listing in the ClickBank Marketplace and entering their ClickBank nickname and optional tracking ID to get a personalized affiliate link to promote your product. In JVZoo, an interested person has to log in with their credentials, click “Affiliates,” then “Find Products,” then find your product listing and click “Request.” You have the option of choosing or rejecting their request based on how they plan to promote the product, how much experience they have, how big an email list they have, etc. Essentially, you can selectively choose which people you approve as affiliates on JVZoo.
Thus, you have some notable ways to boost the number of affiliates to promote your product. You can contact different Internet marketers you know and let them know about your product in an effort to recruit them. If you use the ClickBank and/or JVZoo platforms to host your product and provide order buttons, you can easily recruit affiliates by listing your product among their product listings. If an interested person sees your product and wants to promote it, he/she can either get or request for a personalized affiliate link.
Benefits Of Using JVZoo To Sell Your Product
Benefits Of Using JVZoo To Sell Your Product
When selling a digital product, you need to have a place to host it, and you also need to have a place that can process the order and send the customer to the download area to download that product. While you can host the product on your own site and set up a download area so the customer can download your product, there are advantages to using JVZoo to do this for you.
JVZoo is an ecommerce platform that allows you to process people’s orders of your product and enable them to download your product easily. You can easily process credit card or PayPal orders so that people can instantly download your product. JVZoo has a secure download area on their site that only allows people with authorized access to access and download your product; if they don’t have their credentials, they can’t access your product, providing an extra layer of protection. JVZoo also makes it easy to process refunds if the person is not satisfied with your product and requests a refund.
Another reason why it’s beneficial to use JVZoo is that it is easy to recruit affiliates to promote your product. You can have your product listed in their product catalog. Then, if an interested person wants to promote your product, they can click on the “Request” link next to your product listing. You can then have the interested person contact you and let you know how they will promote your product, how big their list is, how much experience with marketing they have, etc. in order to help you decide whether to accept or reject their affiliate request.
That is another benefit of using JVZoo; just because a person requests to become an affiliate doesn’t mean you have to accept them; you can choose to reject them for any reason you wish, giving you more control over who can promote your product.
Therefore, there are several benefits of using JVZoo to sell your product. It provides an easy way for buyers to order your product via credit card or PayPal, as well as provides an easy and secure way to download your product. JVZoo also makes it easy to refund anyone not satisfied by your product. Additionally, you have an easy way to recruit affiliates to promote your product, and you also have the ability to accept or reject anyone you choose in promoting your product.
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