Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
Press Releases Drive Targeted Traffic - Period
Press Release Lesson #1 - What Is A Press Released?
SUBJECT: Press Release Lesson #1 - What Is A Press Released?
A press release is really an informative article you
writ telling journalists and new agencies about your
website and product.
Read that sentence once again, it's important that
you notice I did not tell you to write yet another
'sales piece' to be sent out.
Your press release is not a sales letter or ad. All
you are really doing is informing the journalist of
your existence. That's the purpose of any press release
you ever write.
Think about making the journalists job easier when
drafting your press release. If you can, literally
make it a 'copy and paste' job for them. After all...
You are attempting to get some publicity for you and
your company without spending money, be informative
and never 'sell' in your press release copy. If you
do... it will be a waste of time as your release will
be tossed out.
Do your selling on your website.
Because a properly written press release, that gets
published, is going to drive some very highly targeted
traffic to your website.
So what do you want to put into your Press Release?
Facts mostly, who, what, when, where and why of your
company's existence. Facts about a new product or service
your company has coming out soon.
It's possible someone runs with your press release and
does a full featured article on you and your company as
a result of how you present the information.
It's certainly worth your time to learn what agencies,
journalists and news websites want to read in press
Over the coming days you will learn...
* How to write a press release from scratch.
* How to write a press release on a test product.
* Where to submit your Press Release.
* Marketing your press release for greater publicity.
* How to hire a Press Release Writer.
And with those new found skills you will discover how easy
it is driving some very targeted traffic to your websites.
And the video series "Press Releases For Newbies" works
perfectly right alongside this ecourse to help you get up
and running fast writing your very own Press Releases that
get 'picked up' everywhere.
Watch for the next lesson coming you way!
To your success,
Press Release Lesson #2 - How To Write A Press Release
SUBJECT: Press Release Lesson #2 - How To Write A Press Release
The other day we discussed that you need to focus on the
who, what, when, where and why of your news of interest
inside your press release.
Niche related websites are popping up everywhere with a
news oriented theme. And these websites hunger for content.
This means following the absolute traditional method of
writing a press release is some what obsolete.
This makes getting your press release published so much
easier. In fact, some advertising agencies claim you can
write releases just for these newer websites and get tons
of targeted traffic.
The idea is to to write your release so that people are
coming into your sales funnel as a result of reading your
information in the press release.
You want to have an eye catching Title for the press release.
This captures the readers attention and gets them to continue
reading your info.
And that next bit of information should be a summary of
your product or service. This is where to place keywords
you are targeting with your promotion.
Remember, online everything is about keywords. It is how
people are going to find you, your product and eventually
your website.
The goal is to have several Press Releases published online
that each utilize different keywords. This purpose is to
get you high into the search engines for those multiple
And since many of these new sites are 'loved' by the SE's
while being spidered multiple times daily the result is
your message coming across in multiple searches.
You get your site linked to more and more frequently using
keywords in this manner than you ever could by optimizing
different pages on your site for those same keywords.
If this seems a bit confusing, I highly recommend to you
picking up the video series "Press Releases For Newbies."
So, your tasks for today is to discover the keywords you
wish to use in creating several Press Releases. Next we
will discuss how to write the body of your Press release.
To your success,
Press Release Lesson #3 - How To Promote
SUBJECT: Press Release Lesson #3 - How To Promote
With press releases you can pretty much promote just
about any content you have online. This can be a
video, specific blog post, article or even an affiliate
The possibilities are endless, all you need to do is
decide what you are going to promote.
You already know that you want to use an eye catching"
Title" for the press release. Plus you need a summary
of your content which includes your important keywords.
The first paragraph of the main body text should begin
with a summarization of the newsworthy information you
are releasing.
Yes this can be similar to the summary of the entire
release. The reason being here is each site publishing
your press release will pull the content differently.
And this gives you twice the opportunity to say the same
thing - ideally pointing the reader directly to your site
right in the summary.
From here you merely want to write, in brief fashion,
covering the who, what, where, when and why of your info.
There is no need to make writing a Press release any
more difficult than writing an article you are submitting
to an article directory.
A press release can get your site spidered fast for sure
however, the difference is that you are also climbing in
the search engines with your targeted keywords. And all
while presenting a 'news flash' in front of readers.
If you are struggling with the idea of writing your very
own press releases then I suggest you get your copy of
Press Release For Newbies which show you exactly how to
craft and submit all of your press releases the right
way every time.
I promise you this is not a difficult task. In fact, you
will be kicking yourself for not using press releases much
sooner once you watch these videos.
To your success,
P.S. Writing press releases is not difficult and everything
is explained in the videos. They are yours to keep and use
as often as necessary
Press Release Lesson #4 - Do Press Releases Still Work?
SUBJECT: Press Release Lesson #4 - Do Press Releases Still Work?
You shouldn't for a minute think that writing press releases
would be a waste of your time. It's not.
The whole idea of building any type of business online is
to make money, right?
Press releases have been around for a very long time. They
are how publicity was, and still is, done. Businesses had
their marketing teams go to work crafting the press releases
and submit them to news agencies.
It really became a game where the news outlets controlled
how information got 'picked up.' This forced businesses to
play the game and attempt to be creative while simultaneously
getting their message past journalists.
That part of press releases is long gone as the Internet has
changed the very playing field businesses use to get their
press release published.
Did you know that today you can write, edit and submit your
press release in just a couple hours? Did you know that your
press release when submitted on many sites goes live at that
very same moment?
Yes the game has changed indeed. Today you can craft a press
release, say what you want and have your message instantly
out there for the search engines to find it – The result, when
you do things right, is that you can have multiple releases each
pointing to you and your website.
Accomplish this with your chosen keywords and you can dominate
a niche while gaining fast targeted traffic. This was unheard of
just a decade ago. No wonder regular print news outlets are folding
left and right these days.
There is no reason you can't take an affiliate opportunity along
with a few press releases and begin to get some great traffic and
commissionable sales literally overnight!
Press Releases For Newbies is the video series that explains it
all. I recommend you take a look at this marketing tool Today
if you are serious about making a difference in your business.
And discover for yourself why using press releases is the untold
“secret” of many marketers. You will be glad you have these videos
in your collection.
To your success,
Press Release Lesson #5 - Write To Entice
SUBJECT: Press Release Lesson #5 - Write To Entice
In essence a press release is all about details.
The specific details journalists and news sites want
to see. You know dry boring details like...
The date of the press release. Who you are and what
you have done. Some contact information and maybe
some information about accolades heaped on you by
colleagues in your industry.
Those details are important of course. But those are
the 'old school' way of doing press releases. They
meet the requirements of the journalist and print
This, however, is the day of the Internet. Things
move at much faster pace. Readers want details for
sure but they better not be boring. The back button
is right there, the reader knows it and you have
mere seconds to keep their interest.
Don't write your press release to please journalists
any longer. Write to entice your targeted audience.
And there is no better way to discover how to do this
effectively than by watching "Press Releases For
These are videos you keep, refer to them often and
drive insane amounts of highly targeted traffic to
your websites and affiliate promotions.
You could even use these videos and offer a Press
Release service to other Internet marketers out there.
Talk about an easy way to get started!
Everything is included:
*How to get started.
*How to write from scratch.
*How to hire a press release writer.
Turn this around and use it as a blueprint to market
yourself as a press release writer.
*Press releases for test products.
This is a cheap way to find out if your newest product
idea is a winner or a loser.
*Where to submit press releases - step by step.
*How to market press releases for even greater exposure
These videos are ideal for starting a business or service
for yourself. Ideal for expanding your business. perfect
for anyone serious about marketing online today with
little effort and little cost!
If you are serious about building your business online
today then you need these videos. Get Yours Today!
You simply cannot go wrong using press releases to promote
yourself online today. It's inexpensive. Drives highly
targeted traffic. Easy to do!
To your success,
PS - The only people who fail with press releases are the
ones who don't use them.